All That Glistens

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All That Glistens Page 7

by Pelaam

  “I’m going to spill, my love.” Hanne groaned out a warning.

  Although Taima managed to swallow the first gushes of his lover’s living essence, it proved too much. At a choked sound, Hanne eased back, and the rest of his seed cascaded over Taima’s face and chest.

  Taima panted, catching his breath, watching enrapt as Hanne’s body shook.

  The moment Hanne came down from his orgasmic high, he dropped to his knees and enfolded Taima in a tight hug. “Thank you, my love.”

  “I love you.” Taima smiled. It felt right to say it. With a sigh, Taima settled his back against Hanne’s broad chest, while his lover relaxed against one of the bath’s curves. Hanne soaped a washcloth and ran it over Taima’s face, then the rest of Taima’s body.

  “I could get used to this.” Taima took the cloth from Hanne. “My turn.”

  The most comfortable position was to straddle Hanne, and Taima washed his lover. Hanne slid his hands down Taima’s back and massaged his nether cheeks. He spread them slightly and rubbed a finger over Taima’s exposed entrance.

  Taima writhed and groaned in response to the new and erotic sensations.

  “Just relax and become used to my touch.”

  “I don’t think I could ever relax when you touch me that way.” Taima leaned against Hanne’s body, losing himself in the pleasurable feelings.

  “Taima, you are slick here. Is this the way with Feys?” Hanne asked, tapping his finger gently against the hidden opening.

  Taima drew back, the burn of embarrassment heating his cheeks.

  “I don’t know.” His blush heated even more at Hanne’s shocked expression. “All male Fey go to a coming of age ceremony, usually with their father, and afterward there is an intimate meal where such matters are discussed. I wanted Muraco to accompany me as my father was dead. Instead, Lonato came, saying Muraco had work to do. I had no desire to discuss anything so intimate with him. I left straight after the ceremony. I intended to speak to Muraco. Then I found Lonato was trying to marry me off, and I thought Citlali in agreement. I became withdrawn and spoke to no one.”

  “You may always speak freely to me. About anything.” Hanne stroked Taima’s cheek, and Taima leaned into the caress.

  To finally be able to speak freely of things he’d bottled up inside for so long was both painful and liberating. He gazed into Hanne’s eyes and saw only love, and a hint of sorrow. Hanne then pressed a soft kiss to the cheek he’d been stroking.

  “I will take no chances. When the time comes for us to consummate our love, I will prepare you as I would any Duende. I want the experience to be memorable for you for the right reasons.”

  Taima framed Hanne’s face in his hands. “I trust you, Hanne. I will follow your lead in this.”

  “Good. Now relax in the water with me for a few minutes. Then we shall declare our good news.”

  Stretched out next to Hanne, Taima was excited and apprehensive. He had no idea how Citlali would react to their announcement. Technically, she could refuse. Taima snuggled closer. If she did, he’d renounce his position at her palace. Taima had never felt so sure of anything in his life as he did that he and Hanne were meant to be.

  Chapter Fourteen

  His head held high, his right hand resting on Hanne’s forearm, Taima walked briskly through the fortress’s corridors en route to Amand’s study. Although they hadn’t spoken to him or Citlali, neither man wanted to act as if their relationship was still only that of friends or allies.

  A summons from Amand had reached Hanne when they were already on their way to seek out Amand and Citlali. But whatever he had to share with them would have to take second place to their own news.

  The study was empty when Taima and Hanne entered. Taima decided to take advantage and claim a kiss to help fortify him. Mid-kiss, the study door opened. Taima and Hanne separated from their kiss, but Hanne held tightly to Taima’s hand.

  “Lady Citlali, Lord Amand, Taima and I would like you to be the first to know we wish to announce our betrothal.” Hanne stood tall, but spoke quietly.

  Despite his heart thundering, Taima stood impassively beside Hanne, waiting for the reaction.

  Before Citlali could react, Amand rushed forward, hugging Hanne, and then Taima. “Congratulations to you both. I wish you both health and happiness.” Amand slapped Hanne’s arm.

  From his position at Hanne’s side, Taima tilted his chin upward and met his sister’s gaze.

  “Taima—” she began, but Taima held up his hand.

  “It is what I want, Citlali. I pursued Hanne when he would have ignored his own needs and desires. I am sure of myself, and I am sure of Hanne’s love and devotion. Nothing has ever felt so right.” Taima waited for Citlali’s response, hoping she would see their happiness and accept the announcement. From the corner of his eye, Taima glimpsed the agitated twitches of Hanne’s tail. It was the first time Taima had seen him uncertain.

  Citlali gazed at Hanne, then she took a couple of steps forward and stood closer to them.

  “I wish you both all the happiness you deserve ... and I hope you realize what a handful you have, Hanne.” With a smile, Citlali pulled Taima into a hard hug.

  His arms wrapped tightly around his sister, Taima’s indignant splutters were easily drowned out by Amand’s loud guffaws. She released Taima to hug Hanne, who now stood smiling widely.

  “Clearly, I can turn to you for advice if I have difficulties, Citlali. I think this is the first time I have seen Taima at a loss for words.” Hanne winked at Taima.

  When Citlali’s laughter joined with Amand’s, Hanne demonstrated his own effective way to silence Taima—a long, deep kiss that Taima happily gave himself into.

  When he eased away from his lover, Taima noticed that Citlali now leaned into Amand’s body, and there was no denying the look of love that passed between them. Taima was as happy for his sister as he was for himself.

  “Thank you, Citlali, I think.” Taima pouted theatrically, earning another round of laughter.

  “You have always been as a brother to me, Hanne.” Amand slapped Hanne on the back. “It seems we both have exactly what we deserve.”

  “I have a dream come true.” Hanne gazed at Taima.

  “So much has happened in such a short space of time, and much is yet to come.” Citlali sighed. “I wish we only had happy news to focus on. I resisted Amand until I realized that, unlike some of our people who have a beautiful facade hiding an ugly soul, Amand was more handsome, more honest, and more noble than some I know. Our people will have to accept Amand as my husband. I will not give him up any more than he would me. We are bonded in ways I never dreamt people could be.”

  “Not all that glistens turns out to be gold, Citlali.” Amand shook his head.

  “You have grown up into a good and fine man, like our father, Taima. He’d be so proud of you.” Citlali wiped away a tear from her cheek.

  Blinking back his own tears, Taima clasped tightly to Hanne’s hand.

  “I am a ruler, warrior, and have been a surrogate parent.” Citlali looked from Taima to Amand and back. “Yet I was unprepared for the realization that these people are not our enemy. There are worse, more deadly and crueler, enemies closer to our hearts. When we return to the palace, we must take great care. If our suspicions about Lonato are as well-founded as I believe, he poses a greater threat to us than a hoard of goblin-warriors. But I know I can rely on Amand. Totally.”

  To see the depth of his sister’s love was a revelation to Taima. He regretted the time they’d been estranged thanks to Lonato, but he wouldn’t be so easily fooled now.

  “My heart knew almost immediately. My mind was more hesitant, but Amand persisted, and for that I am truly grateful. I must return home soon. Perhaps I can find reason for you to visit Grandmother over the mountain, Taima. You would be safe there.”

  “No! I will not leave you to face Lonato alone. You need me. Muraco will not be fit enough to ride back with you. I may not have your skills, but Hann
e will teach me while we’re still here, won’t you?” Taima looked to his lover for affirmation.

  “I shall train you as a Duende warrior.” Hanne nodded.

  “We have some good news.” Amand held up his hands. “Not all is black. I managed to send a messenger to Weyra, a Fey lord and friend of mine from the far side of the mountain. He is on his way to Citlali’s palace with a small entourage. Citlali gave written assurances for her captains, as did Muraco and the twins. Weyra will come back via here to let us know how the news was received.”

  “Then what?” Taima asked.

  “Weyra will spend a day or two here, then it’s time for me to return home.” Citlali took a step forward. “We can do nothing while I am here. Weyra even agreed to accompany me back. Naturally, Lonato would be on his guard when I’m back home, but it’s my intention to feign ignorance and act as if nothing has changed, except for working toward an improved relationship with Amand.”

  “Citlali, I told you. You are not returning home without me. Especially if Lonato is our enemy.” Taima folded his arms, determined he would not be ignored.

  “Where you go, I go.” Hanne wrapped an arm around Taima.

  “You can’t, Hanne.” Taima stared up at his lover. “You’d be in constant danger from Lonato. He won’t tolerate a Duende in the palace.”

  “Then stay here with Hanne, Taima. I’ll take the twins with me.” Citlali laid a hand on Taima’s shoulder.

  “No!” Taima hadn’t meant to shout, but frustration and fear threatened to bubble over.

  “Enough!” Amand roared over the babble of their voices.

  Taima and the others fell silent as Amand stood, arms folded, and glowered at them. “It had been my intention to return with Citlali.” Amand held up a hand to forestall any arguments. “However, I think it better that Citlali returns, with Taima, as if nothing has changed with Lonato. I also want Hanne to go with you. He can be presented as my representative, living proof that Citlali and I believe there is an enemy at large manipulating us both. All I ask is that one or other of you remain with Hanne at all times. I could not bear to lose any one of you.”

  Relief flooded Taima and he went willingly to Amand, who reached out for him and enfolded both Taima and Citlali in a tight embrace. Taima reached out to draw Hanne into the group.

  “You will not lose any of us, Amand. You have my promise on it.” Hanne tightened his grip on Taima.

  “I cannot believe that returning home is going to be the hardest thing I have ever done.” Taima looked up at Hanne.

  “No matter what it takes, I will protect Taima and Hanne, and I will expose Lonato for the monster and murderer he truly is.” When Citlali added her own vow, Taima leaned into Hanne.

  I’ve only just found Hanne. I will not lose him to Lonato or any other enemy.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It hadn’t taken Taima long to quell his nervousness at being in bed with Hanne. No matter what, Hanne cared for him—answering questions, taking his time, explaining. Everything only made Taima love him even more. The hard, brusque soldier outside of the bedroom had proven to be a tender and gentle lover between the sheets.

  The following day Weyra was due at the fortress. Amand had sent out an escort party, and Hanne had been permitted to remain with Taima. The thought of being back at his own palace sent a cold thrill of apprehension down Taima’s spine and he shivered.

  “Are you cold?” Hanne asked, pulling Taima a little closer.

  “No. Just thinking.” Taima leaned up on his elbow and looked down at Hanne. “I know you felt we should wait before fully consummating our relationship, but I want us to make love tonight, Hanne. I want our bodies joined as our hearts have done. I need that intimacy. Citlali, you, and I will return to the palace in a few days. I want the memory of us, joined as one, to hold onto when I face Lonato. You cannot act as my lover when we’re there. That alone will be almost impossible to endure.”

  In truth, to take Hanne inside him was an ever-present yearning that only grew stronger as time passed by. Taima hoped the fires of desire would bank at least a little once the final intimacy was shared.

  “I want to love you.” Hanne ran his hand through Taima’s hair. It was a gesture that seemed to hold a special fascination for him. “I spoke to the physician, and there is a draught we will both drink. It helps you relax and increases arousal. It’s commonly used, nothing unusual.”

  Despite everything, Taima felt his cheeks heat at the thought of such an intimate act being discussed with someone else, even Murtagh.

  “If this is to be a memory you want to carry, then I want it to be a good one.” Hanne pulled Taima down for a kiss.

  “Thank you.” Taima whispered settling his head against the expanse of warm, broad chest that was so often his pillow.

  “I’ll organize a bath, then we can eat a light meal. We have all of the evening, and the whole night.”

  At Hanne’s words, Taima looked up at him. Although Hanne’s smile was feral, there was nothing but love in his amber eyes.

  “The whole night?” Taima tried to look indignant, but couldn’t maintain the façade.

  “As a virile man, that won’t be a problem. Will it?” Hanne pulled Taima closer and nibbled along Taima’s throat before nipping at his ears, which made Taima moan out loud.

  “No. No problem at all.” Taima wriggled against Hanne, pleased to hear the low, rumbling sound deep in Hanne’s chest, so reminiscent of a purr, as their cocks rubbed together.

  “You are an insatiable imp.” Hanne bit gently against Taima’s throat.

  “You make me insatiable.” Taima wriggled harder, earning a slap on his bare nether cheeks that only made him laugh. “That’s hardly a punishment.”

  “No? What about this?” Hanne snaked his tail so fast that before Taima could try and dodge it, Hanne had already wound it around Taima, pinning his arms to his sides. “Perhaps I should leave you like this. Unable to touch me, or yourself, see how long I can torment you for.” Hanne licked slowly up Taima’s throat and Taima’s cock twitched, leaking its juices.

  Despite a brief struggle, Taima quickly realized just how strong Hanne’s tail was. He’d heard a lot of raucous, but good-natured banter between Duende over the prehensile limb. Those with tails declared themselves to be more virile than those without. Either way, there was no way Taima was going to break free of Hanne by brute strength.

  “Surely, you’re depriving yourself, my love.” Taima wriggled his fingers. “You say how much you like my touch.”

  “Imp.” Hanne growled the word, and the kiss he bestowed took Taima’s breath away, but the tail relaxed its hold.

  “As much as I would prefer to lie here with you, I do have a few things to do. I’ll arrange the bath to be filled and food to be brought here for us while I’m out.”

  With a loud sigh, Taima lay back. “Very well. I have books here to read while I wait for you to return.” He watched as Hanne dressed, pouting as the clothing covered the sight of his handsome lover.

  With a last, soft kiss, Hanne strode from the room, and Taima tried to calm his nerves.


  Acutely aware of his lover’s nervousness, Hanne made sure to do everything he could to relax Taima. When they bathed together, Hanne provided wine and sweetmeats. Once clean and dry, they shared an intimate meal, feeding one another and toasting their future.

  The goblets of wine also held the draught from the physicians. Hanne took very little. He didn’t need relaxing, and certainly not anything to act as an aphrodisiac. Just looking at Taima with his pale skin, long hair, and eyes of a clear summer’s day was enough to set Hanne’s blood on fire.

  But it was more than outward appearances. As beautiful as Taima was, he was also intelligent, loyal, and caring. He had a warrior’s heart. Hanne was proud to have him as a mate.

  “Come with me.” Hanne took Taima by the hand and let him to the bedroom. There was no hesitation from his lover. Taima was no longer a shy virgin. Lying
on their sides, facing one another, Hanne kissed Taima. His kisses started gentle, but Taima was eager for more.

  Slowly, deliberately, Hanne mouthed his way down Taima’s chest. Then with one arm slung across Taima’s hips, and using his tail to help restrain one of his lover’s legs, Hanne nibbled his way along the length of Taima’s cock before taking it fully into his mouth.

  Despite his slender build, Taima almost bucked Hanne off, grasping at his shaven head, or tugging at the plaited strip. Hanne also ignored Taima’s desperate pleas for release. Hanne didn’t speed up, sucking slowly, relishing each impassioned cry of his name. But when Taima finally spilled, Hanne drank the offering like a man dying of thirst.

  “Love me. Make love to me.” Taima framed Hanne’s face in his hands, and at the breathy tone Hanne’s cock spurted drops of pre-ejaculate.

  “It’s time,” Hanne whispered. Taima had never looked more desirable, with his eyes dark, flushed skin, and peaked nipples. “I will always love you. Always.” Hanne made the vow without hesitation. Taima was the most important thing in his life now, and always would be.

  “Good.” Taima’s voice was low and rasping as he pushed at Hanne, who lay back, letting Taima take the lead for a while.

  When Taima blanketed Hanne’s body with his own, sucking and nipping at Hanne’s be-ringed nipples, Hanne groaned out loud. Taima slithered lower, biting at Hanne’s abdomen before taking the head of Hanne’s cock into his mouth.

  “Too much, want to be in you.” Hanne gasped as Taima flicked his tongue over the head of Hanne’s shaft.

  “Yes.” Taima relinquished his prize, straddled Hanne’s hips, moving his pelvis restlessly in small circles, gyrating erotically.

  When Hanne looked up at his lover, Taima looked down at him with such love in his eyes that it temporarily stole Hanne’s breath. Then Hanne moaned as Taima reached behind his back to stroke Hanne’s aching flesh. Hanne was so caught up in the pleasurable sensations that he almost missed his lover’s next move.


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