All That Glistens

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All That Glistens Page 8

by Pelaam

  Without a word, Taima rose up on his knees and positioned Hanne’s shaft against his entrance. Suddenly realizing what Taima was about to do, Hanne coiled his tail rapidly around Taima’s waist, stopping his beloved from simply dropping downward onto his cock.

  “No, my love. I haven’t prepared you.”

  “Ready. Ready. I’m ready.” Taima chanted softly, his eyes slightly glazed.

  Thinking the draught was responsible for Taima’s odd behavior, Hanne slid his hands under his lover, palming the soft-skinned cheeks, and sought out Taima’s entrance.

  To his surprise, Taima was relaxed and slick. Two of his fingers slid easily into heated depths. A low, sultry moan from Taima encouraged Hanne to try a third. There was a little tightness, but as he thrust back and forth, Taima quickly adjusted.

  Only when he was certain Taima wouldn’t hurt himself, Hanne allow Taima to reposition Hanne’s cock at his entrance once more.

  Nothing could have prepared Hanne for the way Taima slowly impaled himself. Hanne lay powerless, and Taima took control as though this was something he had done before.

  Holding onto Taima’s hips, Hanne watched as Taima raised and lowered his body, holding onto Hanne’s tail for balance. Hanne didn’t need to move. The sensation of his lover’s slick channel, combined with a slight gyration of Taima’s hips, made Hanne groan openly with pleasure.

  Sliding his hands up Taima’s sides, Hanne ran them over his lover’s chest, tugging at the dark nipples, before taking Taima’s cock in his hand. As he closed his hand around Taima’s dick, the tight sheath surrounding his own clenched and throbbed.

  The sensations were like nothing Hanne had ever experienced, and he arched instinctively, seeking to bury himself deeper, to experience more of the incredible feelings. He made sure to keep stroking Taima’s cock.

  The room filled with the sound of their shared joy and mutual pleasure, and the air with heat and musk as they moved in perfect harmony. Hanne was almost spellbound at the way Taima rocked with such grace above him.

  It was as though they’d loved for many years, each knowing how to pleasure the other. Hanne had expected nervousness, anxiety, even fear, but Taima’s eyes only held love.

  A bead of sweat ran from Taima’s collarbone and down his chest, and Hanne wished he could lap it up, but in this position, he wasn’t in control. Taima was.

  “I love you.” Hanne couldn’t keep the words inside. Didn’t want to.

  “Love you.” Taima gasped the words as his eyes widened. “Hanne!”

  At the sound of his name on Taima’s lips, Hanne jabbed his hips upward, hard and fast. Taima’s rhythm faltered and Hanne growled, knowing Taima was almost there. He wanted to send his lover over first.

  But instead, Hanne gave a long, low moan of Taima’s name as the tight sheath surrounding him rippled in wave after wave as if trying to milk his seed from him. It was too much.

  Still grasping Taima’s hip with one hand, and stroking Taima with the other, Hanne spilled, losing himself in the powerful sensation and flooding Taima’s body with his seed. A guttural rasp of Taima’s name was all Hanne could manage before Taima spilled, too, his release raining down on Hanne’s body.

  When Taima slumped forward, Hanne caught him, settled his exhausted lover against his chest, and held him tightly. Hanne kissed Taima’s brow and hair, whispering endearments, and promises of love and devotion.

  Wanting to make Taima more comfortable, Hanne tried to ease from his lover’s body, but Taima’s channel clenched tightly around him. Concerned he would hurt Taima, Hanne stilled and stroked Taima’s hair, waiting until his lover’s body relaxed enough for him to ease free.

  Hanne rolled them onto their sides so he could gaze into his lover’s eyes. Taima looked drained, but a soft smile of contentment curved his lips. Hanne grinned as Taima opened his eyes and gazed at him.

  “I love you, Hanne. Is it always like that? That was incredible.” Taima yawned widely, his eyelids drooping.

  “I love you, too.” Hanne kissed the tip of his lover’s nose. “No. Not always. That was particularly intense. Now rest.”

  Gazing at Taima, Hanne smiled. Even asleep, Taima still had the contented smile on his lips. Hanne’s heart ached with love in a way he’d never expected. I have no idea how such a precious beauty came into my life, but I swear I’ll do all in my power to protect Taima.

  Chapter Sixteen

  While Hanne, Amand, Citlali, and Muraco discussed strategies around strengthening their alliance and dealing with Lonato, Taima’s job was to pass on the plans made thus far to the others. He also had a special job entrusted to him to surprise Citlali.

  With a skip in his step, Taima left the citadel and headed toward the stables. He and Hanne would accompany Citlali back to the palace. Muraco would stay with Amand as he needed more time for his leg to heal, and the twins would also stay at Amand’s citadel, along with Muraco and Namid.

  There were several small homes not far from the stables, and Taima was guided by the sound of Naira’s laughter long before he saw her. Turning a corner, Taima stopped and stared.

  In all the time Taima had known Naira, she’d never shown any kind of domesticity. Naira had always been, by far, the more tomboyish. She’d always been determined to show she was the equal of any Fey male, and she was as good a rider and swordswoman as any man Taima knew. But here, along with Ada and a male Duende to rival Hanne for size, she was helping wash linens.

  While Ada washed the sheets in a huge tub, Lutz wrung them out in his huge hands, and, amidst much laughter, Naira hung them up to dry. Then she caught sight of him and waved.

  “Taima! How are you?” Naira called out, and Taima galvanized his feet into moving. “This is Lutz. He’s Ada’s son. We’ve taken some time away from the stable to help with the washing. Rayen is still there, though. We try and spend time each day with Namid. She’s really improving now, and she helps Menno with the horses.”

  “That’s wonderful.” It was a huge relief to Taima to know Namid was recovering. “I know Citlali would like to spend more time with Namid, but she’s so busy and knows Namid is well cared for by you and Rayen. She and I intend to return home in a couple of days. She wants me to let you know her plans.”

  “Rayen and I will go with you, of course.” Naira instantly became serious.

  “Then I go too.” Lutz took a couple of steps forward, glaring down at Taima.

  “You can’t.” Naira looked up at Lutz. “It’s too dangerous.”

  “I won’t leave you.” Lutz snaked out his tail and wrapped it around Naira’s waist.

  “You and Rayen are staying here.” Taima wanted to defuse the growing tension quickly. “Only Citlali, Hanne, and I will return. Citlali sent a letter to Lonato that you and Rayen, as well as Muraco and Namid, needed time to heal. This way, unbeknownst to him, she has you to count on.”

  “Why can’t she just denounce Lonato? He must be our enemy. It all makes sense now.” Naira uttered a huff of frustration.

  “It makes sense, yes, but we have no proof.” Taima shook his head. “There is nothing to tie him in with anything. If Citlali sends him away and he is innocent, she will have failed as a ruler. If he’s guilty, he gets away unpunished. Muraco had someone with information. There was no mention of him by your attackers, nor any indication of foul play at his camp. It’s her hope she can contact him when Muraco is back and the information he has can help us.”

  “You and Citlali need to be very careful.” Naira wagged a finger at Taima.

  “We will be. Now to nicer things. Amand is hosting a banquet tomorrow for Weyra. He’s also surprising Citlali by publicly declaring his betrothal to her. He wants you there. All of you.” Taima looked pointedly at Ada and Lutz.

  “Of course we will be there.” Naira clapped her hands with glee. “It will be wonderful. I can hardly wait.” When Lutz tapped Naira on the nose with his tail, Naira grinned at him, and then at Taima. “I shouldn’t speak for everyone without consultation

  “We don’t have finery for such an occasion—” Ada began, but Taima quickly shook his head.

  “That doesn’t matter. Your presence is more important than your dress. You cared for us. Citlali and I consider you our friends, and I know she’d want you there as much as I do. Please.”

  Lutz nodded, Ada smiled, and Naira gave a whoop of glee.

  “That’s decided then.” Taima grinned, pleased they were all going to come. “Until tomorrow, and tell no one about it. Amand doesn’t want word of his surprise reaching Citlali’s ears.” Waving at the trio, he headed to the stables. Would Amand and other Duende have been so well cared for at our castle had the situation been reversed?

  As Taima approached the stable, he heard the low murmur of voices. Standing in the doorway, he watched Namid groom one of Amand’s great stallions. Menno, who stood nearby, praised her abilities, and the accolade clearly meant a lot Namid. She’d always had a way with horses.

  “He’s beautiful.” Taima entered the stable. “He loves the attention.”

  “Yes, he does.” Menno puffed out his chest. “And he’s very particular about who he’ll allow to touch him.

  “I thought Rayen was here as well.” Taima patted the stallion’s neck. The horse snorted, but didn’t pull away. However, Taima was quite convinced the horse wouldn’t have permitted the touch without Namid or Menno present.

  “She’s off for a ride … with Myghal.” Menno grinned and exchanged a look with Namid.

  The look puzzled Taima and he assumed it was some kind of private joke between them. The thought made him smile, too. He gave a silent prayer of thanks that Namid’s mind was now healing as her body had done.

  “Well, what I came to tell you was this.” Taima related Citlali’s plans for the return home. When Namid hesitantly offered to return with them, despite the fear in her eyes, Taima shook his head.

  “Citlali wants you to stay here with Muraco. He’s frustrated his leg isn’t healed enough to make the ride just yet. But if you, Muraco, and Amand talk together, perhaps between you something will come to mind. Hanne will be with me, and Citlali will try to contact Muraco’s informer. She also wants you to know that you needn’t feel you must return to the castle at all. If you are happy here, then stay.”

  “Thank you.” Namid glanced shyly at Menno. “I would like to visit, although my home is here now.”

  The sound of hooves and voices drew everyone’s attention, and Taima stared. It was clearly the day for revelations. Now he understood why Rayen had such an equine scent of late. She sat astride Myghal, the centaur, and the look they shared spoke of a relationship which had progressed far beyond simple friendship.

  Riding with Myghal. Menno hadn’t lied. Rayen gave a delighted shout of Taima’s name, jumped agilely from Myghal’s back, and ran to hug him. Glancing over Rayen’s shoulder, Taima didn’t miss Myghal’s more guarded expression.

  Although Taima knew his sister felt protective of the twins, they were grown women, several years older than Taima himself. If Rayen was happy with Myghal, then he was sure Citlali would accept that.

  “I need to bring you up to date with all that’s happening.” Taima related his news, and Myghal came to stand beside them. Nothing was said by him, but the centaur put his hand on Rayen’s shoulder as she became increasingly agitated.

  “I want to go with you.” Rayen stamped her foot. “We can’t just stay here.”

  “You must.” Taima held up his hands. “Muraco really needs at least another week, ten days would be better, for his leg before riding to the palace. If you and Naira came with us, he would insist on traveling now. Please, we need you to stay and to work with Amand. We all must work together, even if we are physically apart, to uncover our enemy.”

  “She’s right, Rayen.” Myghal spoke softly, stroking Rayen’s shoulder. “Muraco and I have spoken several times and, as much as he wants to be in Kai’s company, he also wants to be at Citlali’s side to protect her. But his wound makes him vulnerable. Citlali needs him to be here and healing. If you are here, too, he will feel more useful.”

  “It’s better this way.” Taima nodded, grateful for Myghal’s support. “Now, there is a banquet tomorrow. Amand and I want you all there.” Taima huddled closer with the others as he explained Amand’s plan.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The baths were another revelation to Taima. The room to which Hanne took him held a single huge bath, easily big enough for twenty Duende to bathe, where they and the others were to rendezvous.

  Amand was there already, standing in the water chatting to Myghal. The centaur's lower body was being groomed by a Duende servant, before Myghal used special steps to join Amand in the water.

  “Hanne, Taima, welcome! Come on in. The others will be here soon.” Amand waved at them as they approached.

  There was no hesitation from Hanne. Even before Taima had removed his tunic, Hanne had pulled off his leather pants and boots, and was already in the water. While Taima worked on the ties to his leggings, Muraco, Kai, Lutz, and Menno came in.

  Although Muraco's still-healing injury prevented him entering the pool fully, he still stripped quickly, adeptly jostling Kai with his hip, to sit at the edge of the bath with his feet in the water.

  Compared to the Duende, or even Muraco, Taima felt scrawny, gangly, and unattractive. Pushing off his leggings, Taima hesitated, and then started as Kai whispered at his shoulder.

  “Why are you standing here? Get in the water.”

  “They all look so—” Taima shook his head.

  “What does it matter what they look like? Hanne is besotted with you. In the same way I am besotted with Muraco. I don't care he isn't Duende, and Hanne clearly feels the same way about you. Stop doubting yourself and your worth.”

  The words initially stung Taima, but then he realized that Kai was right. The only man looking directly at him was Hanne. Lutz and Menno were splashing and laughing together. Amand was still talking to Myghal, and Muraco only had eyes for Kai.

  “Come on.” Kai held out his hand. “Let’s go.”

  Before Taima had a chance to argue, Kai grabbed his hand, and they jumped into the deep water, successfully soaking Lutz and Menno. Within minutes, a huge water fight had broken out and laughter echoed around the chamber.

  Only when servants brought in soaps and oils did the men abandon their games and start washing in earnest.

  To his delight, Hanne insisted on washing Taima. Taima’s natural embarrassment was assuaged by the fact that Kai fussed constantly over Muraco, but his friend clearly reveled in the attention.

  Food and drink was brought through—bread, cheese, and wine. Sharing a plate with Hanne, Taima slowly relaxed. He was treated as an equal, one of the men, and his confidence finally came to the fore.

  When the food was finished, servants came through to oil those men who wanted to enjoy a massage along with the application of the oil. Taima was pleased that Hanne insisted on looking after him.

  But before he began, Hanne sat and gazed at Taima, his expression striking Taima as strangely nervous. “There’s a gift I want to give you, Taima, but please consider carefully before you accept it.”

  There was a gravity to Hanne’s tone that Taima instantly noticed. He leaned in closer. “What gift?”

  “We Duende like jewelry. If you look, all the men here have nipple piercings, as well as ear piercings. As a warrior, I only wear plain earrings when in battle, but I have more jeweled ones for balls and banquets. You have neither. I have gold rings that belonged to my father that I’d like you to have. If you don’t want your nipples pierced, then your ears?”

  For a moment, Taima wasn’t sure what to say. Male Fey wore necklaces, bangles, and even jewels in their hair, but none pierced anything more than their ears. As yet, Taima had no piercings. He licked his lips and met Hanne’s anxious gaze.

  “When I tugged your nipple rings, you said it was pleasurable. Is it? Truly?” The deep groans Taima had elicited fr
om Hanne when he’d played with his lover’s nipple rings were a vocal testimony to Hanne’s pleasure. But Taima couldn’t even begin to imagine how it had felt.

  “Yes. But be warned, the flesh can be tender for a while afterward. You’d also need to be vigilant to make sure no infection sets in, and to rotate the rings until you’re healed fully.” Hanne tugged one of his own. “Now, it is pleasure. At the time it’s done, there can be pain.”

  “I’m nervous. Although I want to wear your rings.” Taima nibbled his lower lip. Then he sat up straight. “Is Muraco having it done?”

  Turning to follow Taima’s gaze, Hanne grinned. “It seems he is. Kai has claimed his man.”

  A Duende Taima didn’t know bent in close to Muraco’s chest. His friend’s expression barely changed as the Duende eased back. But it was the expression of excitement and pride as Kai watched on, and then took over to thread golden rings through Muraco’s nipples, which decided Taima.

  “Yes. I want my nipples pierced. My ears, too. I want to wear your jewelry, Hanne.” Taima grinned at the look of delight that lit up his lover’s face. If Muraco could endure the pain, so could he.

  “You’re sure?” Excitement gleamed in Hanne’s eyes, and Taima nodded eagerly.

  “Yes. Please. I want them.”

  A deep kiss from Hanne was Taima’s reward, and Taima panted heavily when Hanne finally eased away.

  “I’ll get the rings. I brought them here. We can get the piercings done now, and I will thread your rings.”

  Love swelled Taima’s heart as he watched Hanne hurry away, stopping only to speak briefly to the Duende who’d pierced Muraco’s nipples. Taima looked down at his chest. He couldn’t deny the nervousness that made his skin tingle, but it was overlaid with anticipation. Muraco hadn’t shown any distress, and Taima was eager to wear his lover’s family jewelry.

  Chapter Eighteen

  In an ante-room off the great hall, Taima peered through a slight crack in the door at the gathered assembly. Amand’s fortress looked big from the outside, but it was even bigger once inside.


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