All That Glistens

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All That Glistens Page 9

by Pelaam

  Not only was there Amand’s own palace and its courtyards, but people lived in and on the mountain, as well as its far side. Amand had guests enough to fill the great hall, and all sat in curious expectation.

  His stomach churning, Taima moved away from the door to stand next to Hanne. He nestled close when Hanne slid an arm around him. He was nervous, for several reasons. Taima wanted the surprise Amand had arranged to go well for Citlali.

  But now he wasn’t sure how his sister would react to his piercings and, to top it all, he and Hanne were also going to formally announce their relationship. Taima hoped the news would be well received. Or at least, not openly decried.

  In keeping with Duende custom, Amand's guests and their partners were seated first. Then Amand had greeted Weyra, as a guest of honor, and set him in a place of pride at his table. Then Taima and the others were to come through as Amand’s special guests.

  Although she was already in the hall, Citlali would be called last as she wasn’t yet formally betrothed to Amand. All of these customs had been carefully explained to him.

  Admittedly, his sister looked nothing like the Fey princess Taima was used to seeing. Duende women were more robustly built than Fey, and Ada had performed miracles to create an outfit for Citlali.

  The skirt she wore was full length and moved fluidly with Citlali in a delicate material of rose-pink, with little starbursts in golden thread. She wore a plain white sleeveless camisole over which Ada had fitted a tightly-laced leather corset. The effect gave Citlali voluptuousness that Fey didn't naturally possess.

  Despite his worries, Taima snickered, remembering the look on Amand’s face as Citlali had entered the hall.

  When he and Hanne were eventually called through, their announcement of an engagement would follow that of Amand’s. But he and Hanne weren’t the only ones waiting. Taima distracted himself by focusing on his friends. Rayen stood proudly beside Myghal. The centaur wore a thick gold necklace with a diamond centerpiece that glittered in his chest hair, and he pawed the floor impatiently.

  Close by, Naira and Lutz chatted quietly to Rayen. Lutz wore a silvery chain fastened to his nipple piercings and his oiled chest glistened golden in the light of the many lamps. Menno stood a little aside with Namid, and it was clear to Taima just how much better his friend was. He smiled as Namid leaned against Menno and received a tender kiss.

  “It’ll be all right, Taima.” Muraco came and stood at his shoulder, Kai beside him.

  “Hold your head high,” Kai added. “Don’t let them see anything but your pride and confidence.” Kai gazed at Muraco with undisguised adoration and stood taller. “Many will envy me. But Muraco is mine.”

  “I’ll try.” Taima was pleased his dearest friend had found someone to love. Muraco and Kai wore matching nipple chains, gifted to them by Amand in official recognition of their relationship.

  “Myghal and Rayen are summoned.” A steward shouted from the doorway.

  With a hug for her sister, Rayen waved, and the couple walked out together, Myghal lifting his forelegs high.

  Despite his friends’ reassurances, Taima’s nervousness grew exponentially as each couple were called and went through to the banqueting hall. Then Muraco and Kai were summoned, leaving just him and Hanne in the room.

  Without a word, Hanne pulled Taima into a tight embrace. “All will be well. You will be accepted. Many will be envious. Even more than those who will undoubtedly envy Kai.” Hanne sealed his words with a kiss.

  “I hope you’re right.” Taima looked down at his body. What had seemed such a wonderful idea, when all the men were together, Taima now seriously doubted. And not just at the possible reaction from Citlali. They may laugh at me. A skinny Fey trying to look like a masculine Duende. At least Muraco has the well-defined muscles of a soldier.

  The thought of his friend helped divert Taima’s mind. During the communal bathing, Muraco had effortlessly ensured that the incredibly diversified group of men had bonded closely. And with such ease that Taima was still amazed. Although he’d barely known any of the other men, Taima now felt a shared sense of brotherhood with them all.

  “Stop worrying,” Hanne whispered. He claimed another kiss before Taima could reply.

  As the kiss ended, Taima took a small step back and gazed up at his beloved. Hanne grinned and puffed out his chest, displaying himself proudly. The nipple chains he and Hanne wore had a bright blue lapis stone in their center with two gold beads on either side.

  There were more gold beads threaded into a few strands of Hanne’s hair that he’d left loose. The braid was adorned with blue and gold feathers. He looks magnificent. If only I wasn’t so nervous. I look like a dowdy sparrow to Hanne’s glorious peacock.

  The clothing Taima wore had been selected by Hanne. His brown leggings were teamed with a white, gauzy over-shirt which was slashed in a deep ‘v’ down the front to display his chest. And my brand-new piercings. I don’t know how Muraco did so well. My nipples still ache. Taima fingered the braids either side of his face into which Lutz had painstakingly threaded golden and lapis beads.

  “Captain Hanne, Lord Taima, you are called.”

  The steward’s shout startled Taima from his reverie, and he glanced anxiously at Hanne. He felt a little more assured as Hanne clasped his hand tightly and coiled his tail around his waist.

  As they entered, Taima was stunned as the other guests hammered hard on their tables.

  “Keep your head high and focus only on Amand.” Hanne murmured to Taima, who nodded, ignored the din, and kept step with Hanne.

  Even though Taima knew how Amand had dressed, here, now, in the great hall, Amand looked very different from the relaxed, laughing man in the communal baths. He wore his usual black leather pants and boots and a gold chain fastened to his nipple piercings so it glittered across his oiled and glistening chest.

  His single stripe of hair had three golden feathers attached to it, affixed so they stood upright as if a small crown. The effect was dazzling, and even Amand’s body itself seemed golden, illuminated by the light of the lamps in the room. He looked every bit the Duende Lord that Taima knew him to be.

  As they reached Amand, he turned to Weyra. “My last guests, Lord Weyra, are Hanne, my trusted friend and captain, who is as a brother to me, and his escort, Lord Taima. Please wait here, my friends. I have one more announcement to make. Lady Citlali, you have waited with great patience. If you please?” Amand held out his hand.

  All the gathered Duende stood and banged their hands or fists on the solid wooden tables. The noise around them was deafening, but Taima saw that his sister’s focus was solely on Amand. When she reached his side, Amand drew her into a tight embrace, kissing her on both cheeks before allowing her to step back.

  “It is my great joy to tell you that the Lady Citlali has accepted my suit,” Amand announced loudly and clearly.

  The gathered Duende not only banged their fists on tables, but also stamped their feet and gave loud warrior yells. Taima couldn’t help but press closer to Hanne, who laughed aloud.

  Waiting for a moment, Amand then held up a hand and waited for silence before continuing. “The Lady Citlali is now my verenicu, my intended. We shall remain betrothed for now, as we both decided the welfare of our peoples was our priority. We want to uncover our true nemesis, and then we can wed, when all are able to live in peace and prosperity.”

  The welcome and acceptance delighted Taima, even if the noise was almost overwhelming. He didn’t hear the call for the steward, but his curiosity was piqued by the covered tray he carried.

  When Amand removed the golden cover, he revealed several items of jewelry: a delicate silver-metal necklace, so finely crafted, it looked like lace. Two nipple chains and a small diadem. Amand held up the necklace.

  “All the pieces are made from qullqi and crafted by an elven master. This necklace was my mother’s, given to her by my father when they married. I give this to you, Citlali, as a token of my love, my faithfulness, and my
commitment to you.”

  Taima stared at the gift. Qullqi was one of the rarest and most precious of metals. The necklace Citlali was being given was worth a small fortune, even without taking its history and personal value into consideration.

  “I accept your gift, Amand.” Citlali spoke loudly in the sudden silence. “And I will wear it as a demonstration of my love, faithfulness, and commitment to you.”

  Another round of cheers and banging followed Citlali’s words, and Amand waited for the raucous sounds to die down.

  The gathered guests fell silent while Amand fastened the necklace around Citlali’s neck. Once in place, Citlali turned, framed Amand’s face with her hands, and kissed him.

  All around them, the guests loudly proclaimed their support, and as they parted from the kiss, Amand threw back his head and laughed for sheer joy.

  Taima’s own heart beat with delight at the sound. Citlali looked happier than he had seen her in a long time. His heart pounding, Taima drew a deep breath as Amand turned to face him and Hanne.

  “Hanne is the brother of my heart, my brother at arms, and soon to be my brother through marriage. He too has an announcement to make. One that as Lord of this citadel has my full support and my blessing.”

  Hanne faced the guests, and Taima stood tall at his side. “It is my privilege to announce that Lord Taima has accepted my suit. He is now moj muz, my husband, as I am his. I ask you all share in my great joy.”

  A chorus of cheers erupted. The guests banged on the tables and stomped their feet with gusto.

  Taima laughed with delight at the enthusiastic response before he was enveloped in Hanne’s embrace and kissed soundly. Released from the kiss, Taima met Citlali’s gaze levelly.

  Citlali closed the distance between them and hugged him tightly. “Taima, you look stunning. The lapis beads bring out the blue of your eyes beautifully. I see you and Muraco adopted the Duende custom of piercing. Hanne, you look magnificent.”

  “Muraco and I had them done at the same time.” Taima dropped his gaze to follow Citlali’s as she seemed to be checking he wasn’t hurt. “His nipples settled quickly, but mine seem more sensitive. I wasn’t sure how you—”

  “Taima, you’re my brother. I love you. Try to put aside the insecurities Lonato would have you believe and trust me. No matter what, I will always be there for you.”

  Taima pulled Citlali into a hug. “I love you, too.”

  “Lord Weyra, I must ask that you do not mention my relationship with Citlali or that of Taima and Hanne outside these walls.” Amand leaned in a little closer to his guest as Taima stepped back to stand beside Hanne. “We must uncover our true enemy first and do not want anything that could be used against us. But I hope when we can have our weddings, you will once again be my guest of honor.”

  “It will be I who has the honor, my friend.” Weyra bowed deeply.

  “Now to the other jewelry. Hanne, I present the chains to you and Taima, for your wedding.” Amand held them out and Hanne took the chains with great care.

  “Thank you, my Lord.”

  “Taima, the diadem is yours. You are a prince among your people, and will be among mine. Citlali will have a qullqi crown of her own to wear once she is my queen.”

  With shaking hands, Taima accepted the diadem. “Hanne, please.”

  With great reverence, Hanne draped the chains across his shoulder and took the diadem to fix into Taima’s hair. Another round of cheers ensued and Hanne pulled Taima into a deep kiss.

  As they parted, Taima gazed up into Hanne’s face. “I pray things continue to go so well.”

  “I have no doubt of it.” Hanne nodded.

  “I am honored to be a witness today, Citlali, Taima.” Weyra smiled and bowed. “I’ve watched you grow from young children into adults your parents would be greatly proud of. You both look more beautiful and happy than I have ever seen. I only wish I had known what was happening sooner. Amand is a man of great honor and pride, and I am pleased to call him a friend. However, he didn’t tell me just how estranged your people and his had become. I thought you had simply strengthened ties with Lonato’s family after the death of your parents and had no more need of our friendship.”

  “And I was told that it was too difficult to maintain ties with you because of Amand’s warriors guarding the passage over the mountain.” Citlali bobbed a curtsey. “That it was too dangerous to try going around with the threat of attack. Someone has made great efforts to effectively isolate me, Weyra. I am just happy that out of so much evil, good is finally beginning to shine through.”

  “Like the rainbow after the storm, Lady Citlali.” Weyra nodded.

  “For now, we put all such worries aside.” Amand slid his arm around Citlali’s waist, and indicated for Taima and Hanne to take their seats. “We have a celebration to enjoy. Steward, inform the kitchens to send forth the food.”

  Seated to Citlali’s right, Taima sighed softly. To know his betrothal to Hanne met with everyone’s approval had gone a long way to bolstering his courage. As unobtrusively as possible, he tried to reposition the nipple chain.

  Although Taima’s chain was lighter than Hanne’s, his nipples ached. Taima glanced down the table. Muraco seemed to have no such issues. Focusing on the feast, Taima pushed the discomfort from his mind.


  With a soft groan, Taima eased himself to lie on his side. He didn’t know whether he’d eaten too much at the banquet or if his protesting stomach was reacting in response to the mix of nervousness and excitement from the night’s announcements.

  At Taima’s side, Hanne snored softly, his naked body warm and solid against him. Taima wriggled again, trying to find a comfortable spot without disturbing his husband.

  Although he didn’t wake, Hanne seemed aware of Taima’s restlessness. Hanne pulled Taima to lie with his back against his chest and draped an arm over Taima’s waist so that his hand covered Taima’s belly.

  While Taima snuggled into the embrace and his agitated stomach settled at the warmth of Hanne’s touch, his mind refused to settle. Instead his thoughts and fears danced together in a seemingly endless waltz. He lay with his eyes open, sleep eluding him.

  The plan was to leave for their castle the next day. Weyra and his entourage would accompany them. But their friend was unable to stay more than a day at most. After that, they had to pretend things were back to normal, despite their fears about Lonato.

  I fear for Hanne. I must keep him safe. I love him so much. I also must watch Citlali’s back and protect her. I pray that I am indeed man enough to protect them both.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The day dawned grey, as if reflecting Hanne’s innermost feelings. Not that anyone would guess that worry gnawed at him. As a good warrior, he kept his feelings well hidden. He presented a confident and proud bearing.

  In a few minutes, he and the rest of Citlali’s entourage would emerge from the citadel, mount their steeds, and head to Citlali’s palace. Hanne’s heart sank even lower. Taima wasn’t well but wouldn’t stay behind with Amand, and Hanne also fretted over what their enemy might do once they were all in the palace. He pushed his concerns aside as Weyra came up to him.

  “A moment, if you have it, Captain Hanne?” Weyra asked.

  “Of course.” Hanne nodded curtly.

  “A word of caution, if I may. Hanne, you are a warrior, a captain of good repute who can wear a mask of indifference and appear as nothing more than a soldier sent in good faith to accompany Citlali and Taima.”

  For a moment, Hanne thought Weyra had seen through his façade.

  “Taima, by contrast, is still a young man, unused to such behavior. He wears his heart on his sleeve. I can see his feelings for you each time I look at him. To a traitor, it will be easily apparent that you and he are more than friends.”

  “You are right, of course, my Lord.” Hanne sighed softly. If Weyra saw it clearly, then others would too.

  “I will speak to him. This is proving to be a very di
fficult time for Taima. The stress is already playing on him. He was feeling unwell this morning, but would not stay behind. He worries for Citlali and for me, just I do for him.”

  “He may be young, but he is a man and needs to be treated as such, Hanne.” Weyra rubbed at his cheek. “No one has said to me who they think the traitor might be, but if I were to say the name … Lonato, I would not expect a denial. It is wise for Amand and Citlali to keep such things unspoken while you lack proof positive.”

  “Thank you for your understanding.” Hanne stared toward the citadel. “I never expected my mate to be a Fey, much less a prince. There is much to learn about how to deal with either.”

  Weyra laughed softly. “That I can believe, my friend. Well, as far as your enemy goes, I won’t make uninformed judgements, but I will act in keeping with Citlali’s wishes as Lady of the Estate. I can assure you, my loyalty lies with her and Amand.”

  “Your support means a great deal to Amand.” Hanne slapped Weyra’s shoulder. “It’s good for him to know he has steadfast allies.”

  “Indeed.” Weyra smiled, then he pursed his lips. “Bear this in mind over Taima. He and I talked for some time. He reminds me very much of his father, a slender, elegant willow. And a willow can withstand many a storm that would break a mighty oak. He is his father's son, but he has been undermined. I will speak to Citlali, to make sure she tells Taima that she has confidence in him. He needs to know you think well of him, too, but never lose sight that he’s a man who wants to protect those he loves.”


  His mind awhirl with everything that was happening, Taima didn’t immediately notice that Citlali had urged her horse alongside his and rode beside him. Her smile was reassuring when he looked across at her.

  “I know you are worried, Taima. I am too.” Citlali gazed ahead. “But I have faith in both you and Hanne. You must pretend we are still estranged. It will give us the advantage. Lonato won't know of my relationship with Amand, or of yours with Hanne. He may be suspicious, but we must act as if nothing has changed.”


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