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The Boss's Love

Page 5

by Casey Clipper

  "It doesn't matter!" Darren bellowed, his voice echoing throughout the quiet neighborhood. He could feel his blood pressure rise. Pissed wasn't accurate enough of a description at his sister's nonchalant attitude. "She is going to be my wife. Do you even comprehend what that means!"


  Both her brothers were furious at her. Derrick stood off to the side and shot daggers her direction. When she'd turned to him for support, the look of distaste spoke volumes. She was on her own.

  "Of course I understand what that means but you're too overprotective of her. She's a grown woman who can handle herself," Diane snapped. "It was a fucking party, Darren. Get your grip off her."

  Darren took a hard step towards her which caused her to take a step back. It was an automatic self-preservation move. His features had turned dark and dangerous. He pegged her, his voice low, unable to contain himself any longer. "You listen to me right now, Diane. If you ever do anything like that again, you'll have to deal with me, and I will not take mercy upon you because you are my sister. My wife will always...always come before anyone else. She will be the mother of my children, the queen of my empire. Courtney will be the most respected woman you will ever know. People will bow to her every wish. Am I understood?"

  Tears formed in her eyes as she looked away from her brother. Indeed, she had pushed the envelope in Vegas. Really she had underestimated how Darren and Derrick would react so violently. Yes, she knew she'd have to answer for her behavior, but she thought they would yell and scream. Not all out threaten her. She should have known Darren would protect and choose Courtney above her. His heart belonged to her now. Reality smacked her in the face. She'd been the sister-queen-bee for years. Now she'd be on the outside looking in.

  "Diane," Derrick warned.

  She slid a quick glance to her older brother and shivered. She thought the dark look on Darren's face was frightening? Derrick was the one that she should be more frightened of. Darren might feel family bond and loyalty would be important enough to keep her alive. But, he wouldn't hesitate to kill her. He loved Courtney as much as Darren and his protection of her would come first.

  "Yes, I understand. It will never happen again,” Diane conceded.

  Pacified, Darren nodded, turned and stalked back into their parents' house with Derrick right behind him. Diane sunk onto the lounger and sobbed into her hands. She had pissed off her brothers so wretchedly they had to threaten her life. Lesson learned.

  Chapter 5


  Young girls dream of the wedding Courtney was center of attention. Treated like royalty the entire day, her newlywed husband made certain his girl would look back on the day years later and relish the memories. A traditional church ceremony that lasted forty-five minutes, with all six hundred people in attendance preceded the largest reception the banquet hall had held in the history of the building. Both Darren and Derrick looked devastatingly handsome in their black Tom Ford tuxedos. They looked so alike standing next to each other you would have thought they were twins.

  When Courtney and Darren recited their vows the personally wrote, both their mothers broke down in quiet sobs. Courtney, herself, cried throughout the ceremony when they exchanged the rings and vows. The platinum band set Darren placed on her ring finger took up almost the entire finger below her knuckle. Clearly he was tagging her. Courtney’s ring for Darren was a plain platinum wedding band engraved on the inside to let him know that her heart belonged to him. He vowed never to take off that ring. Ever.

  Throughout the reception, people she’d never met approached and congratulated her with compliments on the ceremony, reception, and how beautiful a bride she made. Then they would hand her thick, sealed envelopes. She sociably thanked every single person for attending the wedding but knew she’d never remember their names. She hoped she didn’t run into them on the street alone some day and inadvertently insult them.

  Carl shadowed her the entire wedding, gently taking charge of the envelopes, undoubtedly keeping guard of the money. She assumed that was Darren’s doing. Why the people didn't put the money in the wishing well she had no idea? That enormous piece of architecture would be difficult for someone to sneak off with.

  After the reception, Derrick, Jack, and Carl escorted the newlyweds to the airport where they left for their two-week honeymoon in Hawaii. Derrick assured Darren he’d look after business while they were gone and would not disturb him unless it was of dire importance. In a private moment between them, Derrick kissed Courtney before they parted, vowing his love and undying devotion to her. For some reason, she got the impression that moment meant much more to her husband and his brother than she comprehended.

  Their honeymoon was pure paradise. They spent two weeks sunbathing, sightseeing, and making love without a care or thought of the outside world. Darren spoiled her with room service, gifts, and made certain she received the full honeymoon experience. It was a dream come true.

  Unfortunately, when they returned she was hit with a room full of gifts and thank you notes that needed tackled. Thank goodness Derrick offered his secretary to help.

  Upon their return, Darren immediately approached the subject of starting a family. Once again, she put her foot down about not being ready yet. The same conversation had occurred not that long ago and she was growing tired of repeating herself.

  "Darren, I'm not saying no. I'm saying not yet. I don't think I could be a good mother right now," she explained.

  "That's ridiculous, Court. You would make an excellent mother," he shot back.

  "No, I wouldn't. I don't really like kids and I don't have the patience for them. Not only that, I have my career," she said.

  He slammed his coffee cup down on the kitchen island and stared at his wife in disbelief. "Did you just say you don't like children?"

  "Okay, I was being overdramatic, but I'm not ready." She rolled her eyes.

  "Quit being overdramatic about children, Courtney. You know I want children. You've known this since the beginning. I haven't been shy about what I want," he warned, getting testy.

  "I know, honey. Like I said, I'm not saying no to ever having children. Let's just take some time and enjoy our honeymoon stage. We just got married," she said, hoping he’d listen to reason.

  He sighed in resignation. "Okay, how about if we wait one year and then open this for serious discussion then?"

  Of course he would try to negotiate with her. The conversation needed to end or else they might spend all day arguing. One way to stop this.

  "Okay, we'll discuss it in a year," she agreed.

  He narrowed his eyes and pegged her with his forefinger. "Don't think for one minute that when a year rolls around you're going to put me off for another year, Courtney Murphy. I know you better than that. You are not getting this one over on me."

  She smiled wickedly. "I could get one onto you."

  Shock crossed his handsome features, especially when she exaggeratedly swung her hips around the island towards him and went straight for the button on his pants. "I've had enough of baby talk for one day. I want something and only you can help me out right now."

  She innocently batted her eyelashes.

  A deep growl rumbled from his chest as he tossed her onto the island and laid her back to devour her body. It was a good thing they were alone because the scene they created in that kitchen was not meant for anyone else's eyes.


  Seven in the morning and Courtney felt like shit. She woke up to the alarm not feeling well but seemed to get worse as she got ready for work. She was about to climb into the shower when her stomach rolled on her. Throwing herself over the toilet, she vomited last night’s dinner and kept at it until her stomach was entirely empty.

  After she had finished retching, she remained on the bathroom floor to try and get her bearings. She felt clammy, sick to her stomach, and was positive she had a fever. Food poisoning. It had to have been the Thai Darren brought home last night. She’d never been a fan o
f it but had been starving so she wolfed it down. Now she was paying the price.

  She desperately wanted to stay in bed but was unable to call in sick. She had no choice but to force herself to get up.

  After a long, hot shower, Courtney dressed in her gray business suit but had little energy to put on even a small amount of makeup. She was already fair skinned but with no makeup, she looked downright ill. Of course, that could be because she was sick.

  She trudged downstairs to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. When she took one step into the room, the smell of onions and peppers assaulted her and went straight to her stomach. Her stomach cramped and convulsed against the vile smell. She darted to the half bathroom off the living room and vomited. Again.


  Darren hadn’t noticed Courtney walk into the kitchen but the sounds of her vomiting echoed throughout the house. He darted to the bathroom to find his wife tossed over the toilet bowl. "Courtney, honey, you're sick."

  "No shit," she mumbled sourly, her head still in the toilet.

  He stood upright, taken aback by her tone. How did he handle this?

  "I'm sorry, Darren. I don't feel well," she said and looked up at him. Tears formed in her eyes. She was not in good shape.

  Quickly he reached under the sink, pulled out a washcloth, then ran it under cold water. He bent down and gently wiped her face.

  "Maybe you should call in sick today, sweetheart," he said concerned.

  Courtney never got sick. No matter what time of year, her hearty immune system kept her healthy. Darren considered the illness likely resulted from an outing on a friend's yacht a couple nights ago. Unexpectedly during the short cruise the temperature had dropped. She had worn a spaghetti strap cocktail dress but forgot to bring a sweater. By the time she found him to snag his jacket off his back, she’d been on the top deck in the cool night breeze for a good half an hour. Her skin had felt like ice when Darren wrapped her in his suit jacket.

  "I can't, you know I have two closings," she said. She closed her eyes while he gently ran the washcloth over her sickly features.

  "Then try and finish as soon as you can and come straight home. I'll cancel my plans to take care of you," he said. He leaned down to kiss her forehead.

  "Okay," she conceded. A rarity for her.

  "Let me help you up. Do you want Jack to drive you?" he asked. "Maybe you should in case you get sick while on the road."

  "No, just in case I have to pull over I don't want to have to wait for him to find a place," she said, her voice weak.

  "Okay, but if you feel you can't drive call me and I'll send him to pick you up. Don't worry about the car," he insisted.

  "Okay, thank you," she said. She took his hand to help her off the ceramic tile floor.

  "Oh, baby, I hate to see you so sick," Darren admitted. It pained him to see his girl not well.

  "I'm going to go brush my teeth again," she said. She left the bathroom and headed upstairs.


  Once Courtney left, Darren finished breakfast while Jack and Carl hovered. Their concern was palpable.

  "Will she be alright? Do you want me to pick her up?" Jack asked.

  "I may have you do that depending on when she calls," Darren said. "We need to free up my schedule so I can be home with her."

  No one said anything while Darren fussed about. He mumbled incoherently to himself, distracted, when he suddenly stopped. Realization hit him. He bolted upstairs to the bathroom and threw open the medicine cabinet. He yanked down Courtney's supply of birth control pills and counted. Three months of the pills had been used. She was pregnant. That had to be it. He managed to impregnate her. His plan had worked brilliantly. He just had to make certain she never found out his scheme. No matter what, Courtney would now be tied to him permanently.



  After she finished her two closings, Courtney laid her head down on her desk and was about to fall asleep when Jackie, her good friend and fellow realtor, approached.

  "Courtney, honey, go home. You're too ill," she said.

  "I will. I'm just trying to get up the strength," she whispered.

  Jackie studied her for a moment. "How long have you been feeling this way, honey?"

  "Since this morning."



  "Could you be pregnant?" Jackie asked.

  "I'm on the pill."

  Jackie shook her head. "Doesn't matter. There's still a chance. I’ll go across the street and get a test just to make sure."

  "I can't believe that I am," she said, dismissing the idea. "I think it's from dinner last night."

  "Let's be sure. I'll be right back," Jackie insisted.

  She leaned back in her chair and watched Jackie scurry out of the office. There was no possible way she could be pregnant. That thought alone made her ill. She felt she was nowhere near ready to be a mother. She didn't have the mother gene. At least that is what she kept telling herself every time Darren broached the subject. Darren's desperation to start a family was no secret. A part of her thought the reason he wanted her pregnant was to solidify her tie to him indelibly. Her husband tended to be a bit possessive.

  Ten minutes later Jackie rushed back into the office and shoved the test at her. Courtney decided to take it to make her girlfriend happy.

  Jackie read the instructions to her through the bathroom door. Luckily the office was empty except for the two of them.

  Once Courtney finished, she put the cap back onto the stick and opened the bathroom door to wait. Jackie grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to her.

  "Take sips, don't chug," Jackie ordered.

  "It's not a beer, Jackie," she said sarcastically.

  "Maybe it was beer that got you into this," Jackie retorted.

  Courtney chuckled. "It wouldn't be beer, it would be wine."

  "Ah, yes, the dreaded wine night."

  Both women giggled.

  After the eight minute wait, Courtney went back to the bathroom to confirm the results. She stood stock-still and stared at the stick, unable to tear her eyes away.

  "Well?" Jackie eagerly asked.

  "I'm pregnant," Courtney whispered horrified.


  Seated on the lounger on the back deck, Courtney stared off into woods that fenced the yard. How did her pills fail? She wasn't on an antibiotic or taking any other medication. What the hell happened? And how the hell was she going to deal with this? She wasn't ready.

  Her thoughts went to all she wanted to accomplish before her and Darren started a family. She wanted to spend more time with her husband traveling, going out late at night and not coming home until three in the morning, then getting up at seven to be back at work by eight. If they wanted ice cream at two in the morning, they could get up and go. She wanted to relish those days before she needed to settle down with a baby.

  For the longest time her mind raced with scenarios and possibilities before she came to the only conclusion she had left. She couldn't tell Darren about the pregnancy. Quietly she'd take care of the situation and end it. When she felt ready to become a mother, she would plan it with her husband.


  Darren watched his wife from the kitchen window. Something was up. After scarcely touching her dinner, she had excused herself, stating she needed fresh air. For an hour he had kept a close eye on her but decided not to intervene. He left her with her thoughts to work out what he assumed was her shock of a surprise pregnancy. The problem was that when his wife became withdrawn it always turned out disastrous. She hadn't yet confirmed her pregnancy, which concerned him. He pulled out his cell phone and texted Jack and Carl with orders to keep a close watch on his wife.



  The next morning Courtney left for work earlier than usual. She kept her normal routine not to draw Darren’s attention and feigned going to work.

  At quarter after nine in the morning Courtney parked her car at the clini
c in downtown Pittsburgh. She had called first thing that morning and managed to get an appointment at ten. Since she had arrived a few minutes early, she remained in her car and internally debated on whether she was taking the right course of action.

  Deep down it went against her core beliefs not to tell her husband. There was nothing she kept from Darren. Not since the day they met. Yes, the decision to go behind his back was wrong and she prayed if he ever found out he would forgive her. Silent tears rolled down her cheeks. She couldn't approach him with the pregnancy subject. He wouldn’t see her point. She jerked her hand from her stomach when she realized she absently ran her hand over her belly.


  The soft music of the radio didn't do anything to soothe her wayward thoughts. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. What if Darren found out? He would kill her. Figuratively of course. She swiped at the fallen tears. He would forgive her. Darren loved her too deeply to hold a grudge. They’d get past the decision. Though she vowed to go to her grave with it.


  She climbed out of her car and headed towards the clinic entrance.


  Her entire body stiffened and stopped in its tracks at the sound of her husband's voice behind her.


  Now he had his wife's attention. Desperately he tried to maintain his composure with an even voice, though rage threatened to choke him. What the fuck was his wife doing?

  Keep calm.

  Darren stepped up behind his wife. Her body stood stock still like a cornered animal. He took in her sweet scent of vanilla and lavender that encircled his nose at their close proximity. Home. She was his home. Placing his hands on her shoulders, he gently spun her to face him. Tears streaked her soft cheeks. His heart melted. His Courtney felt she wasn't ready to become a mother. He should have been more understanding and proactive with the baby subject before it had gone too far. His fault. He reached up and wiped the tears.


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