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The Boss's Love

Page 7

by Casey Clipper

  She gasped in denied horror. “No…that doesn’t…no.”

  Dana grabbed her shaking hand. “You need to leave, Courtney. Run…to save yourself.”

  “But if everything you say is true, he’ll find me,” she said stunned. "Right?" Her mind raced back to all the little things that now added up with crystal clarity. The wedding. The guys always around, dark tinted window cars, high-end security system, weapons hidden throughout the house. Darren insisting on teaching her how to use and shoot a pistol. The envelopes. The “staff.” The wealth. Oh dear lord, they were right.

  “Courtney, for your own sake you need to figure out someway to save yourself. Darren will never harm his child but you betrayed him,” Dana whispered.

  Lunch finished in relative silence. After Rachel and Dana voiced their concerns for Courtney all she could think was what was she going to do? Should she speak to Darren?

  When they left the restaurant, Courtney noticed one of Darren’s cars parked across the street with two of his men watching her climb into her car. More confirmation. Now that it was thrown up in her face by her ever-so-blunt girlfriends, everything about Darren's career made sense. Everything put together said her husband was dangerous and she had betrayed him. She felt sick.

  Fifteen minutes later when she walked into the real estate office, after carefully watching Darren's car tail her the entire way, she was greeted by two dozen red roses placed on her desk. She pulled off the card.

  To my gorgeous wife and now mother of my child, I love you and adore you. Thank you for giving me the second best gift a woman could give a man. Yours forever, Darren.

  Could that be from a man who would kill her after she gave birth? Was it a screen to prevent her from seeing the truth?


  He heard the front door close a few moments ago but Courtney hadn’t come to the kitchen yet. Glancing at the clock above the stove, the time said six. Darren set down the dishtowel and stepped into the hallway as Jack started an obscene joke. He stopped in his tracks. Courtney stood in the hallway, her face a mask of pure fright.

  “Courtney?” he asked and rushed towards her. “What is it?”

  When she didn't answer, he grabbed her shoulders. Her entire body started to shake. Her glassed over and unfocused eyes scared the shit out of him.

  “Court!” Darren yelled, trying to gain her attention.

  The house went quiet. His men scampered into the hall.

  “What is it, honey? What happened?” Full panic set in. She stood before him, his hands on her body, but she didn't "see" him. As if she wasn't inside her body. He turned to Jack. “Get me some water.”

  He scooped Courtney into his arms, carried her over to the sofa, and laid her down. He heard someone pick up her car keys that laid on the floor. Jack rushed into the room with a bottle of water. Darren brushed her hair off her face.

  “Courtney, honey, you have to speak to me or else I’m going to have to take you to the hospital, baby. Tell me. Did something happen to you? Are you okay?” his voice cracked. Did someone get to her?

  Finally, she looked at him. Enormous tears filled those blue eyes and spilled over her cheeks. He wiped them away and kissed her soft lips.

  “Come on, baby, tell me so I can help you,” he pleaded.

  His men stood wordlessly tense behind him, waiting for say anything. They needed to know if someone got to her.

  “Which one of them will you have kill me once I have the baby?” she whispered.

  His world spun on its axis.

  Someone had told her.

  Quietly the men slid out of the room.

  “Honey,” he said, gaining his composure. “What are you talking about?”

  “I know, Darren. I know.”

  “What do you know, Court?” he asked.

  “About you.”

  “You know how much I love you? Is that what you know? Because I’m happy that you do. Then I’ve done my job,” he said, dancing around the topic.

  “Darren,” Courtney warned.


  “Are you going to have me killed after I have your baby?” she asked.

  “Our baby, and of course not, my love. I would never.” He tugged her upright, sat down on the sofa, and pulled his wife onto his lap. “Courtney,” he kissed her soft lips, “you have no idea how much I love you or worship the ground you walk on. This,” he placed a possessive yet gentle hand on her stomach, “was something you needed to accept and you have, which in turn I have forgiven you. I understand why you were frightened. Trust me I do. I would never take that away from you. And I would never take the love of my existence away from me. I need you. I need to wake up to you every morning and go to sleep with you every night. I need your kiss and warm embrace. I need your laugh and your smile. I need you to put me in my place when I fuck up, like any good wife does with their husband.” He kissed her again. “There is one thing that would cause my ire. Do you know what that is?” he tested.

  She stared into his eyes before leaning her head onto his shoulder. “If I cheated on you.”

  “Correct.” He rubbed her arm. “Now, you have nothing to worry about, sweetheart.” He sat her back up to look him square in the eyes. “Do you believe me?”

  Studying him considerately, she nodded.

  “Good girl.” He breathed. “Now, as for everything else that you know and don’t know.” Darren moved her off his lap to the sofa. Time to have the lecture he had never wanted to give. “I will never discuss business with you. What I expect in return is that you never ask questions. None. Ever. I will not explain myself. Do I make myself clear?” he asked sternly.

  He watched her close her eyes and internally battle. Occasionally his wife showed a bit of spitfire. He chuckled. “I know you want to argue with me about my tone, baby, I get it, but don’t. Not about this.”

  She tried to hold back a grin but couldn't. God, he loved her. No matter what she did, he would never stop.

  “I understand," she relented.

  “Good, I want everything back to the way it was a few weeks ago. No more drama. I hate it. I love coming home to my drama free wife.” He waved towards the doorway. “Those men in there go home to fight day in and day out with their overdramatic wives. I relish the fact that mine is down to earth, and I can come home and relax, free from any type of nonsense.”

  Apparently Court loved that admission because she threw her arms around his neck and squeezed. He wrapped his arms around her, pulled her body into his, and held her close.

  “My Courtney, my love, my life, my world,” he whispered and followed up with a gentle kiss.


  “I’m going to cut back to part time,” Courtney announced a week later as she watched Darren use his culinary skills.

  He whirled around.

  “Court,” he said shocked.

  She beamed. “I knew you would love it.”

  The spatula was tossed aside when he bounded over to her. He picked her up off the stool, spun her around, and kissed her possessively. "Court, you’ve made me so happy. Why did you decide?”

  She shrugged. “It seems like the right thing to do. I’m ready to be more of a full time wife to you. Not only that, we don’t have too much longer to ourselves.”

  He set her down and took her beautiful face into his large hands. “I had no idea, that night three and a half years ago, the woman of my dreams would come into my life, and I'd love her like nothing else comparable. My God, Courtney, I’m obsessed with you.”

  Fuck. He watched her cringe at the obvious memory he should have never brought up. The night her life almost ended. If he hadn't rescued her, she undoubtedly would have died in that restaurant parking lot.

  Chapter 6


  Three and a half years ago

  “Courtney, can you meet Mr. Murphy and show him the building downtown? I can’t meet him. I triple-booked myself,” Jackie said in a hurry. Flashing around the office, she shoved paperwork into
her briefcase. “You take the commission.”

  “Okay, if you insist,” Courtney teased.

  “It’s the empty building on Fifth,” Jackie said breathless, running towards the doors.

  “What time?” Courtney called after her.

  “In twenty.”

  “Jackie!” she yelped, jumping out of her seat. “It takes a half an hour to get there.”

  “I know. Sorry.” And she was out the door.

  Growling, Courtney dashed out of the office towards her car, breaking all speed limits.


  Literally running to the front entrance of the empty office building on Fifth Avenue, she rounded the corner and stopped dead. The Darren Murphy was Jackie's client? One of Pittsburgh’s most eligible bachelors. Wealthy, fabulously handsome, single, did she mention good looking? Well at least, that was what the social section of the Sunday newspaper mentioned.

  Gathering her senses from gaping at the hunk of man, she walked straight up to him and held out her hand. "Mr. Murphy, I'm sorry but Jackie couldn't make it today, so I'll be showing you the building...if you don't mind."

  He gave her the most heartbreaking smile she'd ever seen on a man. "Absolutely not, Miss...?"

  "Millen, Courtney Millen."

  His large hand engulfed hers. She caught him glance down to her ring finger. The hopeful glint in his eyes hadn’t gone unnoticed. Taking back her hand, she pulled out the keys to the empty building. When she had the door unlocked Darren held it open for her and placed a gentle hand on her spine, ushering her inside.

  The tour of the building took about and hour. Darren gave her his undivided attention the entire time. At the end of the tour, he asked about the cost and she gave him the listed price. Predictably, he told her he would let her know of his decision. As they left the building, he dutifully waited for her to lock up.

  "Have you had lunch, Courtney? Would you join me?" he asked, his eyes shining.

  She smiled graciously. "I had an early lunch, Mr. Murphy, but thank you."

  "How about dinner?" he pressed.

  "I'm sorry, Mr. Murphy, but I'm in a relationship," she said.

  "Lucky man," he muttered.

  If only her boyfriend, David, agreed, she thought. According to him, she didn’t make enough money. She was thoughtless, and apparently terrible in bed. Not to mention his violent temper that seemed incessantly directed towards her.

  Courtney didn't respond to his comment.

  "Miss Millen, it's been a pleasure," he said. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he turned and strolled away with his two bodyguards flanking him.

  Unable to help herself, Courtney watched him. That butt alone gave her heart a flutter. An impeccably tailored designer suit showed off his fine physique. He walked with a confidence, but not arrogance. God, he was yummy. Standing there, she felt somewhat disappointed he hadn’t pursued her further.

  Unexpectedly, Darren turned and caught her staring after him. She felt her face burn. He gave her a knowing grin, turned back and climbed into a black tinted window SUV. Spinning on her heels, she rushed back to her car. Fully embarrassed, she silently berated herself. Caught like a school girl looking at her high school crush in math class.

  Incredibly late, Courtney pulled into a parking space at the Italian restaurant and rushed inside. She prayed David wasn't waiting.

  As soon as she saw him, she knew her drought of beatings had come to an end. He seethed in his seat. His ferocity radiating from his body. When he spotted her rushing towards him, his eyes turned black as night.

  "I'm so sorry," she apologized. She speedily sat down across from him.

  "I have been waiting here for fuckin' twenty minutes, Courtney," he hissed.

  "The showing ran over, David. You know I have to stay as long as they want to talk. It's a large commission," she tried to defend herself.

  He rolled his eyes. "You won't get it. You never do."

  "That's not true," she snapped. He always tried to demean how good of an agent she was.

  Quick as a rattlesnake, David reached across the table and snagged her wrist. He twisted the skin in opposite directions. Wincing, she tried to hold back the cry of pain she needed to release.

  "Don't you dare talk back to me, Courtney. You'll—"

  An angel appeared before them, interrupting David's pending tirade.

  Darren Murphy gallantly stood before them, glaring down at David's hands clamped around her wrist. His eyes bounced back and forth between them. He then focused in on Courtney, a genuine smile crossing those devastatingly handsome features. "Miss Millen, what a pleasant surprise."

  David nonchalantly released her wrist. She hid her injured arm under the table, trying to rub away the pain. She watched Darren's sharp eyes shift again between them. His brow furrowed.

  "Mr. Murphy," Courtney said. She motioned to David with her good hand. "I would like you to meet my boyfriend, David James."

  "Murphy?" David snorted.

  A deeper frown crossed Darren's masculine features.

  "Would you like to join me? We can discuss the building, Miss Millen. I do have an offer," Darren said. He refocused on her.

  For a moment, Courtney thought he was trying to convey something to her. She considered she was imaging things.

  "I appreciate the offer, Mr. Murphy, but—"

  "But we're having dinner alone this evening, buddy," David snarled.

  "David," Courtney scolded.

  Shooting her a warning glare, David jolted out of his seat and threw down his napkin. "I'll be in the car. I expect you in less than two minutes."

  He brushed past Darren and stormed out of the restaurant.

  "Courtney, you cannot leave with him," Darren demanded. "He's dangerous."

  "I can handle him. He's just in a bad mood because I made him wait. My showing took longer than I thought it would," she said.

  "That's your career. No man should be upset with you because you made him wait," he said firmly. "There’s no way in hell I would ever be upset with you. Worried, maybe, but once you arrived I would be relieved and then relish in your company." He waved his hand in the air. "You need to walk away from that. I know you have more sense than to be with a man like him."

  How dare this man, who she just met today, tell her who was good for her and insult her decisions. Plus, he managed to add fuel to the fire. Huffing, she stood from her seat and grabbed her purse.

  "I didn't realize my private life was your business, Mr. Murphy. Can you tell me when you became my guardian angel? Did I lose the memo?" she snapped, breezed past him and left the restaurant.


  Watching Courtney walk away from him about killed Darren. His radar was on full alert as he stalked back to the table where Jack and Carl sat.

  "That man has asshole written all over him," Jack said then took a gulp of his bourbon.

  Darren couldn't sit. Something bothered him. Something didn't feel right. Without a word, he turned and stalked towards the front doors of the restaurant with purpose. There was no way in hell he could allow her to leave with that man. She was the first woman he'd ever been drawn towards. Not the lusty kind of draw. The kind that spoke to a man's soul. She was beautiful, well-spoken, polite, amusing, intelligent. The entire package. She called to him on an entirely different level he didn't recognize. When she cordially turned him down, that made her all the more alluring. Rejection was new to him.

  When he bust through the doors, Darren rushed to the parking lot. Jack and Carl were on his heels.

  "Boss?" Carl called from behind him.

  A noise from the back of the lot caused him to pick up the pace. As he neared the back, in the dark left corner, David was pounding the hell out of Courtney. She desperately tried to defend herself, but the man was all over her. He threw a solid punch to her skull and kicked her in the stomach while she struggled to get off the ground. When she slumped down, unable to hold herself upright, he picked up her limp body and slammed her head into the side
of a black sedan.

  Darren pulled his hidden Glock from his jacket and aimed for the asshole. But before he got a shot off, Jack snatched the weapon off him. Without missing a step, Darren continued towards the scene. David never heard the heroes coming for the damsel in distress. Too consumed with taking his anger out on Courtney, he didn't look up in time to defend himself and was knocked out cold from the solid hit to the side of his temple. His unconscious body fell hard to the cold ground.

  A beaten, bloody mess, Courtney sobbed while she tried to climb to her knees. Darren knelt down and wrapped his arms around her frail frame.

  "Shhhh, stay still. We're going to call an ambulance," he said.

  With absolutely no strength, she melted into his body and succumbed to the damage.

  Carl pulled up next to them in Darren's SUV. They quickly placed her into the backseat and drove her to the hospital themselves. They didn't want to wait for an ambulance. Also, they couldn't afford to have a police presence at the restaurant. The David situation needed resolved.

  Carl pulled the SUV into the emergency room entrance, and Darren carried a bloody Courtney inside. The nursing staff jumped into action and whisked her away. After she was treated, the police, who were automatically called as per hospital protocol, tried to take a report. But Courtney remained uncooperative and refused to give an account of what happened. That forced the staff to call in Darren to try and persuade her to talk.

  When Darren stepped into her room, the two officers blanched, genuinely surprised to see him.

  "Mr. Murphy." The first young officer held out his hand.

  After courteously greeting the two officers, he focused on Courtney and took a seat adjacent to the bed. Swollen, black and blue, his beautiful girl looked virtually unrecognizable. He held her scraped hand.

  "Courtney, honey, you have to tell the police officers what happened," he said. He reached up and brushed her matted hair off her battered face.


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