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An Author's Angst

Page 10

by Maggie Ryan

  "Think you are ready to spend some corner time?" he asked, brushing the last few tears from her cheeks with the pads of his thumbs.

  "Yes, sir."

  "Good girl. You did very well, Venia. I'm proud of you." He bent and kissed her cheek gently.

  Despite the fact that she climbed off his lap and walked to a corner, stepping into it and pressing her nose against the wall, she felt a sense of pride. Pushing her throbbing ass out into the room, knowing Jeffrey had the perfect view of what a well-roasted rump looked like, she also felt a sense of total contentment. She'd not sit comfortably for several hours but accepted it as the price required to be cared for and to be guided back on track. As she stood, her bottom gradually cooling, her sex was definitely not. She'd been wet from the moment he'd entered the room and with her squirming and kicking, with his tilting her forward, she knew without a doubt that he was quite conscious of that fact. Though she had fully accepted his authority, remembering his proposal that they take it slow, she finally wanted to protest a decision from her HOH—she didn't want to take it slow. What she wanted, what her body was screaming for, was to rip off the remainder of her clothing before ripping off his. It wouldn't matter that her ass screamed in pain as it was pressed into the mattress if he were pressed deep inside her.

  "Is your bottom hurting that badly? You are moaning quite loudly, Venia."

  Grateful she was facing the wall, she felt her cheeks flush. How embarrassing. Not only was she bare assed for his view, he was also listening to moans she wasn't even aware of making.

  "No, I mean, no, sir. I'm um, I'm fine."

  "Are you thinking about how you are going to do better, tomorrow?"

  His question jerked her from her trip down erotic lane. "Um, no, sir, but I will now, I promise." She smiled at the sound of his chuckle, wondering exactly what he was thinking as he sat in her kitchen chair, looking at her red rump certain that had to be glowing like a beacon.

  * * * * *

  Jeffrey sat in the chair, his long legs out in front of him, ankles crossed. Though he was very well aware of Venia's naked red bottom, it wasn't what filled his thoughts. Instead, he was thinking how absolutely amazing it was that God had put some women on this great planet who were so naturally submissive that they made conscious decisions to give authority to their mates or partners. He'd played in the spanking scene ever since he'd been old enough to understand that his proclivities weren't a sign that he was going to go straight to hell.

  He'd honed his skill in college. It was with a soft smile that he remembered he'd offered his services to keep his classmates on track as well. Of course, on track for them meant getting their lazy asses out of bed for early morning classes and actually reading the syllabus and preparing for tests. Only a few times had he wished to take his spanking services to a different level but never had pushed for more. The women who shyly came to his dorm room to drape themselves over his lap hadn't needed another complication in their lives. They were women who truly did understand that being able to attend college was a gift and were willing to study seated on very sore, red rumps if that meant they'd not be wasting their parents' hard earned money.

  After college, he'd gone on to graduate school. The women had changed, as well as some of their motives. By the time he was working towards his doctorate, he had pulled back from offering his services to just anyone. He'd had several relationships that he'd worked to develop. However, as time passed and he became more concerned about his career, he found it less thrilling to be constantly reassuring a woman that she could trust him to know how far she could go. Accustomed to the benefits of education, he had taken courses at a local BDSM club to understand how to read a woman's face and eyes as well as how to be able to read her body's reaction to various implements. By the time he was in his forties, he'd accepted the fact that finding a woman who was truly the sort he desired to devote his life to was probably not in the cards. All that had been blown to hell when he'd met Julia.

  She was fifteen years younger than he. They had met when he was covering for a friend's classes at the university over the summer. While she might have thought it was nothing more than an adventure, seducing the professor, he had fallen head over heels for the woman. He had opened up fully, not only explaining his kink, but willingly introducing her to the pleasures of spankings and other play. He'd actually been about to drop to one knee and pull out that black velvet box, when he heard through the grapevine that Julia was bragging that if anyone wanted an easy 'A' from Dr. Humphries, all they had to do was bend over and agree to have their ass slapped a little.

  That had been all it took for him to decide to suppress any and all further explorations into a lifestyle that the majority of the population didn't bother to try to understand. It had been another decade before he admitted he simply couldn't continue to be someone he was not.

  By the time he met Charles and the two began to work together on environmental projects, he'd returned to his need to spank a bare bottom. However, he kept it strictly on a non-personal level. He'd joined a few spanking groups, made a lot of friends who felt the same needs and when Charles made the suggestion he move to Corbin's Bend, outlining its benefits, he hadn't hesitated.

  His only regret was that he had somehow missed Venia for almost two years. God, had he been that tied up in work to not even be aware that such a treasure lived only a few streets away? Come to think of it, hadn't Charles mentioned her name once before but he'd just gotten over another useless relationship and had said he wasn't interested? That would certainly explain Charles's comment about 'someone' taking far too long to find the jewel that had to be a reference to Venia. Shaking his head, he grinned—if he were the least bit submissive—which he definitely was not, ignoring his friend's attempt to meet the remarkable creature standing in the corner would constitute a reason for him to have his own ass reddened.

  His gaze returned to Venia and he heard her soft moans and wondered if she were even aware that her legs had spread a bit and that her bottom was moving rather sensuously? His cock, already hard, had turned to steel when he saw a rivulet of what had to be her arousal slide down her thigh before she clamped her legs together. He'd been amused when asking if she were thinking about how she'd do better tomorrow. Her answer had made him chuckle and he wondered if she were thinking more along the same lines he was. Remembering he'd just told her that he thought it would behoove them to take it slow, he admitted that he probably deserved a swat for that stupid decision as well.

  Hell, he didn't want to take it slow. He was quickly growing quite sick of going home with a woody and having to take ice cold showers. As her legs shifted apart again, he wanted desperately to go to her, drop to his knees and run his tongue up those thighs and taste what was sure to be honey between her legs.

  With a groan, he pulled his eyes away, and glad that she was facing the wall, adjusted himself. He wanted her to know that he was in this for the long haul. He didn't want her to think he just wanted to paddle her backside either in play or for punishment. Before he took her to bed, he wanted her understand that he thought she was the most incredible woman on earth and that she had stolen his heart. Looking at his watch, he straightened in the chair and called to her.

  "Come here, sweetheart." His cock instantly needed adjusting again as she turned from the corner and ran to him, scrambling onto his lap.

  "I'm sorry, I swear I'll try to do better."

  "I know you will, Venia. Like I said, I have every faith in both you and your ability." He kissed her hard, their tongues playing with each other's, her hand clutched in his shirt, his hand moving to cup a breast before he realized what he was doing.

  "Oh, God," she moaned, pressing into his palm. "Please, Jeff, please take me to bed."

  The distinct feel of a protruding nipple against his fingertips had him wishing he could set aside his rules and do just that. Instead, he gave her breast a gentle squeeze and moved his hand to cup her buttock.

  "Slow, remember?"

/>   "Screw slow," Venia said as she pushed upright. "Screw me instead."

  Jeffrey patted her hot bottom. "Watch it, young lady. That is bordering both on cursing and being disrespectful." He was almost sorry he'd spoken, when he saw her eyes drift from his, her teeth moving to capture her bottom lip. "Venia, look at me." It took her a moment, but she obeyed.

  "Honey, you've got to know how much I want to sink inside you." He made no effort to conceal his stiff cock as he pressed up against her rear. "I've wanted you since the moment you giggled and took that chair outside my office. But, baby, it's not the time."

  "But neither of us is getting any younger," Venia said. "It's not as if we need to worry about explaining to our parents that we don't give a sh… that we don't care that it's only been days. All I know is that if I don't feel you inside me soon, forget the deadline—I'll be the one dead of spontaneous combustion."

  Jeffrey was about to tell her he had nothing against her using whatever she needed to relieve that pressure when he had second thoughts. Even though she lived in the Bend, and admitted to having used Vance's services, she was of the age of having grown up where a great deal of people referred to masturbation as self-abuse, considering it both unhealthy and immoral. As a scientist, he knew it was a perfectly acceptable way to relieve tension and stress which were truly harmful to one's health. Not wanting to offend her in any way, he adjusted his decision. Patting her bottom a final time, he spoke.

  "Up, it's time for some well-deserved after care." He knew he'd made the right decision as her eyes lit up and she practically jumped off his lap. Chuckling, he led her to the door and as he opened it and stepped aside for her to pass, he loved the squeal she made when his hand reached out to pop against a bottom that was still crimson.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jeffrey followed into her bedroom. The room was as feminine as his bedroom was masculine. Her earlier remark about liking the color purple was confirmed in the quilt spread across the bed, squares of various shades of purple contrasting nicely with the light lilac bedspread. Mounds of pillows, some in shams and others in different shapes depicting flowers in needlepoint, were piled against the headboard. He was pleased to see that though the bed was definitely inhabited by a woman, the white iron frame did have several rails for that woman to grasp when instructed.

  "I know it's a bit flowery," Venia said.

  "Don't apologize, honey, it suits you." He wondered if she were aware that she was standing, half naked, the tail of her peasant blouse only reaching to the middle of her bottom. The color might be fading, but in direct contrast to the pure white of her blouse, her rear was still incredibly red. He pulled her back to him, holding her backside against his body. Her soft moan and harder press against the outline of his cock told him that she was ready for the aftercare he'd promised. Turning her in his arms, he bent to place his lips against hers. As his hands moved to cup her hot bottom, her arms lifted to entwine around his neck. Pushing firmly, his tongue entered her mouth to swirl, lick and taste every inch before pulling away.

  He set her back just a bit, lifting the hem of her blouse and pulling it over her head. Reaching to unclasp her bra, he slid it slowly down her arms before dropping it to the floor on top of her blouse. Not only able to see her slight trembling, he could feel it beneath his palms as he pulled her to his chest.

  "You are so beautiful," he murmured, placing gentle kisses on her forehead and cheeks before taking her mouth again. Her response was instant, her nipple tightening as he cupped a breast, her moan deepening beneath his lips. Guiding her the few feet to the bed, he pressed her down to sit. The tone of her voice changed as she yipped.

  "Too sore?" he asked, pulling her back up.

  "Um, I'll be fine in a minute," she assured him. "Aren't you going to undress?" When he shook his head, her arm moved to cross over her breasts, one hand moving to cover her sex.

  "No, Venia, please don't hide yourself from me," he said gently as he reached to move her arms back to her sides. "Honey, this isn't about me, aftercare is about you."

  "But I want both of us to feel pleasure and I feel, well, really awkward being completely naked while you have all your clothes on."

  "Shh, relax, baby. Just as you submitted your body for punishment, I want you to let go and submit yourself to nothing but the pleasure I want to give you. Believe me, I will find a great deal of pleasure if you'll do that for me." At her slight nod, he bent to kiss her as he guided her to sit on the edge of the bed and then gently pressed her to lie back. Her hips were on the very edge, her feet unable to reach the floor. After another deep kiss that had her trembling, he began to kiss down her body. His tongue darted out to dip into the hollow of her throat, licking slowly before kissing her softly. Kissing the side of her neck, he felt her pulse jump and smiled against her skin.

  By the time he moved to kiss the tops of her breasts, she was breathing a bit harder. "Relax, just feel." He slowly licked across her taut nipple and then blew softly across the wetness, watching the bud grow even tighter. "So responsive, so beautiful," he whispered before taking the entirety of her nipple into his mouth and suckling softly.

  "Oh, God," she moaned, her hand lifting, her fingers combing through his hair as she pressed his head down as if asking for him to take more. Following her lead, he suckled a bit harder and as she pressed up against his mouth, he began to take gentle nips. Her gasp of pleasure had him biting just a bit harder until her moan filled the air. Lifting his head, he gave her a smile and moved to pleasure her other breast. By the time he had drawn an identical moan, her legs had opened a bit, her scent letting him know that she was fully aroused. Kissing down her body, taking the time to lick and nip at her skin, it took several more minutes before he knelt on the floor between her legs.

  Pushing her legs apart, he lifted them to lie over his shoulders. He kissed up her thighs, his lips getting closer and closer to her core. He could feel her legs trembling as he finally reached out, broadening his tongue to take that first long swipe between her nether lips. The sound of her moan, caused his heart to skip a beat. That one long haunting note spoke of her need, her desire to be so loved. Her legs, having tensed finally relaxed completely as she finally gave him what he had requested, her complete submission.

  "Good girl, let me pleasure you, Venia." Pressing her thighs open more fully, he took his time, feeling no need to rush. Though his cock had been hard for ages, he ignored it, his need was to fulfill hers. Slow, long licks had her feet beginning to drum against his back and her body to squirm on the bed. His fingers that had been stroking her soft skin slid beneath her to cup her hot cheeks, lifting her a bit to pull her closer. She screamed and came the first time when he engulfed her clit into his mouth and suckled hard. Though she attempted to pull away, his firm hold on her punished bottom kept her in place. Releasing her nub, he slid his tongue between her lips to enter her. She was sopping wet, her taste the honey he'd believed it would be. Again he took his time, taking small licks, lapping up her cream and then thrusting in and out of her warmth until she was once more squirming beneath him.

  "Jeff, please, oh God, it's too much!"

  "No, honey, it's not. Let yourself go, Venia. Let me love you." Not hearing her call out her safe word, he moved to kiss her thighs again and then slid a finger into her. Her muscles instantly clamped down on the invader. He waited for her to relax and when she did, began to stroke in and out of her warmth. Adding another finger, he bent forward again, his tongue circling the swollen button, his teeth gently grazing across her clit.

  "Oh… oh, I'm going to come," she moaned, her hand reaching down as if she were desperate to touch him. Continuing to stroke in and out, a bit faster and a bit deeper, he reached up and took her hand, their fingers entwining. Giving another long, languid lick, he lifted his head.

  "Come for me, Venia. Take your pleasure, darling." She came for the second time with a loud wail, her pussy trapping his stroking fingers as her entire body arched with her explosion. He lapped
up her cream, continuing to give her soft kisses and licks as she slowly came down from her climax. He adored the soft whimpers she made when he slid his fingers from her, licking them clean before he gave her a clit a final kiss. Settling back on his heels, he gently removed her legs from his shoulders and standing, he moved her legs to the bed, his arms lifting her to lay her down again, her head on the mound of pillows. He'd tuck her in properly in a moment, but first he'd allow her to catch her breath.

  Bending, he gently kissed her, his fingers grazing across nipples that were still tightly puckered. His eyes caught a glint of green and he smiled seeing that the little stone toad was sitting on her nightstand where she'd see it before she went to sleep and first thing when she awakened. "Where's your arnica cream," he asked softly, stroking a hand down her cheek.

  "Bathroom," she whispered as if that one word was almost too much to utter.

  "Turn onto your tummy, honey. I'll be right back." He waited until she had turned over before moving into the adjacent bathroom. Opening the medicine cabinet, he found the jar. Taking a folded washcloth off a pile on a small table, he ran the water in the sink until it was warm. Drenching the cloth, he wrung it out. Though most single people in the Bend had been assigned one bedroom houses, knowing that she and her husband had bought into the community at the beginning, he was glad they'd chosen one of the larger homes. Not only did a master bath make it easier to use the facilities in the middle of the night, it made it a lot more convenient to care for her.

  Moving back into the bedroom, he stopped in his tracks. It was as if he just realized that this beautiful woman, a woman whose heart was made of gold had actually chosen to give him one of the rarest, most personal gifts a woman could give a man. She'd placed not only her body, but her heart and her soul in his hands. Seeing her red bottom and knowing she'd feel tender tomorrow despite the care he was about to provide, he felt a sense of responsibility he'd never experienced before. His relationship with Julia, one he thought had meant the world to him, was nothing compared to the rush of love he felt for the woman who had given him the gift of total submission. He was gentle as he moved her only long enough to pull down the bedcoverings. Pushing a few of the pillows to the far side of the bed, he bent to kiss her cheek as she settled her head back down.


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