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The Vineyard

Page 30

by Karen Aldous

  ‘That’s very kind of you Sophie. You have taken this much more gracefully than I would have…’

  ‘Expected?’ she finished trying now to contain the tone in her voice.

  ‘Hoped,’ he replied. ‘I thought you would be mad.’

  ‘No. I’m not mad. Devastated maybe, hurt?’ she sighed. ‘There is no point in us expending all, or what energies we have left after a busy day, into a fight. I have dermal fillers and chemical peels to attend to! You have paternity suits and child abduction issues you need to work on. Honestly, we’ll be fine.’

  ‘I’m so sorry,’ he told her, gently rubbing her arm. ‘Sophie, I hope we stay in touch. He walked with clumsy feet to her door. ‘Bye for now.’

  As soon as he shut the door, Sophie spurted out her tension ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,’ she squealed. Five minutes later she phoned Lizzie ‘Is that wine still on offer? I’m coming back.’

  Chapter 41

  ‘Hi Charles,’ Lizzie answered her phone.

  ‘How is Sophie?’ he asked

  ‘Upset Charles,’ she said holding the phone back from her ear. Stupid question ‘But she respects your decision. She’s fine. We celebrated us both being single last night actually with the remainder of Cal’s sparkling wine he’d brought back to the apartment after the launch.’

  ‘I feel a right bastard,’ he admitted. ‘She doesn’t deserve this shit. She took it really well, I admire the way she deals with things.’

  ‘And that’s why I love her Charles. She’s never let me down. Anyway, any news?’

  ‘Oh, err yes, well. I’ve had correspondence from the D’Aramitz family lawyers and there’s nothing alarming. You don’t have to do anything. Leave it with me. A court hearing for the abduction is set for the twentieth of October but, they have all your statements.’

  Lizzie took the following day off to be with her mother, Thierry and Michael. Her mother and Michael would be heading back to England the following day so although she had managed some time with them, the two weeks had flown by. Caroline and Michael had wanted to visit Aix-en-Provence and Grasse so they set off for the hills early in Lizzie’s car and drove first to the market in Aix and then strolled to the Cours Mirabeau for a light lunch. Entering the café Lizzie heard her name and as she looked around Jez and Annatia waved eagerly from their table on the far side.

  ‘We will sit down and organise drinks darling.’ Caroline waved her hand ushering her daughter to go to her friends. ‘I’ll sort Thierry out. I’ll order him some milk.’

  Lizzie made her way across and greeted them both with kisses on both their cheeks. ‘Hi, how are you both?’

  ‘Very well thank you, and thanks to you. Jean-Luc has introduced me to a few people. Business is growing and Jez has been busy harvesting,’ Annatia replied beaming perfect pearl teeth.

  ‘Of course, yes, I believe Cal has been too. Busy time of year for you wine growers,’ Lizzie agreed.

  ‘Hopefully we’ll see more of Cal now he’s bought the land here,’ Jez remarked before guzzling down a large mouthful of beer. Annatia jerked her coffee cup just before it reached her mouth and placed it back to her saucer. Lizzie gaped from one to the other.

  ‘What land? I didn’t know about any land in France.’

  Jez edged uneasily to the front of his chair rubbing his tall glass. ‘Oh, well… maybe he didn’t get it; Charles said something about him finding land. He would have told you if he had.’

  ‘Maybe he doesn’t want me to know.’ Lizzie’s stomach stirred. ‘Anyway, we haven’t had any contact so…’

  ‘We heard the launch went well,’ Annatia said in a warm voice, ‘I was in Hong Kong at my parents’ but Charles spoke to Jez, sang praises about you both.’

  ‘Yes it went better than we’d hoped.’

  ‘How are your visitors? Is your mother well?’

  ‘Yes.’ Lizzie brightened, eager the subject was quickly diverted. ‘She is doing extremely well. She’s loved spending time with Thierry and seeing our life in Cannes. She and her partner Michael have had a fun time, that’s what they report anyway. They go back tomorrow.’

  ‘Oh yes, Cal’s…’ Jez voice trailed.

  ‘Coming to collect them and taking them back, yes,’ Lizzie finished. ‘So good of him isn’t it?’ ‘A true gent is Cal,’ Jez added.

  ‘Anyway, lovely to see you both,’ Lizzie said. ‘We have a schedule to keep to so I’ll get my folks sorted and head off to Grasse. Bye for now.’ She kissed them both again and went in search of her mother.

  Drinks had already arrived as Lizzie joined them. Caroline was chatting with Thierry whilst Michael pondered, scratching his neck with one hand and holding the menu with the other.

  ‘Mum, has Cal said anything to you about buying land in France?’

  Caroline’s smile went crooked with alarm and she looked at Michael. Lizzie realised Cal had sworn them to secrecy.

  ‘He’s vaguely mentioned he was looking, why?’

  ‘His friend Jez just mentioned he has either bought or was buying here. He would have told you though surely – he’s still got the lease with you hasn’t he?’

  ‘Yes but I’m sure he would sort that out. He’s not the type to abandon a…’

  ‘We don’t know Mum. You can’t just accept things, people at face value,’ Lizzie almost screamed and then quickly composed herself. ‘I mean, I’ll find out. I’ll speak to him when he comes tomorrow. Don’t worry about it. I’ll sort it.’

  Chapter 42

  From Aix-en-Provence Lizzie drove up to the hillside town of Grasse still stewing after hearing Cal’s plans. What the hell was he playing at? After taking in the views they trundled down the narrow winding streets to the oldest perfume factory in the heart of the old town. Thierry was surprisingly engaged as they ambled through the distilling rooms and Caroline explained what the old copper stills contained whilst Michael carried him so he could see the equipment. He then asked about the flowers as they viewed the hundreds of tiny bottles in the next large room containing the perfume bases. He helped make a mix for his Grandma which he aptly named ‘Sweet Lavender’ because it was and which Caroline, of course, was delighted with. He then made a mix for his Mummy he named ‘Sweet Grasse’.


  It was gone six by the time they returned to Cannes. They headed straight for their favourite pizza restaurant, Chez Xavier, just along from Lizzie’s apartment in Rue Marceau, where Thierry loved to watch the pizzas being made and cooked in the large oven. As always it was packed with locals and tourists. Once the drinks were ordered, the waiter took their food order.

  ‘Aunty Sophie,’ Thierry cheered pointing down to the main door. As Lizzie followed Thierry’s glance to the ground floor, sure enough, Sophie collected two pizza boxes and left unable to hear them call over the bustling restaurant noise.

  ‘A very hungry aunty Sophie too by the look of it,’ Lizzie joked.


  Sophie had rung Charles. ‘Have you eaten?’ she asked.

  He yawned. ‘Err, Sophie. Hi, err no. Just going through some case notes and….blah, blah, you know, all the stuff that goes…’

  ‘I’m coming over with a pizza. Ten minutes ok?’

  ‘Yeah, could do with some company to be honest.’

  Sophie buzzed and when she reached his door Charles was wiping his face with a towel and led her to the kitchen where, Sophie noticed, he’d just poured some cool beers.

  ‘Couldn’t face cooking and an empty apartment so I thought of my friend Charles who might actually also be feeling the same,’ Sophie grinned as she grabbed two plates from a cupboard.

  ‘That’s kind of you, thank you,’ he said as she piled the pizza on plates on his kitchen worktop. He grabbed the beers and made space on his table, pushing large files to one side.

  ‘Eat before it cools anymore,’ she ordered taking a bite of the crispy margarita, sprinkled with fresh herbs. ‘Mmm, that’s good. I was famished.’

  ‘Hmmm, me too, I have to admit,’
he agreed.

  ‘How are you anyway? Excuse my manners,’ Sophie grabbed a serviette and wiped her mouth.

  ‘Yes, fine. Busy, the usual. You?’

  ‘Yes, same.’

  ‘Good,’ he said and they continued to eat in a quiet comfort. Sophie, feeling full, offered her leftover slices which Charles eagerly munched his way through.

  ‘Have you heard from Cal?’ Sophie asked.

  ‘He’s over here in the next day or two, I believe. He’s collecting Caroline and Michael and driving them home.’

  ‘Hmm, yes, good of him to go to all that trouble,’ Sophie said.

  ‘He’s a great bloke. Big, loyal heart. He’s pretty upset about Lizzie not wanting to see him anymore though,’ Charles said, taking a mouthful of beer and coughing into his palm

  ‘Really, she told him that? I thought it was just temporary until she’d sorted things out…oh, she didn’t say well, not exactly. She said we were celebrating being single, do you know, I was so pre-occupied that night, I didn’t question it, so that’s what she meant then.’

  ‘So you didn’t know?’

  ‘No. I wonder what happened then, she’s really keen on him,’ Sophie told him wrinkling her brow. Was she responsible feeding her information about Cal’s past? She told her to get to know him before she…oh blast.

  ‘Maybe she got cold feet like me?’ Charles said.

  ‘Lovely cold feet,’ the words shot out of Sophie’s mouth. ‘Sorry, not appropriate,’ she said screwing up her face. Their eyes locked for a while before Charles lowered his to his feet.

  His chest rose and he let out a long slow breath. ‘I thought I was over Kate but it was guilt more than anything. I became riddled with guilt. She didn’t want to die. She was full of life. I was feeling like she was watching me and I felt I was betraying her. I was becoming happy again and it didn’t seem right, even after two years. I’m sorry that I hurt you.’

  ‘I respect you more for the honesty and that you felt that way. If I was Kate, I’d feel honoured you felt so loyal. It’s an admirable quality. It reveals your sensitivity and integrity and I find that adorable.’ Sophie slanted her eyes down to a furry cushion, ran her fingers through it. ‘You will, I’m sure, sometime in the future, confront your guilt and understand that there’s nothing you could do or have done to have made things right. It takes time and it takes guts, I imagine.’

  Sophie tried to imagine but how could she? She’d never lost anyone close. Yes, she’d dealt with grieving relatives in her profession but only on one level. She’d heard Lizzie speak about losing a father, which at her age must have been a staggering blow, and grandparents who had practically raised her, but to lose a person you loved and you’d committed your life to, and shared intimacy with, it was really difficult to appreciate the spectrum and enormity of all those emotions when, one day, they are gone.

  ‘I wasn’t, am not dealing very well. I don’t know why.’ Charles flicked his hair and met Sophie’s eyes. ‘You seem to understand me though, and you have helped. I know it doesn’t sound like it but you have. Three months ago I was a crumbling wreck, hiding away on my boat when I wasn’t working. Anyway, another beer?’

  ‘One more and I’m off to bed. Thanks,’ she said rubbing her eyes. Charles returned with the beers and a beautifully wrapped box of chocolates tucked under his arm.

  ‘Here. Take these. I didn’t buy them, a client gave them to me but, I’m not a chocolate fan.’

  ‘Yum. Oh, I am.’ Sophie paused. ‘Tell me, what do you think Kate would have done if your situation was reversed? Do you think she would have felt the same?’ she said popping a champagne truffle into her mouth.

  ‘I don’t know, I haven’t thought about it like that. I mean, probably,’ he said and Sophie helped herself to another truffle as he stared into space.


  Ten-thirty the following gloomy morning Lizzie took Thierry to Caroline and Michael’s apartment. They were all packed and ready to leave.

  ‘We’re so going to miss you Mum,’ Lizzie said.

  ‘Well when the salon quietens down, bring Thierry over for a few days. His father can’t object at the moment.’

  ‘No he can’t. Let’s just hope that bang on the head has knocked some sense into him.’ Lizzie rolled her eyes. ‘Anyway, yes, don’t overdo things both of you. We’ll come and see you soon.’

  ‘Lovely, look forward to it.’ Caroline gave out hugs and kisses.

  ‘What time’s Cal collecting you?’ Lizzie enquired.

  ‘Oh darling, we have a taxi to take us to the station. Cal rang to say his car broke down just after Lyon and he’s waiting for assistance. One roadside assistance mechanic has looked at it but thinks it will need a part which may take time. They will get him to a hire car place or station but he doesn’t know what to do for the best because he was just planning on picking us up and returning straight home.’

  Lizzie didn’t know what to make of it. ‘Oh, right. Well I’ll drive you home.’

  ‘Well no darling, it’s ok,’ Caroline continued, ‘he’s booked us a train. We can get a cab from Ebbsfleet.’

  ‘Strange that he didn’t wait to find out about the part first.’ Lizzie didn’t know whether she’d decided he had an ulterior motive or whether he was genuinely erring on the side of caution. Either way she felt a descending disappointment.

  ‘So typical of Cal, he’s decisive and he acts. Bless him darling, he just wants to make sure we get home. It’s booked for noon.’ Caroline rubbed her daughter’s arm. ‘He’s so thoughtful and genuine. He’ll make someone a wonderful husband.’

  If Lizzie didn’t know any better, she would swear her mother was scheming?

  ‘Mmm, well, yes. So, it’s a bit early, let’s have a coffee and we’ll come back for the cases.’

  As soon as Lizzie had seen them off at the station she took Thierry home to Marie-Claire and went straight to the salon to speak to Sophie. Although the salon was buzzing and busy, she found Sophie filling in paperwork in her consulting room and her assistant cleaning the couch for the next client.

  ‘How are you?’ she said as Sophie peered up, distracted.

  ‘Very good. Did your mum and Michael get off ok?’

  ‘Long story, but yes, fine thank you. Have you heard any more from Charles?’

  ‘Oh I took a pizza over and we had a drink at his last night, bit awkward but…’

  Lizzie pulled a face that told Sophie she felt her discomfort. ‘The man’s a fool. Anyway, Thierry spotted you collecting the pizzas, we were upstairs. I wondered why you took two. Is he ok?’

  ‘No, not really. Seemed a bit down. He opened up a bit though. I’ve never experienced the death of a loved one so I don’t know but I now know what it feels like not to be able to have that one person that’s special. I really miss him, as us, I mean.’

  ‘We don’t have much luck with men do we Soph? Fancy a night out later?’ Lizzie asked.

  ‘Yeah, why not, nothing heavy. And, I obviously wasn’t in gear when I came over to you the other night. I didn’t realise you’d called the whole thing off with Cal. I thought it was just a temporary thing.’

  ‘No, can’t do heavy either but, yes. I just don’t want any more aggravation in mine and Thierry’s life. I’m done with trusting men, you never know what lies beneath.’

  ‘But, I don’t know why you don’t use this time to get to know him better.’

  Lizzie gave her a blank stare. ‘He’s in England anyway, and I’ve come to the conclusion that Thierry and I are happy as we are. I was in a happy place knowing you were down here, and it’s been a bonus to get to know Mum again. I shall always be grateful to him for his help. Do you think I’ve done the right thing? I do miss him too,’ Lizzie said trying to read her friend’s eyes.

  Sophie shook her head.

  ‘Anyway, later? We’ll go somewhere for a nice chat. Oh, Any news on Anton?’

  ‘No, I can make some enquiries. But you shouldn’t worry about him.’
r />   ‘It just makes me nervous in case he recovers.’

  ‘Look, I have another consultation waiting but give me an hour and I’ll call my former colleague.’

  Lizzie pursed her lips. ‘Merci Dr Pitou.’

  ‘See you in a while.’

  Two hours later Sophie went to find Lizzie, who was chatting to a client, a friend of Madame Joubert. Sophie went to the kitchen and made them both a coffee. Lizzie came in.

  ‘Madame Joubert is recovering fast it seems, I must get back to see her,’ Lizzie said.

  ‘That’s sweet of you Lizzie. Here,’ Sophie said, handing her friend a coffee. ‘Apparently not a lot of progress happening with Anton. He’s undergoing a long-term programme of rehabilitation. Must have been severe. So, stop fretting. Oh, and, would you mind if I dump you for Charles tonight?’

  ‘Well now,’ Lizzie’s eyes shot playfully back and forth for a moment, ‘I suppose, as you’re such a terrific friend, oh, and business partner, how can I refuse such a charming request? I hope he makes it worth your while.’

  ‘I hope so too. Thanks.’ She winked at Lizzie.

  Sophie was surprised to hear from Charles earlier, particularly a daytime call. Her busy schedule didn’t give her too much spare time and now she had her own place, there were more chores when she got home. She did wonder what to wear however as he’d told her they would drive to Mougins and be eating at L’Amdier de Mougins which was renowned for its luxury and well-heeled guests. He’d also told her to pack for the night as he’d booked a hotel room…

  After checking into the hotel and dropping off their bags, Charles led her to the restaurant and out onto the terrace. As they took their seats, Sophie’s eyes widened; the view across to the hills was breathtaking.

  ‘Wow, that’s amazing,’ she gasped.

  ‘I thought you’d like it,’ Charles said. ‘It’s quite special. Like you Sophie.’


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