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Rumors: Megan & Vinnie

Page 19

by Rachael Brownell

  Everyone else is taken. Everyone has someone to come home to at night.

  Angela & Tyler.

  Justine & Devon.

  Emerson & Ryder.

  Then I found Vinnie. Or rather, he found me.

  She’s the last one left.


  “You will too.”

  “No, Megan, I won’t. I’ve tried. No one wants me.”

  Is that how she really feels? That she’s not good enough? Well, that’s bullshit.

  What people don’t realize about Ally is that as hard as she appears on the outside, she’s equally as soft on the inside. She takes things to heart. Her feelings are easily hurt. Why do you think she enjoys the rumors so much?

  If she can keep people talking about other people, they won’t be talking about her. She won’t be the center of attention, of criticism, of speculation. It’s all an act, one that, once she finds someone, I’m sure will fade into the shadows. Until then, she’ll protect herself any way she can.

  That doesn’t mean I’m going to let her sit here and feel like shit because she hasn’t found someone to love her yet. That’s not the kind of friend I am or the kind of person I want to be.

  “You see those two over there,” I say, pointing at where Emerson and Ryder are slowly swaying to the music, lost in their own world. “You see the look on their faces. That’s true bliss. It’s hard to find. Sometimes, you have to take a chance that you’ll make a mistake in order to find the right person. Ryder and I made our mistake, and we’re both lucky enough to have found someone on the other side of that. You’re afraid to make a mistake, Ally. You’re afraid to let the wrong person in. How do you even know they’re not the right person if you don’t give them a chance? You don’t.

  “There is someone out there for you. We both know that. Maybe it’s time to give someone the chance to be the person you’re looking for. The worst that can happen is you get hurt. Your heart will heal, I promise. I’m a walking example of bad mistakes. All it takes is one good decision to change everything.”

  Ally doesn’t respond. Instead, we sit in silence with her head resting against my shoulder and watch Emerson and Ryder dance.

  As the night begins to wind down and the music grows softer, people start to leave. All the assistants are first to go. I’m pretty sure they felt out of place hanging out with their bosses. Fine by me. They were giggling and whispering most of the time, annoying me.

  God, I hope I was never like that. I’m sure I had my moments, but they’re a little over-the-top.

  Then it’s Justine and Devon followed by Hunter and Brianna. Emerson and Ryder are next, sneaking out without anyone noticing. I have a feeling they were ready to be alone and celebrate. Tyler and Angela offer to help clean up, but I shoo them out the front door, promising that Vinnie, Ally, and I will take care of it.

  “I think I’m going to go, too,” Ally says from behind me, her keys already in her hand.

  “Okay. You can stay if you want, ya know. There’s a spare bedroom,” I offer, pulling her in for a hug.

  “And listen to the two of you have sex all night? No, thanks,” she jokes, a sincere smile on her face for the first time all night. “I do want to ask you something, though. About Brianna.”

  “Ally,” I warn. Something in my heart tells me that whatever she’s about to say is not good. That tends to lead back to the rumor mill and all their destructive ways.

  “It’s not gossip, I swear. Just an observation.”

  “What?” I ask, placing my hands on my hips.

  I’ve made my thoughts on the rumors perfectly clear. Ally knew what we were doing in Vinnie’s office. She knew it was for show, and it worked. The entire office was talking about what they heard. It forced Ally to take a stance and speak up, correct the rumor, and put an end to people talking about me.

  Just like I planned.

  “Is everything okay between her and Hunter?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “It’s just… they don’t seem happy, that’s all. Like they’re on the verge of calling it quits.”

  Ally doesn’t know about Brianna’s struggles. It’s not something B likes to talk about and not something she shares with just anyone. It’s a personal matter. Outside the family, only a few people know.

  “They’re as happy as they can be, they’re just struggling with a few things, that’s all.”

  “Like what?” she challenges, her interest piqued.

  “It’s not my place to say, but if anyone asks, they’re good. Don’t let the rumor mill ruin them like it has so many others. Promise.”

  “Promise. Like I said, it was just an observation.”

  Nothing with Ally is just an observation. There’s always a reason she’s asking questions and looking for answers.

  “They’re already talking, aren’t they?” I ask as she steps onto the front porch, stopping dead in her tracks as my words register.

  “It’s nothing I can’t put a stop to.”

  “Ally, listen. There are things you don’t know about their relationship. Things no one knows.”

  When she spins to face me, I see the glimmer in her eyes. The little bit of hope she’s holding on to for more information. I shut it down quickly with just the slightest shake of my head.

  “No. I won’t contribute more fuel to the fire.” I state firmly. “What are they saying?”

  “It’s nothing, really.”

  “Ally. You wouldn’t have brought it up if it was nothing. They’re saying enough that you probably watched them all night, looking for a sign that the rumors were true or false. Tell me what they’re saying, and I’ll tell you how factual the rumor is this time.”

  Stepping outside and closing the door behind me, I take a seat in the chair B occupied earlier. Something falls off the arm and onto the deck. Running my hands across the surface, I finally find the object.

  Pulling it up into the light, I stare at B’s wedding ring, and my heart stops in my chest.

  Ally’s staring at it too.

  I have a feeling I’ve just lent credibility to whatever the gossip might be.

  Taking the seat next to me, Ally starts telling me what she heard.

  Hunter is avoiding going home.

  His marriage is on the rocks because Brianna won’t have a child with him.


  You name it, they’re saying it, dragging Brianna’s name through the mud. She’s the reason Hunter is always angry or on edge. She’s the reason he works so late. He’s unhappy because of her.

  Because she doesn’t want to have a child.

  Not because she can’t. No one would be saying that because no one knows that. No one knows the facts.

  “It’s not true,” is all I can manage to whisper, closing my hand around B’s ring and pulling my fist to my chest.

  “Are you sure? It’s not like they’re lovey-dovey or anything.”

  “Not everyone likes to show affection in public, Ally.”

  “I get that, but he doesn’t even hold her hand. They barely talked today.”

  “When you’ve been married as long as they have, things change. They have a bond, one that I can’t even imagine. It’s strong. They’ve been through more than most people, and they’re still together, making it work.”

  Ally mutters something under her breath, but I don’t bother to ask her what it is.

  “Look, do what you can to diffuse this rumor. Even if it were true, which I guarantee it’s not, it’s no one’s business but theirs. Make shit up about me if you have to, I don’t care.”

  “Throwing yourself in the fire for someone else, that’s not like you at all. Hell, people just stopped talking about you and Vinnie.”

  Begging Ally to make it happen is pointless. I need to go straight to the source of it all. The only way to do that is to figure out who the source is.

  Right now, everyone thinks its Ally. All roads lead to her.

  Every time I ask her, she denies it but refuses to name

  Well, I plan to find out. One way or another. It’s time for a little recon because the person behind the rumors, the one who’s spreading the hate through the office, has got to go.

  They’re not welcome anymore.

  They’ve done enough damage. If no one else wants to put a stop to it, I will.

  “I’m gonna go,” Ally finally says. “I’ll see you tomorrow? Drinks? We can get the girls together.”

  “Vinnie and I have plans, but maybe early next week.”

  “Amara’s with Ryder, isn’t she?” Ally speculates, interpreting my words for what they really mean.

  “Yep, and I plan to take full advantage of the man until she returns.”

  “I like the way you think,” Vinnie’s deep voice drawls, causing me to jump.

  He’s standing in the open doorway, sans shirt and barefoot. I was so engrossed in thought I didn’t notice him.

  “You two are nauseating, you know that?”

  Laughing, Ally pulls me in for a hug before bouncing down the stairs. Sliding up next to Vinnie, he wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer.

  “She’s not the source, is she?” he asks.

  How long was he standing there?

  “How do you know?”

  “Just a hunch. If she was, she’s smart enough to spread a rumor about herself every now and again. From what you’ve told me, no one is ever talking about her, and I’m sure there would be plenty to talk about if people had the chance.”

  “She’s just a pawn. The real source is using her to hide their identity and get their assumptions out.”

  “Whose head is on the chopping block this time?” he asks, pulling me inside and closing the door behind us.

  “Hunter and Brianna.”

  “That takes balls. Talking about the head of the company and his wife. Whoever is the source should probably watch their step. I doubt Hunter will take being the center of the rumor mill lightly.”

  “No, and B will fall apart if she hears what they’re saying.”

  “That bad?”

  “What do you know about B and Hunter?”

  “Not a lot but they seem solid, why?”

  “Brianna can’t have a child. They’ve been trying for a long time, and the doctors told her it isn’t possible. It’s been a lot to handle for both of them.”

  “So that’s why Hunter is throwing himself into work. The guy barely leaves the office. He’s there before me every morning and still working when I leave,” Vinnie explains as he guides us down the hall toward our bedroom.

  “That’s just Hunter. He’s always worked harder than anyone else. People are only taking notice of it because of the rumors.”


  “Yeah,” I say with a sigh.

  “Well, maybe you should warn Brianna. That way she’s not caught off guard.”

  “It’ll break her either way. The only thing I can do is find out who’s behind everything and put a stop to it.”

  “You’re going to find the source?”

  “Yep. And when I do, they’re going to be sorry they ever messed with me or my friends.”

  Vinnie takes a step toward me. A slow, calculated step. His eyes travel the length of my body as he approaches. From head to toe and back.

  “You know I like it when you get sassy, Meg.”

  “Well, prepare for a wild ride because I’m just getting started,” I tease as he pulls me close, slides his hands under my ass, and lifts me into his arms.

  “Me too.”

  Thank you for reading the Rumors series. I hope you enjoyed Megan and Vinnie’s story. If so, here’s what you can do next.

  If you loved the book and have a moment to spare, I would greatly appreciate a short review.

  My next book will be available soon. You can sign up to be notified of any new releases, sales or giveaways here:

  The next rumor is coming…SOON!

  Did you enjoy Megan & Vinnie’s story? If so, the next book in the Rumors series will be available 8/16/18. Can you guess what the rumors will be about Brianna & Hunter?

  “Like wildfire, rumors are easy to spread… and hard to extinguish.”

  Seven years.

  Thats how long I’ve been trying to give Hunter the child he so desperately wants. A child I’m afraid to want at this point.

  So I’m giving up.

  After listening to Angela and Tyler vow to love each other unconditionally, I’ve decided it’s time to focus all my love on the one person who’s stood by my side through everything.

  We were happy once and we can be happy again.

  After we got married, before the emotional strain of not being able to get pregnant weighed us down, Hunter and I were living a dream.

  So that’s what we’re going to do. Get remarried. Get back to the people we once were.

  Easy, right?

  It would be if his staff kept their opinions to themselves and their mouths shut. I’ve always dismissed the office gossip… it’s different now that I’m at the center of it.

  In the meantime, check out these other titles

  by Rachael Brownell…

  Chasing Fate

  Sticks & Stones

  Imperfect Love Story

  5… The number of years since I’ve been home.

  4… The number of people who know my secret.

  3… The number of times I attempted to move on.

  2… The number of months I spent crying after I left.

  1… The number of men I’ll love in my lifetime.

  They say everyone has one true love, one person who was made just for them. A person they were meant to spend the rest of their life with.

  For me, that person was Wyatt.

  Our love was perfect. When we were together, nothing else mattered. Not college. Not our parents. Because our relationship wasn’t about anyone else.

  We had big plans for our future together.

  The thing about life… it doesn’t always go as planned.


  About the Author

  Rachael Brownell is an award-winning author of both young-adult and new-adult romance. She resides in the midwest with her husband, son and their fur-babies. To learn more about Rachael and her books, follow her on social media or sign up for her monthly newsletter.

  For more information…

  Also by Rachael Brownell

  Rumors Series

  Rumors: Emerson & Ryder

  Rumors: Justine & Devon

  Rumors: Angela & Tyler

  Rumors: Megan & Vincent

  Rumors: Brianna & Hunter

  Rumors: Allison & Zane

  Imperfect Love Duet

  Imperfect Love Story

  Imperfect Love Story: New Beginnings

  Stand-alone Novels

  Dark Bishop

  Dear Maggie

  Lucky 13

  Waiting on Someday

  Always in My Heart

  Take A Gamble

  Chasing Fate

  Sticks & Stones




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