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Blood & Wine

Page 2

by Selena Page

  Her throat was scratchy, a combination of disuse and screaming. Thaddeus’ torture expert had once threatened to rip her throat out just to shut her up. Thaddeus had banished him for that comment for two weeks. When he returned, his torture was even more creative, and more difficult to detect. Miah shuddered and gulped, her fingers clinging to the blanket, looking for something to ground her in reality.

  “Where am I?”

  The woman seemed to move closer, settling in near Miah’s bed. Miah could feel her proximity, but she was relieved that no touch came from her. The woman felt safe, exuding warmth that nearly sent her into tears. “We’re about an hour and a half west of Dublin. You’re safe here.”

  Miah was dumbfounded for a moment. Thaddeus had found her in Paris, where she and her best friend from high school had been vacationing. “Ireland? I’m in…how did I get here?”

  Talking made her head hurt, and she just wanted to go back to sleep. Fall into dreamless slumber, and let it all wash away, and try to forget everything that had happened to her.

  The voice was tender, and Miah had to wonder if she was a healer of some kind. She had to be. Only healers talked like that, acted like that. Only healers smelled like Christmas, warm comfort food, and fresh hot chocolate. “They found you near Elgin, Scotland.” The woman hesitated for a brief moment before continuing, “You’ve been asleep for a week, dear one. I had to sedate you, just until we could get you through the worst of it. We patched you up as best we could over there, but I thought it best if you recuperate here. We’re safer here, and it’s a little more peaceful.”

  Miah could feel the tears seeping out from under her eyelashes, and she let out a quiet sob. “Am I…are you real? Am I really safe?”

  “Oh, dear one…” the woman sounded horrified at the question, and she gently touched Miah’s hand, “You are quite safe here, I promise you. No one will dare harm you here.”

  Miah’s eyes fluttered open and she gaped as she took in the room. There was no question--this place was a castle. Whoever had saved her life had money and affluence in spades. High, vaulted ceilings, delicately worked tapestry, and a massive wood 4-poster bed, with paintings hung here and there. Not to mention the antique furniture, and the clearly expensive bedding, everything holding a distinctly masculine touch to it. She was surrounded by a familiar scent--the man who had saved her. A hint of guilt wormed into her gut, as she thought of how filthy and disgusting she had been when they found her. How they could have bared looking at her, let alone helping her…or letting her sleep in this opulence…was beyond her. Werewolves weren't known for the kindness they showed outsiders. They were an insular group, fiercely protective of their secrets. She tried to recall everything she knew about them, but all the information gleaned from her uncle and her stockpile of books seemed to slip out of her mental grasp.

  The woman seemed to read her mind, squeezing her hand gently, “It’s alright, dear. Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing. You’re going to be just fine.” She smiled softly, her soft gray eyes lighting up like the sky after a storm, “I’m Elise McKinnon. You’re safe here.”

  Chapter 6

  He was thinking about her again. The defiance in her eyes when she tried to swing at him, her body wriggling and writhing against him as she tried desperately to escape. So much passion and fury contained in such a tiny, human woman. Even after months, she had still possessed the will to fight, even when she knew she wasn’t going to win.

  It was her eyes. He couldn’t escape them. Emerald green with gold flecks, eyes that told a million stories he wanted to uncover. He’d helped Elise when they brought her back to the compound, bandaging her wounds and making her comfortable. Tucking the blankets in around her carefully and sitting vigil at her bedside, listening as she moaned and wept in her dreams, wanting nothing more than to erase what had happened to her.

  His mind kept trailing back to those eyes. Burning into his as she wrapped her thighs around his waist, kissing him deeply, riding his cock.

  Fuck, there was something wrong with him. Fantasizing about an injured girl who had gone through God only knows what. He kept trying to push her out of his mind, but the more he pushed, the more she appeared.

  She’s awake, Finn. His sister’s voice swam into his head unexpectedly, and he groaned quietly at the intrusion. He had carefully avoided the wing of the castle housing their new guest, spending the bulk of his time in the gym, kitchen, or TV room. He was the last thing she needed in her life, even if part of him ached to see her, just to make sure she was healing. He wanted to kiss her soft lips and cover her scars with gentle touches, and worship every inch of her glorious body.

  How is she, Elise?

  Broken. Physically, mentally, emotionally. I’ve no idea what that creature did to her, but she’s…going to have a hard time recovering.

  But you can help her, right?

  Elise hesitated for a moment, and he could feel his sister mulling over the options. Physically, yes. I’ve been able to heal some of it already, but other things…we’re going to have to re-break her leg and set it properly. And I’m worried about her wrists. And her neck. And she has a…a brand that hasn’t healed well. She’ll live, but it will take time.

  He felt the rage swelling inside him again. This girl didn’t deserve that. She didn’t deserve any of it. Why hadn’t Thaddeus just drained her and left her for dead in an alleyway? Why had he kept her, tortured her, played with her? What was the creature’s game with this?

  Do what you can. If we have to call The Lance, we will.

  He felt her wince from the other side of the house. That was the last thing he wanted to do, and it would be his very last resort. The packs of Europe were given a great deal of leniency to manage themselves, but there had to be an overall leader to help smooth over ruffled feathers if need be. Mathieu Bourassa was The Lance of Europe. He governed with an iron fist, and he ensured that the laws were followed.

  And Finn knew, without a doubt, that if they called Bourassa, the girl would die. Humans could not know about their existence, it was forbidden. But if he had to call on The Lance to assist, then that meant she knew too much.

  He had no intention of letting it come to that point. The thought of turning her over to the ice-cold bastard that ensured the safety of all the werewolves made his blood boil. One more thing a young woman didn’t deserve.

  Has she talked yet, Elise? Does she know anything?

  His sister sighed mentally. She just woke up, Finn. She’s confused and terrified. She needs a few days.

  We don’t have a few days. We need to find Thaddeus now.

  Well then, you come and interrogate her yourself. I’m not risking what little trust she has given me to try and ferret information out of her! Elise snapped at him, and the connection between them went dead. It was rare that a werewolf could sever her link to the Alpha, but possible. And his sister was powerful in her own right; nearly powerful enough to be an Alpha of her own pack.

  Finn sighed as he unwrapped his hands, taking a break from whaling on the punching bag before him. For eight years, he had served as Alpha of the Blue Hills Pack. After the death of his father, he was the natural choice to take over the position, and he’d ended up as the youngest Alpha in known history. Only nineteen when he took the reins, still just a child himself.

  It hadn’t been easy. He had struggled to carve out a name for himself, to move out of his father’s shadow. His pack followed him out of love for a dead man, rather than respect for his actions. But over time, he won them over, and they became his people, rather than his father’s.

  He stepped into the showers, letting hot water run down his back, stinging the still-raw wounds from the altercation with the Vampires. He wouldn’t tell Elise or anyone else that he was still injured. He couldn’t. The girl was still hurt, and she was his responsibility now, and he wouldn’t be healed until she was well.

  He felt his heart catch again when he thought of her. Miah Caprice. Rory had dug up her name; it ha
d taken a week, and a fair amount of favors, but they’d been able to track her down. An American girl in Paris for a vacation, disappeared from her locked hotel room, police had no leads. She had been with Thaddeus for three months. Three months of torture. The girl's family had come to Paris after her disappearance, frantically searching for the young woman. No leads, no trace, nothing. As far as Rory could tell, most of the clan had returned to the states.

  Finn had no idea why he hadn’t contacted them yet. He had names, he had phone numbers, and he had everything he would need to send the girl packing to the arms of her loving family. But he couldn’t. Not yet.

  He told himself he needed the information she had. Deep down, he knew he wasn’t ready to be away from her.

  Chapter 7

  Miah could see the garden from her bed. She carefully fluffed her pillows, curling into them so she could watch the birds dart in and out, the flowers waving gently in the breeze. Elise had left the window open for her, so she had the fresh spring air blowing across her face. When she closed her eyes, she could almost pretend she was home and safe in Saratoga Springs.

  She’d been awake for two days, but she had very few answers. Her memory kept returning to her in bits and pieces, but she still had no idea who the people here were and why they had been in the cabin, and it was starting to infuriate her. Just another moment in life where her lack of magical ability made everything all the more difficult. She owed them her life, yet she was just another prisoner. She’d just gone from the fire to the gilded cage.

  Miah swallowed at the fear that rose in her chest at the thought of being detained. She shifted in bed, and the screams of pain from her body reminded her why she was still bed-bound.

  Elise had offered her painkillers, but she was afraid of the darkness they would bring, and she refused anything more than what would take the edge off. The healer was anxious about some of her injuries. Her leg was fucked to hell, and she knew they would need to re break it at some point. If she ever wanted to walk properly, that is.

  Hell. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to survive.

  Tears filled her eyes and she swallowed hard. She had fought so hard. Tooth and nail against Thaddeus. And still he broke her. Still he was able to bat aside her defenses and break into her mind. She could still feel his hands on her body, his teeth at her throat…and it made her want to vomit. She could never scrub the feeling of him from her body, and she hated that. She hated everything that had happened to her.

  She wished he’d left her in the cabin. She knew that he had been thinking about it. When he looked at her, as he pulled her chains off, she had seen it in his eyes. The weight of indecision. Save her or free her?

  She didn’t even know his name. Hell, she didn’t even know if he was real. But the man she remembered, the man that smelled of cinnamon and vanilla and made her feel safe for the first time in months…all she wanted was to see him again. Just so, she could feel safe one more time.

  Miah heard the knock on her door a moment before the scent hit her. Cinnamon and vanilla. The man from the cabin. She froze, and the sound of boots strode into the room, echoing off ancient stone floors.

  His presence was overwhelming. She hadn’t even looked at him yet, and he consumed her. He was dangerous and powerful, and she had a feeling that if he found out who she really was, he would treat her exactly the way the Vampire had. As little more than a bargaining chip, a way to get something he wanted.

  Miah shuddered, exhaling slowly before turning carefully to look at the man. Her stomach clenched, and her breath caught in her throat as she looked him up and down, slow desire rolling through her. He was gorgeous, and he carried himself like a man who knew exactly what effect he had on women. What effect he was having on her. Tall, with a broad chest, dark eyes that were filled with some unspoken emotion, and tousled dark hair, a hint of a tattoo peeking out from under the sleeve of his t-shirt. Though his lips were drawn into a scowl, she could see the laugh lines around his face, and she wondered what she had to do to make him smile.

  He cleared his throat, crossing his arms over his chest and looming over her, “Look, I’m sorry to barge in here. Elise told me not to, but we needed to talk. I need to know everything you know about Thaddeus.”

  Miah’s heart sank. He didn’t come out of concern for her. He came because he needed her. He needed something from her. Maybe he already knew who she was--what she was--and he was here to call in the favor she owed him for saving her life. Whatever it was he needed, it clearly was unpleasant. The scowl on his face said it all. She shrank back into the pillows and inhaled deeply, waiting to hear how fucked she was now.

  Chapter 8

  Finn watched as the woman transformed before his eyes, baffled at the sudden change in her demeanor. One moment, she was this beautiful creature staring out at the garden, before looking at him like a vixen on the verge of devouring him…and ending up as the tiny, broken bird he’d seen in the cabin.

  Elise was right. She was broken, probably beyond repair. And he hated himself for the fact that he was going to make it worse. He was going to kick her when she was already down. And if she never recovered, he would just add it to his ever-growing list of failures. What was one more name among dozens?

  He exhaled slowly and uncrossed his arms, running a hand through his hair. Her eyes watched him, wary and uncertain. He deserved that, with the way he had burst in here. Hell, he deserved it due to the sheer fact that he’d been willing to snuff out her life back at the cabin, just to put her out of misery.

  Just to make it easier on himself.

  He winced at the thought of that. It wasn’t untrue, though. She had already brought him a great deal of frustration and headache, least of all his inability to sleep in his own bedroom. And it was just beginning. He could still smell the lingering scent of Thaddeus on her, and that mark would take time to fade.

  Finn carefully settled into the chair near the foot of the bed, and her eyes followed him carefully, looking as though she would attempt to fly away at any moment, broken leg be damned. He took a moment to check his tone, his voice softening, “I’m sorry, Miah. I shouldn’t have…burst in like that.”

  “Damn straight you shouldn’t have!” The words seemed to be out of her mouth almost before she realized it, and they were followed with a flinch, as though she thought he would retaliate against her. Christ. This poor girl.

  His first reaction was anger, but not at her. At Thaddeus. But if he let her see that, she would think it was all directed at her. Finn tamped it down, holding his wolf at bay. The beast inside was no good in a situation like this, and besides, she had no idea what he really was. Hopefully.

  Finn laughed, shaking his head, “I deserve that. I um…Elise tells me you’re healing well.”

  Miah watched him carefully, eventually nodding with a quiet sigh, “My wrists are still in pretty bad shape. And my leg…” a look of worry passed over her face with that.

  “May I?” He glanced at her leg under the sheet, quirking a brow.

  “Are you a doctor too?” Her voice was quiet and firm and he couldn’t help but think of what a spitfire the girl had to be when she wasn’t broken and bruised.

  Finn laughed, “No, not anywhere near that. But I’ve seen a lot of injuries, and helped with more than my fair share. And I’ve been on the receiving end more times than I care to count. I’ve been Elise’s nurse on more than one occasion.” He glanced at her for a moment, “I bandaged you, when we first found you. You were…”

  Finn fell quiet, and Miah’s eyes fell to the bed. He felt guilt gnaw at him. He shouldn’t have mentioned the cabin. Fuck, he should have found the cabin sooner. He should have found her sooner, even if he’d had no idea that she even existed.

  She nodded once, “Yeah, go ahead.”

  He exhaled and stood, carefully pulling the sheet to the side, revealing her bare legs. Damn. This girl was gorgeous. Even after three months of torture and neglect, he could see her sculpted calves, voluptuous thigh
s, leading up to hips that sent his mind spiraling. He could picture himself there at the center of her, his mouth on her sex and her body writhing beneath him as he brought her to her climax over and over again.

  Finn shook his head violently, trying to ignore his hardening cock. He couldn’t think of her like that. For one, she had just gotten out of a horrible situation. For another…fuck. A werewolf--Alpha nonetheless--couldn’t be with a human woman. It would never work out, and The Lance would sure as hell make sure she disappeared.

  It was too bad. Stunning green eyes and curly black hair made him want to lose himself in her.

  “Well?” Her voice startled him, and for a moment, he forgot what he’d been doing. Right. Broken leg. His hand carefully trailed up her calf, squeezing gently to assess the damage. She inhaled sharply, her body tensing beneath him. He could feel the pain radiating out from the break. No question about it, they needed to re break it to help her.

  And there was little doubt in his mind that the task would fall to him. Elise could never do it as a healer, and he didn’t trust anyone else. In fact, while the thought of bringing her pain made his stomach turn, the thought of letting anyone else do it made him see white at the edges of his vision.

  Dammit, this girl was going to be trouble.

  Chapter 9

  The gorgeous man exhaled slowly and closed his eyes, almost like he was trying to keep from flying off the handle. Miah felt her stomach twist, anxiety rushing over her as she tried to consider what she’d done to piss him off.

  Nothing. She hadn’t done anything. The sooner she learned that, the better. He was just angry about something, but it wasn’t her fault. None of this was her fault.

  He nodded once, frowning deeply, his dark eyes stormy, “It’s going to need to be re-broken, Miah, I’m sorry. I, ah…fuck. I suggest we do it sooner rather than later. I know you’re already in pain, but it’ll be easier on you.”


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