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Blood & Wine

Page 6

by Selena Page

  Miah glanced up at him, her eyes soft and relaxed. He forgot that she could read energy, and he assumed she was picking up on his concerns. Her voice drifted over him like a soft kiss, “Are you ok?”

  “I’m just…” his voice faltered as he struggled to find the right words, to find a way to make her understand. No matter the outcome of the mission, he couldn’t be with her. He would always be putting her life in danger, and he wouldn’t do that. Not again.

  She sat up as she watched him intently, her eyes gazing deep into his. He was laid bare before her, and all he wanted was to tell her everything. To confide in her, as she had confided in him. But it was too much. Too much for her to handle, and more than he could give.

  “I like you, Miah. I like you a lot. I care about you very much.” Christ, he sounded like such a tool. She would hate him for this. And she would be completely right to do so. But if hating him meant she would live, then he didn’t care. He would shoulder that burden.

  Her brow furrowed. The tension in her shoulders told him she knew what he was doing, and she wasn’t happy about it. Her fingers laced through his, watching him intently.

  “When this is over, when Thaddeus is dead, I…think you should go back to the States. To your family.” He tried to soften the blow with a gentle tone, but even to his ears he sounded harsh.

  She flinched from the words, her eyes dropping from his as she went very still. After a long moment she pulled her fingers away from his. He waited for her to fight, argue, scream against what he’d said.

  “Why?” Her voice was quiet, but the pain there was clear. He had to remind himself why he was doing this. He couldn’t protect her; letting her go would keep her away from the destructive path that was his life.

  “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  Miah’s face snapped up, her eyes flashing dangerously. They narrowed as she glared at him, leaning away from him. One hand dragged the sheet up around her chest, hiding her body from him, “That is such a bullshit reason, and you know it.”

  He shook his head and shrugged up a shoulder. It was so hard to stay nonchalant in the face of her fury, but it had to be done. He couldn’t protect her, not forever. “Sorry, it’s the only one I have. You staying here puts people in danger. You’ll be a distraction, and I can’t have that. I have a responsibility to the pack…and I have to put them first. I can’t lose them.”

  “Before some human.” The venom in her voice was unmistakable. Finn regretted this; he wished like hell he hadn’t been forced to push her away. She would never forgive him.


  He watched as Miah lifted her chin, staring at him coolly. Though her hair was tangled from their lovemaking, and he could still see a love mark fading on her neck, she looked like a queen gazing down on a piece of shit on the sidewalk. Not that he was much better than that.

  “You should go, Finn. Let me know when we’re ready to go, and I’ll be there.”

  Finn rose, pulling on his jeans. He didn’t look at her, but he could feel her eyes burning holes in his soul. He nodded once and turned to leave the room.

  Behind him, she didn’t make a sound.

  Chapter 21

  For the last three days, she had watched as Finn and Miah danced around one another, always avoiding direct contact with one another. Elise wanted to ask Miah what happened, but every time she was alone with the young woman, Miah found a reason to leave, or some other topic to discuss. But there was no mistaking the pain in her eyes, or the frustration that she carried in her soul. Something had happened to rip the two of them apart, and Elise had an idea it had come from Finn.

  “Miah?” The orders had finally come down. At midnight, the trap would be set, and then it would just be a matter of waiting for Thaddeus to take the bait. To take Miah. Bourassa and his men were already in town, housed at various pack homes in the area and preparing for the assault.

  She was in the kitchen, preparing a can of soup. Although Siobhan often cooked for the entire pack, Miah had taken to avoiding those moments. Elise knew she was avoiding all of them, but mostly Finn.

  Miah turned, giving her a genuine smile, “Hey, Elise. How are you?”

  “I got word. We’re moving out tonight. We’re meeting at 10, moving out at midnight.” Elise tried to return the smile, but it was difficult. She was worried about this mission, about both Miah and Finn. She’d grown to care deeply for the young witch, and the thought of anything happening broke her apart. And although her brother was an idiot who likely did something dumb to push her away, she was terrified that he wouldn’t come out of this in one piece.

  The smile faded from her face, and Miah went slightly pale. She nodded once, “Good. Good, at least we’re…getting it done.” Elise could hear the tremor in her voice but really, the girl would be crazy if she wasn’t scared.

  “It’ll be ok, Miah. Finn isn’t going to let anything happen to you. None of us will.”

  Miah’s face twisted slightly and she shook her head, her voice quiet, “I don’t think he really cares all that much what happens to me. I’m just a human, after all.”

  Elise fell quiet for a long moment. Rory was right; it wasn’t her place to intervene in their relationship. But she felt partially responsible, and she didn’t want to see the two of them go into this without some peace between them.

  “Miah, what happened with Finn?”

  Miah shook her head, turning back to her soup. She considered the pot for a moment before throwing the whole thing into the sink, running the water, her voice cool, “I don’t want to talk about it Elise. He’s not interested in me.”

  Elise blinked, “Not interested? Did he say that?”

  “I’m human. I’m weak. I’m a danger and a distraction. So he’s not interested. There’s not really much to say, I mean…I should have known that it would end this way. I’m broken and tainted, and will make his life more difficult.”

  “Miah…” Elise could feel her pain and frustration.

  Miah lifted her head and forced a smile, “It’s fine. It’s better this way. As soon as Thaddeus is dead, I’ll leave you all in peace. I don’t belong here, and I think it’s just better if I go.”

  “Miah, I’m sure he doesn’t want you to go, not really.”

  Miah just looked at Elise and shrugged. “He said he did. It’s for the best, really.” She forced a smile and laughed softly, “It’s ok. I don’t belong here anyway. I need to go home, and you guys don’t need to deal with someone like me. It’s better this way.” Miah grabbed an apple from the bowl on the counter, waving slightly as she made her way towards the door, “I’ll see you tonight. It’ll all be over soon, right?”

  Chapter 22

  She didn’t bother packing a bag. Nothing here was really hers anyway. The clothes had come from Elise, the tablet from Alec, the bathroom supplies and bath bombs from Rory. Had had apparently forgiven her when he realized that Finn wanted nothing to do with her, and she had welcomed the apology gift basket. Nothing here to take with her save for the clothes she was wearing. Nothing else to remind her of what she’d had here.

  And what she was losing.

  It was a bitter pill to swallow. She should have known better, yet she had allowed herself to become attached to him. She had fallen in love with a werewolf alpha, whose only real concern was his pack and his power.

  Part of her kept waiting for him to walk through the door and beg her forgiveness. She knew that his pride wouldn’t allow it, but it didn’t stop her from wanting. Despite everything, she still wanted him. She inhaled deeply, wincing as she caught a whiff of his unique scent, her heart twisting in her chest. It was time to go.

  The pack had already gathered when Miah slipped into the room, sticking close to the wall. Elise caught her eye, flashing her a brief smile. Miah swallowed down the bile in her throat, inhaling deeply. The room was filled with werewolves, and their fury radiated off them in waves. She recognized the pack members, but there were others--at least a dozen additional d
eath machines, all paying deference to a tall, thin man in the center of the room. His features were too severe to really be handsome, but there was no denying the power he held.

  The man’s head turned slightly, dark eyes tracking her movement. His voice was quiet, with a cultured French accent, and it held a tone of command. This was a man not accustomed to being defied. “Well. This must be the little human I have heard so much about.”

  Miah opened her mouth to respond, but Finn cut her off, a low growl in his voice, “She is a Caprice, Bourassa.”

  Bourassa smirked, “Yes, so she is. I assume her family does not know what you are planning here? Somehow, I doubt Raymond and Virginia would allow this. They’re quite protective of their lineage.” Bourassa turned, examining her closely for a moment, “I’m aware of their lack of magic. Are you certain she is able to do this?”

  Miah felt her cheeks color at the insinuation, and she glared at the wolf, “I’m quite capable of handling this.”

  Bourassa watched her for a moment, before turning back to Finn, waiting for his confirmation.

  Finn glanced at her, shaking his head slightly in warning. She could feel the anger boiling in her chest. How dare they treat her like she was nothing, like she wasn’t even there? For a moment, she considered turning and letting them deal with the damn vampire herself. Of course, there was still the fact that Thaddeus would likely continue to hunt her down, no matter where she ran.

  Finn exhaled, his voice cool, “She can handle this, Bourassa. Don’t worry about Miss Caprice or her abilities. Thaddeus and his clutch are a danger to all of us, and this is our best opportunity to take them.”

  “I have my doubts of that.” Bourassa glanced at her again briefly before turning his gaze back to Finn, “But this is your territory, and it is your pack that will suffer should she fail to lure him in.”

  The two alpha werewolves stared at one another, and Miah could feel the heat rising in the room. A battle of wills, one that she likely would have missed had she not been so aware of the emotions of others. But she could see that they were fighting over her involvement in the entire situation. And Finn wasn’t about to back down from this fight.

  The room was silent as the fight for dominance continued. After an eternity, Bourassa scoffed and turned, looking at his men, “We’ll be in place at the club. Don’t be late.”

  Miah scooted to the side as the pack of living intimidation walked out of the room, each burly werewolf holding a world of power she would never possess. She exhaled slowly when the last one exited, closing her eyes for a moment.

  Finn’s voice was quiet and close to her when it came again, “Move out. Grab your gear and meet out at the cars.”

  Miah turned to go, and he reached out, gently touching her shoulder, his voice soft, “Wait, Miah.”

  She looked away from him, her heart racing at his proximity. Despite what he had said, despite knowing that he didn’t want her, she couldn’t stop the way she felt for him. She hated him for pushing her away, but sometimes hate and love go hand in hand. Elise gave her a gentle smile, reaching out to squeeze her hand as she passed, and Miah watched in silence as the pack left the room.

  Silence descended as the room emptied, and she could hear her heart racing. She inhaled, steeling herself from his harsh words, pushing a cheerful tone into her voice, “What’s up?”

  She refused to meet his eyes, but she could still feel them on her. Slowly, he took a step back from her, and she could feel as he closed himself off. No emotions, just like an alpha should be. “I just wanted to make sure you are ok with this. That you’re prepared.”

  “I’m fine, Finn. I volunteered, remember?” The harsh tone in her voice made her wince slightly, but he had lost the right to know how she was really feeling. “I’m fully aware of my part to play. Get in, tempt the vampires, and try to hold out until the cavalry swoops in to save me again. I’m the bait, you’re the brawn. And I’m expendable, as long as you catch him.”

  “Miah…” The gentle tone in his voice was nearly her undoing. He didn’t want her here, that was fine. She wouldn’t push it. But she was damned if she would let him toy with her.

  Miah’s eyes snapped to Finn’s, and she saw the concern there. As good as he was at blocking off his emotions, she was better at reading them. Good. He should worry. “No, Finn. Stop. I get it. I’ll play my part.”

  She spun away from him, pushing off the wall as she turned towards the door. His hand snaked out, grabbing her wrist in an almost painful hold. Miah tried to wrench her hand away, but he pulled her to him, crushing his lips against hers.

  Against all better judgement, she felt complete. In his arms, with his heart racing against her chest felt like the best place in the world to be, particularly given the terrifying situation she was walking in to. But it wouldn’t last, he had told her as much.

  Miah pushed away, shaking her head, “Don’t.” She watched as the alpha before her nearly crumpled, his face falling before he pulled together a stony look. Good. If he didn’t care, he was more likely to do his job, and maybe they’d all get out of it alive.

  He let her go when she walked away, and inside, it felt like she was already dead.

  Chapter 23

  He shouldn’t have kissed her. He knew better than to let his feelings get the better of him, but he couldn’t stop himself. Finn knew the stakes they faced, and he knew that Miah faced the brunt of the danger. If Thaddeus suspected a trap, he’d snap her neck before they could get there. Or she could find herself caught in the crossfire of what would likely be a very ugly Vampire and Werewolf battle royale.

  He shouldn’t have kissed her, but he should have done so much more. His eyes focused on the sedan in front of his truck. He could see her outline in the back seat. So many things he wanted to tell her, and they all died on his lips. Coward.

  “You ok, boss?” Rory broke through his thoughts, the cheerful young werewolf somber in the face of imminent battle.


  “Bullshit.” Finn turned, glaring at his packmate. Rory shook his head, “Look, she’s gonna be fine. We’ll take care of her.”

  “And if Thaddeus gets to her first? Or realizes it’s a trap.” Finn could feel his anger and frustration growing. He had pushed Miah away, knowing this could happen, but it didn’t seem to matter. He still cared.

  “She knew the risks. You knew the risks. We all knew the risks. We also all knew this was the best course of action to take. If we don’t take him out now, how many more will he kill? Huh? He’ll just come after her later--6 months, maybe a year, and we’ll find her dead. It’s now or never, Finn.”

  Finn sighed, the wheel creaking beneath his hands, “I know, Rory. Just leave it.”

  Rory groaned, “This is why I didn’t want you hooking up with her. Get your head in the game man, or she’s gonna die.”

  Tense silence filled the cab and Finn tried to focus on the road. Rory was right; he was just going to get people killed if he couldn’t pull his head out of his ass. He would fail his pack again if he couldn’t put his feelings aside.

  “She’s not staying, Rory.”

  “What?” Rory sounded surprised at that, turning and frowning at his alpha, “What do you mean? I mean, I know that there’s been some tension there, but…”

  “She’s leaving when this is over. Going back to her family. This isn’t the place for her, and we all know it. You were right, I shouldn’t have fucked her. But I did, and yes, if anything happens today, that’s on me.”

  “Christ, Finn! Are you hearing yourself right now? First, anything happens today, that’s on the fuck Thaddeus. Not you. We have a solid plan, a good crew to fight with us, and we’re as prepared as we can be.” Rory inhaled, his voice rising slightly, “Second, what the hell do you mean she’s leaving? Does Bourassa know she’s going, knowing what she knows? And why the hell are you letting her go? Fuck, I might not like it, but it’s obvious that there’s something between you two.”

.” Her name stuck in Finn’s throat. He didn’t talk about his fiancée, and his pack had respected that. No one spoke of her, save for at their yearly memorial fire. And not a single soul dared mention his lost child.

  Rory fell silent, sighing quietly, “Finn, you’re my best friend. But sometimes you’re an ass. Corissa…fuck. What happened with her wasn’t your fault. That’s not on you.”

  Finn slammed his fist into the driver’s side window, the glass spidering under his touch, “I was the goddamn Alpha! Of course it’s on me! It’s all on me, because that’s my fucking job! Every person who dies, every person who is injured, that is on me! Corissa, the baby, Siobhan--it’s all my fault! And now, I pulled Miah into this. She’s not even a werewolf, and she’s going to fucking die out there. And that’s on me too.”

  “Finn, you’re the Alpha, yeah. And this is your job, yeah. But you have kept more of us alive since you’ve been Alpha than most do. You care about your people, and that’s what makes you good at this, but it’s also gonna fucking kill you. You can’t take all the blame, I’m not going to let you. Corissa was as much my fault as yours.”

  Finn could feel the tears sting the corner of his eyes. This was not the way to start a mission like this. He was too emotional, too frantic over the idea of losing another woman he loved. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself as he stared out the windshield.

  Rory continued, shaking his head, “Miah’s good for you. Even if I don’t like it, I saw the way you were with her. I saw the way she calmed you. Don’t let her go, man. Not many people get a second chance at love like that, and you’re letting it walk away. It’s clear you love her. Nut up and tell her how you feel.”


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