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Clan of Redemption

Page 18

by Rushell Ann


  "Jayden, did you know that person?" Blake asked me as I squished the paper into my jeans pocket.

  "No, I guess they thought I was someone I wasn't. Let's get going on the meeting, I have some question and I'm sure you boys have come up with some sort of strategy plan."

  For the first few minutes I was staring at the men at this somewhat of a round table, but my thoughts were nowhere near the table. I couldn't help but wonder who that person was, how they knew that we were here, and what the note actually meant. There's this feeling in the bottom of my stomach that I just can't seem to shake, but I know that it's up to me to get Sully back and if I don't do it fast, well she's going to be really pissed at me. I've had Sully mad at me before and I swore that I would try really hard not to go there, unless of course she fully deserves it.

  "So, I think we should all try really hard to not show that we are on Jayden's side, and I might throw a few harsh things her way to try and throw off suspicion with the council. If they suspect that anyone is coaching her in anyway, they could encroach the dueled and we want to avoid that.

  "I'm sorry what did you say about encroaching?" I said as I tried to focus on the conversation.

  "The dualada, it's one of our oldest tradition. A member of the royal family can ask for a battle with another family member if their throne is being challenged," Xavier said as he looked at Logan and not at me.

  I screeched without realizing I was doing it.

  "Did you say battle, as in fighting, as in hurting one another." I absent mindedly touched my hand to my face. I really didn't like the idea of someone punching me in my face. I've watched plenty of MMA fighting with Logan and I don't get it, especially someone punching me in the face. I didn't think that would feel good.

  I looked around and realized that no one had answered my question.

  Welp, that was my answer.

  "Why would my Grandmother think that I would be challenging her, it wouldn't normally be my time to rule anyway, doesn't she need to die or something like that?" I asked wondering how I would fight an old lady, well she doesn't look old, but still, fight my own flesh and blood. My Dad always taught me to try and handle things peacefully, not with fighting. I usually try to avoid fighting.

  "Jayden, you need to understand something, now that you have the ring and necklace you need to take over, you need to push your grandmother out, our people need a change, and you're the hope we've all been praying for. Most of our clan has left, exposing the ones that are left, and the ones that are here haven't had any successful matings."

  "Are you seriously going to put that kind of pressure on me, I'm an 18 year old girl who still needs to find herself, and you want me to put a clan of people back together again like humpty dumpty," I said with much sarcasm.

  "Jayden, don't be like that, we just want you to be as prepared as you can going into this, the decision you're making affects all our people regardless if you grew up around them or not, they are your family," Logan said as he reached over to grab my hand.

  "Logan, listen to yourself, you are putting as much pressure on me that your Dad is, and just a few days ago I thought you were dead, when really you were pretending to be a dog that just showed up. How am I supposed to make these kinds of decisions when I don't know what is the truth and what are lies? You all need to keep in mind you are taking to a girl that was raised in a town where she was just another girl, not a bird, or a dog, or anything else I can change into. I made this decision to come to find my family and what I found was a whole lot bigger than I had expected, and I need some time to take it all in, but don't assume that I'm the one that is here to recue your people. I have the right, just like my mother did to turn this position down and I'm starting to see why she did."

  "Please forgive us. It has been a long term for your grandmother and we are all eager to get our family back to where it was, but if it's not you than we will find another way. Let's get back to discussing the council and how they are going to handle the news of your arrival? Then when the time comes, Jayden, you and only you will be the one that needs to make that decision for yourself, but keep this in mind when you make your finally decision, it's final. Once you decide to take your place in your family, you will need to be strong, deal with issue that seems of no importance to you, and make decisions that could kill a close friend. What you are going to be asked to do is rule our clan and to do that takes balls of steel," Xavier said as he looked away from me.

  "Ok, I think we've scared the poor girl, we don't want her running right out that door. So, what can we tell her about what can she be prepared for?" asked Thornton who winked at me. 

  The wink make me feel a little at ease, but not much. I'm use to stress, at least the sports stress, school finals stress, but it's not like you find out every day that I'm a princess in a shape shifters clan. 

  "To be honest, I don't know how this is going to go, some of the council will want proof, some won't believe us, others won't know what to do. This is going to fall on your Grandmother and what moves she wants to play. I am glad that you are wearing that sash, it's tradition and will put some of the members at ease. By the way, Jayden, how did you know to wear that?" Xavier asked.

  "I gave it to her, sir," Blake said trying to hold back his pride.

  "Very impressive. Ok, so Jayden, you need to remember that you are not to speak unless spoken to, never raise your voice to any of the members and please, please don't make your Grandmother mad," Xavier said while checking his watch.

  "So basically I'm suppose to stand there in front of strangers and just be," I said with a swift salute like I was the good Army girl.

  I got up from the table full of anger and rage, but I quietly pushed out, "I'll meet you at the car, Logan, Blake," and walked away.

  How could they not be concerned about Sully, they didn't even mention her. Am I the only one that wants to get my friend back? For a group of men that keep talking about family and how important they are, they seem very one track mind. Well we shall just see how this goes, maybe I have a few tricks up my sleeve that they don't know about.

  I was leaning on the car when a cat came up to me and started to rub my leg purring. I hadn't seen a cat like this....well ever. He was pitch black with...what I would say was dark purple stripes and spots, so dark that it almost blended into the fur. I reached down and rubbed my hand down his silky fleece fur. As I started to pull my hand away I could see the spark fly from his fur to my hand and it that moment time seemed to stand still, except for me, I could move around but nothing else did.

  "What is going on?" I asked out loud.

  The cat that I had been petting, transformed right in front of me.

  "I thought I could wait until the meeting, but I needed to talk to you and I saw no other way." Sydney said as she stood tall and lean in front of me.

  "Sydney, time really still,"  I asked still in shock.

  "Yes, you did this, not me. I had hoped your powers were growing, but I wasn't sure that you could do this. That's why I showed up in my spotted cat form. It is one of my favorites, I was thinking about coming as a squirrel, and then I changed my mind and thought maybe a dog, but I hadn't changed into a dog in awhile and wasn't sure that I still could..."

  "Sydney, stop...was there something you needed to talk to me about, I don't know how long I can hold this time thing," I said as I took a deep breath.

  "Oh, yes, you're right. So...I wanted to tell you that you can't talk about Sully at the council meeting. It's very important to just leave that alone and I will help you with it when the meetings over," Sydney said as she dung in her overalls, not sure what she is looking for.

  "What?  Why..., Sully is more important to me that anything else that seems to be going on. I need to make sure my friend is safe."

  "She's safe, trust me, Clint wouldn't want a death sentence on his head, but he needs leverage that's
the only reason why he took her. Have you ever heard of rival clans in the highlands of Scotland. That's pretty much what you've got goin' on here. I know none of this makes much sense to you, but trust me, you don't want to bring it up. I have to go know, I can feel your magic is fading and you need all your strength, so when you need me I'll be around," Sydney said as she leaned in and kissed me on my forehead.

  I haven't had anyone kiss me on my forehead except for my Dad, that was his signature move. When he would check on me at night he always leaned in and kissed me on my forehead. I would pretend that I was sleeping, but he knew that I was awake, or at least I think he did.

  "Before I could say anything, the purple spotted cat was back and strolling away from my car. As it walked away time seems to start like it had never stopped.

  "I'm not sure that was me," I yelled as the cat crossed the street.

  "What wasn't you?" asked Blake as he walked up to me.

  “Oh, I was just thinking out loud...It helps me think sometimes," I said as I tried not to look at him, he would know I was lying.

  "You are the worst liar I have ever met Jayden. Turning away doesn't help your cause," Logan said as he opened up the passenger side door

  "Just because you're the best liar in the world doesn't make it ok," I said as I got in and started the car.

  "Is your Dad and Thornton riding with us?" I asked as I noticed they hadn't come out of the restaurant.

  "No, someone might see them. Let's go, Blake you can sit in the back," he said with conviction.

  "Sure," Blake said as he climbed in rolling his eyes at me.

  I leaned over the towards the passenger door. "You don't have to bark orders," I glared at him.

  Logan just rolled his eyes at me and got in the car. The drive to my Grandmother's house was quiet and uncomfortable. I can't imagine learning that you have a brother by your fathers betrayal of your Mother, and that your father is alive but never told you. I would love to be a fly on the wall when they discuss what happened there. In all the years that I had known Grace and Logan, the talk about his father was always noble and kind, never anything of an angry notion. 

  "Right, stick up for him......" Logan mumbled almost unintelligent able.

  Blake, Logan and I drove in silence, each one of us not wanting to start a conversation that might get hostile.

  When we pulled onto Grandmother’s property, I started to feel a tingling sensation throughout my body, almost like I might pass out. There were cars parked up and down her long driveway, which seem to intimidate me more.

  “Jayden, you might want to park here. It looks like all of the council showed up,” Logan said as he sat forward.

  We parked in a open spot near the entrance of the driveway and all got out, not really saying much until we got closer to the front door. Logan grabbed my arm and I flinched.

  “You’ve never flinched when I’ve touched you before, what gives?” Logan asked with a hurt look on his face.

  “Give the girl a break Logan, she’s going up in front of a bunch of people that she doesn’t know. She has to defend her right to be queen; she is under just a wee bit of stress,” Blake said.

  “Blake, it’s ok….Logan, I’m sorry, I’m really just trying to keep my mind focused. If I don’t I might puke before I even step through the door,” I said as I bent over to take a deep breath. "Could we stop using the queen title, it’s not helping me to relax.”

  “You don’t have to do this; we can turn around and go home. You can forget all about this life.” Logan said as he waited for me to respond.

  “If I did that, would I still be a shape shifter?” I asked. Was I actually contemplating giving up and going home to a safe place?

  “Yes, you were born a shape shifter, that will never change, but you don’t have to be brave. No one would think less of you,” Logan said as I took a deep breath.

  “You can do this Jayden, I know you can, you were born for this. You were meant to lead our people to be better to do better,” Blake said as he walked over and started to rub my back.

  “That’s enough from you Blake, don’t try to talk Jayden into something she doesn’t want to do. This is her life, and she has been through enough.” Logan said as he grabbed Blake by the arm.

  “If you guys can just curb your testosterone for just a minute, I just needed a minute, I’m fine now. Let’s go.” I said as I started walking to the house.

  I think listening to them fight was giving me strength, I can’t handle people bickering. That was the hard part about being friends with Sully. She always had to tell people how she felt and it seemed to get her into constant fights with people. I was always the diplomatic one that would stay neutral between Logan and Sully.

  “I can’t think about Sully right now, or I’m going to get upset,” I told myself as I whispered quietly.

  My body was starting to shake all over, is this what it felt like to have a panic attach. I was having a hard time breathing, my chest felt like someone was standing on it and I couldn’t seem to see straight, it was like I was seeing through a tunnel that was closing up.

  “Ok lady you need to get a grip, this isn’t going to help you, or me. If you can’t pull this off, I’m not sure that I will be around for much longer.” I heard Sully talking to me.

  “Sully? Oh my god I’m going crazy, this must be a psychotic break.” I had to sit down on the ground, I was afraid that I might pass out.

  “I’ve been trying this all day and I finally got through, I don’t know how long this connection will last but you need to shut up and listen to me. This Clint guy doesn’t seem to be the enemy; he just really wants to have justice for the people of this clan. When you go up in front of these old geezers you need to use that shield that you threw up before or someone on that council is going to try and kill you. Someone is coming and I’m feeling really drained from this so I have to go, but don’t worry about me, I don’t think they want to hurt me.”

  “Sully, Sully, are you still there?

  “I stood there for what felt like an eternity, I closed my eyes took a deep breath and made my way up to the front door. I didn’t even look behind me to see what the boys were doing, I couldn’t handle trying to maintain and wonder what the heck were they doing. We were lead into the same ballroom that I had been to earlier but now it was set up a meeting, with many faces staring at me as I made my way to the front to stand before a panel of people.

  Logan and Blake came and flanked either side of me which I didn’t realize at the time, but my shoulders let go just a wee bit of tension. Logan always had that affect of my especially during anything that would stress me out.

  “Stop messing with your sash, you look great. Just stand your ground and make the right decision.”

  “Oh and what decision is that, what is the right one?” I could tell that I could at any moment just run the opposite direction and that would solve everything. Everything except for how I get Sully back. She sounded like she was ok where she was and that they didn’t want to hurt her, maybe I could choose not to be a part of these people and still get her back

  “Hello everyone..I am Jayden McCormick, my Mother was I guess I am related to Catherine, and I well…I’m here because, well I thought my best friend had died and then this dog showed up so..”

  Logan elbowed me in the side.

  “Ouch, that hurt,” I yelled it at him.

  “Jayden, they don’t need to hear a blow by blow, you need to tell them that you have come to take your place with your family,” Logan whispered.

  “Oh right, but I just.”


  “Ok, so I am here because I found out that I am part of your clan, a shape shifter I guess.” I looked at Logan and glared at him, I tried to give him a look that said I couldn’t do this any other way then my way.

  “Jayden we all know why you are here,” Catherine said with no facial expression.

p; Just when I thought that I wouldn't be able to face these strangers and say anything, it just started to flow. “Actually, do you all really know why I am here, have any of you really stopped to think about why I am here and what it means to me. Some of you up there want me to become part of your clan, to be family, but have any of you thought about what I want or how this makes me feel. I grew up without my mother, not to mention my grandparents of my mother. It has been Dad and I for many years without any of you to help me or be a part of my family, but here you sit wanting me to be this person that you have in your mind. Maybe that isn’t what I want, maybe it is, but I don’t think that I can make that decision right now,” I said as I was thinking about Sully and what this would mean to her.

  Before my grandmother could say anything, the doors to the large room bust open and in walked a man that I hadn’t seen before.

  “I evoke my right to participate in today’s events,” said the strange dude.

  Who is this guy? Is this man that is holding Sully. He stomped in like he owned the place, with his crazy mangled black hair and a beard that almost touched his chest. It was hard to see the features of his face because of the beard, but he had huge brown eyes that seemed soft and loving, but you wouldn’t know that from his stance.

  “Clint you were banned from this clan, you have no rights here,” Grandmother stated as he pounded her fist on the table.

  “Actually I do, we have someone else here that has the same bloodline as you and she can make that decision just as you have.” He looked at me and my mouth dropped open. Was this guy really looking to me to fix his problems, I don’t even know this man, I don’t know what he had done to deserve to be banned.

  “Clint is right, Catherine, she can restore Clint’s position in the guard if she wishes,” Grandfather said as he gave me a wink.

  Was that wink supposed to mean something to me, and a guard position, what the heck does this mean to me? I felt like I walked into something that I have no right to be involved in.

  “Clint broke the rules many years ago and he was punished for that. She cannot undo what I’ve done, and she’s already made it clear that she doesn’t want to be part of this clan.” Catherine stood up which made me feel like this meeting was over.

  “Sit down you old twit, Jayden has every right to be here and she deserves to be given some time to make this kind of decision. We all need to take into consideration that she has lived apart from us her entire life and it’s not fair to ask such a large task without some time.” The medicine woman had come out from the crowd of people that had walked in with this Clint guy.

  “Sydney I should have known you were the one behind this, always interfering where you don’t belong,” Catherine said as her face became more hardened.

  “I am behind nothing Catherine, just trying to fight for our clans survival, which you seem to want to destroy. I am here to stand beside our clansman and ask the council for the right to more time, time to help Jayden figure out what she wants for the rest of her life. She deserves that, and I would think that her own grandmother would want that for her granddaughter, or are you so wrapped up in our own power that you can’t see that.?”

  A few other council members started to bicker back and forth and before I knew it the whole room was louder than a concert. I looked around and saw anger, tears, hate, but I knew that I couldn’t handle this. I started to wonder if this was the reason that my Mother had left these people. All the anger all the fighting, who would want to be a part of these people.     

  "We have gathered here as a Clan to recognize my granddaughter Jayden. She has come here of her own will. She is in line to be the queen when I step down, but to become a part of our clan we need to put her to the trials that are set forth in our bylaws," Grandmother Catherine said as she stood in front of all the members.

  "Before we start the trials, I have something to say," I said as I pulled my hand up to my throat to make sure I could still breath.

   I almost felt like I was going to pass out, but I knew that I had to do this, I could do this. 

  "Jayden is here to claim her birth right in our clan; she is the daughter of my daughter and is one of us. I ask this council to hear what she has to say and see her as princess Jayden."   

  My Grandmother sat down and I could hear people whispering behind me, it made the hairs on my neck stand up. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do, was there something I needed to repeat. Would all these people just leave me standing here and not help me out? 

  "I would like to see what she can shift into, how do we know that she is really your granddaughter?" A council man had stood up. I didn't recognize him, but I had a feeling he wasn't on my side. 

  "We will get to that my friend, but right now we need to ask Jayden some important questions. Jayden, I am Zera I have been on this council for many years and I would like to ask you one question." 

  "Ok,"  I said even though I wasn't sure I was actually suppose to respond to her. 

  "I would like, and I'm sure so would many others here, to know if you are planning being a part of this clan?"   

  This woman that stood up reminded me of my biology teacher in high school, she had a bowl cut that shaped her face and she looked like she could blow you over if she sneezed too hard. I couldn't tell by the frown on her face if she was upset or if that was just her poker face. 

  "I..I, I really don't know what you want me to say. I just found out about a week ago that my grandparents are still alive, which was a big shock for me. I just graduated high school and had planned on attending the UW, but that doesn't seem to be on the top of my list. The note from my Mom really put a whammy on my heart, and oh did I mention that I'm a shape shifter that seems to have more powers that most. So if you asking me to make a decision then I'm going to have to decline," I said as I bent over and took a deep breath. 

  My grandfather stood up fast, faster than I imagined was possible. 

  "I think what she is trying to say is that she's needs some more time to think about things."

  Before he could finish my grandmother stood up.

  "Stewart, I think Jayden knows what she is giving up and I don't think that this is the time to pressure her. She didn't grow up here, she doesn't know us as her clan, her mother made the same choice. It is part of our bi-laws that she has one opportunity to become part of this family and she has clearly stated that she does not want this life." 

  "I agree with Stewart, this is much to take in especially when she has grown up without her Mother to show her the way. I believe it's in the council’s best interest to allow Jayden to take more time to make such a vast decision." A man that I didn't recognize but one that clearly was on my grandfather’s side. He was a shorter man that didn't seem to have much hair, but his glasses stood out to me, with think black rims that made his eyes beady.

  “I’m not saying that I don’t want to have you all as family, but this is a huge life changing question to ask me when I’ve just learned of it. I need some time to come to grips with, and if I could have some time to get to know this life I could make a better decision.” I stared at my Grandfather who was giving me an approving look. I really wanted to get to know him, but I wasn’t ready to make this kind of commitment without more information.

  “Jayden, you have had your chance to speak and I have made my final decision. You have chosen to leave here today, which means that you are no longer welcome here, and if you ever return or tell anyone about us it will mean death for you,” Grandmother Catherine said as she raised an eyebrow at me and took her hand and straightened her hair.

  Was she stressed about something, I’ve never seen her so meek before, not that I was that I knew her that well but she’d always come across like she was always in control. I could even see some sweat building up on her forehead and it wasn’t particularly warm in this room. Is it me that made her nervous, no, I was just a girl with no real stance of im

  My Grandfather stood up and started to speak but before anything came out, he was shoved back in his seat by a force that I could see but only just.

  “You dare challenge me and my authority, this is our way and our laws unless someone here has something else to add my decision has been made.”

  “Forgive me Queen Catherine but the council isn’t just here for looks, we have been added to your thorn to protect our people and the world and for you to just toss her aside like she doesn’t mean anything is pushing the limits just a bit,” this came from Sydney.

  I could tell things weren’t going very well, but I remembered what everyone had been telling me.

  “Ok, I will take my place in this family…with one condition. I want to go to school, it’s was important to my Mother and it’s important to me,” I said as I slid my hand in my jeans pocket, trying to seem comfortable.

  “That’s out of the question, you have a choice to make right now and if you give up that choice your done.” Grandmother Catherine seemed totally ok with my decision, almost as if that’s what she wanted.

  “If I’m asked to chose then my answer is no, but I have a friend…” I started to voice my concerns about Sully and I looked over at Logan’s Dad and he slowly shook his head at me.

  “What is this about a friend?”

  “Nothing,” I said on a sigh.

  “Then it’s settled, you are to give up the ring and necklace to me immediately and leave Ocean Park for good. If you show your face again you will be killed on site no questions asked,” she said as she waved her hands to her guards who started to approach me.

  “I’m not giving you my ring, or this necklace. The ring is from my Mother, and the necklace well that came from a friend so you have no right to it,” I said as I slapped my hand on my neck in a defensive way.

  “That ring is the right to the head of our clan and you are not part of our family, you have no right to it.”

  The two guards slowly slunk towards me like predators, coming at me from two sides. One of the guards got about three feet from me and couldn’t go any farther, the second guard tried to jump at me and was thrown back almost twenty feet.

  “This is ridicules, just take the jewelry off and then you can leave.” Grandmother Catherine was moving away from her seat and around the table.

  “I will not take off this jewelry and it’s apparent that whatever magic is behind this won’t allow you to either, so I guess that settles that question,” I said as I took my hand out of my pocket just in case I needed to run, or something.

  Were we getting to the death match.


  “Do you really think that you are stronger than me, half breed? I have been Queen longer than you can imagine and I can squash you where you stand. Give me the ring and necklace and leave before I hurt you. I don’t want to have to do that, but I will,” she said as she slowly approached me.

  I wasn’t sure what to do, I wasn’t going to give her the ring or the necklace they were both gifts from people that mean a lot to me. My mother gave me this ring, would she want me to give it up so easily, why did she have it, why did she give it to me, and the necklace, Sully’s parents hid this for a purpose and they were taken from her. I could try to run, but how far would I get. What if I transformed into a jaguar, I bet I could run fast, but I can’t leave without Sully, and what about Logan? I looked around to all the faces of the people that I could have known and I saw what looked like sympathy on their faces. Was no one going to stop her, was she truly going to hurt me, how could a grandmother even think about doing that do their own granddaughter, her own flesh and blood.

  “What do you want with them, why are they so important to you. You’ve survived this long without them,” I said as I tried to think of what I could do.

  “It’s not for you to concern yourself with child, just know that I will kill even with that magic on. Guards take her down, weaken her and I will finish her off.”

  The two guards continued to approach me from both sides, hoping one would get me while the other distracted me. The dark one with long curly hair was a tall and burley guy, like a line backer, he changed right before my eyes, into the biggest black bear I’ve ever seen, and he was stalking me from my right side. Its teeth were as big as my fingers and wet like a dog that hasn’t eaten for days. The second one was coming at me from my left with his short spiky blond hair and short lean body. As I looked away I caught out of the corner of my eye a flash of a man changing into tiger. It was so mind blowing that all I could do is watch these changes taking place and not think about my safety. The both were fully changed and started to creep towards me, when the tiger leaped into the air and was inches from me, Logan slammed into him and they rolled into the crowd of people that were watching. I heard a few noises, but I couldn’t see anything through all the people. I heard Logan scream and I knew he was hurt. Was he going to fight a tiger while he was in human form? Why won’t he change, I wanted to put my hands over my eyes, but I still had the bear to deal with that was coming after me. He was swiping his claws at me I think to try and scare me and it was working. Each claw was as long as one of my fingers and looked like it could rip through me with one swipe.

  I could try and run, but there were too many people around me, someone else might get hurt. Was I actually contemplating leaving Logan while he’s fighting for his life to save me?

  “I give up, please don’t hurt him,” I yelled louder than I thought possible.

  The bear coming at me changed back to human form with a blink of an eye, and started walking towards me. I put my hand up.

  “I will give you what you want, but no one else is going to be hurt….or…or the deals off,” I stated.

  Several people moved back and I could see Logan in his wolf form with the tigers jaws clenched around his neck with drips of crimson blood pooling on the ground.

  Without a thought, he changed back to his human self and pleaded with me not to do it.

  “You cannot give her what she wants; my life isn’t worth everyone else, including yourself. Please Jayden I’m ready to die.” Logan started to try and talk more, but the tiger started to bite down harder and I could see Logan trying to not scream out in pain.

  “If you don’t get your beast off Logan I will change my mind. If he dies I will not give you these…these stupid things,” I said as I took the necklace and ring and wadded them up, ready to give it all up for Logan. I pictured myself at the lake again and the pain in my chest came back. Living my entire life without Logan didn’t feel like something I was ready to give up.

  “Catherine, it looks to me like you have an opportunity to get what you want. Release Logan and I will not have to interfere,” Sydney yelled right before she transformed into a bird and flew into the middle of the chaos. She hovered over and I thought I saw her wink at me. Like a slight explosion without the sound she was herself again, standing with a very somber gesture she asked Grandmother again to release Logan.

  “Sydney, you might have a few tricks up your sleeve but you are not stronger than me, and I have lost my patience with your impudence,” Catherine said as she flung her hand at Sydney.

  At that moment Sydney grabbed her abdomen and screamed out in pain.

  I ran to Sydney and put both my hands on her and instantly she stopped and smiled.

  “I’ve been waiting for you to embrace your gifts from the Goddess.” she said as she touched my face. “You look like your Mother right now, I wish that I could see, I miss her so. She was like a daughter to me.”

  “Well let’s not doing anything rash, let’s just get through this alive,” I said as I lifted her to her feet.

  Sydney bent down close to my ear, "I need to tell you something Jayden, but you must not say anything to anyone.”

  “Right now in the middle of my Grandmother going crazy you want to tell me something?”

  “Yes, this is the best time to tell you,
but first you need to get Logan and Blake next to you,” Sydney said as she scanned the room to locate someone.

  “And how exactly do you expect me to do that. I guess I’ll bargain with this jewelry.” I started to open my hand and Sydney grabbed me hard enough to bruise my arm.

  “Please, please don’t do that. All of these people depend on you to keep what was given to you. The Goddess doesn’t help those that throw away gifts. We have waited for many generations for someone like you, your Mom knew that you had the power to do it. Your Mother is counting on you, she is waiting for you. Remember what I gave you, it’s time.”

  “I have grown tired of you granddaughter, give me the jewelry now before I have my guards crush his wind pipe,” she said as she brushed a few strands of hair out of her face.

  “Ok, ok, please don’t hurt him. I will give you what you want, but I want Logan and Blake by me first before I give up my bargaining tool,” I said as I watched Grandmother contemplate my intentions.

  “Fine, Darious, Temple let her friends go,” she said as she waved them off.

  Logan fell to his knees and choked for a few minutes while Blake pushed through the crowd and grabbed Logan under the arm and dragged him behind me.

  “Now you have your boys, now give me what is mine,” Catherine said as she started to walk towards me.

  I took the necklace and ring, prayed that I was making the right decision and through them at straight as I could hoping they would smacked her directly in the face.

  I put my hand on the pouch, “Ok, now what?” I said out loud.

  “Pray child, pray,” Sydney said.

  “Pray, I haven’t prayed since my mother died,” I said as I thought of her and how much I missed her.

  As I started to pray to whoever was listening, my Grandmother pulled out a dagger and flung it at me. Sydney threw herself in front of me and the dagger plunged into her chest.

  “No!!!” I screamed, and that was the last thing I saw before everything went black.


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