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Her Knights in Black Stetsons [Smalltown, USA] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 10

by Shae Shannon

  “Trent. The boys have him out back. Can you sit with her for a few minutes, cuz?” Dixon balled his fists at his sides.

  “You know you don’t have to ask. Let me and the other two know when you are done so we can have our own discussion with Mr. Trent. We will handle the trash when it is all said and done.” Wyatt’s face was cold as steel as he spoke.

  “All right, I will be right back. This won’t take long. Give Sherriff Marshall a call for me, let him know there will be a heap of shit that needs hauled in. Make sure he doesn’t tell Aunt Sharon. I don’t want Momma finding out.” When Wyatt nodded, he turned and made a direct beeline for the back door.

  Wyatt turned his attention back to EmmaLee, who now had stood, and was preparing to follow before he stopped her. “Sorry, Emm. You have got to stay in here with me.” He sat her down and pulled up a chair beside her before waving over one of the waitresses. “Hey, can I get some ice in a towel and two shots of whisky please?”

  The older woman looked first at EmmaLee, offering a sympathetic smile and a pat on the shoulder before answering Wyatt with a strong Southern drawl, “Sure thing, sugar.” She hurried back, carrying a first aid kit as well. “Here, there might be some stuff in here to fix her up, Wyatt. How long do you want me to wait to call the Sherriff?”

  “Don’t worry about it, I will after we are done talking to Mr. Graydon. The boys should be wrapping up their counseling services soon.” He winked at her, and flashed his youthful grin. With a shake of her head she smiled.

  “If y’all need anything else, just let me know. My name is Misty, honey. If this boy gives you any trouble, you just come get me. I’ll slap him back in line. Tell the bartender and he can get me if I am on break, okay?”

  Her attention had been directed at EmmaLee, but Wyatt answered before she had a chance to. “Thank you, darlin’.” With another reassuring glance at EmmaLee, Misty left.

  Wyatt packed the towel with ice and held it on her eye. With his other hand he handed her a shot. “Here, this will help with the pain a little bit. Drink.”

  EmmaLee smiled at his gentle touch. The big ol’ cowboy was a sweet teddy bear when it came to females. Concern lurked in the depths of his green eyes, and her heart swelled. Even the Dennison cousins were family to her, and they had always been close.

  “Oh hell, why not.” She threw it back in a gulp, and set the shot glass on the table. “Thank you, Wyatt. You are a sweetie like always.”

  “Aw now, don’t let my young handsome looks fool you! I am hard and jaded under all this sexiness.” He plopped a kiss on her uninjured cheek.

  Tina had appeared by her side, fussing over her like a momma hen. “Oh my gosh, Emm. That bastard did a good job, that’s for sure. I hate to see what he looks like after the boys all get done with him. Justin and Johnny both took off outside. I had the unfortunate event of running into Small Town’s finest hookers, Angela Howard and Rachael Bradly. I smelled something in the bathroom over the lady who had beer shits in the stall next to me and knew it had to be those two skanks. When I came out, they were standing in front of the mirror applying another coat of makeup on top of the twenty they already had on. They seemed to think that we were still in high school, and refused to let me wash my hands. So, after I gave them some deep, inspirational life advice that happened to include jumping in front of a train, locations of free clinics for STD treatment, and what would happen if they didn’t get the hell out of my way, I pushed my way through.” She took a pull off of the drink in her hand with a smug smile.

  EmmaLee and Wyatt busted out in laughter. She hugged her best friend, while trying to catch her breath. When she sat back down, Wyatt moved closer to Tina. “Do I get a hug, too, sweet thang?” He cocked his head to the side with the corner of his lips tilted in a sexy temptation.

  “Of course, how can I resist the hottest pair of tight Wranglers in the room?” She batted her eyelashes and smiled in an overly exaggerated flirtatious display.

  “Careful, woman, you might end up with more than you ask for.” He wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug, lifting her tiny frame way off the ground.

  “Okay, you big oaf, put me down before I get a nosebleed up here!” She erupted in a bout of tempting giggles.

  “Will you two get a room already?” EmmaLee teased them by making fishy kissy faces.

  “Oh grow up, Emm, geez. I have known the boys since birth. It’s not like that.” Tina fidgeted with the button on her top. Her glowing red face said otherwise.

  “I would always like to get to know you a little better, sugar.” Wyatt slapped her on the ass.

  “Wyatt Dennison! Don’t make me kick the tar out of you!” Tina’s eyes blazed a provocative glow under the long, fluttering lashes. Her amorous attitude was thick even for her. EmmaLee elbowed her in the side, and rolled her eyes. Tina shot her a fake pout, followed by a tiny smile and a subtle wink.

  EmmaLee waved for the waitress, just as the boys all came strolling in from out back. She went ahead and made the huge order, knowing that they would probably need a beer. Wyatt smacked Tina on the ass again before starting for his turn in the counseling session. Jase stopped him before he could make it across the room.

  “You are going to have to wait a few days before you get a chance to have a visit with the prick. He seems to be having a lot of problems speaking without teeth, and had to be escorted to the hospital by Sherriff Marshall. It’s a damn shame he kept falling down the stairs out back.” Jase’s overly extreme sarcasm clung to every word.

  “Well, after tonight I see quite a few therapy sessions in his future. I hope he has a speedy recovery. It is such a shame that he can’t handle a simple flight of stairs.” Wyatt grinned.

  Jase bro-tapped him on the shoulder and led him toward the ever-growing group around EmmaLee and Tina. He laughed to himself, seeing the two little girls surrounded by a brood of huge, towering brick pillars of cowboy hats and Wranglers. A few of the distant cousins had joined them, and made for quite a sight. The herd had all engaged in conversation, laughing about the begging and pleading that came from Trent, and boastful bragging like men tended to do. The girls seemed to be relaxed and finally enjoying their night out despite the minor setback, which eased his tension some.

  Jase walked straight up and flipped Emmie around and smashed his lips to hers without warning. Her split lip throbbed like a mo-fo, but the heated advances helped detour her mind from the pain. He took his time, staking his claim in front of the world. He slowly eased off, allowing her to float back to earth before turning her loose. A bunch of catcalls and whoops surrounded them.

  Lyndon didn’t mind seeing his brother kiss Emmie, but it did get under his skin that he didn’t get to make his territory be known as well. After debating it over and over, he finally walked over to her and scooped her up. He lifted the black Stetson off of his head and passionately kissed her for the world to see. Another round of hollers and congrats went around, but no one seemed surprised. He was cheesing from ear to ear until his gaze met Dixon.

  Dixon was sitting in the corner with his arms across his chest and a “fuck you all” expression. His beer was almost drained, and he obviously had planned on nursing a few more given his sunny disposition. Poor sucker is just pissed because he can’t kiss her sweet sugar. Your loss, bro. It’s your own damn stupidity. EmmaLee narrowed her gaze at his obvious disapproval and smirked. “What, no kisses for my boo-boos, Dixon?”

  Dixon’s eyes went dark, showing the arousal that sparked in the midst of irritation. Lyndon silently laughed and ignored him. He slid his hand to rest on the small of EmmaLee’s back while they all shot the breeze. From ranch talk to rodeos, their loud voices boomed over the country ballad playing in the background. Jase and Johnny were the only ones not drowning in alcohol, having volunteered cab service for the evening. Knowing that they were safe to push the limits of alcohol, the group guzzled shots and beer like it was going out of style. The waitress, Misty, was more than happy to oblige with the big tips
she was regularly handed. She made a point to check on EmmaLee continuously, which touched Lyndon. He would have to make sure ol’ Lou, the owner of the bar, gave her a raise.

  EmmaLee had finally consumed enough alcohol that her face had quit throbbing, and she was able to have a good time. It was so comforting to be surrounded by people that she loved, and her heart warmed that so many cared about her. The reaction from the guys shouldn’t have surprised her, but it had. They all truly were her own personal bodyguards. As big as the family was, she would never need the assistance of law enforcement again. The tiny town ran on who you knew and who you were related to. Thankfully, the Dennisons owned half the town and surrounding ranches and extended family scattered from the police department to the fire department, and even in the courthouse. The judge and Mr. Dennison had gone to school together, and he was a frequent guest for Sunday dinner. Small town life was like night and day from the rest of the world.

  “Tina, let’s take a visit to the little girl’s room. I might need you to hold my hand while I pee.” EmmaLee chuckled, remembering all of the times they had literally held each other up to pee while popping a squat drunk out in the woods.

  “Sure. I need to go, too. And, I think I have drank more than you, so you may be the one holding me up.” Tina scooted out her chair and wobbled a bit before turning toward the bathroom sign with Amy.

  “If you need help just holler! I would be more than happy to hold your hand, or anything else that might need assistance, Tina,” Wyatt called after them.

  Tina turned around, shooting him a saucy grin with a “be careful what you offer” look. Her hand slid in her back pocket, and she added an extra sway to her hips in each stride. “That cowboy has my heart beating double-time tonight. I know it is so wrong, but I just can’t go out with him and not Justin and Johnny. I like them all. I would feel like I was cheating on one or something. I don’t know, it’s stupid.” She shook her head as each walked in one of the wooden stalls that were built to look like little outhouses, complete with a little moon carved in the top of each door. The walls were a rough, weathered wood, and horseshoes, metal stars, and other western inspired art decorated the room. For a bar, the bathroom was actually nice. And, it had seat covers, which was hard to find around this part of the country.

  “I don’t see why you don’t just go out with Wyatt, Tina. I know that the others will eventually come around. You haven’t showed much interest in any of them up until tonight.”

  “I just don’t want to ruin our friendship. Hell, I have grown up with all of the Dennisons. They haven’t showed any interest in me besides just playful teasing. This is the first time Wyatt has ever flirted and actually seemed to mean it. I don’t know. It is way too confusing, and I think my last brain cell has popped the top and started showering in a beer.”

  “Hello! Need I remind you of the two Dennisons that have suddenly decided that I am off the market? I have been head over heels in love with all three for as long as I can remember. I am just saying, I hope that Dixon feels the same, but I refuse to pass up happiness with Lyndon and Jase.”

  Tina was silent for a moment, pondering over EmmaLee’s words. “I don’t know, Emm. I will figure out all of life’s meanings tomorrow. For now, quit all of this serious talk. We are out to have fun, and we still have half a night to go!” The sound of the toilet flushing and her groaning and grumbling with clothing being rustled made EmmaLee giggle.

  “Are you having a fight with your jeans, hun?” She continued her giggle fit, realizing that it wasn’t as funny as she was making it which only made her tipsy brain chuckle more.

  “Hell, ya, somehow they are rolled up and I can’t seem to get them up.” With a thud against the stall wall, she, too, joined in on the giggle fest. “They need to make drunk jeans, you know, like the track pants that snap up the side, only with Velcro. That way, when buttons become too complicated, you just gotta smack the side of your leg to get ’em on.”

  “You are such a goob, Tina. Who knows, there might actually be a market for it, especially in this little town. They might be a little hard to fasten in the dark out in the middle of the sticks though. I can just see you Velcroing your pant legs together and leaving your bare rump hanging out.”

  “True, but they would be a lot easier access for those situations when you do land a major hottie at the end of the night, like, say…a Dennison brother, or two!” Tina finally made it out of the stall, still buckling her belt before she wobbled over to wash her hands.

  EmmaLee shook her head, laughing at her best friend in the whole wide world. Only Tina could come up with such rationality to a harebrained invention.

  They primped in the mirror, babbling and laughing until they walked out. Halfway across the room, EmmaLee stopped dead in her tracks. Tina grabbed her arm, spotting the cause of her immediate fury.

  None other than the infamous Rachael Bradly had taken up residence on Dixon’s lap. Her slutty sidekick, Angela Howard stood faithfully by her side like a Doberman pinscher bitch in heat. She had her sights set on Wyatt, who appeared to be backing away in means of escape from the tramp.

  Rachael was sitting across his big, strong legs and running her finger in circles on his chest in a bad display and attempt of a shameless offer. His face was iced over and expressionless, showing his true poker face that she had been on the other end of during many of their regular Friday night card games. One hand held his beer, which appeared unable to reach his lips due to the manure pile in his lap.

  EmmaLee stiffened, feeling the blood rush to her head and her buzz disappear from the sudden adrenaline rush that flooded her veins. Somehow her feet had begun moving again without her recollecting how. She walked by everyone to the corner where he sat, unable to hear or see anyone but the twin skanks. Rachael met her gaze and shot her a snarky, catty look.

  “Well, well. If it isn’t EmmaLee Anderson. I should have known you would be here when I saw your blonde elf friend earlier. It looks like someone finally put you in your place…I have to say, it improved your looks.” Both bitches laughed in a Wicked Witch of the West cackle, oblivious to the plan brewing in EmmaLee’s head.

  “Get off of him, and get out of here now. We don’t want to be exposed to your crabs-gonorrhea-aids infested nappiness.” She never broke eye contact, and kept tabs on the rotten two-bit hooker at her side.

  “Oh, EmmaLee. You couldn’t possibly think you are enough for one Dennison, let alone three. From what I could see tonight, you are making the rounds. First Trent, then Lyndon and Jase, and now you are jealous because Dixon here wouldn’t give you a quickie in the bathroom like the rest. I can’t say I blame him, who would want you after you have been giving it out all night. And to think, you make comments about me, take a look in the mirror you fugly, fat bitch!” She scooted closer to Dixon, twisting enough out of her sidesaddle position to smash her body and tits against his chest. Before Rachael or Angela could react, EmmaLee was standing right beside Rachael shaking with rage. Rachael turned and leaned back and swung, landing a punch to EmmaLee’s stomach. Before she got her balance back, EmmaLee had yanked her out onto the floor and straddled her in a full mount, sending automatic punches to land on her freaking face. Her ears had gone totally numb, and no sounds but the pounding of her heart rang through. Her anger erupted in bursts of assault on the now bleeding bitch under her. She had never been a fighter, and usually avoided all confrontations. There were only a few things that set her temper off, but none had affected her like this.

  She was unaware of the words flying out of her mouth during her violation of the splenetic evil twat that lay trapped under her. “I have had one hell of an emotional, fucked-up week and I refuse to let some no-good, nasty, white trash, herpes-infested gutter slut rub her fucking slimy stench all over one of my men! First a motherfucking cold-ass shower, and now you! Fuck you and the damn horse you rode in on!” Her raunchy soldier’s vocabulary spilled out in buckets throughout the room. She was surprised at the nimble reflexes tha
t sent her swinging like a professional fighter, keeping her movements faster than Rachael’s. She continued to pummel the supercilious woman, while thinking that Rachael should have been the sperm that ran down her mother’s leg. EmmaLee was reaping the wrath of all of the recent trials and tribulations life had shoved at her.

  EmmaLee finally began to step out of the violent blackout that had taken over, and began to hear and notice her surroundings. The roar of noise began to separate into voices, and the cutting shrills of a woman cussing filled her ears. “Don’t you ever touch one of my guys again! I am in love with Dixon, so back the fuck off!” When two pairs of huge hands wrapped around her and pulled her off, reality started to sink in to her mind fully.

  Oh my gosh that voice was mine! What is everyone going to think? Oh hell! Dixon is going to be pissed! Did I do that to Rachael? Oh my head hurts. Did she hit me? Recollection of the night’s events floated in patchy pieces back to her memory. Trent. That’s right. Lyndon and Jase kissed me in front of everyone. Oh wow. Dixon. I have to apologize before it is too late! Oh God please don’t let me have ruined our friendship!

  When she fell back to reality, she was sitting on a stool with a glass of water in her hand. Everyone was standing around her except Rachael and Angela. Tina was at her side, attempting to wipe her still swollen face with a wet napkin. Tina hugged her tight with a look of relief that washed over her features in a visible animation.

  “Holy shit, Emm. Do you feel better? You kicked ass and took names! I only got a few punches on Angela when she tried to jump on you. She backed off in a hurry when she caught sight of the damage you caused on Rachael’s ugly mug!”

  “I don’t even remember what happened. My vision blurred red, and that was it. I vaguely remember hands pulling me off of her, and the next thing I knew I was sitting here. I didn’t hurt her too bad did I?” Going to jail for assault would complete the shit week she had just had, but she dang sure hoped the tramp wasn’t going to press charges.


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