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Her Knights in Black Stetsons [Smalltown, USA] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 14

by Shae Shannon

  All day, Dixon had been on her mind. It was wrong for her to be pining over someone else when she was layered in between Jase and Lyndon, but she couldn’t help but feel a sense of incompleteness. Her heart flip-flopped in her chest when he walked in. Goose bumps pebbled over her skin from the fierce look in his eyes. His massive shoulders were puffed up into a savage stance. His stare remained locked to hers as he walked in a straight path to stand inches from her.

  “Where the hell have you been all day? I have looked all over this damn ranch for you,” he growled in a deep, baritone grumble.

  “She was with us while we did chores, Dixon. What has your panties in a twist?” Jase stepped forward with his arms crossed.

  “Nothing. You two should have had enough consideration to let me know she was with you so I wouldn’t worry and waste half of the freaking day searching.”

  “Didn’t know you were keeping tabs on her, Dixon. Did you need something?” Lyndon’s calm and smooth voice was laced with just enough sarcasm to make Dixon flare his nostrils in anger.

  Power and anger radiated from him in tremors. “I am not keeping tabs on her, but I wanted to make sure she was okay. Trent showed up at Save a Ton Mart and was running his trap to some of the sackers that he had plans on finishing what he started. He bragged about a new pistol he had just bought, and poured his whole plan out to Bobby Walkingstick.”

  “Are you kidding me? What kind of an idiot would bring a pistol to a ranch? Let alone our ranch?” Jase’s face twisted in irritation.

  “Nope. He is headed out here sometime tonight. So from now on I know where she is at all times, got it?” Dixon used his dominating, “no room for argument” voice.

  Jase began to protest, but Lyndon walked up and stood between the two. “Agreed. We all need to know at all times to ensure her safety. Thankfully, tonight we will have a few extra eyes and guns to help.” The corners of Lyndon’s mouth curved up in a mischievous smirk.

  “What’s going down tonight?” Dixon’s prominent eyebrow arched up in a questioning intrigue.

  “I just got off the phone with Johnny. It is supposed to start raining soon and not stop. What happens to the east field?” His eyes were bright with anticipation.

  “It floods.”

  “Which means…?”

  EmmaLee could all but see a lightbulb go off above his head when he pieced together the information. “Mudding. Hell yeah. Who is running to town for the supplies?”

  “Winter and Wyatt were nominated. They are getting a load of food, and inviting the rest of the crew down. It is Sunday, but thankfully our alcoholic cousins keep their liquor cabinet stocked more than the Honkeytonk Blues, so beverages aren’t an issue either.” Jase draped his arm loosely around EmmaLee’s shoulders.

  “Everyone will be packin’, you know that. So, unless the wormy slime bag shows up with an army, he doesn’t stand a chance. I called Dad and Uncle Rhett. They are going to make sure all of the neighbors know.” Dixon stepped closer to EmmaLee.

  EmmaLee’s eyes stared in wonder up at him while he continued the conversation. Her body was painfully aware of his closeness, and with Jase’s arm holding her and the delicious soreness her lady parts felt, she still got a pang of wantonness in the pit of her stomach. She knew that it was wrong, but couldn’t help wanting him, too. She couldn’t deny that she loved Dixon. Two brothers should be more than enough, but she still felt like something was missing.

  “Okay. I will go get a few things from the house, and you three go get the quads gassed up. Everyone should be heading this way soon.” Jase smacked a smooch on her lips, and headed out of the barn.

  “Wait! I need to change clothes before we go, and grab a jacket in case it gets chilly.” She ran after him, her ponytail swinging.

  * * * *

  Trucks and four-wheelers of all kinds parked along the fence line. The rain had begun to pour, and the low field soon had standing water along the surface. Lilly was on her pink camouflage quad and hauling balls through the mud pit. She slid into spins, and gunned it through the deep puddles. Jeremy was right behind her, mimicking every maneuver she performed. They looked like two young kids out having a mud fight. “I want to still cut loose and have fun like that no matter what age I am. They are so cute.” EmmaLee smiled, propped up on the tailgate of her purple truck.

  “We will doll, you can count on that.” Jase’s easygoing personality made her grin. There was no doubt in her mind that living the rest of her life with him by her side guaranteed that there would never be a dull moment. Lyndon ensured that there would always be romance. He might have a tougher outer shell, but underneath he was a selfless, hopeless romantic. Then there was Dixon. If she could have him, it would be the missing piece to their pie of perfect love. He was strong and protective, but the dominating alpha characteristic is what drove her panties into flames.

  There were at least fifty people scattered out, and most of them were related. BBQ grills were fired up under tarps that had been draped between trucks in makeshift shelters. Card tables of food and coolers of beer and other drinks were neatly stacked in the spaces between each truck. This was a normal country shindig, and she loved every minute of it. Blake Shelton’s “Boys ’Round Here” blared in the background, and everyone was having a blast.

  “Hey, Emmie! Why ain’t you came up to the house lately? Momma and I are going to come steal you this next week sometime. We miss you, darlin’!” Winter bounced up and hugged her. Her shoulder length blonde hair had been pulled into pigtails, making her look even younger than she was. Her bright blue eyes sparkled.

  “Hi, Winter! I miss you, too, baby girl! What have you been up to?”

  “Aw, not much. Work and school, same ol’ thing, new day. I did go on a date last night with Nathan Mathews. He took me to the drive-in, and out to eat.” The innocent look didn’t fool Emmie for a second.

  “Uh hum. And where did you two go after that?” She met the pretty young girl with a knowing smile.

  “We went spotlightin’, but don’t tell no one. I don’t want my bonehead brothers to run him off. We went out to Piney Creek, and cruised the back roads until just before sun up. Got a six point, too! Momma didn’t mind me being so late after he stocked the freezer full with it.” She chomped her gum, and blew a bubble that popped over her nose.

  “So, is the deer the only one that seen action last night?”

  “Yeah, for the most part. He did kiss me a lot. Hot damn can he kiss, Emm!” It was obvious that the girl was twitterpated by the boy.

  “You naughty girl, you.” EmmaLee poked her arm playfully.

  “From what I hear, you are naughtier than me, EmmaLee Brooke! So when are y’all tying the knot?”

  “I don’t know! We just kinda started dating I guess. We haven’t been on a true date, but then again I don’t know if we ever will.” EmmaLee giggled.

  “I would hope that between the three one of them brutes could get you out on a real date sooner or later. Lyndon is the one I put money on, but who knows.” Winter hopped up on the tailgate and plunked down beside her.

  “Two.” She had no intention of being snippy, but the single word presented to be just that.

  “Two? What do you mean two?” Winter’s neatly shaped eyebrows drew together.

  “Two, as in two brothers. Jase and Lyndon are the only ones that want something to do with me that way, even after all these years. I knew deep down that I could never grow into the woman that was worthy of Dixon, but it still hurts. I refuse to come between the brothers, and so far it is going fine. I hate it that I love him, too. I feel guilty, but I just can’t help it. Don’t get me wrong, I love Jase and Lyndon so much, and always have. But it’s like the dream isn’t complete without Dixon.” A deep sigh huffed out of her lungs. “I know it sounds stupid.”

  “No, it doesn’t sound stupid. I wouldn’t give up just yet, girl. Mr. Dangerous hasn’t taken his eye off of you all night.” Winter gestured in his direction with her eyes.

He is just protective. I am just a bratty little sister. Trent has been making threats of coming after me. Dixon is just making sure he doesn’t, that’s all.” Sadness crept through her.

  “Maybe so, but his looks say different…Unless he is Joe Dirt and likes the whole, ‘I’m your sister!’” She thrust her hips overexaggeratingly. Both girls busted out in laughter so hard EmmaLee snorted, which only created another round of side clenching giggles.

  “What is so funny, girls?” Dixon’s low, gravelly voice startled them and made both girls jump. They hadn’t seen him walk up during their happy fit, and EmmaLee hoped that he hadn’t overheard anything.

  Winter jumped to the rescue, and hugged his neck. “Just girls being silly, you know how we are, cuz. Whatcha up to?” She turned on her innocent little girl charm and detoured his curiosity.

  “I am coming to get Emmie. She is up next on the quads.” He drug his eyes up and down her body, stopping along the way for pit stops and a sightseeing.

  It took all she had to prevent becoming a puddle on the ground. The man could boil her blood with just his eyes. “Oh, yay! Okay I am coming. Which one do I get?”

  “You can either ride Momma’s, or you can ride with me. It’s up to you.” A tiny muscle ticked at his bottom lip, giving the tiniest glimpse into his barricaded emotions.

  A devious thought popped in EmmaLee’s head, and she just couldn’t resist tossing it at him. She lowered her eyes into the best seductive look she could muster, deepened her voice, and tried the best flirtatious attempt ever. “Do you want me to ride you, Dixon?” She let her Southern drawl hang on a little longer than normal, and cocked her hip to the side.

  His eyes widened in shock, but he quickly regained his poker face. The small smirk and his narrowed eyes warned her that he had caught her in her little attempt, and she would definitely pay for teasing him later. He stepped closer to her, and lowered his voice. “Watch it, Emmie. If you go playing with fire you might end up bent over with a belt across that cute little ass.”

  She wrinkled her nose at his reference. “I thought it went, ‘if you play with fire you might end up getting burned’?”

  “Oh, you will get burned all right. I will make sure that ass is lit up.” He wagged his eyebrows at her and grinned.

  “Let’s go get our mud on. I will take Mom’s four-wheeler. I look better on pink anyway. Winter, you comin’, honey?” EmmaLee hopped off of the tailgate.

  “But of course! I am a dirty girl!” She looped her arm through EmmaLee’s and they walked off, leaving Dixon standing alone.

  * * * *

  The sky had opened up and let out a torrential downpour. Emmie was soaked, and her clothes clung to her body. She was tearing it up, creating a tidal wave of mud and water to fold over whoever was the unlucky sucker in her path. This time, it was none other than Mr. Dixon himself. The brown sludge covered him from head to toe.

  The look on his face was priceless. Laughter roared from the rest of the family and friends, and she gunned it to flee from whatever wrath he might inflict. He was quickly on her tail in a hot pursuit, with a look of determination and mischief. “Emmie! You can run, but you can’t hide! I am going to get you!” She weaved in and out of the other riders, with him not far behind.

  EmmaLee stood, turned, and slid in the slick mud, propping up on two wheels and changing directions. She couldn’t stop giggling, and had to continuously remember to shut her mouth to keep the dirt and grit out of her teeth. Her focus had been solely on evading Dixon, and she didn’t see Jase and Lyndon ride up to surround her. Before she knew what happened, the three brothers had her trapped in the middle of their circle. Any way she went, it was blocked before she could find an escape route. They started moving in on her, making escape more and more unlikely. She had to make a decision, and quick. Without hesitation, she turned and started toward Jase, which caused all three to migrate that way some. She gunned it, jumped off, and hit the ground running. She hadn’t expected the mud to act as quicksand however, and found that running was a tad more complicated than she had predicted.

  Three giant grizzly bears soon caught up to her and tackled her to the ground. Dirt went flinging and flying, as the biggest mud fight in the history of Dennison ranch broke out. Everyone had jumped in, and mud patties, cups of muddy water, and handfuls were being smeared on everyone. Even Lilly and Jeremy, and Rhett and Jennie, had joined in on the battle. Lyndon came up behind her and tossed her over his shoulder. When he got to the pond-like puddle, she was dismounted and wrestled to the ground in the middle of it. “Aw, you are all wet, baby!” Taunts and teasing continued, from the trio of dirty, sexy boys. Dixon ended up falling on top of her, and her breath knocked from her lungs.

  Dixon raised up only mere inches from her face, and his eyes intensely locked with hers. The sweet, beautiful girl under all of the brown muck looked up with those big brown eyes and his heart melted. How was he supposed to resist this? He could feel the thumping of her heart that pounded against her chest. Without thinking or hesitating, he lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her.

  Immediate sparks ignited deep in Dixon’s heart. The moment her tongue darted into his mouth, his balls loaded up ready to blow. Every cell in his body called to her, and begged to take her right then and there. Both of their breathing had become harsh and violent as the kiss continued to heat into the danger zone. He knew he needed to back off before maximum RPMs redlined, but his body had taken over and was now running the show. A chorus of whoops and hollers were his saving grace, and snapped him out of the lethal trance he had fallen into.

  Dixon slowly backed the kiss into a neutral gear and pulled away. He laid, staring into her eyes, seeing for the first time the pool of emotion that floated in a current through her. Confusion, longing, happiness, and love radiated into his soul. Her eyes were heavy with desire, and a pang in his gut cramped at the thought of ever letting her go again. Pain flashed like a lightning bolt across the mesmerizing chocolate depths, and he instantly planted small kisses all over her muddy face to erase the sudden outburst of insecurity. This is it. I am going to hell. I can’t ever let her go again.

  Everyone still cheered on, like it was the grand event of the evening. Dixon and EmmaLee didn’t even acknowledge their large audience, but remained lost in the moment. He smiled down at her, in all of her wet and muddy disposition, and said, “EmmaLee Brooke, you are mine.”

  Chapter 10

  The hot streams of the shower felt like a baptism into a new beginning as the mud washed off of her body and pooled at her feet. For the first time in her life, she felt whole. The shards and holes in her soul had been repaired and filled. She belonged. Not partially, not temporarily, but totally. Tears of happiness stung the back of her eyes, and the enormous smile that took over her features couldn’t be stopped. In a tune off-key, she busted out the lyrics to “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” by the Rolling Stones. The same song that had started out a miserable downhill cluster of shit now rang true. Water dripped in her wide-open mouth, and she gargled “I got what I need” that echoed off of the shower walls.

  When EmmaLee stepped out of the shower, she toweled the steam off of the mirror, and took a good look. “Well, I guess love does change a woman.” Her reflection smiled back at her, showing a now lively, happy girl full of joy and spirit. It was as if sunshine had somehow seeped into her heart and now beamed from her glowing features. She all but skipped around, getting dressed and brushing her wet mane out. Before she had her shoes on, a knock on the door made her jump. Well, I see their impatience got the better of them. “I told you guys I would meet you in the kitchen. I don’t need an escort to go up the stairs.” Smiling, she unbolted the door and swung it open, expecting to see her trio on the other side. Instead, a hand wrapped around her mouth and a gun shoved in her temple. A breath’s moment later, everything went dark.

  * * * *

  Trent Graydon had been watching the little slut make her rounds with the Dennison pricks all day. How she
could turn into such a whore disgusted him. It took all he had to not open fire on them all when he watched them pass her around like leftover spaghetti, sticking their tongues down her throat. The nasty tramp had moved from one to another, without any hesitation. He had plenty of plans on taking full advantage of her cum dumpster and beating out her holes to make sure EmmaLee knew who she belonged to before he disposed of her. She would be broken beyond repair both physically and mentally, and punished for the two-bit hooker she had become. He was her first, and he would damn sure be her last. The cunt had obviously packed on the pounds, which made carrying her unconscious fat ass a chore. When he got to his truck that he had discreetly parked down the unused dirt trail that butted up against the Dennison Ranch, he tossed her in the passenger side, knocking her head against the door frame and slicing her open. “Fuck. Now you are bleeding all over my damn truck, you fucking bitch!” He landed a punch onto the same still purple spot he had caused just a day before. Her lip split, causing a second trail of blood to drain down her lifeless features. With a slam to the driver’s side door, he shoved it into gear and tore off in a cloud of dust. With the lights off, the old Ford truck snuck along and disappeared into the confinements of the forest.

  * * * *

  The family had all gathered in the dining room and were waiting on EmmaLee to join them for dinner. “I am glad you three didn’t take a lifetime to come to your senses. I would hate to feed you three bologna sandwiches for the rest of your lives, but I was prepared to until you could figure it out.” Lilly smiled, poking fun at her sons.

  “So, does this mean we get some blueberry cobbler tonight, Ma?” Jase asked with his best boyish charm.


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