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Deviant: Courtney & Dustin: A Captive Tale (The Billionaire Voyeur Book 2)

Page 9

by Rowena

  “Is that what really matters most to you right now, Dad?”

  For the first time in what feels like a very long time—since my early teen years—I’m staring my dad full-on in the eye, defiant.

  “I really like him, and he doesn’t just have a job—he owns his own company, one that is doing very well. No, I don’t know his net worth, but I do know that he absolutely adores me and stayed in love with me this whole time. He’ll protect me because he’s totally into me, unlike Brick. You think I want to trap myself into a loveless marriage?”

  My parents exchange glances and silence sits heavy in the room for a few moments.

  “Honey, you do sound like you’re really into him,” my mom says. Then she smiles widely, her perfectly straight, white teeth on display. Beyond the bright smile, it seems her manner has genuinely softened. “You should see your face—I can’t remember the last time you looked this passionate.”

  My dad still looks nervous.

  “Look, I realize you guys just want the best for me, and I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me, every position you put me in to improve me as a human being—all the classes, the charity and entertainment events. But I don’t think my happiness lies in having access to some guy’s millions as a trophy wife he gets to shelf. It lies with Dustin.” I straighten my back, my shoulders locking into perfect, confidence-projecting posture. “As for my occupation, guess what—I don’t mind working, and I might even take a part-time position with Dustin’s company. Even if I don’t, I’ll find a job where I can use my degree—not because I have to, but because I want to. If you guys can’t accept that, then…” I shake my head. “It’s my life, not yours. And I’m a grown-ass woman.”

  “Courtney!” my mom says the same time my dad says, “You watch your language, young lady.”

  My eyes dart from one to the other in disbelief and then I laugh, wholeheartedly and freely, doubling over and forgetting everything about posturing.

  My parents just stare at me for a sec, but slowly, tentatively, they join in until the three of us are standing there cackling, practically shedding tears, and eventually, I’ve pretty much forgotten what made me laugh in the first place.

  In any case, as the three of us start to come down from whatever hysterics took over, my dad extends one arm to me and we’re all suddenly in a three-way hug.

  “We love you, honey,” my dad says. “The only thing we’ve ever wanted is for you to be happy.”

  Everything in me finally relaxes, and my chest fills with warmth.

  I return to my cozy apartment, and the emptiness of it hits me.

  Dustin, Brick and I agreed to take at least one day to clear things up with friends and family, having ultimately decided to stay mum about what really happened.

  We considered the data we had on our kidnapper and locale, which amounted to very little, and weighed it against the silent power of the person behind our disappearances.

  None of us wanted to sound crazy telling the story, and in the process, risking the billionaire’s vengeful wrath.

  He had the resources to take us again, to shut us up permanently.

  He claimed to be done with us, now that we had fulfilled his order to entertain, and we decided to take him at his word. No need to kick the hornet’s nest by trying to get him captured.

  As if we could.

  Maybe he wouldn’t care if we blabbed—law enforcement would probably just nod their heads and say they’d keep an eye out, humoring us.

  We had no description of the perpetrator, no idea what he really sounded like, couldn’t even be sure it was actually a man.

  And the location—some locked room with a bed and clothes and food…can you imagine? I couldn’t.

  “We were kidnapped and held in a cozy cave and told to have sex!”

  “Some sex freak wanted to see us fuck and then let us go once we did!”

  I tried out a few ways of telling our story, and they all end up sounding ridiculous. And embarrassing.

  And considering the conclusion...

  “So they demanded you have sex with this guy—who is now your boyfriend?” I could imagine a skeptical cop saying.

  No matter how many ways I played it out in my mind, somehow, it always ended up sounding like the three of us were trying to get away with something instead—having a wild, freaky weekend then telling someone about it as part of the kink.

  The boys were especially reluctant to have to go into detail about what happened.

  For Dustin, the whole thing wasn’t exactly terrible; the worst thing was that his company lacked his leadership for a week, but he wasn’t even concerned about that, confident the people he hired could handle business while he was away.

  And Brick doesn’t want to be outed in any shape or form. Yet.

  He wants to do it on his own terms.

  As for me, I actually got a lot out of the experience, and when I try to think about the most terrible part of it, the only thing I can come up with is that I hadn’t come to the realization I did sooner.

  Having to wait until tomorrow to see Dustin again is an unbearable thought.

  My apartment—my sanctuary just a week and a half ago, a place I could be blessedly alone—now feels lonely and empty, as if it’s missing something. And I know what it is.

  It’s probably good to have a small break from having Dustin’s huge cock ram my pussy, but that doesn’t make my core any less needy.

  I lie on my back on my bed, remembering Dustin’s chiseled face, his sculpted naked body.

  The way he looked while hovering over me, dark eyes intense and hungry, looking like he was about to devour me.

  The feel of his hard cock probing my pussy, sliding in and out of my tight wet cunt, his pelvis pushing against my heated pussy lips.

  The feel of his mouth on mine, his tongue exploring my mouth while his cock plundered my slick tunnel.

  I open my legs a bit and bring my fingertips to my buzzing cunt, playing with my tingling folds, sliding up and down its most sensitive parts as I recall the way it felt to be taken against the wall, the way Dustin looked at me while jerking Brick off, and even Brick’s look of utter pleasure at being wrapped in Dustin’s arms.

  The way it felt to have two cocks nearby at all times, at least one of them hard at any given time.

  I remember Dustin’s dark head between my legs as he licked and sucked my pussy before climbing on top of me and claiming me as his over and over again, thrusting into my grateful cunt.

  My frantic fingering stills as the pressure comes to a head and I climax, relieving my aching pussy at last.

  It’ll be a little easier to wait for him now.

  Just a little.



  My friend, Andrew, would be most worried about me, so it’s him I talk to first.

  Of course, I had been gone for just two days, so he wasn’t that worried—just a little concerned after I hadn’t answered a particular text.

  For a brief moment, I’m tempted to tell him the truth—the whole truth.

  But by the time we’ve pulled away from our hug, I’ve decided against it.

  “So Court and I broke up,” I say casually.

  “Oh, is that what that whole thing was about?”

  “Yeah,” I say, feeling like I was telling the whole truth.

  Because wasn’t I?

  If I had to funnel the experience down to one thing, that’s exactly what it came down to—Courtney and I could never truly work for a number of reasons.

  “How do you feel about it?” he asks.

  I shrug. “I think you know as well as I do, that I’m not exactly broken up about it. I just don’t know who else to date to get Dad off my back. But I guess I’ll have to pick some other poor girl to parade around soon.”

  Wait, did that come out right? Would Andrew see beneath those words?

  “Hm,” is all he says, and I’m not sure what to make of his response.

  Andrew and I ha
ve never spoken about the thing I most want to talk to him about now.

  Andrew’s bisexual—he told me once, but I’ve never actually seen him dating a girl, just boys.

  I never questioned it before, but now I’m wondering if he just said he was bi to seem a bit more acceptable once I caught him kissing a guy.

  As far as he knows—or as far as I’ve communicated—I’m totally straight; in fact, I only date hot girls.

  He asked me about the sex once and I said I don’t talk about that sort of stuff out of respect for the girl, repeating some line I heard in a movie about gentlemen not kissing and telling.

  So Drew has only seen me with chicks.

  “You want to catch a movie? At my place? Some new Netflix releases got my attention the other day,” he says.

  “Sure!” I say, genuinely excited about it.

  I like hanging out with him more than anyone; in fact, I couldn’t wait to tell him I’d gotten freed up and could hang out with him after all the day Courtney stood me up—well, the day she got kidnapped.

  Andrew knows about me.

  I suspect this is why he invited me back here.

  There’s been something off in his manner since we talked earlier, something simmering underneath the surface the whole ride to his place, and it continues now as he sets everything up while I sit patiently on his couch, waiting for him to join me with his bowl of popcorn.

  Even if I had planned to act like everything is still normal and ignore the undercurrent, my body has betrayed me.

  Andrew’s pretty good-looking, and I’m suddenly curious as hell what his cock looks like.

  My own dick is swollen with interest, and no matter how many times I try to think of something to help bring the swelling down, I fail, so it’s sitting there in all its traitorous glory, poking through my jeans.

  “Are you anticipating me setting up a porno?” he says lightly, indicating my very obvious hard-on. “Or did you and Courtney finally do it, and the memory of it is haunting you?”

  “Courtney never gave me an erection,” I say.

  “Only helped you get rid of them,” he says flatly, his hazel-green eyes intently on me. “If I recall correctly, you ran out of here with a raging hard-on before, and you had to meet with her just so she could give you a blowjob. Happened more than once actually. Something in my place an aphrodisiac I’m not aware of or happen to be immune to?”

  My cheeks feel a bit hot, and I turn to give him an admonishing sort of look in hopes he’d just drop it, but I guess I communicated something else because before I know it, he’s on his knees in front of me.

  “Take it out,” he says in a voice I’ve never heard him use. “Let me see.”

  I nearly break my fingers unzipping, and after a slightly awkward release, my cock springs free, even harder and thicker now, fully erect and raging for touch.

  Andrew takes it in his hand, licking his lips a little, and an involuntary groan escapes me as my body starts to relax more into the couch.

  His mouth closes over it, and I start ascending to heaven.

  Andrew starts working my cock like a champ, and I’m so close to exploding in his mouth when he suddenly pulls back, frustrating the shit out of me.

  “You can do me afterward,” he says as he stands, but I don’t understand his words, and my throbbing cock is making it hard to think. “Blow me, I mean,” he clarifies, “but for now, I’ll help you lose your virginity.”

  I only partially comprehend the offer while wondering how he knew, and by the time he has stripped off all his clothes, his own extremely long cock raging, I get it and nothing matters now but the fulfillment of his promise.

  He leads me to his bedroom and positions me to take him, lubing up.

  Wonder and joy fill me at the realization I can finally bury my raging cock in something other than a warm, wet mouth.



  It suddenly dawns on me that I’m a well-liked boss.

  The relief, the joy at my return, the expressions of concern all communicate that my employees are actually fond of me.

  It’s not like I do anything special—I just treat them like how I wish my dad could have been treated, remaining mindful of living wages, vacation time, benefits.

  And just like I had expected and hoped, my employees were able to keep things running smoothly in my absence.

  I had to rush to take care of a few expense approvals, but getting up-to-date on the past week or so took less than two hours.

  I spent additional time getting back on top of things, making sure to put a few mechanisms in place in case of any other surprises.

  Speaking of surprises, it has occurred to me that Courtney and I might get another one of our own pretty soon—although I guess it won’t exactly be a surprise that after fucking her raw for a few days, I might have impregnated her.

  Of course, she might be on the shot instead of having an interrupted pill schedule, but after fucking her silly once, I got the strong impression that in that very moment I’d seeded her. But that impression faded in the midst of everything else going on that needed processing.

  My mouth tilts up, and warmth rushes through my chest at the thought of it—Courtney swollen with my baby.

  Nothing seems more right.

  I hope she hasn’t taken the morning-after pill; I’d like to go with it if that’s what develops, or at least have a conversation about it.

  Damn it, I thought I could wait a day, giving both her and myself the space needed to take a deep breath and enjoy the reality of finally being free after being cooped up in an unfamiliar place and under the duress of outrageous demands.

  It made sense to take a break from each other—not just to sort through the practicalities of updating those closest to us on our whereabouts the past week and allaying general concerns, but to take advantage of the solitary time to start working through the experience. Maybe even get a quick health checkup to make sure the sleeping gas had no adverse effect.

  I want to give her that time—she might actually need it—but fuck, I can’t. I have to see her sooner than planned.

  Then maybe, after confirming she’s okay and we still exist in the normal world—that nothing has changed between us—I can give her some space.

  But not just yet—I still have a few things to finish up in the office.

  At some point, I get too distracted—thoughts of Courtney invade my head, and I know I’ll have to finish up some of my intended tasks later. There’s no more fighting them off, no going back—not now, not ever.

  Courtney has been imprinted on my memory, in every fiber of my being.

  I can easily recall her beautiful face, her smoking hot body—the perfect teardrop swells on her chest, the narrow feminine waist, the way her soft butt cheeks feel against my palms, the tempting petals of her bare slit.

  The way it felt when I first entered her body, her pussy squeezing my dick so hard, I wasn’t sure I could push through in one go.

  The way her face looked while I fucked her tight tunnel, my cock sliding in and out of her warm, slick cavern. Her blue eyes almost plaintive, her mouth slackened in submission, rounding every now and then as she panted and moaned through my relentless fucking.

  The way those perfect tits of hers jiggled with the force of my thrusts as I sank my cock deep inside her, over and over.

  I find myself running to the bathroom to relieve the pressure, my hand on my thickened cock, frantically sliding up and down the throbbing shaft as I close my eyes, picturing Courtney’s face as she looked up at me while sucking my cock, the side view of her tight, toned body in the shower before she turned to catch me looking.

  I picture her as she looked while I fucked her against that cave wall, her feminine moans tickling my ear, my cock plundering her drenched pussy mercilessly, our bodies making slapping and squishy sounds, her aromas surrounding and enveloping me. My balls swinging, her tits jiggling as I thrust and thrust into her cunt, pounding her pussy lips.

/>   The surprise of whatever the fuck her ex did with my ass comes back to me, and my cock erupts, jets of cum squirting into the air and falling back on my hand and other places.

  I need a few moments before exiting the cubicle, glad no one else is around to disturb me.

  After cleaning up, I go back out to close everything down.

  It’s time.



  I can’t help but hope it’s Dustin when I hear a knock on my front door, even though he’s not due to show up until tomorrow at noon.

  When I peek through the window, I see it’s him and rush to open the door immediately, unbelievably ecstatic to see his familiar tall, muscular frame.

  God, he still looks unbearably sexy, even with all his clothes on.

  This is the best interruption in plans, the best surprise, the best...

  “Hey, baby,” he says as I throw my arms around his neck in a grateful hug.

  I hear amusement in his voice as he says, “I take it you’re glad to see me?”

  “Oh my god, you have no idea—I missed you so much!”

  “Oh, I have an idea. Hence why I’m here now instead of later.”

  I reluctantly pull away. “Come in, come in!” I say as I sweep my arm toward the interior, unable to contain my joy that he has materialized after hours of being unable to forget him.

  Right now, I’m a total embarrassment to all my ’playing it cool’ lessons.

  I just have a hard time keeping it together around Dustin, and I’m actually okay with that; everything about life doesn’t have to be so calculated and controlled.

  Dustin steps inside and immediately makes my place feel too small.

  Before Dustin, things seemed adequate, perfect for just me.

  And just like almost everything else, I was comfortable with what I had settled for.

  But after Dustin, I want more for myself—in so many ways.


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