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Escape: A Romance Novel

Page 6

by Madison Diaz

  She pulls closer as I push my legs out first. I throw my backpack down and watch it fall with a thud on her car. The front door crashes open behind me, and Ethan’s voice filters through the empty apartment. “Leah? Baby? I know you’re in here. I saw you through the fucking window, you stupid bitch.”

  It’s now or never. I take a deep breath then jump out, attempting to make my body go limp as I pound off the hood then roll to the floor. I’m banged up pretty bad, and I'll have bruises, but nothing’s broken.

  I spring up then dart into the passenger side. Sarah screams like hell as she takes off before I'd even closed my door. We whip out of the parking lot then down the street. I hold the 'Oh, shit' handle for dear life as we race out into traffic heading north to my new life. To my new future. To Nick.

  Part II:

  * * *


  Chapter Eight


  A knock at my door comes late. I’m sitting at my keyboard with a notebook in hand and a pen behind my ear, attempting to write a new song. I’ve been at a loss of what to do since I woke this morning, finding Leah’s side of the bed empty.

  She left a note explaining she'd be back later, but I haven’t been able to stop worrying about her. I wish I knew how to contact her. I wish I knew anything about her, but I don’t even know where she works. She's given me no choice but to wait around all day on my day off in case she shows up again while I’m gone.

  My notebook finds its way to the coffee table as I waddle to the door, a hint of that beautiful blonde hair and those mesmerizing green eyes shining through the peephole. I grin as I open the door. She flashes me this bright smile and launches forward, arms wrapping around my neck. Her lips find mine in a hurry, like she's missed me as much as I've missed her.

  We stumble back into the apartment, and I slam the door behind us then pin her up against it. Her backpack slides down her arms then gets thrown across the room. She bites my bottom lip and moans into my mouth as I grip the exposed skin between her tank top and shorts. "Missed you," I murmur against her lips.

  She giggles against mine. We pull apart and stare into each other's eyes. "I missed you too. So much." Her eyes dance around my face, darting to lips for a moment before returning to my eyes again. "I can't believe you exist. This feels like a dream."

  My eyebrows go up. No shit? "It's real." I kiss her again, lingering there this time. "So, so real. And perfect. You're perfect, Leah."

  She giggles again. My eyes open to catch hers. "Trust me. I'm not perfect, but it makes me happy when you say things like that."

  I try hiding my stupid grin. "I'll say it every day then. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect."

  Her teeth tug at her bottom lip as her eyes turn serious. "There’s something important I need to talk to you about."

  "Okay." I pull away enough to grab her hand before I notice the right side of her body is completely covered in bruises. My eyes widen as I lift her arm to get a better look. "What happened?"

  Her gaze follows mine, and she winces. Shaking her head, she says, "Nothing. Don't worry about it."

  But I am going to worry about it. “Are you sure? This looks really bad, Leah.”

  She rips her arm away. “I fell down the stairs earlier. It’s not a big deal.” It’s a big fucking deal, and I don’t believe her for a second, but I can’t keep pushing.

  It’s going to drive me crazy, but she doesn’t want to talk about it, and I can’t force her. At least she’s here with me now and I know I can keep her safe.

  I bring her into the living room, and then we fall onto the couch. She cuddles up in the crook of my arm and wraps herself around me. I kiss the top of her head then rub my hand up and down her left arm. I was careful as I touched her bruised skin, terror filling me as I wonder what she’s about to tell me.

  A moment of silence falls over us, and then she sighs. "I don't wanna freak you out, so feel free to say no to what I’m about to ask." I nod with my chin resting on the top of her head. "Can I stay here?” she asks, and relief washes over me. If she stays here I can continue to keep her safe. “My home life isn't exactly… ideal, and the only way we can continue to see each other is if I don't live there anymore."

  What does her home life have to do with our relationship? Does she have overbearing parents? A crazy boyfriend? Were they the ones who put these bruises on her body?

  I rub her arm, calming myself more than her. "Of course. Stay as long as you need. I don’t think I could ever get tired of you." She can stay here for the rest of her life if it keeps her away from whoever hurt her.

  Her arms tighten around me as she sighs again. "Thank you. I promise I'll help around the house as much as I can, and I’ll split the rent with you. Whatever you n—"

  I shush her, pressing my index finger to those pink lips. "Don't worry about that. You focus on you and getting on your feet. I paid for everything comfortably before, and I can continue to do that now, okay?"

  She’s quiet for a moment before she nods, biting her lip. Her eyes are glassy as she looks up into mine. "See?” She breathes. “You're the perfect one. Sent down from heaven to save me."

  "You saved me, remember?" She doesn’t say anything as she messes with the hem of my shirt.

  I tighten both arms around her now, squeezing her against my chest. She keeps looking up at me with watery eyes. She looks so unbelievably beautiful that I can’t help it. My lips connect with hers. She sighs into my mouth as her hands reach for my cheeks. We stay connected for what feels like minutes. Actually, it could have been hours. I have no idea. I just know it’s easy to lose myself in her.

  Pulling back abruptly, she looks around my room. She has this cute smile on her face as she asks, "What were you doing before I got here?"

  I clear my throat, rubbing the back of my neck as the haze in my eyes slowly lifts. "Writing."

  Her eyes widen. "A song?"

  The corners of my mouth turn up. "Yeah. About you. Wanna hear?"

  She nods eagerly. Her eyes are all sparkly. "I've never had someone write a song about me before."

  I stumble to my keyboard as I raise my eyebrows. "Really? I doubt that."

  My eyes fall on her as she shakes her head. Her cheeks are flushed, and she looks so beautifully bashful. She has no idea the type of power she holds over me. I can’t be the only one who has noticed her. "Why would you assume someone would write a song about me?"

  I don’t skip a beat. "Because I did, and I doubt I'm the only one who's realized how beautiful you are." Her eyes lock with mine. They’re surprisingly wide with shock. "Has no one told you that before?"

  She shakes her head. "You're the first person ever to call me that. My boyfri—ex-boyfriend—has called me pretty before, but never beautiful. He’s never looked at me the way you do. Never touched me the way you have."

  "I'm sorry,” I say instantly. Her head tilts as her eyebrows draw together. "You shouldn't have been with someone who doesn’t worship you. You're way out of my league, and you were probably out of his too. I'm sure he knew that but was too stupid to accept it."

  Her lips twitch into a small smile, but it disappears almost as quickly as it appeared. "Maybe. Maybe that was his problem."

  I nod. "Well, it's over now. You got me, and I'll always tell you how beautiful you are.” I give her a wink. “I promise, they’ll be my last words."

  The smile on her face is priceless.


  "Play me your song," I breathe, eager to hear Nick's singing for the first time. I bet it sounds fantastic. I bet he’s a talented singer. I bet he’s good at everything.

  His mouth curls up in this cute way only he can before he turns back to his keyboard. Is that the only instrument he can play, or are there more? What does he look like on stage? I want to know everything.

  He sighs, closing his eyes for a moment. I watch in wonderment as he puts his fingers down on the keyboard and plays the first note. I'd never know what note it was, because I don’t know anything ab
out music. I don’t even have a favorite band, but I know it'll become his. Whatever it is.

  The next note follows quickly, making the music meld into a piece. His fingers move against the keyboard as a sweet melody fills his apartment. I try to follow the movements of his hands but can’t keep up, so I close my eyes, opting to listen and dream of what could be. The tune is hopeful and romantic.

  I lean my head back against the couch as he continues, making me fall more in love with him than I already am. Once my mind plays through a ridiculously romantic scene of Nick proposing to me in the rain, it stops.

  My eyes pop open, instantly connecting with Nick's to reveal he's been watching me, smiling. "No lyrics?" I ask.

  He shrugs. "Didn't get that far.” He shifts in his seat. “Did you like it?"

  My head moves up and down enthusiastically, eyes wide with amazement. "Of course. Is that how I make you feel?"

  He laughs with the tilt of his head as if he thinks I’m being cute. "Somewhat. I don’t think I’m talented enough to actually capture how you make me feel, but maybe one day."

  "I don't know how any of that stuff works."

  His eyebrows pull together. "Music?"

  My cheeks flush as I nod. "I don't know if that's a stupid thing to say."

  "No. It's not stupid. You could never be stupid." He gives me a curious look again as his eyes dance across my features. "Everyone writes music different ways. Even the same person could approach each song differently. My feelings for you came to me through a melody. Potential lyrics are usually what inspire me."

  I’m nodding so much I might sprain my neck, so I stop. I can’t help how stupid I still feel. Not only because of the music, but because of everything. Nick understands things. He’s smart and will be successful one day. I’m just a nobody. My only value to him is my looks, and those will fade, making me worthless to him. Our relationship could never be forever.

  "Tell you what," he starts, crossing his arms over his chest, looking much more playful than I feel. "We'll write this song together. It won't be just about you. It'll be about us… What?"

  I’m shaking my head before he’s finished talking. "I'll screw it up."

  He laughs again like I’m joking. "I have an eraser, Leah. It'll be fine."

  My mouth opens to say something else. To prove to him how pathetically hopeless I really am, but then the door burst open, and it scares the living shit out of me.

  At first, I scream, my eyes widening in shock as I lose my breath. Thoughts quickly form in my head. Fears that Ethan is the one bursting down the door. He'd have seen Sarah drop me off here hours ago, waited until the moment was right, and then bust into Nick’s apartment to kill us both. He'd beat Nick until he was black and blue, then he'd use my body as he saw fit before he'd strangle me to death.

  Hands are on me, gripping my arms and shaking me until I snap out of it. I blink as my mouth slams closed, and I look up into Nick's wide, brown eyes. He hovers over me, holding my arms and looking so concerned it brings me to tears.

  That's right. I start crying. My second night in my new boyfriend's house, and I’m crying because I thought my ex-boyfriend had broken in to kill us. I’m too messed up. I’m not worth the trouble I’m bringing into Nick’s life by simply being here.

  "What's wrong with her?" a woman asks. Glancing over, I notice Nick's sister in the foyer with two other guys standing behind her. Everyone has wide eyes at the freak who’s crying and having a panic attack over the simple act of a door opening. Lots of things are wrong with me.

  Nick's voice booms through the apartment as he yells at his sister. "Carrie. Not now." He pulls me up to him, and I wonder how he can balance so well with a broken leg. He really can do anything.

  His arms wrap around me, hugging me close, shushing me as one hand runs up and down my back. The other is in my hair, running through the strands. Somehow, that only makes the crying worse. No one’s ever comforted me like this before.

  My palms push against his chest, forcing him away from me. Confusion and hurt spreads across his features once we disconnect, and the guilt hits me in the gut. I’m hurting him.

  I attempt an apologetic glance to the room before turning away and running off to the bathroom for privacy, so I can breathe and pull myself together.

  Carrie is the first to speak again after a few moments of silence. "What the hell is going on, Nick? Finally get some pussy and you scare her away?"

  "You scared her by bursting in here!" He lets out a frustrated growl. His voice turns quiet to where I can’t hear him anymore, but that’s probably best. I hear him say 'bruises' and 'staying here,' so I can assume he’s catching them up on the little he does know about my embarrassing life.

  All three speak in hushed voices. I sit on the toilet, contemplating my next move. My legs are pulled to my chest as I sigh, trying to forget the images my stupid brain conjured. Paranoia has taken its toll. Sarah and I were careful. There’s was no way he'd know where I was. No fucking way.

  After a few minutes, there’s a knock at the door. I don’t say anything as they try the handle. "Ugh..." It’s Nick's sister. "Open up, Leah.” Silence from me. “Look, I'm sorry, okay? I didn’t know you were so jumpy. I'll be careful from now on."

  Nothing comes from my end.

  She continues, sarcastically. "Nick gives me a lot of shit about how loud and obnoxious I am. Now I've truly seen the consequences of my actions."

  Still I don’t say anything.

  Her voice turns serious as she sighs. "Please, Leah. Come out. We're about to start planning our trip, and you wanna go, right?"

  My shoulders slump as I blink at the door. I do want to go on that tour. I want to be with Nick. I want to run away and get as far from Ethan as I can. I reach the distance and turn the handle enough to unlock it. She pushes it open then gives me a sympathetic smile as she steps into the small bathroom with me then closes the door behind her. Sitting on the edge of the tub, she crosses her arms and assesses me with a curious look.

  The similarities between her and Nick are hard to ignore. She has the same beautiful black hair, except hers is up in a messy bun on the top of her head. They have the same almond-shaped eyes and high cheekbones. Their serious expressions are almost identical, except Nick’s is more smoldering and artistic while hers is calm and collected, like she knows exactly what to do to change this situation.

  She reaches between us, surprising me when she grabs my hand. Her gaze is intense as she assesses my disastrous state. "Can you forgive me? I promise I'm harmless. All bark." My head slowly nods, but I still don’t trust my voice. "Jeez, you're skittish, huh?"

  "Not usually," I squeak. "I just…what I've been through…I thought…” My eyes start to water again, and this time she shocks me by wrapping her arms around me, holding me close.

  She rubs my back the same way Nick did. Is this something their family did for them when they were afraid? Do they know about trauma? Are they just nice people, or do they genuinely care about me? "Whatever happened… It's in the past. You'll be okay."

  "Sorry," I mumble against her collarbone. "I'll be alright. Just jumpy tonight is all."

  She pulls away and nods, looking straight into my eyes. "I understand." She gives me another small smile. "Come on. Let's get out there and plan our trip, huh? We need an extra pair of hands, so you'll get paid if you help." Her smile turns into a grin as her eyebrows rise. "We'll get to visit a bunch of states and get drunk while we get to know each other better. That sounds fun, right?"

  The corners of my lips turn up as I nod again. “I wanna go. I wanna get away from here, and I wanna see you perform."

  She claps her hands together. “That's my girl.” She pinches my cheek. "You'll get to do all that stuff, and you'll fit in just fine. We'll have fun."

  My head moves up and down once again. It could be fun. It will be fun. It’s the only chance I have.

  Chapter Nine


  “Who’s that?” Michael asks, ta
king my spot at my keyboard.

  Sean slumps into my beanbag chair across the room, sighing in annoyance. “Nick’s new girl. Carrie thinks she’s kinda weird.”

  “Weird how?” I ask, wondering why they would discuss her behind my back.

  Sean shrugs. “Weird as in what just happened. She’s all quiet and standoffish. Now she’s covered in bruises. It’s weird.”

  Michael, the one who’s usually the asshole, scoffs at Sean. “She can’t control if she has bruises, dude.”

  Sean puts his hands up in defense, eyes wide. “I’m just saying.” He turns his attention to me. “She’s pretty and all, and I’m not saying don’t be her friend or don’t help her but think about who you’re starting a romantic relationship with. What kind of drama is she going to be bringing into your life?”

  “Quit being an asshole,” Michael barks back at him, escalating an argument between them as I sigh and ignore them, wondering if Leah really is weird. Am I being blinded by love? This wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened.

  Sean might be right. I want to help Leah, I really do, but I still don’t know anything about her personal life. The more I do get to know her, the more questions I have and the less she wants to answer. I’m too much of a pussy to push and ask for more. What if I freak her out and push her away. If she came to trust me, she’d tell me what’s wrong, right?

  Leah and Carrie return once Michael and Sean have calmed down. Carrie somehow worked her magic and brought Leah back, smiling, from whatever the hell happened. I wanted to know what triggered her. Who hurt her? My hands are balled into fists at my side as the thought of someone out there making her that terrified rushes through my mind.


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