Four Tomorrows: A Space Opera Box Set
Page 35
“I don’t know who you are, mister”, the President shouted as he pushed his way in front of Mark and the others, “but I’ve had enough of you, your salad headed friends, and whatever evil you’re planning for my planet and its people. We will defy you and further, we will defeat you.”
“A noble speech, Mr. President, but one that is useless and, without teeth as it were. As for who I am, you may call me ‘Klaxxus-17’and you may also call me ‘Master’.”
Chapter 21
Mark and the others looked on in anger as Ariel stood there, leaning heavily on Mark, holding her head in abject agony. Ari looked up at Mark, tears of pain streaming down her beautiful face. “Q-quel.” Was all she was able to stammer out between gritted teeth.
Mark looked around at this point, heedless of his own safety, while various alarms went off in his head warning him not to do anything. They were alarms he had every intention of ignoring.
While Eddie and Red had their weapons up and aimed at the aliens surrounding them, Mark had been holding Ariel up; otherwise she would have collapsed to the floor as if she had no skeletal structure. He leaned close to her and whispered, “I’m sorry,” then placed her gently upon the floor before he pulled his weapon and in one smooth move aimed it directly at the head of Klaxxus-17. “Tell your people to stand down, now.”
“Or what?” The bald headed purple skinned alien replied as he waved off his troops cautiously, “You’ll shoot me? Please sir, consider that I am number seventeen in a series of clones. My eighteenth iteration will simply take my place.”
“That may be so, Seventeen, but you will still feel a slow and painful death. I have no intention of simply disintegrating you. I’ll shoot you once with the power set low enough to burn your brain from the inside out. It will be a building reaction that will be more painful for each instant it carries on. It will kill you, but it will feel like an eternity of pain searing behind your eyes. You’ll be begging for it to end, and it seemingly won’t. Eventually you will die, but it’ll feel like an eternity by the time you do. In actuality it will be only minutes. You won’t be able to tell the difference. You’ll just be begging for death.”
Behind everyone and forgotten in all of this, Dan Sledge continued to hang suspended in coruscating energy in the center of the great room.
Silently, Dan continued to strain against his bonds, his brow dripping sweat as he redoubled his efforts to tear free of the energy prison.
“A wonderful and frightening speech, Mark Johnson, but one I do not believe, for you see, you are less than an annoyance to me and my masters.”
“This is a lot of energy and effort I’m standing in for ‘less than an annoyance’. You people are planning something for my world, or you’re afraid of us, which is what I surmised anyway. I may be wrong, but with the effort you’ve all put into this place, as well as creating another just like it back on the desert planet, I’d say you clowns are pretty well invested in this one.”
“The name of my world is ‘Duddas’. It is the sand world you speak of, and it is a beautiful place compared to this cold and green world of yours. There is too much water here, there is too much cold here. There are too many of you here.” He pointed a finger at Mark, “and you are too dangerous to get off this world and out of this solar system to be allowed to bring your infectious madness to the rest of the universe. Best to obliterate you all, rather than to allow you to spread.”
“Who are your masters? What world do they hail from?” The President barked.
“You do not ask the questions here, human, I do. Your title is meaningless in captivity. You are my prisoner. The only reason you are still alive is so that we can gather information from you for our invasion. Once we have all the security codes and any other necessary information needed to overcome your security systems you will be discarded.”
The President began to raise his gun to shoot when Mark laid a hand on the weapon and stopped him.
“You talk a lot, Seventeen, but you’ve said nothing. What do you want here? Why all this subterfuge? If your masters wanted to destroy us, they could have done so from space.”
“The masters know your weapons are great and powerful. You excel at destroying things. For some mad reason it is an art with your race. The universe knows this. A wary eye has been kept upon you for years.”
“Like I told you before, I already surmised all of that already, Seventeen. There’s more to it though isn’t there?”
“Of course there is, human. Your race is to be crushed, enslaved and spread throughout the universe, never to gather as one people again. You are too dangerous, and your world’s wealth will be broken up amongst the many races and distributed. Barbarians such as yourselves will never live free again. The Universal Emperor will see to that.”
“The hell he will!” shouted the President as the blaster in his hand barked death and splattered the head, brains and blood of Seventeen all over his troops standing directly behind him.
“Aw, hell!” shouted Red, wide eyed as he immediately brought his weapon up and prepared to fire.
Instantly all about the crew of the Cagliostro weapons were raised and pointed at them as triggers began to squeeze.
But behind them, and all but forgotten, a powerful man strained to the breaking point and beyond, until with one more Herculean effort, Dan Sledge pulled against his ethereal bonds and this time he shattered them. The globe he was trapped in exploded outwards with a fury like unto an erupting volcano. Everyone in the room immediately looked towards the sound of his escape, including the Quell, who suddenly screamed as its concentration was shattered and Ariel put all her psychic strength, power and will into one pinpoint accurate bolt of psychokinetic retaliation, shattering the Quell’s mind as his head snapped backwards agonizingly, blood instantly spraying from his eyes and nose, before he dropped to the floor, dead.
Now the troopers turned to fire at their enemies, but it was too late. Eddie was firing first, taking out half a dozen of the guards with almost super-human accuracy before any of them got a single shot off.
Red brought up his energy cannon as he dropped to one knee, resting the heavy weapon there as he fired. The sound was like standing next to a rocket at lift off, and the results were just as catastrophic, as the purple skinned guards were scattered across the warehouse-like room
Then Dan was there, leaping from across the empty room in one angry motion, landing the midst of their enemies, his powerful legs exploding downward into the concrete and steel reinforced floor, shattering it and sending shockwaves that scattered their enemies like tenpins.
Instantly the President, Red and Eddie took defensive positions behind crates that were scattered about the huge room and began firing as Mark joined them, having picked up a gun one of the enemy lettuce-heads had dropped, with Ariel hanging on to his shoulder for support.
The room was alive with bolts of energy flying every which way, as stunned guards tried to fight their way to their feet, but Dan would simply stomp on the floor with incredible strength sending shockwaves through the very ground, scattering them.
Ariel looked up and inhaled sharply, drawing in her breath. Then she turned to Mark and finally spoke, “I’ve got this,” she stated with an almost feline growl as she walked away from Mark, put both hands on either side of her head and suddenly concentrated.
Every alien within the room suddenly dropped to the ground like puppets with their strings cut. Ari stumbled a second as blood began to run down from her nose, and Mark quickly caught her once again.
“I’ve got you Ari, I’ve got you,” he reiterated reassuringly.
“We leavin’?” Dan asked as he rubbed his hands together, dispelling dust.
“Yes we are, Mr. Sledge,” Mark replied as he tapped his sleeve, bringing up a 3D image of the cells and the entire underground compound. “This way,” he stated flatly and pointed.
The entire team, including the President, began to run when suddenly the underground base shook violently.
“What the hell?” grunted Dan.
“We’re under attack,” Red shouted.
“Not us, this base,” Eddied replied.
“Less talk, just run.” Mark ordered, as everyone raced towards the staircase leading to the upper levels.
“Danny, take point and clear the way for us.”
“You got it, Mark,” Sledge replied as he barreled through half a dozen guards who suddenly appeared before them from an adjacent hallway. They were scattered and down before any of them drew a weapon as Dan Sledge tore through them like they were made of paper.
“Steel doorway to the outside ahead,” Mark advised as they ran.
“Not for long,” Red acknowledged as he brought up the cannon once again, “Danny, down!” Red yelled, as Dan hit the deck, barely avoiding a blast from the hand-held cannon which obliterated the bulkhead door, while the entire facility shook yet again from the continuing barrage from the outside.
“Everyone try to raise the ship, we have no idea how high up it is, or even where it is exactly. They could be doing this from orbit for all we know,” Mark commanded.
“Not quite, Mark. Look!” Eddie shouted as he pointed above them.
The Cagliostro shot across the sky stopping almost directly overhead as a small hatch opened up on the bottom of the ship and a magnetic tractor beam grasped onto them all, drawing them into the ship.
Red and Dan each placed a hand on the Presidents upper arms, holding him lightly as they floated upward.
“How is this even possible? I have no metal on.” The President stared in wonder as he floated upward.
“The beam is pulling you upward by the iron in your blood and whatever magnetic material is in our suits alone. It’s that powerful, but it’s also gentle. You’re not feeling a tug or any pain. It’s all calculated accordingly,” Mark explained as they entered the ship through the belly hatch they were drawn up through.
Seconds later the entire group was running through the ship toward the forward maglovator and from there to the control deck.
They burst onto the control deck as the secondary crew all stood, all except the man in the command chair.
“You’re all relieved people, good job,” Mark began, but stopped when he saw the General sitting in his chair, “General, where’s Mr. Marek?”
“In sick bay, Johnson. You had a traitor on board. She tried to kill your second in command, but I showed her the error of her ways,” the General concluded, rubbing his fist ominously.
“Who was the traitor? Reynolds? From life sciences?”
The General raised his eyebrows in surprise, “Good instincts Johnson, yes that’s the one. Pretty red haired tart too.”
“Auburn sir, her hair color is auburn. I’ve been concerned about her since we got her back from that prison facility. According to the crew she made some comments on the Stargrazer that seemed a bit out of place for her. Where is she now?”
“The brig, nursing a black eye and one nasty headache I hear.” He laughed quietly in memory of his arrival and subsequent knockout blow to the traitors jaw.
“Good, let her stay there and stew awhile.” He turned to Ariel who was seated at her console, “You’re going to the med bay, I’m taking you there myself. Mr. President, find a seat please.”
At Mark’s comment all on the command deck turned their heads suddenly to the maglovator doors, General Abruzzi included, who immediately stood and saluted the President.
“Mr. President! I apologize sir, I did not realize you were standing there,” Abruzzi offered sincerely.
“At ease General, this is not a formal meeting. These people just saved my life. Believe me I’m not going to stand on circumstance at the moment. I’ve been in a cell for the past few weeks.”
Then the President stopped, “Wait Abruzzi, what are you doing here?”
The General smiled slowly, “You were held the past several weeks sir, here. Johnson and his people found me thousands of light years from here held in an alien prison, where I’d been trapped for months or maybe even years. I guess we both owe them much,” he concluded with a slow nod.
The President turned to Mark who was forcibly making Ariel leave her station and go with him to the medical bay.
“So I was correct, Mr. Johnson? We had a traitor in our midst, an imposter, besides the one who took my place?”
Mark nodded as the young woman who had taken Ariel’s place at the communications console returned and did so once again. Mark led Ariel away. It was obvious she was still in pain from her ordeal. “Yes, Mr. President. You were right on all accounts. It was the General as we had surmised earlier who was replaced by the Aliens.”
“Mark, get yourself looked at also, you look like hell, you know,” the President stated.
“I feel like hell plus some,” Mark replied, a slight grin in place.
“Danny, take the command chair, head to Washington. I’ll be back in a few minutes. If attacked, don’t fire on any of our own planes. Follow the Presidents orders.”
Mark stopped a moment in thought as he looked at the view screen before him then turned back to Dan Sledge, “in fact belay that and head for orbit. Keep the reflective skin energized, Mr. President, please come with us, you too General. Red come with us and get yourself looked at.”
“Mark,” Red began, “I’m okay. Let me stay here while you’re in the med bay. I’ll go after you come back, is that okay with you?”
“All right, Red, I’ll make sure you head down there the minute we’re back on the deck, though. Mr. President, with us please?”
The President stopped and looked at Johnson quizzically, “What reason, Mark?”
“We have that little DNA test we were discussing earlier to administer. I think we all should take it to alleviate any doubts to everyone around us we are who we claim to be. Any of us who were captured by these aliens could have been cloned and replaced. Let’s make sure the air is cleared and no one on board has doubts about any of us.”
The General began to argue, but thought better of it and followed the President, Mark, and Ariel into the maglovator, exiting twenty seconds later in the medical bay.
Doctor, I have a couple of patients for you. First and foremost look to Ariel, then I need DNA tests administered to all of us, to make sure we’re all who we claim to be, if anything, for the peace of mind of the crew.”
“Never mind that, boss.” Troiano began, “you look like hell yourself, get up on an exam table pronto.”
“Ari first,” Mark insisted.
Troiano shook her head disgustedly and heeded his wishes. Ariel painfully slid up onto the med gurney, wincing a few times as she did.
“Johnson, Abruzzi a moment please,” the President called both men to his side.
“What is it Mr. President?” Mark asked as both men joined him in a corner of the medical facility.
“I have a thought as to how these DNA tests can serve two purposes. Let us have them performed on a live channel feed to the world. Can you do that?”
Mark thought a half second, then replied, “Yes we can bounce the signal off a satellite relay and blanket the world.”
“Good. I can make an announcement about my imposter the instant the test is complete, and we can have both clones arrested on the spot.”
“It may not be that easy, sir. It will be our word versus theirs and they could easily say a video DNA test was rigged.”
“Perhaps, but it will instill doubt, and that could be all we need.”
All three men agreed.
“Excuse me, Mark.” The three men looked up as the doctor approached, her face serious, “I have Ariel stabilized. She’s beat up, but nothing’s broken. She needs rest. Now it’s your turn, I need you on an exam table.”
He nodded in agreement and turned back to the President and the General, “Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me, my Doctor needs to see me. The Doctor will need to see you too, Mr. President.”
“That’s right I will, so don’t go anywhere
, Mr. President.” Troiano affirmed.
A nurse walked over and led the President to an examination table. The general stood quietly nearby watching, his face impassive.
“You were very lucky today, Mr. Johnson.” Troiano began, “You all were. The med scanner doesn’t show any breaks, just a lot of bruising. They held back on all of you.”
He laughed and replied, “It didn’t feel like it.”
“Maybe not, but they didn’t kill you.”
“No they were torturing us, they wanted information.”
He turned and looked at Ariel who was in the bed next to him, her eyes closed. “How is she, really?” He spoke in a lowered voice.
“She’s hurting. They were brutal with her. She’s scarred both mentally and physically. She needs to relax for a few days at least.”
‘No!’ Ariel’s voice shouted in both their minds, almost doubling them over with the strength of her psychic voice. ‘I can rest after this is over with. The nation, hell, the planet needs us, all of us, myself included.’
“Ari-” Mark interrupted.
‘No, no Mark, you will not put me on the sidelines for this one. I can take a nice long vacation after this is all over. For now the Doctor can medicate me or whatever. But I’m not sitting on the sidelines. I’m seeing this through to the end.’
Johnson nodded finally after meeting her gaze for a moment. “Doc, fix her up. I do need her, we all do. She’s right.”
Troiano shook her head, “I must protest Mr. Johnson, she’s my patient and she needs her rest.”
“She can rest in her quarters until I need her, then I’ll call for her. That’s the only compromise I’m willing to make. You’re both right, and you’ll both have to sign onto it, whether you like it or not, especially you Ari. Doc, don’t over medicate her, when the time comes I’ll need her sharp. Literally the fate of the world may depend on it.” He turned to Ariel now as both the President and General Abruzzi looked on in interest, “I’m not comfortable doing this Ari. But I do need you and I understand your desire to be in on the rest of this crazy mission we’re on. But I will not allow you to be hurt again. If things start to look bad I’m pulling the plug and taking you out of the action, understood?”