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Maureen's Choice

Page 5

by Charles Arnold

Big Daddy stood and so did the three younger men. He held up a hand cutting her off, “Like I said, I’ll be in touch with Dex and this Travis. You move good on the dance floor. Next time we’ll see how good you move under Bid Daddy.” All four men laughed as they crossed to the door.

  For a moment Maureen was tempted to run by them and out the door before them, but she knew they would stop her and send her back to Sam. Sick at her stomach, she returned to the stool next to him. “You know what I fuckin did to get the money to pay for you tonight?” He growled not looking up from his drink. “I gotta mind to do the same to you.”

  She placed the six hundred dollars in front of him. “Please, Sam, I couldn’t help it. You sent me over there. They made me stay. They made me dance. What else could I do?”

  Sam shoved the bills into his pocket. “Three hours I’m sittin here. You’re gonna make up for that.” He paid the bartender and roughly grabbed her arm and half dragged her outside. A cab was parked at the curb. He told the driver the address and sat in silence until they arrived at her house.

  When the cab pulled up to the curb Maureen turned to Sam pleading, “Please, Sam, I’ll pay you back the money you gave Travis to have me. I promise. I’ll pay back every cent and more if you want. Only please, take me somewhere else. Please, don’t make me do what you said in my own house with the children there. Please Sam!”

  “You got a mirror and lipstick and that shiny stuff in your purse?” he asked unsmiling.

  “Yes, but…”

  He told the driver to switch on the back cab light. “Fix up your mouth. Make your lips red and wet. I want your husband to see them like that when you fuckin wrap them around my prick.”

  Trembling, she did as he ordered. It was clear he’d had instructions from Travis and probably from Dex. They wanted her to alienate herself from Brian and her children forever. She was learning that her black masters always got what they wanted. When she finished painting her mouth, she turned to him for approval.

  “Why did you do that?” he asked.

  “So I’d look the way you want me to.”


  “When I suck your cock in front of my husband.”

  “That’s right. Now you gettin the idea. He leaned close so that his face was only inches from hers. His eyes narrowed, “You can make it easy on yourself or not so

  easy. How you gonna make it easy?”

  She felt the rage boil up inside her. She wanted, to scream obscenities, wanted to claw his eyes out. She knew if she had a gun she would kill him. It took several moments

  for her to gain control of her anger. She bowed her head, then looked up at him, “I…I

  have to show affection for you…. show I want you, show that you make me excited, make me hot.”

  “Yeah. We both know you hate me so you got to do a good fuckin acting job.” He

  paused and stared at her, “Cause if you don’t, who knows what could happen to them three in the house.”

  Maureen nodded, “I understand,” she said.

  As soon as they were inside she was relieved to see that Sara and Billy were gone. Brian sat where they had left him, in the middle of the couch. He looked pale and haggard. She was sure he hadn’t slept. Sam eased himself into the big chair opposite the couch and pulled Maureen down to sit on the arm. As he grinned at Brian, he trailed his fingers along her bare leg. “Your wife had a busy night. She danced for three fuckin hours with some young black studs who had their hands all over her. Before that she sucked off three brothers.” He squeezed her leg, “Tell him, baby.”

  Maureen tried not to look at Brian. She concentrated on a framed painting on the wall behind him. “Sam took me to Dex’s. I don’t think you know it. There’s a small band and a dance floor. I danced for hours.” She glanced at Sam who nodded for her to go on. “I danced with young black men. There were three of them. Each one felt me, felt my breasts and my ass….they pulled me into them and rubbed against me.”

  “You get em hard, baby? Did you push your cunt into them? ”

  “Yes, I pushed against them. I could feel them get hard.”

  “What about before that?” Sam insisted.

  Maureen looked down at the floor. “Soon after we got there, three different men, black men wanted me to…to….they wanted me to get them off, make them cum. There’s this private little room. So I did.”

  “Did what?” She could hear the anger in Sam’s voice.

  “I took them one at a time into the room. I got on my knees and…and I sucked

  them, sucked their cocks.”

  Sam smiled across at Brian, “She liked it.” He looked up at her, “Right, baby, you got a thing for big black dicks?”

  “Yes, I liked it.”

  Sam turned back to Brian, “And they paid her didn’t they, Mrs. O’Donnel. How much they give you?”

  Still not looking at her husband, she said, “A hundred and fifty each.”

  “Your hot little wife’s a real money maker, Brian. Too fuckin bad you didn’t figure that out right after you married her. Instead of them brats, you’d have a nice fat bank account. What do you think?”

  It was clear Brian was terrified. He had trouble finding his voice. “I…I… don’t know,” he said lamely.

  “I tell you what I want you to do, Brian.” Sam took out the razor and held it up, then put it back in his pocket. “I want you to come over here and zip down my fly and take out

  my prick. Then either you or your wife here is gonna blow me.” His hand tightened on Maureen’s leg, “Depends on which one wants it most.”

  Although Maureen despised her weak husband and had begun to hate him for starting her down this tragic path, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him as he knelt before Sam and tugged his zipper down. “Please,” Brian began to beg, “don’t make me…”

  Maureen cut him off, “Sam,” she said quickly, “I want it. I want your cock. I’ve been thinking about it all night.” She leaned down and held his face between her hands. “I’m so hot, honey, let me show you how hot I am for you, please.”

  Sam nodded, “Yeah, you got a mouth that was made for suckin cock.” Brian had taken Sam’s hideous cock from his pants and quickly backed up. “Get over here,” Sam

  ordered. “Get up close so you can see your wife’s red lips slide down on my black prick.” He pulled Maureen down so that she was on her knees between his legs. His cock was not long but thick and deformed. Fat bulging veins twisted around it. The cockhead was

  bent down at a sharp angle and its rim was deep. Black tightly curled hairs covered his

  testicles and crotch. The stench was rancid, smelling of dried urine. Maureen looked at

  his ugly prick and turned her head away. Sam grinned down at both her and her husband. “You know, Brian, your wife always asks nice. When she’s hot like she is now, she begs for it.”

  Maureen looked up at him and inched closer, “Please, Sam honey, let me suck it.” She took his stiff cock between her hands, “Please, I want to, Sam, please.”

  “Kiss it first. Kiss the end”

  Maureen closed her eyes and leaned over to press her lips to the tip of his prick.

  “Kiss it again.” She did. “Once more and this time I want to feel your tongue.” She parted her lips and touched her tongue to his pee hole.

  Sam grinned at Brian, “She ever do that to you Brian? She ever kneel at your feet and tongue kiss the end of your prick?”

  Brian shook his head. “No, never.”

  “What you thinkin, Brian?” Sam asked.

  “I…I….don’t,” Brian stuttered.

  “You’re thinkin ‘that’s the way she used to kiss your mouth’. You’re rememberin how hot and soft them lips felt when she kissed your mouth and now them same lips is kissin a black man’s prick the same fuckin way. Ain’t I right?” He pushed Maureen’s head down again. She kissed the ugly head of his prick once more.

  “See Brian, I don’t even have to tell her. Your pretty little whit
e wife worships the black man’s cock. Ain’t that right, Baby?”

  Maureen stared at her lip prints on the head of Sam’s cock. “Yes,” she said, “I worship the black man’s cock.”

  “Well she made her mouth up real nice, red lipstick and that shiny stuff just so she

  could make sweet love to my prick. Ain’t that right, baby?”

  She looked up, “Yes, Sam. That’s right. I made my mouth up for you.”

  “Now I think she wants to kiss my black balls. Don’t you baby?” He laughed.

  “Yes, honey, please.”

  He winked at Brian, “I want you to know your wife is well acquainted with my balls. One night not long ago she was layin on the floor and I was squattin over her easin my balls into her open mouth. She sucked them nice, sucked them like she love it.” He looked down at Maureen. “You love suckin my balls ain’t that right, Mrs. O’Donnel?”

  She nodded, “Yes, Sam, I do.”

  He pulled his cock back against his stomach. Maureen lowered her head and, cupping his balls in one hand, began to kiss them with wet audible kisses. As it had in the past, the scent aroused her. The thought that she was pressing her lips to the testicles of this black Cretan here her own house with her husband kneeling next to her, also excited her. She covered his balls with soft, kisses. “Lick it,” Sam ordered. She began at the base of his cock and licked the underside with the flat of her tongue. “Look at me while you lick,” he said. She looked up into his grinning face. Sam turned to Brian, “How about this, Brian. Young, pretty white wife on her knees lickin the black man’s cock. And all the while lookin up at him, you know, like she’s real grateful that he let her do it.. That’s how it ought to be. Right?” Brian nodded. Sam leaned down and put his hand under Maureen’s chin. “You can stop, baby. I don’t want to cum down here. Savin my load for in your bed. You’re gonna suck me a lot tonight and tomorrow mornin too. Maybe if you keep me hot, I’ll even fuck you. You want me to fuck you? Fuck you in your own bed?”

  Maureen had been hoping against hope that if she could get him to orgasm here he’d leave.

  He suddenly stood and roughly pulled Maureen up with him. Pointing at Brian he said, “We’re goin to your bedroom. That’s were we’ll be all night. No matter what you hear, you stay the fuck right where you are. If you come up them stairs, I’m gonna cut your balls off. You got my meanin?”

  Brian scrambled back to the couch, “Yes, yes, I won’t come up. I’ll stay here.”

  “Jus remember. If you don’t do exactly as I say, then something bad could go down here tonight. You know what I mean? You both got that?”

  Brian nodded. Maureen noticed there were tears forming in his eyes too. “Maureen,” he said, “do what he says. Please do what he says.”

  There was no way out. Maureen took a step back, “I will.” She turned to Sam. “I’ll do what you want.”

  Chapter Three

  “Fix your face. Fix your mouth. Lift up your dress. I want to feel how fuckin wet you are.” Sam said.

  Maureen crossed to the mantle and wiped her face. She pulled her dress up around her waist. Sam stood behind her and moved his hand up the inside of her thigh. He drew his fingers along the slit of her pussy. “My, my, Mrs. O’Donnel’s cunt is drippin.” He turned toward Brian. “Course that ain’t no surprise. Suckin black dick always gets her

  juice flowin, don’t it Mrs. O’Donnel?”

  Maureen tried to keep her legs from trembling as she coated her lips with the gloss. “Yes, I try not to….but….but it makes me wet.”

  Sam held his fingers up for Brian to see. “Yeah, she hot all right.” He turned her around to face her husband. Standing behind her, he ran his hands over her body and cupped her breasts. He pushed his crotch against her ass. “She lookin good, Brian? Your pretty little wife lookin good for her man?”

  Brian swallowed and nodded, “Yes, she looks….looks…better than I’ve ever seen her.”

  Still squeezing her breasts, Sam grinned at Brian, “I’m gonna be puttin my big black cock in your wife’s sweet white cunt, slidin it in and out all night long, you know. Tell him. Tell your husband what I’m gonna do to you.”

  Maureen avoided looking at Brian. “He’s going to…to…do it to me, going to fuck me all night upstairs in our bed.”

  “Yeah, that’s right. I gonna be fuckin your pretty wife and she’s gonna be lovin it.” He nuzzled Maureen’s neck, “Ain’t you, babe. Ain’t you gonna love it? Tell your husband how it’s gonna be.”

  It was a moment before she answered. Looking down at Sam’s hands clasped tightly at her waist, she spoke softly, “I…I’ll stand in the middle of our bedroom while he’s in our bed and I’ll undress for him, slowly. Then, if he lets me, I’ll undress him. When both of us are naked I’ll press my body against his and kiss him. Kiss him for a long time. If he wants me to I’ll suck is cock. When it’s hard I’ll get on my knees and lift my ass and spread my ass cheeks so he can slide his cock into whichever opening he wants.” As she was speaking Sam moved his hands down to her crotch and rubbed it. She pressed against his hands and turned her head to look back at him, “I want you to fuck me,” she said.

  “You like a dog bitch in heat,” he said.

  Maureen nodded, “Yes that’s what I am. That’s just what I am. I’m like a dog bitch in heat.”

  Sam put his arm around her waist and led her toward the stairs. He leaned close and whispered, “That’s it, baby, now you’re gettin with it.” She looked up at him and nodded. They started up the stairs. In a loud voice he said, “Where you takin me, Mrs. O’Donnel?”

  “To my bedroom Sam. I’m taking you to my bedroom.” They were at the top of the stairs now. Down the hall the door to the children’s room swung open. Thankfully, her children were gone. Brian must have taken them to his cousin’s for the night.

  Sam touched her chin with his finger. She tilted her head up and parted her lips for his kiss. Maureen glanced back for a moment then followed Sam into the bedroom. She shut the door and stood looking around the room. She covered her face with her hands, “My God,” she said in a harsh whisper, “how could I?”

  Sam sat on the bed grinning. “Come over here and take my fuckin clothes off,” he said. She crossed the room and knelt at his feet to remove his shoes and socks. The socks were damp. His ugly feet smelled of talcum and sweat. Unsmiling, he stared down at her. “I ain’t liftin a fuckin finger. You gonna do it all, ain’t you, Mrs. O’Donnel?

  Kneeling at his feet, she looked up at him, “Yes, Sam, I will.”

  She rose and unbuttoned his shirt and loosened his belt. He stood while she took off the sweat stained shirt and unzipped his fly. She pushed his pants and shorts down at the same time. He stepped out of them. He put his hands on her shoulders to keep her kneeling in front of him. His limp cock was blacker than the rest of his body. “Rub it against your face,” he said. She pressed his thick deformed cock against her cheek. “You ever undress your husband?” he asked.

  Not wanting to look at him, she bowed her head, “, I didn’t.”

  “You got some kind of sexy robe or gown or somethin?”

  “Yes, I think so. In the closet.”

  “We’ll save that for the mornin. I want you naked tonight.” He grinned at her, “Yeah, I want a young white woman, a pretty white woman to be naked for me tonight. I want this naked white woman to do things to me,” he patted the mattress, “right here in her own bed with her husband listening downstairs.” He lifted his heavy flaccid cock, “What you gonna do with this, Mrs. O’Donnel?”

  She glanced at his grotesque penis and looked away, “I…I’ll suck it and ask you to put it in me….put it inside me.”

  Sam sat back on the bed then stretched out clasping his hands behind his head. “You is standin there lookin like you forgot where you is at and who you is with.”

  Quickly she crossed to stand beside the bed.

  “I wanna see you perform for me. Suppose you get over there and put on a littl
e show for me, a strip show.”

  He propped a pillow behind his head and gestured toward her. She went to the middle of the room and faced the bed. Tentatively she began to push the capped sleeves of her cotton dress down over her shoulders. “Say stuff!” Sam shouted. And speak up nice and loud. Say stuff to make me hard. I want your husband to hear.”

  She pushed the tight dress down until her breasts were exposed. “They’re for you, Sam, just for you,” she said.

  “Not loud enough.” He pointed toward the door. “Open it,” he said. She hesitated shaking her head. He sat up, “Open the fuckin door!” He yelled. She opened it and turned back. Sam held up his limp penis. “You ain’t doin much for me, baby.”

  She came closer to the bed and pushed the dress down over her hips. It gathered at her feet. She stepped out of it and stood before him naked, moving her hips erotically. Sam nodded at Maureen, “Keep goin, baby, you startin to warm me up.”

  Maureen moved next to the bed, “Look at me, Sam. I…I’m naked for you. I’m yours. Your pretty white woman. All night I’ll make love to you. I’ll do whatever you tell me to do.” His cock had started to stiffen. She reached across the bed to touch it lightly. “My pussy has been wet all night, Sam. It’s yours to fuck.” She trailed her fingers along the underside of his cock. “My ass belongs to you, too, Sam. I want to feel your cock in my ass.” She willed herself to lean over close to his face. “My mouth is hot for you, honey. I want to kiss your balls and hold them in my mouth like before. I want to suck your cock for a long time.” Her fingers closed around his cock as she gently pressed her lips to his. When they parted she whispered into his mouth, “That’s what I want, Sam. I want to suck your prick for a long time.”

  Keeping her facing him, he pulled her onto the bed and pushed her to a kneeling position between his spread legs. “Lift your ass way up and tell me again what you want. Say it so I can hear.”

  “I want to suck your prick, Sam and lick you, lick you everywhere. I want you to cum in my mouth. Then I want to make you hard again so you will fuck me.”

  Sam smiled to himself, “Is you my lover Mrs. O’Donnel?”


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