Maureen's Choice

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Maureen's Choice Page 10

by Charles Arnold

  During the length of this contract, I promise to serve all black men with my body and mind. All of my body openings will be accessible to any black man who, with Big Daddy’s approval, desires to use me.” She frowned and bit her lip.

  I promise to dress as Big Daddy wishes and wear the make up he requires I wear and to behave as he instructs.

  I promise that from this day forward even after the terms of this contract have been fulfilled, I will have no sexual relations with any white man. My body is now and will always be for the exclusive use of black men.

  I believe that the black man is superior and I am here only to please him in any way he desires.

  She stopped and looked up at Big Daddy who nodded and gestured for her to continue. Her hand trembled.

  “I believe my purpose in life is to be a white breeder for blacks.”

  Maureen started to rise but Big Daddy held up his hand and motioned for her to sit. She made a little sound in her throat but sat down and bowed her head.

  Eileen looked across at Big Daddy, “Does that mean I’m to have babies with black men?”

  Big Daddy nodded, “Yes, that’s exactly what it means. And the black men will be very black so that you will produce black babies.”

  Eileen shook her head, “I...I...don’t know if…if…

  “Go on,” Big Daddy ordered.

  After several moments Eileen continued, “I promise to keep my body clean, healthy, perfumed, and desirable for the black man’s pleasure.

  I promise to wear, at all times, a collar and ankle bracelet with the letters “WBFB”.

  These letters, as almost all black men know, stand for White Breeder For Blacks.

  Does that mean…”

  Big Daddy explained, “It means that wherever you go black men and black women will know what you are.”

  I promise to have a permanent tattoo of a small black spade placed high on my

  left breast so that black men will know I belong to them.

  I promise that the only orgasms I will have from this day forward will be from the fingers or cocks of black men. I will not masturbate or use vibrators and no

  white man will ever have access to my cunt.

  I will never wear under garments. In the presence of any black man I will keep my legs spread so he can see my white cunt. I will keep my lips parted so he will know they are open for him. My lips will belong to him. I will kiss him whenever and wherever he wishes. I will suck his cock whenever and wherever he wishes.

  I promise to remain a breeder until I have given birth to six black babies.”

  She looked up at Big Daddy and shook her head. “I…I…can’t. I really can’t do that,” she cried. “I…I…thought you meant maybe have one black baby, but six! No! No! That’s impossible!”

  Big Daddy pressed a button on his desk. Behind him on the wall appeared the photograph of her father sitting in a chair looking terrified as four young black men stood around him. Both girls stared at the photo. Big Daddy reached for his phone. Quickly, her voice breaking, Eileen said, “I promise….I promise to try to have black babies.”

  Big Daddy held up six fingers. “Six,” he said.

  “Yes, six,” Eileen whispered.

  Big Daddy grinned across at them, “Think of it this way, Eileen. Suppose you had been caught shop lifting or doing drugs or had accidentally run over someone with your car and driven away and were later caught. You’d spend at least six years in prison. Your sister would never see Travis again. Your father would die soon in poverty. The six years you spend as a breeder will be spent in comfort. Everything you need and want will be provided. Your sister goes back to her man. Your father spends his final years in relative luxury. Upon delivery of the sixth black baby I will write you a check for $120,000 and offer you an excellent job as a recruiter which you will be free to reject if you wish.” He paused to study her then reached across to place his hand over hers, “You are nineteen. When your service here is completed you will be only twenty-five with a full life ahead. You are beautiful and healthy. I’m sure your babies will be the same.”

  Eileen felt him gently squeeze her hand. “The babies,” she said, “will I keep my babies?”

  “Oh my, no. Whatever would you do with six black babies? They will go into good homes of well to do couples who cannot have children. I have a very long waiting list.”

  “I…I’ll never see them?”

  Only for a few weeks while you nurse them.” He sat back and chuckled, “Like I said you will be twenty-five, plenty of time for black babies of your own.”

  Eileen thought for a moment, then nodded. “But how? I mean who will the fathers be?”

  “They will be much like yourself, young, healthy, and handsome. I choose them myself. All are given extensive physicals and are checked very carefully before you are sent to them or they come to you. Two nights each week you will be fucked bareback by ten men. Between times you will rest and exercise and be well taken care of. On the nights when you are sent to breed, each of these men will take you once. Believe me, my dear, you will be filled with powerful black seed. You may be required to use your mouth to get them erect but I doubt that. My guess is that in a short time you will become as addicted to black cock as your sister is. Certainly you will look forward to the breeding nights. Orgasms all night long!” He laughed.

  Eileen smiled weakly at him and nodded. He tapped the contract with a stubby finger.

  Above the space for her name was written, “I state that I sign this contract freely. I have not been threatened, intimidated, drugged or in any way forced to do so. I acknowledge the contract is a binding one.”

  He pushed a pen across the desk. “Sign it above your name. Maureen is to sign as a witness.”

  Her hand shook so badly she had to start twice. Maureen added her name and handed the paper back to Big Daddy. He smiled at the girls and sat back, folding his hands over his massive belly. “You did the right thing, little sister. Big sister gets to go back up north to her lover. Your real Daddy is going to live out the rest of his life in comfort. And you are going to discover that there’s nothing better on God’s green earth than getting fucked hard and often by a gang of super stud black brothers. In the end you’ll be proud that you added six mixed race babies to the population.” He leaned forward and looked steadily at the sisters, “Everybody wins, ain’t that right?” Maureen and Eileen nodded. Big Daddy pressed a button on his desk. Immediately, Trisha entered and walked quickly to

  stand behind the two women. Big Daddy continued to stare impassively at them,

  “Before Trisha takes you to your rooms there’s something else you need to know.” He took a deep breath, “Both of you have got away from the most important thing you need to do and think and feel in this new way of living you picked. What is it?”

  Eileen looked at her sister. Maureen hesitated, “To…respect…to honor the black man,” she said.

  “No, you got it wrong!” Big Daddy said, his voice rising. “You got it mixed up with that love shit. This got noting to do with love. That damn Dexter and Travis been treating both of you like fucking white princesses. Now, I got to set your minds straight. Neither of you is equal to the lowest, filthiest, laziest, ugliest, worthless black man or black woman either. The black man’s cock is your God. The thing you want more than any other thing in this world is to be permitted to kneel before a black man, any black man, and kiss the end of his black prick! Now, Ms. Maureen what’s your purpose in earth? Why are you here?”

  Maureen was quick to answer this time, “To worship the black man’s cock.”

  Big Daddy nodded at Eileen, “And why are you here?”

  Her face reddening, she whispered, “To worship the black man’s cock.”

  “Yeah,” he said leaning back, “What’s needed is some lessons to teach you exactly what that means, some lessons in humility, some lessons to show you where your place is.” He paused, frowning, “Since Eileen is staying here, she’s not likely to forget,
but you,” he pointed at Maureen, “going up north there with Travis, you might fall back into that husband and wife is equal shit. I think you need some hard lessons in humility. You been forgettin what your place is.” He leaned back regarding her for several moments. She felt a tremor of fear through her body. “We’ll talk about this later,” he said. “Yes,” he gestured to Trisha who tapped the sisters on their shoulders. The three of them filed out.

  Chapter Eight

  Trisha led them back to Maureen’s spacious room. “There’s some things Big Daddy wants me to lay on you,” she said, directing them to sit in the two big comfortable chairs. “After I put the “White Breeder For Blacks” collar and ankle bracelet on blondie here, you both gonna rest for a couple of hours. I give you something to make you sleep. Big Daddy say his little blonde breeder gonna start tonight and her sister gonna join him and his guests.”

  Maureen began to object, “It’s too soon….”

  Trisha glared at her, “You one fuckin uppity white bitch. You got to learn your place. You do what Big Daddy say or there be hell to pay.” She waited until Maureen nodded. “Around ten o’clock after you shower and dress up you be taken to the breedin room. The breedin studs come one at a time to fuck blondie. After all ten shoot their loads in her she gonna be one wore out bitch. Eileen’s blue eyes were wide, her cheeks scarlet. She didn’t seem to have quite grasped what she’d just heard. Trisha continued, “Each stud takes a half hour each time.” She poked Maureen, “How many hours is that?”

  Maureen looked up, “Five,” she said.

  “That’s right. Your little sister gonna fuck for five hours. Ten loads of black cum be fillin up her little white cunt!” The thought of it amused her. “Yeah, that white pussy gonna sure get stretched tonight!” She chuckled.

  Maureen held back the tears she felt forming, “These men,” she began, “are they….are they…”

  “They is big, mostly young, healthy fuck studs,” Trisha said. “Most is or was athletes. Big strong bulls, some handsome, some ugly, but no druggies. Doctor checks them before they fuck your sister. Big Daddy don’t want her messed up with no diseases.”

  Maureen reached over to touch Eileen’s arm, “That’s good, honey.” Eileen nodded.

  Trisha grinned at them. “Two nights from now it start all over again only with ten different black bulls. I spect little blondie here gonna start makin a baby real quick.”

  Maureen frowned, “Is Eileen the only one….I mean, are there others who are forced to do this?”

  Trisha laughed, “Hell yeah! Big Daddy got white breeders in just about every city and town in the fuckin country. I spect he got a stable of at least a thousand white girls fuckin black bulls and havin babies. He calls it his mission. He wants to make the white race a tad blacker and the black race a tad whiter so, in time, there be no black and white. That’s Big Daddy’s plan.” She paused considering whether or not to go on. She shook her head deciding she would. “Your sister, here, gonna start takin lessons in how to speak French. After six years she know it pretty good. When she done havin her six babies, Big Daddy send her to France to recruit white breeders there.”

  Maureen spoke up angrily, “That wasn’t part of the contract!”

  Trisha held up her hand, “That’s right. Baby sister gonna get to pick. She can go do whatever she wants or take a job recruitin white bitches in France. I’m bettin on her acceptin Big Daddy’s offer just for the fringe benefits.”

  “What fringe benefits?”

  “After six years of fucking big black bulls, she ain’t never gonna be satisfied with anything else, especially no white wimp thimble dicks. In France she gets to try out them black studs who mostly come right from Africa.”

  Through all this, Eileen sat almost in a daze, trying hard to sort it out, trying to imagine the frightening course her life had taken. Maureen wanted to ask more questions, but the black woman cut her off and insisted the two sisters take the sleeping pills she handed them. Within half an hour both were sleeping soundly.

  At eight o’clock that evening both were awakened by Trisha gently shaking their shoulders. On either side of her were two younger black woman who stared at the sisters impassively. Trisha gestured toward them, “This here’s Tanya, and the tall skinny one is Lilia. They be your groomers.” She chuckled. “You know uppity dogs have groomers to keep them lookin pretty. You is two white bitches and Big Daddy wants his bitches to look good, just like show dogs.” Tanya and Lilia grinned down at them. Trisha continued, “Just like the dogs got to listen to their groomers, you bitches got to listen to Tanya and Lilia, got to do what they say. Got to wag your little tails and kiss their hands!” All three black women burst into laughter. “Yeah,” Trisha said, “you can start by haulin your lazy asses out of bed and getting down on your knees and lookin up at your groomers like you be wantin a bone.” The black women laughed again.

  Maureen and Eileen had fallen asleep in the conservative suits they’d worn to the interview, but had kicked off their shoes. They knelt before the two black women who seemed to be a not much older than Eileen. They wore a sort of uniform: short red skirts, black spandex sweaters, and red spike open-toed heels. It was obvious neither wore undergarments.

  Trish stepped back to observe the scene before her and nodded in approval, “You two white bitches got to understand your position. All blacks, males and females, is your masters. The groomers ain’t servants. They masters. You got to do what they say. You got to show them respect. You got to say please and thank you. You never question what they tell you. Understand?”

  Maureen and Eileen, still looking up at their groomers, murmured, “Yes.”

  Lilia looked at Tanya who nodded slightly. The tall black girl tapped Maureen on the head, “Kiss my feet, bitch,” she ordered. Maureen hesitated for a moment, then bent down to press her lips to the long bare toes. She raised her head. Lilia frowned at her, “What you say, bitch?”

  “Thank you.” She bowed her head.

  Trisha stepped forward, “You say, thank you Mistress Lilia, that’s what you say.”

  Maureen looked up into the scowling face, “Thank you Mistress Lilia.”

  Tanya stamped her foot, startling Eileen, “Your turn bitch,” she said, “and not just one, kiss both.” Eileen lowered her head and kissed one bare foot and then the other. “Do it again,” Tanya ordered. “This time I wants to feel some tongue.” Quickly Eileen tongue kissed the toes of Tanya’s right foot and then the toes of the left.” With her head still lowered, she whispered, “Thank you Mistress Tanya.”

  Trisha chuckled, “Little blondie is good with feet. She been suckin Big Daddy’s big toe like a lollypop more than once.” She started toward the door, but turned back. “What we had here was a lesson to show you where you is at. Us blacks, men and women, is givin the orders. You is obeying them and sayin thank you.” She pointed at Maureen, “Lilia be your groomer, but you call her Mistress Lilia. Keep in mind, she’s boss over you. Don’t give her no back talk. Say ‘Yes, Mistress Lilia’ and do what she say.” Maureen nodded. Trisha jabbed a finger in Eileen’s direction, “Same for you. Tanya is your boss. Do what she say.” Eileen glanced fearfully at Tanya and then whispered, “I will.” Trisha turned and left.

  Lilia was a head taller than Maureen. Her skin was very black, her cheekbones high in her angular face. She appeared anorexic, all thin arms and legs and a flat ass and flat chest. Tanya was her physical opposite; short and stocky, heavy arms and legs, a huge bubble ass, a round face, flat nose and thick lips. Maureen thought to herself, ‘These are the two ugliest women I’ve ever seen and we have to obey them and call them Mistress!’

  But an hour later she was amazed at their expertise in massaging and applying cosmetics. After she and Eileen had showered, they were told to lie down on adjacent massage tables. The two black women kneaded their bodies from head to toe. Then, they rubbed them with perfumed oil. They were ordered to sit naked at the make-up table. Their hair was dried, styled, and brushed. E
xpensive cosmetics were skillfully applied to their eyes and lips. Tanya handed Eileen a collar and an ankle bracelet. “What do it say on these?” she asked.

  Both the collar and bracelet were made of black leather and embossed with white letters. Tears formed in Eileen’s eyes as she read the inscriptions, “White Breeder For Blacks.”

  “That’s what you is blondie, right?”

  “Yes, Mistress Tanya, that’s what I am.”

  “And how you gonna do that? How you gonna be a white breeder for blacks?”

  The color rose to Eileen’s cheeks as she bowed her head, “Black men are going to….going to…to do it to me…..” She couldn’t finish.

  Tanya shook her head at Lilia, “What we got here is one dumb fuckin bitch!” She turned back to Eileen, “Black bulls is gonna fuck you and keep on fucking you and shootin their black seed into your white belly till you get a black baby!”

  She glared at Eileen for a moment, “Now, say it, bitch. Say it!”

  Tearfully Eileen looked up at her, “Black men….I mean black bulls are going to…to…fuck me and cum inside me until I am pregnant with a black baby.”

  “How many black babies you gonna have?”

  “Six. Over the next six years I’ll try to have six black babies.”

  “Yeah, now you got it right.” She motioned for Maureen to put the collar around Eileen’s neck. “You gonna be auntie to six black babies,” she chuckled.

  She pointed to the bracelet. “That too,” she said. Maureen knelt at her sister’s feet

  and buckled the black leather bracelet around Eileen’s ankle. “Why she wearin them?” Tanya asked.

  “So the men will know,” Maureen looked up at her frowning.

  “So the men will know what?”

  “That she’s a breeder for them, a breeder for black men.”

  “You proud of her? You proud that your little blondie sister gonna fuck nobody but black men and have their babies?”


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