Maureen's Choice

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Maureen's Choice Page 11

by Charles Arnold

  Maureen started to shake her head “no” but Tanya leaned down and slapped her hard across her cheek. Maureen placed her hands on the floor to steady herself then with her head bowed said, “Yes, I’m proud of her.”

  Lilia had begun to lay their clothes out on the bed. “Yeah, little sister gonna be one tired bitch when this night’s over. Ten bulls is waitin for her. She gonna get fucked ten times and them is real bulls with big stud cocks. That tight white pussy gonna be stretched tonight for sure!”

  Eileen made a small noise. Maureen looked across at Lilia, “My God, I don’t think she can….”

  Eileen turned toward her sister, “That’s right…I….I….can’t.”

  Tanya laughed, “Once you is stretched and maybe ripped a little, you gonna want more. After five you gonna be glad there’s five more waitin. There ain’t no cock like big black cock and these bulls is world class fuckers. They gonna ride you till you cum and they know just how to move you around so you do cum.”

  “True,” Lilia said, “after tonight little blondie be real anxious for round two. She gonna get real blacked, that’s for sure!” Maureen wanted to ask more questions, but Tanya had pushed Eileen down to a kneeling position and indicated that Maureen was also to kneel. She patted Eileen on the head. Tanya nodded and chuckled. She patted Eileen on the head. “You ever eat black pussy, baby?”

  Eileen blushed and looked down, “No…no….I never did that. Not ever.”

  “Well, you gonna learn and in time you gonna like it.” She lifted her skirt. Her pubic hair was a thick mat. She parted it and drew her middle finger along the purple slit, which oozed with her juice. She held the glistening finger under Eileen’s nose. “Smell it,” she said. Eileen turned her head away. Tanya slapped her hard across the face causing her to cry out. Maureen started to rise but Lilia pushed her down. Once more Tanya held her wet finger under Eileen’s nose. “Sniff it,” she demanded. Eileen smelled the woman’s fat finger. “You like?” she asked.

  Eileen nodded, “Yes, Mistress Tanya.”

  “Now, lick it clean but don’t fuckin mess up your lipstick.”

  Eileen parted her lips and took Tanya’s finger into her mouth. Tanya withdrew it slowly. “How that black pussy juice taste?”

  Tears had formed in Eileen’s eyes. “I…I…liked it,” she said. The two homely black women laughed.

  From the closet Lilia had taken a shear white negligee, white high heeled pumps, and a black business suit consisting of a short tight skirt, a tailored jacket, and black leather heels. She handed the gown to Eileen and the suit to Maureen.

  “Nothin underneath,” she said.

  A short time later the sisters were led to what Tanya called, The Breedin Room. There were no windows but a heavy arched oak door was set into the front wall and another in the back wall. The room was softly lit with perfumed candles. A huge four-poster bed took up the center of the room, the sheets and pillows were purple satin. Against the wall to the right of the bed were a make up table, a comfortable wingback chair. Next to it, on the floor, was a damask covered pillow. “The bulls be waitin in the other room,” she gestured to the door in the back wall. She stood in front of Eileen and stared hard at her, “Listen up, bitch. You gonna be fucked ten times tonight. Theys ten black studs and each one of them is gonna fuck you. You got that?”

  Eileen held back the tears, “Yes, Mistress Lilia.”

  “You not only gonna fuck them, you gonna take their cum, take all of it, don’t be lettin it leak out. When them bulls cum in you, you lift up, you grab their asses and pull them into you. You make them cum deep inside you, understand?”

  Eileen nodded. “I understand.”

  Tanya chuckled, “Little blondie bitch gonna be one full cum dump in a couple hours.”

  When the sisters were dressed Lilia and Tanya had them stand and turn around. “Yeah,” Tanya said, “they’ll do. In fact they is lookin like fine white ass. The brothers gonna like knowin they givin it up only to black men.” She crooked her finger at Eileen, “Follow me, bitch.” Maureen started to rise but Lilia pushed her down to a sitting position on the bed.

  “You mean I’m not to stay with Eileen?” she said desperately.

  “Hell no! She a big girl now. She can fuck without no help from her sister.”

  “But what…” Maureen began again.

  Lilia nodded at Tanya who grabbed Eileen by the arm and led her out of the room. At the door, Eileen glanced back tearfully. The door closed behind her. Maureen sat on the bed shaking her head, “My God! What have I done!” she cried.

  Lilia chuckled, “You done good. Before you know it, little sister gonna be addicted to black cock. Gonna be wantin it all the time.” She grinned down at Maureen. “And she gonna be makin babies.” She pointed to the mirrored table. “Fix up your face. Heavy on the lipstick and gloss.” Maureen’s face was framed by her jet black hair. The bright red of the lipstick and the dark mascara and eye shadow contrasted sharply with her pale skin. It was certainly no longer the face of an Ohio wife and mother of two small children. She turned to look at Lilia who nodded her approval and gestured toward the door, “Big Daddy has very important guests who are powerful and rich. They came yesterday from Nigeria in a private jet. They is business partners of Big Daddy. Dealin in guns, drugs, oil and sometimes the slave trade. They take young white girls and sell them to A-rabs and Chinamen and such. Big Daddy showed them some photographs of you so they wants to see you in person.”

  Maureen’s heart sank. At the door, she took a step back. “You said slave trade. They don’t…I mean Big Daddy doesn’t intend to…”

  Lilia took her by the arm and walked her down the hall toward the dining room. “No you ain’t gonna be sold to no A-rab. Big Daddy promised you’d get sent back to your black lover and Big Daddy does what he says he’ll do.” At the entrance to the dining room she paused and turned Maureen to face her. “Listen up,” she stared hard into Maureen’s eyes, “If you don’t please Big Daddy and them others, he say he gonna have your titties whipped. Them men like to see white women whipped, especially pretty white women. If you fuck up they gonna see your titties whipped while they eaten dessert. You understand me?”

  Maureen swallowed and nodded, “I understand,” she said.

  “You goddamn better,” Lilia said. She swung the door open and, still gripping Maureen’s arm, stepped into the room. Big Daddy sat at the table. Next to him was a huge black man in an elaborate uniform. Apparently they had just finished dinner. Both seemed a bit drunk. She guessed other man’s age to be between fifty five and sixty five. He was blacker than Big Daddy.

  Big Daddy grinned at her. “Mrs. O’Donnel,” he gestured toward the other man who was staring at Maureen impassively, “This is my honored guest, General Shuka. He controls an area of Africa as big as the state of Rhode Island.” The General continued to stare unsmiling at Maureen who looked into his bulging eyes and quickly turned away. He was completely bald. His thick lips were flecked with spit. In the past few months men had come into her life who were frightening and mean. She know instinctively General Shuka could be crueler than any of them. It was his self-importance and arrogance. It was the hard way he looked at her, as if he already knew everything about her. She was certain he was one of those African warlords who thought nothing of killing his own people.. She felt her legs trembling and her heart pounding. Her mouth had gone dry. General Shuka leaned toward Big Daddy and whispered something she couldn’t hear. Big Daddy looked up at her, “The General wants you next to him, here between us.” He moved his chair slightly so there was room for her to stand.

  Maureen’s heels clicked on the hardwood floor as she circled behind Big Daddy’s chair and stood beside the General. She avoided looking at him by keeping her eyes focused on the far wall. “What you got under that fucking jacket and skirt?” His voice was a deep bass growl.

  “Nothing,” Maureen said almost inaudibly.

  “Speak up, bitch!” he shouted.

n’s voice trembled, “Nothing,” she said, “I have nothing on under my jacket and skirt.”

  She jumped and let out a little sound as his huge calloused hand grabbed her bare leg and slid up. “Spread,” he ordered. Quickly she moved one foot slightly to the left. She felt his hot hand on her shaved pussy. With a quick movement he thrust his long, thick middle finger into her. She cried out and reached for the back of his chair to steady herself. “Your cunt’s wet,” he said. “Why’s that? Why you standin here with no panties on and a wet cunt?”

  “I…I…belong to…to…black men.”

  He eased his finger out of her but kept the tip of it at her opening, flicking her clitoris with a long fingernail. “What do that mean?”

  “I do what black men tell me to do.”

  “What if I tell you to lick my asshole?”

  Fearing to look at him, Maureen closed her eyes and shook her head, “I…couldn’t…I just couldn’t. Not that,…I’ve never been able to…” she said.

  General Shuka shoved his finger up into her, hard, “Then you standin here tellin us a lie.” He looked across at Big Daddy, “Your white bitch don’t seem to fuckin know what belonging to the black man means. She needs some training.”

  Big Daddy nodded in agreement, “She got a black lover in the state of Ohio. She seems to have forgot that belongin to the black man means belongin to all the black men, not just one.”

  The General began to move his finger in and out, finger fucking her. Her breathing came faster. “You like that?” he asked.

  “Yes….yes I like it,” she said, the color rising to her cheeks.

  The General again addressed his host, “She’s a hot bitch and tight too. A damn fine piece of white ass. She’d bring a half a million easy, maybe even a million..”

  Big Daddy smiled, “You’re probably right, but because her sister agreed to become one of my breeders, I promised I’d send her back home.”

  “Too bad. Still, my friend, I think the bitch could do with a couple weeks of training. She got to learn her place.”

  “Earlier today I was thinking the same thing.”

  The General withdrew his finger and pushed his chair back from the table. He spread his legs and pointed to the floor. “Kneel, bitch,” he said. Maureen got to her knees between his legs. “Put your hands behind your head and keep them there,” he ordered. Quickly Maureen did as he said. He leaned over and unbuttoned her jacket exposing her breasts. “Push them out,” he said. Maureen arched and pulled her shoulders back. “Tits ain’t too big but they’re firm and those are long nipples. Why your nipples hard?”

  “I’m aroused…..excited.”

  “How come?”

  “I don’t know. Being like this makes me that way…”

  “You like showing me your tits?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “How come?”

  “I…I think it might please you. I want to please you.”

  He held his middle finger in front of her face. “Look at this. Who’s dried pussy juice is stinkin up my finger?”

  She bowed her head for a moment then looked up at him, “Mine,” she said.

  “Then maybe you ought to ask if you can clean it?”

  She nodded, “Please General, may I clean your finger?”

  He placed the tip of his grimy fingernail on her lower lip. She opened her mouth and moved her head forward. He sat staring down at her while finishing a full glass of wine. No one spoke as she sucked. Tears had formed in the corners of her eyes but she held them back. When he finally withdrew his finger he made her dry it on her jacket. “Do you suck cock as good as you suck fingers?” he asked, grinning.

  “I try to…to do it as well as I can.”

  “But only black cock?”

  “Yes, only black cock.”

  “Big Daddy says you got a husband and two little kids. That true?”

  Reminders of her children always brought tears that were impossible to hold back. “Yes, that’s true, a husband and two children. A boy and a girl.”

  “Husbands don’t mean nothin but must have been a bitch for you to leave your kids. Why you do that, I mean, leave a little son and daughter?”

  Why, she thought, couldn’t they just take her, fuck her, and abuse her. Why these deliberate efforts to inflict the deepest pain. “I don’t know. I don’t know why I left them.”

  Quickly the General leaned forward and grabbed her throat with his huge hand and started to apply pressure. “That’s another fuckin lie!” he shouted. “You know goddamn well why you left your kids. Tell us!” He let her go.

  It took several moments before the room stopped spinning and she found her voice, “I…I….left because I wanted to…to…belong to black men….wanted to be with them, to…to serve them. I couldn’t help it.”

  “Now that’s an honest answer.” He grinned down at her but his eyes remained hard. She could see that he despised her. “So there’s two little kids somewhere probably askin daddy where’s mommy. Where is their mommy?

  “In Florida.” The General made a gesture as if to smack her. She cringed and pulled back. “I’m sorry,” she said. “Their Mother is on her knees between Big Daddy and his friend the General.”

  “What’s their mommy showin the two black men?”

  “Her breasts. She’s showing them her breasts.”

  “And why did their mommy just suck the General’s finger?”

  “To clean it. To clean her…her secretions.” She noticed his quick frown. “I mean to clean her pussy juice from his finger.”

  “Tell us. Would you rather be puttin your kids to bed right now or be where you is?”

  She bowed her head and took a moment before answering. “I’d rather be where I am.”

  “How about your black lover?” He turned toward Big Daddy, “What’s his name?”


  The General looked down on Maureen, “You rather be with your lover this Travis, or be here with us?”

  Maureen knew the answer he wanted but couldn’t bring herself to say it. “If I had a choice, I’d rather be with Travis.”

  General Shuka leaned over to whisper something to Big Daddy. She saw Big Daddy stiffen. He closed his eyes and took several moments before responding. With a deep sigh he nodded his head in agreement. The General stood and pulled a chair to where Maureen was kneeling. “You can sit between us and drink to our health and your own,” he said as he signaled to the serving girl. When Maureen was seated he turned to face her. She hated being close to him and hated even more having to look at him, at his bulging eyes, this flat nose, heavy jowls, and thick wet lips. She tried to look over his head but found herself drawn back to the hard penetrating eyes that seemed to look right through her. “Would you like to button your jacket?” he asked.

  The question caught her by surprise. She wasn’t sure how she should answer. “Yes, please,” she said. He nodded. Quickly she closed the jacket so that her breasts were covered. “Thank you,” she said. The serving girl brought a tray on which were a full bottle of red wine and a glass filled with white wine. “Big Daddy told me you preferred chardonnay,” he said.

  She forced a smile, “Yes, thank you.” She took the glass but didn’t drink. The two men poured red wine for themselves and held the glasses up to her. She lifted her glass to touch theirs.

  “Before we drink,” the General said, “I have a request to make of…of….” he looked at Big Daddy.

  “Mrs. O’Donnel,” Big Daddy said.

  “Ah, yes the married Mrs. O’Donnel with two small children up there in Ohio.” He clinked his glass against hers. “Since you say you’ve left your family in order to belong to black men, let me say once more, I would like you to spend this night in bed with me. Will you do that?”

  Maureen knew she couldn’t refuse. She bowed her head, “Yes,” she said softly.

  “I’ll want you to worship my prick. Will your make love to my prick with your lovely mouth?”

  The thought of s
pending the night with this gross monster sickened her but she had no choice. “Yes, I’ll do what you say.”

  She was about to drink when he held up his hand. “On thing more. Will you lick my ass crack while you jerk me off and then open your mouth to drink my cum. Will you thank me and beg me to fuck your pretty white cunt?”

  Maureen’s face reddened. She looked at Big Daddy pleading with her eyes but his face was impassive. She turned back to the General shaking her head, “Please, oh please General Shuka, I couldn’t. I really couldn’t do that.”

  To her surprise he smiled. “Very well then,” he lifted his glass. All three of them drank. Suddenly, Maureen felt dizzy. The room began to spin. The last thing she remembered before passing out was seeing the General grinning at Big Daddy who wasn’t smiling back.

  Chapter Nine

  Maureen woke up fifteen hours later. Her head was pounding and her body ached everywhere. She was lying on a thin mattress that smelled of urine. Except for a filthy sheet that only partially covered her, she was naked. Her right wrist was shackled to the iron headboard of the narrow bed. Around her left ankle was a metal bracelet. This was attached by a short heavy chain to the footboard.

  She looked wildly about. The room was an eight foot square. The walls were cinderblock. A single light bulb swung from the damp ceiling. Next to the bulb hung a large steel hook. It was attached to a pulley and thick ropes. These ropes ran through two additional pulleys and were attached to brackets on the side wall.

  Taking up a major portion of the room was what appeared to be a very large galvanized tub three or four feet tall. It was situated on a wooden platform that had rollers at each corner. There were no windows. In the far wall was a solid gray metal door. In one corner was a small table, a mirror, a tin sink, and hole in the concrete floor. Coiled beside the sink was a length of hose. She noticed the red light of a tiny television camera anchored to the ceiling and facing the bed.

  She tugged at her restraints and realized immediately that to struggle was useless. Her wrist and ankle were tightly secured. She had no idea where she was or how long she’d been unconscious. She remembered being brought to Big Daddy’s dining room to meet a gross general. She thought his name was Shuka. He’d proposed some kind of obscene toast and they drank. She couldn’t imagine this cinderblock cell being part of Big Daddy’s estate. It was hot and humid. Except for the dripping of the faucet into the tin sink, there were no sounds. The stench of the mattress and the soiled sheet made her stomach churn.


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