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Unspeakable (Freedom Series Book 1)

Page 32

by Michelle Pickett

“Where are the police when you need them, huh?” I puffed out my cheeks and blew out a breath.

  It was the second time in as many days that I had a vision, or premonition. Whatever they were, they scared the crap outta me.

  My fingers squeezed together so tightly that they turned white and began to throb in time to my heartbeat. Sucking in a deep breath through my nose like my mom’s meditation DVD instructed, I forced each finger to relax and straighten. I counted to ten as I let the breath out through slightly parted lips so I didn’t draw Muriel’s attention. I repeated the breathing exercise—deep breath in and deep breath out. My insides that felt as though they’d slid out of place slowly righted themselves, and I stopped shaking.

  “Milayna?” Muriel grabbed my arm. “How’d you know that car was going to run the red light?”

  Should I tell her and how? I don’t even know what’s happening to me! Oh, by the way, Muriel, I can see the future. That’s how I knew about the car. Yeah, she’d think I was crazy for sure. I already feel like I need a padded cell. I don’t need her to confirm it.

  “Um—he was coming too fast to stop.”

  Muriel narrowed her eyes at me. “I’m just glad you saw him because I sure didn’t.”

  “You were just focused on the road, that’s all.” I bit the inside of my cheek and hoped she’d just drop the subject.

  Muriel nodded and turned to look out of the windshield.


  “What do you know about Chay?” I looked at Muriel across the table in the mall’s food court. Pieces of pretzel dropped to the paper wrapper below as I ripped it apart.

  Muriel shoved a bite of pretzel in her mouth, mustard dribbling down her fingers. “Not much. Why?” she asked around the blob.

  “He saved me from Joe this afternoon before English class.” I scooted my chair over to make room for a lady pushing a stroller to pass by.

  “Poor Joe.” She frowned. I immediately tuned her out and focused on the oldies music piped through the speakers that were spread through the court and hidden behind plants. “He’s such a nice guy, Milayna. You really should—”

  With a sigh, I finally interrupted Muriel’s list of reasons I should date Joe. “He is nice, Muriel, but there’s nothing there. About Chay?”

  “You like him?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know him. Just curious.”

  “Why’d he care about Joe?” Muriel took a sip of her Coke.

  “Said he was tired of watching me try to turn him down without hurting his feelings. Then he said something really weird.”

  She leaned closer to me. “Yeah? What?”

  “He told me to be careful. That they were here for me, or something like that.” I dropped what was left of my pretzel, brushing off my hands.

  A strange look crossed Muriel’s face. “Huh. That is weird. Kinda creepy.” She looked away.

  Raising my arms over my head, I arched my back and stretched the muscles that were tired from sitting all day. I looked around the food court, and my eyes landed on his blue-and-gold jersey—oh, and his body. Couldn’t leave that out. “Hey, look who’s here!” I flicked my eyes toward Jake, who was standing in line at Little Caesars. My heart did a little tap dance inside my chest, just looking at him.

  “Yeah, and look at who’s with him. Too much PDA.” Muriel rolled her eyes.

  “Heidi, ugh. She’s so close to him that she looks like she’s been Krazy Glued to his side. Someone needs to explain to her that Jake and I are meant to be together. I mean, she’s dating my future husband.” I never took my eyes off him. “Geez, he’s like a blond-haired, blue-eyed, muscled package of perfection.”

  Muriel laughed. “Are you ready? I think we need to leave before you start drooling.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I crumpled up the pretzel wrapping and threw it in the trash. “Let’s go.”

  The rest of the afternoon, we combed the mall for deals on the hottest trends. Muriel was good at window-shopping. She would try on all the cute outfits and look at all the cool shoes and accessories, but she rarely bought anything. I hadn’t mastered the art of window-shopping, though, and spent what little money I had on some wicked new boots, a messenger bag to match, and two kinds of lip stain because I was looking for the perfect shade—not too pink, but not too peach. As it turned out, that color was more elusive than the Loch Ness monster.

  As we walked along the hall, passing Old Navy and a group of teenagers drinking slushies, I glanced at Muriel and sighed. “I hate that you can do that.”

  “What?” Muriel looked over at me, her eyebrows pulled down.

  “Look at everything and buy nothing,” I said.

  “Eh, I didn’t really see anything I had to have.”

  “Me either, but I’m still carrying bags while your hands are empty.” I hefted up the bags I was lugging around and rattled them in the air.

  She smiled and arched a brow. “You just need a little more self-control, that’s all.”

  “Yeah, easy for you to say. Oh, ma’am,” I called to a lady walking toward us. Her toddler bounced along in front of her in one of those baby harnesses. “Ma’am? The latch on that harness is going to break. You don’t want him to get loose and run into the crowd.”

  The mother knelt to look at the clasp. “It’s almost bent in half. Thank you!” She glanced up and smiled at me. “I guess I’ll have to buy a new one.”

  “No problem.” I turned to Muriel and pointed down the hall. “Onward to Abercrombie. Where I can’t afford to buy anything, but I’m still going to try on the clothes and pretend.”

  “How’d you see that?” Muriel asked as we continued walking.

  Crap. How did I know? I didn’t even look at the clasp. The words just blurted out of my mouth. I didn’t even have any weird feelings like before.

  I let out a breath to stay calm. “I saw the clasp bending. I didn’t want the kid to start running around getting in the way—hey! Here’s Victoria’s Secret. Want to go in?” Muriel kept walking. I took one last look at the store and jogged a few steps to catch up to her. “Okay, we don’t want to know Victoria’s secrets today,” I muttered.

  “You couldn’t have seen the clasp, Milayna,” she said as I caught up to her. “We weren’t even close to the woman when you called out to her the first time. There’s no way you saw it.” Muriel shook her head. Her strides were long and quick, and her glossy black hair shimmered as it swung with each step.

  I stopped in the middle of the aisle. People moved around me—some knocked into my sides, others gave me a wide berth, and a few even tried to walk through me by barreling right into me. But I stood there anyway. At five foot nine, Muriel was taller than I was, and her stride was longer than mine, too. She also ran track, so she had the stamina to power walk the mall all night if she wanted.

  “I’m not chasing you, Muriel,” I yelled over the din of voices. I walked to the benches in the center of the hall, leaned a knee on top of one, and waited. Muriel turned around, walked to me, and stood with her hands on her hips.

  “You’re losing it. I was standing right next to her when I told her. I happened to look over, saw the bent clasp, and told her to watch it. Otherwise, that kid would be running around, touching people with booger-smeared hands.” I shuddered.

  Muriel looked at the floor and shook her head. “Something’s wrong. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing’s wrong.” My voice came out at a higher pitch than normal, and I blew out a frustrated breath. How do I get her to drop this? “Come on, I need to get home for dinner. Abercrombie will have to wait for next time. I’ve done enough damage to my bank account—”

  I glanced up, and the same blue-green eyes from calculus pulled me in. He sat a few benches away and watched us. I stared back at him until Muriel grabbed my arm and broke my gaze. I was too far away to say hello, so I gave him a small smile and a finger wave. He barely nodded his head in answer before he looked away.


  Muriel drove us to my house. Thankful
ly, I didn’t have any more weird visions or whatever they were. I didn’t think I’d be able to explain away another one. Muriel was already suspicious. When we parked in my driveway, I grabbed my bags from the backseat and walked with Muriel to the front door where my mom waited. Her blonde hair, usually pinned up for work, hung loose in the same soft waves I had. Dressed in distressed jeans and an old Rolling Stones T-shirt, she looked like a teenager, not a mom of two.

  “Hi, Aunt Rachael,” Muriel said to my mom as she stepped inside.

  “Hi, Muriel. Have a good time at the mall?”

  “Yeah. Milayna bought the place out again.”

  My mom smiled, shaking her head at the bags I hauled inside. Then she looked at Muriel. “Do you want to stay over for dinner?”

  “Yeah, stay and we can work on our calculus together.” I jerked the last bag inside and stood up, brushing a stray curl out of my eyes.

  Muriel and I did everything together, especially since we were both on our school’s swim team and softball team. She was my best friend, too, and my cousin. That was why I had to be extra careful when she was around. I wasn’t ready to tell her about my visions, if that was what they were. I didn’t know if I’d ever tell anyone, but I knew I wouldn’t until I understood what was happening to me.

  We were lying across my bed doing homework when she brought it up again. “What happened with you today?”

  “What do you mean?” I shook my mechanical pencil, trying to get some lead out.

  Just drop it already, Muriel. Geez, you’re like Ben and his annoying “but why” questions.

  Muriel blew out a frustrated breath. “The car? The kid?”

  “I already told you—” I was looking inside the hole of my pencil when Muriel swiped it out of my hand and dropped it on the bed.

  “There was no way you saw that car, Milayna. It wasn’t there.”

  “Yes it was! I saw it start to run the red light and yelled to you.” I reached for my pencil, but she covered it with a pillow. Tossing her own pencil onto her calculus book, she rolled over and glared at me.

  “No, you said you saw it was coming too fast to stop, not that you saw it at the light.”

  “What difference does it make? We’d have been toast if I hadn’t told you that it was coming. Who cares where it was when I saw it?” I flipped the page in my book and looked for another pencil in my bag.

  “And what about the kid’s leash thingy?”

  I sighed and dropped my head against the textbook.

  I want to get the Duct Tape craft kit Grams got me and tape her mouth shut.

  “What about it? We walked by, I saw the latch, and I turned to tell her it was breaking. It’s no big deal.”

  “You didn’t turn.”

  I raised my head and looked at her. “Huh?”

  “You didn’t turn around and tell her. You called to her as we walked toward her. Milayna.” She paused and looked at me. Her big, hazel eyes were filled with emotion. “If there was something wrong, you’d tell me, right?”

  “Yes.” I nodded and poked her side to get her to laugh. “But nothing’s wrong.”

  Nothing much. Just that I’ve turned into a freak of nature.

  “Okay,” Muriel said between giggles when I poked her again. “Just checking.”

  “Can we finish our calculus now?” I pointed at my book.

  “Yup.” She grabbed my pencil from where she held it hostage under the pillow and tossed it to me.

  An hour later, Muriel had gone home. After I’d slipped into my favorite PJ bottoms and a soft hoodie, I went outside and sat on the swing on the back deck. With one leg curled under me, the toe on the other gently pushed the swing. I leaned my head back and looked at the expanse of the velvet sky and the twinkling dots spread across it. It made me feel small. Small and confused. The visions scared me. And I was scared to tell anyone about them. I didn’t want them to think I was a freak. Maybe I was. That scared me, too.


  It was Thursday, two days after my last vision at the mall, and Muriel and I were at swim practice, getting ready for a big meet against a rival school. Everyone was there, even the boys’ team. Usually the girls’ and boys’ teams practiced on different days, but that day was different—and so was my vision.

  I saw three boys walking behind Miranda. She was stuffing her hair into one of the horrendously ugly swim caps the school made us wear, and the boys were snickering about something, and then their thoughts slammed into me. Two of the boys were daring the third to reach out and undo the clasp on Miranda’s swimsuit. It wouldn’t have done much good since the swimsuit had another strap holding it in place, but just the thought of what he wanted to do, what he wanted to happen, made me angry and the feeling took over. It was almost like I was in a trance, but I was aware of what was happening. I just couldn’t stop it.

  Do it, one boy urged, bumping his friend’s arm toward Miranda.

  Are you a chicken shit? the second boy taunted.

  I jumped. I was too far away to hear them whispering, so why could I hear them when Miranda couldn’t? It was like the way I’d just seen what was about to happen. Now I was hearing them, too. Great.

  Walking faster, I passed the boy just as he reached out. I rammed my body into his before he was able to touch Miranda.

  “What the heck!” he yelled. He started to get up, his hand slipped on a puddle of water, and he hit the floor a second time. His face turned tomato red. A thick vein pulsed down the side of his neck.

  Miranda swung around, looking at the boy who was still on the floor.

  I shrugged. “Sorry, I slipped.”

  “Dude, she totally body checked you,” one of the stupid idiots said.

  Darn straight I did. Just be thankful I didn’t break out and go all Tae Kwon Do on your ass.

  Smiling, I glanced across the room. Muriel was watching me with an odd expression. Knowing she saw everything, I turned away quickly, hoping if I ignored it, she would too.

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