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Silver Blood (Blood Series Book 2)

Page 13

by Tamara White

  The sadness in his voice has my heart hurting with the need to comfort him, but he doesn't give me the chance.

  He shifts my position so I can wrap my legs around his back, then smirks at me. "If I had known you hadn't fed yet, I would have done this before we got started. I am surprised you only felt faint and didn't fall back on your natural instincts. Most do, and end up attacking the closest person to them."

  He tilts his head to the side, offering me his neck. My hunger rises quickly, and I bite down on his neck, drawing a groan from him.

  His grip is iron tight as he grabs my ass, and I try to tamp down my arousal. We’re here for training, nothing else. Maybe after training, though...

  The thought trails off when Talon suddenly thrusts up, grinding against me. I suck even harder and growl into his neck as he grips my hair, pulling firmly, just on the edge of being painful.

  Talon groans, and I pull away, worried I took too much, but I see that his eyes are hooded with desire. He growls as he watches me lick the blood from my lips.

  He pushes me back in the dirt with a predatory growl and claims my lips, his own fangs scraping my lip, making it bleed slightly, which just spurs him on even more.


  The long drawn out word from a male voice we don't recognize has us both freezing. I tilt my head to the side to see two vamps I haven't yet met, both looking down at the way Talon has me pinned to the ground.

  I harden my eyes. "Do you mind?"

  They both back away quickly, raising their hands raised in surrender. "So sorry. We'll, uh, just go train over there," the one on the right says, pointing in the opposite direction.

  Talon rests his head in the crook of my shoulder, chuckling as they hurriedly retreat.

  The moment they're on the other side of the room, I focus on the feel of Talon through our bond, sending soothing vibes to him because I can sense his frustration. He lifts his head from where it was nestled and rests it against my forehead, closing his eyes. "I swear the fates are out there laughing at me. Why else would people keep interrupting us at every turn?"

  He groans before climbing to his feet, holding out a hand to help me up.

  "Maybe it’s just bad timing?" I suggest optimistically.

  He shrugs and looks me over intently, his gaze trailing over his name on my neck. "Either way, I will claim you sooner or later. There's only so much a man can take before he feels tempted to just take you, regardless of who might be watching.” The level of heat in his voice sends shivers through me, and I'm thrown straight into my imagination.

  Me, lying on a bed as Talon eases himself inside me, with Nik and Dev watching from the doorway. Wow. I didn't realize I was into exhibitionism. Sure, it felt great when Dev and Nik both pleasured and fed me, but them watching as Talon fucks me? I shiver at the thought, my nipples hardening in the sports bra.

  Being part vampire at least gives me a long, long time to figure out just what pleases me in the bedroom.

  A slow smile curves my lips, and Talon shakes his head with an exasperated laugh, climbing to his feet and detaching me from my clinging position. He then sets me on my feet, moving back a few steps to create space between us.

  "I don't need to know what you were just thinking, Em because it's clear on your face. But we need to cool down and do what we came here for.”

  I cock my head suggestively when a growl slips free from his chest as his eyes flash red, the first true sign that his vampire nature is just as eager for me as he is.

  “Training," he grits out as if telling me but I sense he’s really only saying it to remind himself.

  I watch as he goes over and reveals a cooler he had hidden away in his bag. I stare as he pulls out a blood bag, ripping it open with his now descended fangs. I wait for myself to feel weird about it, but I'm still feeling needy after what happened between us, so I can’t say I mind the view.

  When he finishes the bag, he smirks at me, raising an eyebrow in challenge. "Don't even think about it."

  I pout and stretch out, bending my legs forward, enjoying the way his gaze is drawn to my chest. "I wasn't going to do anything," I tease.

  He chuckles and goes to dispose of the empty bag, before retrieving another and gulping it down greedily.

  I straighten with a frown, worried I may have drained him more than I thought when I fed from him. "Did I take too much?"

  He finishes feeding before replying with a small smile. "No, you didn't take too much. I just needed to make sure I’m fully fed for patrol later."

  I step into his embrace, ignoring the blood bag still in his hand and wrap my arms around him gently. "I'm sorry I had to feed from you. Maybe we should start looking for alternate ways for me to feed?”

  He sighs, leaning back far enough to look down into my eyes. "Emerald, as your soul-tie, it’s my job to take care of you. If that means feeding you, then I will. If that means bathing you, I’ll do that too. If that means carrying you through fire, I would in a heartbeat." The fierceness in his voice stuns me and his eyes blaze with an intensity I never thought I'd see from him.

  "You are everything to me. To us. We would die to make you happy." I open my mouth to tell him they don't have to do that, but he halts my words by pressing a finger to my lips. "No, I know you're going to say something about you not wanting us to do those things, but we want to. We want to take care of you. Yes, there will be times when it’s too much, and if that happens, you can just tell us to back off, which I'm sure you'll have no problem doing."

  He moves his finger away, and I grin. "Damn right, I will."

  Talon chuckles and steps away from me, raising his hands in a defensive position to protect his face. "Now, my little wolf, are you ready to train?"

  "Little wolf?" I growl, baring my teeth in challenge. I know he's teasing me, but I feel like playing along.

  "Yes, my little wolf. Let's see what you're made of," he mocks, right before lunging at me.

  I duck, block, and throw punches at him over the next few hours, but to no avail. No matter what I do, I still end up on my ass with him looming over me, with that damn smirk on his face.

  Seventeen – Dirty Secrets Revealed


  The man before me stares at me with disdain, and it takes everything in me not to wipe the smug smile off his face. And the more he speaks, the angrier I get.

  "I don't see how this is my problem. You had the chance to kill her, but the young pup you sent failed in his mission. Why should I help you deal with your ineptitude?"

  I keep my polite smile in place, only to be jostled to the side as the pup in question lunges for the witch.

  Xander pulls him back at the last second, and I frown as he leads the pup back out the door, leaving the two of us alone.

  The witch smiles smugly at me. "You’d better control your wolves if you expect to be taken seriously around here." He looks out past the door to where Brendan has disappeared to with Xander and in the snap of a finger, his expression sobers and he looks over me in disgust.

  "Now, leave my house,” the man demands. “I no longer consider the cross breed to be of any threat to our kind, and we don't kill just for the sake of killing."

  His words infuriate me, but I hold back my anger, keeping my mind focused on the mission at hand. I need his help, which is the only reason I am putting up with his snobby attitude. "What if I could get you proof that she's a threat? Would you reconsider then?"

  He tilts his head, as if considering my offer. My patience starts to wear thin, and he finally responds. "Very well. If you can prove that the cross breed is indeed a threat to our way of life, then I will assist you in your cause."

  I nod my head, a thrill of satisfaction coursing through me. "Thank you, that's all I ask."

  His hand comes up to grasp mine, and we shake, sealing the deal. My footsteps sound through the house as I walk out the door and to my car. I let out a sigh of relief that Xander had the forethought to get Brendan far from here.

; On my way back to my cabin, I go over ideas of how we can get the evidence we need. If she dies again, and is resurrected, then maybe that will be enough to convince him of the threat?

  I ponder my options as I pull onto the land that houses my cabin, seeing Xander and Brendan brawling in their human forms out front.

  I sigh as I climb out of the car, knowing it’s time I tell Brendan the truth. He's been conflicted about everything that's gone on since stabbing his sister, but maybe the truth will ease that burden.

  Sophie and Joel are right there in the fray, trying to rip them off each other, not caring about the punches that ricochet off them in their hurry to get Brendan and Xander apart. When they see me coming, Sophie and Joel stop their efforts and take a step back, standing at attention.

  My presence goes unnoticed by the brawling young men in front of me until I reach in and grab them both by the ears, twisting cruelly until they cry out in pain.

  "Sophie, Joel, leave now."

  They both depart without another glance, and I'm pleased to have chosen such loyal subjects to aid me in my mission. It will take them a while to get back to the pack on foot, not that anyone really cares these days.

  The pack is too focused on Emerald and what they can do to bridge the gap between our kinds, because of the animosity between the vampires and wolves, but I know they’re wrong about any kind of reconciliation.

  That’s why I chose to move out here. I was tired of being disrespected. Isolating myself seemed like the best move to make sure that one, they couldn't find out what I had planned, and two, so they would come to realize how integral I was to the inner workings of the pack.

  I let my wolf rise to the surface as the boys stare up at me. They shrink back with small whimpers, and I growl down at them menacingly. "No fighting. If you two can't get along, then how do you expect the pack to follow you? Show some goddamn leadership!"

  With that, I release them, and they rub their ears as they slowly get to their feet. "Xander, go back to the pack and resume your training. Brendan, I want you to stay behind. There’s something we need to discuss."

  The two boys before me exchange glances, and I pity them. One is filled with anger because he slept with something that is not one of our kind. He feels unclean and disloyal to his pack and has no way to deal with those emotions.

  The other is struggling with the knowledge he failed to kill his sister. At first he was confused over how to feel when he thought he had killed her but now, the failure is eating him up. Xander takes off without another word and leaves Brendan standing before me, his eyes filled with confusion.

  "Come on, Brendan. It’s time we had a talk."

  He follows me into the cabin, and I lock the door behind him, activating the silencing spell. The moment he learns the truth, he's going to want to run, and I can't let that happen. No, I need him to understand everything before he leaves here.

  He takes a seat at my dining table, something which has become habit in the past few days since he found out what his father was hiding from him. I grab a bottle of whiskey down from the cabinet in the kitchen. May as well give him a little something to soften the blow.

  He takes the glass, downing the whiskey in a single gulp before holding his glass out for a refill, and I smile proudly. Boy can handle his drink.

  He leans back in his chair, meeting my gaze with a drawn expression. "Jer, I'm sorry about losing it. I just got so angry when he insinuated I was weak." He slams his glass down on the counter, hard enough for it to crack. "I killed her! I killed my sister! I know I hit her heart. I stayed behind and watched her die while everyone else was busy freaking out. I don't know how she survived, but it drives me absolutely insane every day to know that she's still alive!"

  I choke back a second glass, slamming the empty glass on the counter. It shatters, sending fragments of glass into my palm, but I ignore my wounds as they start to heal. Enough is enough. He needs to know the truth.

  "Never mind Emerald. That's not what I wanted to talk to you about. Well in a way, I guess it is."

  I take a breath before hurrying through the next part. "You have to know something, Brendan. I know you have been told all your life that Brent is your father, but he's not. You share no genetics with Emerald at all."

  "What?" he whispers, his eyes flashing dangerously.

  "I know this probably comes as a shock, but I felt it was time you know the truth. Brent is going to lead us down the wrong path, and soon, you will need to step up and tell the pack he is not fit to lead us."

  He shakes his head and stands abruptly, knocking the chair back and onto the floor. "No, my mother is his mate. You can't fake that."

  I nod sympathetically. "Yes she is, but she had an affair in the first year after they moved back to the pack. I imagine your mother was having trouble dealing with all the lies and sought comfort in another."

  "Does he know? Does my father know I'm not his biologically?"


  Brendan starts to pace furiously. "Why are you telling me this now?"

  "Because, I need you to get close to your father. You need to step up and show him how much of a threat Emerald is. He won't listen to reason but he might if you tell him."

  I can see the wheels turning in his mind and then his eyes clear, a new resolve in place. "Okay, I'll do it, but on one condition."

  I tilt my head, impressed by the shrewdness the boy is beginning to display. My smile threatens to break free when he speaks. "I want you to help me find out who my father is."

  I look him straight in the eyes, trying to determine whether that’s something he's ready for yet. Knowledge is power, but at times it can also become a weakness. What he does with the knowledge of his father could be either a strength or a weakness, depending on how he handles the news.

  "I know who your father is, but I want a promise you will stay focused on the task at hand. The knowledge of your father won't cloud our mission?"

  My eyes must resemble steel right now, but I won't budge until I know for sure he can handle this.

  "I promise to stay on target and keep my emotions in check. Now who is he? Do I know him?"

  "Yes, you know him," I smirk, watching the confusion on his face morph to a look of apprehension. "I'm your father, Brendan."

  Eighteen – An Official Date


  My eyes open to the darkened room, and I frown, wondering what woke me. As I roll over, I notice the bed empty and shoot up in surprise. Someone always sleeps with me.

  Talon dropped me off in our room after training, and I showered before climbing into bed. Nik and Dev came into the room just as I was drifting off to sleep, but no matter how hard I tried to stay awake, my body was exhausted. I fell asleep, comforted by the thought that they would both be in bed on either side of me, keeping me safe.

  The scent of coffee slowly wafts into the bedroom, and I smile. They really know how to spoil a girl. I hurry out of the bedroom, so eager for coffee that I forget I'm only wearing a tank top and boy shorts. That fact, however, becomes glaringly obvious when my eyes meet Nik's from across the room.

  My mouth drops open with a small gasp, and I can't help but stare at him, my heart racing.

  He's wearing a suit similar to a tux but slightly less formal, with no tie. Why the hell is he so dressed up?

  I stand here dumbfounded, unsure what to say. "Um, hi," I finally manage.

  "What's wrong, Emerald? Cat got your tongue?"

  I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. "No, I just... didn't expect to see you all fancy and dressed up when I woke up. I was expecting boxers, not a suit." I smirk wryly.

  He grins and holds a mug out to me, and I know it’s filled with coffee and a touch of his blood. I go to his side and take it gratefully, enjoying the scent of coffee that is distinctly him.

  "Uh, where are the others?" I ask after the first sip of heavenly goodness.

  He reaches over to the counter where a bouquet of flowers rests. I follow his mov
ements as he holds them to his chest.

  "What are those?"

  He holds out the bouquet of pale purple roses in his hands and bows his head slightly towards the floor, but his eyes never leave mine. I take them, unsure what's going on.

  He raises his head and speaks in a strong voice, making me wonder if he rehearsed this.

  "Emerald, will you go on a date with me?"

  I'm taken aback by how formal the request is. Why the flowers? Why all the formality when we already live together and sleep in each other’s beds?

  "Uh, sure. I'd love to."

  Nik looks ecstatic at my response. His eyes are filled with happiness and his smile is contagious. He grabs my arm and pulls me after him, back in our bedroom, and flicks the lights on. "We're leaving in an hour. That's how long you have to get dressed and ready to go."

  When I get to my still unpacked bags, he lets go of me and heads for the bedroom door. Before he leaves, he pauses and turns back with a grin.

  "Oh, and make sure it’s something you can dance in," he commands with a flirty wink before closing the door behind him.

  Well, that was weird. He gave me no notice, and then tells me we're going dancing? Oh, kill me now. I suck at dancing.

  I start to dig through my clothes frantically, freaking the fuck out over what to wear, when a knock sounds at my door.

  I hesitate, wondering who it could be, when Britt barges in. She sees me frozen midway through digging through my clothes and grins brightly.

  "I thought you might be needing this," she says, holding out a beautiful blue dress.

  My arms wrap around her, and I could cry, I'm so relieved. I have no date-worthy clothes in my bags. I've never even been on a frigging date, except when the guys took me to the monument, but that was a group date. This is a one-on-one date! Pathetic I know, but when your pack ostracizes you, you don’t exactly have men lining up at your door to take you out.


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