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Outlaw Unleashed

Page 7

by Amber Ella Monroe

  Everyone was introduced formally. She’d met them all at least once before, except for the Aspen Valley Wolf Pack lawyer, Mr. Johnston. Mr. Johnston seemed a little worried and anxious about something, but his monotone statements and knowledge of the law as it pertained to his client’s rights were on point. His extensive expertise even had Mr. Neilson, who was her family’s lawyer, taken back.

  Mr. Johnston shuffled around a few papers as he spoke. “…which leads me to demand that my client is released immediately and that all pending charges against him be dropped.”

  “On what grounds?” Detective Paulman demanded.

  He placed a paper firmly down in front of Paulman. “According to this written and notarized statement from Officer Gordon Ferrell, he instigated the argument and threw the first punch that led to the altercation on January 7 of this year. A motion for summary judgment has been filed.”

  “Wait a minute. Your client has been evading arrest since the incident,” Paulman countered.

  “I don’t know about you, Detective Paulman, but I wouldn’t easily hand myself over for unfair charges brought against me. And with all due respect, it’s not against the law to have sex with the wife of a police officer—a fact that my client wasn’t made aware of at the time. It’s not against the law to defend oneself while being pistol-whipped in the face repeatedly by a man of the law.” He slid photos across the table of Brock with bruises to his nose and eyes. “Here’s another statement from a witness who was there that night that says several guests at the house gathering tried to stop the fight, but an officer of the law insisted on…hold on, let me read the exact statement…“leash and beat your ass like the mangy mutt you are”. My client could’ve very well torn Officer Gordon Ferrell to pieces, but I think he displayed better judgment in this case. Don’t you think? Consequently, I was looking into some other information and discovered that several DUI charges had been dropped against this officer of the law in the past. Ironically, the most recent charge had been a month before he got into an altercation with my client.”

  Detective Paulman pushed back from the table. “This has nothing to do with the fact that he put Ferrell in the hospital that night.”

  “My client knocked Officer Gordon Ferrell unconscious. That put an end to the fight. If not for that, continuing to fight could’ve led to more serious injuries…like death.”

  “All these things like dropped DUI charges have nothing to do with what happened that night,” Paulson stated. “Your client here has a healthy criminal record leading back to his teenage years. And prior assault charges abound…”

  Mr. Johnston cleared his throat. “I’m aware, but the frivolous charges that you’re holding him on have been disputed. I know you flunked out of high school, Detective, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to evaluate the hardcore evidence. He shouldn’t have even been arrested. I’ve pretty much rambling on in here with concrete findings that I didn’t even have to share with you. I should also remind you again that I haven’t slept in almost twenty-four hours. I was supposed to take my medication thirty minutes ago with food, and yet I am still here over this matter. I don’t have time to fuss and knicker with you at this hour, Detective Paulson. Uncuff my client.”

  With a dumbfounded look on his face, Paulman turned to Mr. Neilson for support.

  “Unfortunately, Detective, I don’t represent Officer Ferrell. I’m here on behalf of the Governor concerning his daughter.”

  Paulman nodded. “Very well.”

  The room went silent for a several minutes before Detective Paulman excused himself and stated that he would discuss with the Sherriff. When he returned, he had a set of keys in his hands and unlocked Brock’s cuffs.

  A breath of relief rushed from Chelsey and she had a hard time containing her joy. Brock didn't even try to hide it. His grin spread from ear to ear and his attention remained on her and her alone. Until her dad cleared his throat.

  Before making his exit Paulman stated, "Alright, you lawyers can have the room for no longer than an hour. More than that and my boss will get suspicious." He eyed Brock. "You got off the hook this time. Next time, it won't be so easy."

  "Noted," Brock said.

  Chelsey looked from her dad to Brock questioningly, wondering why they were seated here when they were more than free to leave.

  "Now that we're all here together, I don't think we need to wait until next week to have a formal meeting. We might as well get this issue with the land you so desire to keep out of the way," Mr. Neilson stated. He began by opening his briefcase and then passing what looked like a one hundred page packet to Mr. Johnston.

  "Save the formalities, Mr. Neilson," Alpha Dane said. "We reviewed the documents yesterday morning right after you sent them, and once again while we were waiting for Mr. Paulson to release Brock from the holding cell. I want our land, free and clear. Let's just get to it and sign."

  "Oh, but there are some things Mayor Canon would like to stipulate before he signs anything free and clear."

  "And that is…?" Dane inquired.

  Her dad cleared his throat. "After speaking with you, I thought you could be someone that I could have a healthy business relationship with as far as my plans for this town, which aligns with your plans for your Pack. However, I can’t sit around and pretend to be pleased about my daughter being harassed and pursued by a criminal."

  Her face heated in embarrassment when she realized what this was all about. "Dad!"

  "No Chelsey," he interrupted. "This is business and this is necessary."

  "Your accusations of harassment…are they warranted?" Mr. Johnston asked.

  "I'll call it like I see it," her dad countered. "I don't want her around Mr. Brock Justice period."

  "This is absurd," Brock protested. "What does this have to do with the prior agreement you made with Dane about our land?”

  "Oh, it has everything to do with our agreement," her dad replied. "Before I sign anything, I want an agreement from you that you'll leave my daughter alone."

  "No!" Chelsey stood. "You don't get to make that call."

  "Sit down, Chelsey," her dad ordered.

  "I'm not sitting anywhere. I told you what Brock meant to me. How could you try to manipulate any of us over something like this?"

  "I think you know why. You're my only daughter. My only child. And you have your future ahead of you."

  "Exactly Dad. My future. I just can't be--."

  "Chelsey," Brock called out.

  Even with the anger welling up in her heart, the sound of Brock's voice changed her entire perception on everything. She turned her attention to him.

  "Everything's going to be okay," he reassured her.

  It was as if he was telling her to let it be. To let it ride. Did he really mean it?

  "Why?" she asked.

  When he didn't answer, the lawyer began speaking again. She slumped back in her chair, her mood a mix between furious and hurt.

  "As my client mentioned, he will sign the agreement to stop the eminent domain proceedings if you agree that Mr. Brock Justice will leave his daughter alone," Mr. Neilson stated.

  "That's easier said than done," Dane said. "You don't understand what's happening between them."

  "Here's what's happening between them…," her dad interjected. "A grown man, half wolf in his mid-thirties is preying on my younger daughter. After he's used her, he'll run on to the next one. I may not know your ways, but I've heard enough to know that you wolves don't stick around."

  "That's not true, Governor Canon. Your daughter is the center of my world."

  "She can't be the center of your anything if your Alpha wants this piece of property. Certainly, there are more than enough she-wolves for you to chase after on it. My decision is final. In exchange for your agreement to leave my daughter alone, I will stop the proceedings and never look back."

  Dane sighed harshly and sat back in his chair. "But what if--"

  "It's my final offer, Dane Magnus. You've fought for y
our land and I'm willing to hand you the trophy. I'll fight for my daughter's well-being and future."

  "Don't do it," she urged. "I don't agree. I won't stay away."

  "You'll stay away alright. I'll be hiring you a bodyguard to see to it. You could’ve gotten yourself into some serious trouble tonight out there at that nightclub."

  “I would never let anything happen to her,” Brock countered.

  Dane and Brock exchanged long knowing glances.

  "Give us a few minutes," Dane said

  He and Brock got up and huddled in the opposite corner of the room. She couldn't make out what they were saying, but by the look that crossed their lawyer's face, she could tell that he picked up on everything. After all, he was a shifter.

  Several minutes passed before they sat back down.

  To Chelsey surprise, Dane pushed the thick packet back across the table to her dad's lawyer.

  Mr. Neilson shrank back in surprise. "What now? Don't you accept the terms? Certainly, you want your land back."

  "No deal, Mr. Neilson…Governor Canon. We've decided we'll go head to head with the corporation who has an interest in our land. We tried to reach an amicable agreement, but it seems we'll have to get our land back by other means."

  "What? So you're doing this so you can continue leading my daughter astray?" her dad protested.

  Brock leaned forward in the chair. ”I can sit here and lie to you, Governor Canon, and tell you that I'll leave your daughter alone. Truth is that I can't. Because I don't want to. Because it would literally be impossible. As much as I want you to sign you name on the dotted line and give our Pack the peace of mind we need about the future of our land, I want to be in your daughter's life more. I want to be there for my future babies. The answer is no. I can't stay away from your daughter. She is my mate. She will be my wife. And she's pregnant with my child."

  "Wh-what?" Her dad shot up out of his chair.

  Chelsey gasped, and swallowed the huge lump that rose in her throat. She clutched her belly as she tossed Brock a questionable look.

  "How do you know?" she asked.

  "We're wolf shifters, Chelsey. We smell the changes already happening in your body. And just as sure as I can tell that you're mine, I know that you've conceived."

  "This is unbelievable!"

  Her dad pounded his fist into the table right next to her and she jumped.

  The audible growl from the other side of the table rumbled through the room. She didn't have to look up to confirm that the warning came from Brock.

  "Dad, please." She touched him lightly on the arm. "I've had enough of the arguing for one night. Quite frankly, I don't want to spend my night down at the police station. I'll come home and we can talk about this together."

  "This is shocking. Whatever you do, don't bring him along with you. I'm in no mood to make any deals with the man who knocked up my daughter." He backed out of the room with haste.

  "We'll be in touch, Mr. Johnston," Mr. Neilson said, before following her dad out of the room.

  Dane and Mr. Johnston left the room as well.

  Chelsey rushed into Brock's embrace, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face against his chest. "I was so scared for you."

  "Don't be," he mumbled into her hair. "I'll never leave you alone."

  She lifted her chin and held his gaze. "You're not bluffing, are you? Am I really pregnant?"

  "I wouldn't lie to you. I wouldn't lie about something like that. Depending on how accurate early detection pregnancy tests are these days, you might find your answer waiting for you as early as tonight."

  "I trust you," she said, pressing a single kiss to his lips. "I just can't believe the embarrassment that I just went through."

  "Dads are always protective and I don't blame him. It just looks like I'll have a hell of a lot more convincing to do than I'd initially anticipated."

  She swallowed. "Yeah, but he'll come around."

  "I do hope so."

  Dane stuck his head back in the room. "Hey Brock, we've gotta clear the room."

  Brock wrapped his arm around her waist. "Let's get out of here."

  Chelsey walked across the police station flanked by two wolves, Brock and Dane. Her dad was no where to be seen, but she could make out his anxious voice in one of the closed offices. She didn't have the energy to argue with him anymore tonight. Not with what she'd found out. As far as she was concerned, her top priority was bringing a healthy baby into the world. She smiled at the thought of being a mother. She'd always wanted a huge family, but never thought she'd be so lucky so soon.

  Dane had a driver waiting for them outside of the police station. She got in the backseat with Brock and they drove off.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chelsey woke up the next morning to the sound of Brock's cell phone ringing on the dresser. The bed shifted and the warmth of Brock's arms left her when he moved to answer the phone. She could barely even remember coming to Brock's home and entering his bed. The stress of last night had worn her out. On top of that, her body was going through some interesting changes.

  She rolled over and wrapped her arms around him as he was finishing up his phone conversation.

  He kissed her forehead. "Hope you're all rested up. We've got a bit of a journey ahead of us."

  "We?" She pressed her palm against his chest and lifted herself up a bit. "What do you mean?"

  "Your first day back is tomorrow, isn't it? I wouldn't want you to miss any of your classes."

  "You're going with me?"

  "Why would I not? With you carrying my baby, I think you'll need the support and someone to take and back and forth to doctor's appointments. Especially the ones where I get to see our little one on ultrasound."

  She smiled. "Someone's a little anxious, aren't we?"

  He chuckled. "Yes, actually I am. This means the whole world to me. Everything that’s happened to me lately. Finding my true mate and learning that she's carrying my child. I just never thought it would happen to me."

  "We're both lucky then. I just wish I didn't have to go back to that cramped apartment. But with only a few months left, I can't really complain."

  "Dane just called to inform me that Garrett’s in town again. With the exception of Raoulf, who just picked up another assignment, we're going to try to get together real soon."

  "You should. I remember you saying how you guys don't get to meet up often because of your job responsibilities," she said.

  "Yeah, this is a nice window of opportunity since I don't plan on staying in town either over the next couple months. He tells me there's another stable Wolf Pack near your campus. They're a friendly bunch and wouldn't mind me staying on their turf temporarily. I'll see what they have in terms of home rentals out there, and that way I can stay close by, and of course, you can totally ditch your apartment to come keep me company."

  "That sounds like something I totally would do," she said, tracing the hardened muscles of his upper chest.

  “And I have more good news. The main reason Dane called was to let us know that the eminent domain proceedings were halted early this morning," he said.

  "What? But I thought…"

  "Yeah, I thought after we disappointed your dad that we'd have to fight for our land another way. Mr. Johnston pulled up the documents to confirm and it seems that your dad's signature is on the documents."

  She sighed. "About last night. I know he'll come around. He can be a hard ass sometimes and he's kind of set in his ways."

  "You don't have to explain. If it were my daughter, I'd respond the same way. I'll just be prepared to prove myself to him. I don't want to be the person who comes between a father and his daughter."

  "Don't worry. I have to prove myself to him all the time. He won't understand this mating thing. That one will take time."

  "Certainly. Would he understand if you became my wife sooner rather than later?"

  Chelsey blushed. "Brock, are you asking me to be your wife?"

at’s exactly what I'm asking, Princess. You will be my wife, won't you?"

  Her belly chose that moment to growl in hunger and they shared a laugh.

  "Does my acceptance include breakfast in bed?" she asked.

  "Anything for my mate and mother of my child."


  Four Weeks Later

  Chelsey held the cell phone between her ear and shoulder. "Yes, Mom, I'm eating healthier now. You and Dad don't have to worry about that. Brock's been making sure of that. I'm gaining weight faster than I did my freshman fifteen and Brock here claims it's sexy."

  "Sounds like you've got yourself a good man. I can't wait to meet him."

  Brock came up behind as she stood at the counter kneading some dough in preparation of dinner and kissed her temple. He smelled of fresh pine soap. She took a peek behind her and almost swooned at the sight of him wrapped in nothing but a towel. His skin was still glistening with water droplets from the shower. His hair was damp and slicked back. With one hand on the handset, she tugged at the towel, revealing the sizeable package she'd been craving all afternoon during her class lectures.

  She bit her lip and held back a gasp as he pressed his body against hers and bent his lips low to tease and sensitive skin above her collarbone.

  "Tell her I can't wait to meet her either," he whispered.

  "He says he can't wait either, Mom."

  "I'll have time to brush up on my cooking skills before you guys get here. It's been so long since I prepared a dinner," she said.

  "That's okay--"

  Chelsey was cut off the moment Brock slipped his hands under her skirt. He pulled her firmly against his hardness. His mouth never left her skin. His breath fanned across her neck. He left heated trails along the column of her throat as he kissed and caressed her there.

  "What was that? You sound a little breathless. Make sure you're not overworking yourself either," her mom said.

  "I'm fine," Chelsey breathed. "I'm not overworked at all."


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