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Big City (Box Set)

Page 11

by Cynthia Sax

  “My golden mate.” Oro wrapped the chain around her neck, the flimsy binding biting into her flesh yet not tight enough to restrict her breathing, and the passion within her sparked to life once more. “Beautiful.” He draped the ends over her breasts, one end cool, the other burning hot. “I’ll cover you with my gold.” He exhaled fire, heating her scales, melting the precious metal.

  “Yes.” Hailey undulated against him as the streams of gold ran over her body, stimulating her into an erotic frenzy. “Cover me with your gold.” She wanted to be covered by his metal, his skin, and his cum.

  “All over, Oro.” She dug her fingernails into his shoulders, pulled herself upward, and straddled his waist, pressing her pussy lips against his hard cock. “Make me your work of art.” Hailey rubbed against his shaft up and down, up and down, wetting him with her juices.

  “So perfect.” He groaned and clasped her ass, squeezing and releasing her curves, while breathing fire down her back, warming her spine, and caressing the crevice between her ass cheeks. “My dragon.”

  “Your dragon,” she agreed, teasing his earlobe with her teeth, nibbling and pulling at the delicate skin. “Claim me, Oro. Fill me with your big cock. Make me yours.”

  “Mine.” He raked his talons lightly over her ass, sending shards of desire shooting across her skin. “You’re mine, Hailey.” He lifted her, positioning her entrance over his hard cock. “Now.” He murmured into her shoulder, pushing her downward. Hailey inhaled sharply as his shaft pushed up into her, stretching her. “And forever.”

  “Forever,” she repeated as she took him completely into her, her pussy lips flattened against his base. She sat upon him, resting her cheek on his skin, reveling in the strong beating of his heart, the pumping of his blood, their bodies connected, and their souls entwined.

  “Yes, forever,” Oro rumbled, the word spoken as a vow. He stroked over her back, tracing her backbone, his flames licking at her scales.

  Hailey arched, leaning back farther and farther into the heat, his dragon fire bathing her face and her breasts, reheating the gold. He laid her upon the silk sheets, moving with her until he loomed over her, his face dark with passionate intent.

  She clung to Oro’s neck as he pumped into her, their gazes meeting and holding, the reds and oranges of building desire coloring his golden eyes. He loved her slowly, leisurely, banking the embers of her ardor until her entire body glowed and she ached for more.

  “Harder,” she begged. “Fast --”

  He covered her mouth with his, swallowing her pleas and stealing her breath. As their tongues tumbled and tangled, he thrust deeper, harder, pushing her into the silk sheets, rocking the massive bed.

  She panted into his mouth and twisted her fingers in his hair, clasping onto him as her wanting grew to unbearable levels. He grunted, capturing her wrists and pulling her hands to her sides, rendering her immobile, unable to touch him.

  God. He was an animal, dominating her completely, his hips pinning hers, and his hands holding her still. Oro ravaged her with hard, rough thrusts, driving his cock into her with dragon force, and she cried out her approval, needing more, more, more.

  He met her needs, spiraling her desires higher until she whimpered with the severity of her passion. She entwined her fingers with his as his flames circled them, heat evaporating her excess moisture, steam rising from his shoulders. Skin slapped against skin. The bed creaked and rocked.

  “Oro, please.” Hailey thrashed, losing control of her body.

  “Come for me, mate,” he commanded, his voice gruff, and he bent his head and blew his fire between them, heating her breasts, her stomach, and her mons.

  Hailey shrieked, bursting into fiery release, her body engulfed in flames. She yanked free of his grip and raked her talons across his back, piercing his scales, scenting the air with his blood.

  He roared and thrust forward, filling her with his boiling hot cum, and setting off another wave of mind-blowing ecstasy. She bucked, trying to free herself of his weight, over-stimulated and sensitive to every touch. He rode her twisting form, forcing the prolonged orgasm.

  “Oro.” She whimpered as she quieted, her brain turned to mush, her limbs limp.

  “Beautiful.” He propped his body up with his arms and tenderly licked the tear tracks on her cheeks.

  His hair stood straight up in places, and some of the ash from the burned silk sheets dusted his golden shoulders, but he was still the most handsome man she had ever seen, and he was hers. She spread her fingers over his chest. All hers.

  “I love you.” Her cheeks heated as she realized what she’d said, the words escaping her lips before she could hold them back.

  “Of course you do.” Oro grinned at her, his expression smug.

  She rolled her eyes. Her golden dragon didn’t lack confidence in his worth.

  He chuckled, the sound endearingly boyish and carefree. “I love you too.” Oro brushed her lips with his. “How could I not?” He pulled back and frowned. “But we’re not going to a dragon tea party.”

  “I’ve already put it in your schedule.” Hailey smiled. There were perks to being his assistant.

  “Why haven’t I fired you yet?” he grumbled against her skin.

  “Because you love me.” Hailey wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly to her, her heart filled with joy. She was a dragon, mated and loved by a dragon.

  And they were going to a tea party.

  “I’ll need a new dress.” Hailey beamed, thrilled to have an excuse to go shopping. “And as I’ll be attending as your date, my dress will be a business expense!”

  Oro groaned.

  Uptown Vampire

  Cynthia Sax

  Vanna has prepared her entire life to become a vampire. It is her destiny. Redheaded, constantly laughing, Russ is not her destiny. Although he claims to be a vampire, he’s clearly human, and she shouldn’t be attracted to him. She certainly shouldn’t love him.

  Russ is a vampire. He’s also a romantic fool. He wants Vanna to love him for who he is and not merely for his paranormal powers. He is content to slowly seduce her with sizzling backroom sex and woo her with his questionable knowledge of all things undead.

  Russ is about to discover he isn’t the only vampire in the big city.

  Chapter One

  Croix would be arriving soon. Vanna peered out the storefront window. Finally, she’d meet another vampire. She smoothed down her black blazer. She wouldn’t make the same mistakes she’d made with her boss’s now-deceased henchman. She wouldn’t act desperate.

  Russ stood beside her, the comforting warmth from his big body engulfing her smaller frame. Desire flickered to life, her nipples tightening. Vanna ignored her arousal, and she ignored him.

  She had to focus on her goal. She’d make a good impression on the rocker tonight, he’d agree to turn her, and she’d fulfill her destiny. There’d be no more doubting herself, her… No. She couldn’t think of that. She --

  “Vampires can smell when you’re nervous, love.” Russ’s deep voice rolled over her.

  She turned her head and looked up, up, up, meeting his gaze. Russ gave her one of his stomach-flipping smiles, and her lips twitched in response.

  Vampires didn’t smile. Vanna sucked back her joy, flattening her lips. “I’m not nervous,” she lied, her voice cold and flat as a vampire’s voice should be. “And what do you know about vampires?”

  Russ opened his mouth.

  “Nothing,” she answered for him. “Only what you’ve seen in movies. There’s so much more than that, Russ.” Vanna took a deep breath, struggling to contain her enthusiasm. “I’ve spent my life studying them, and I still don’t know everything.” She hoped she knew enough.

  “Oh, sweetheart. I am a vampire.” Russ laughed, the sound boisterous and loud and oh-so-sexy. “I told you that --”

  “And I told you that it takes more than a pair of cosmetically altered teeth to be a vampire.” She huffed, hurt that he continued to lie to her. They h
ad a relationship of sorts. He didn’t need to pretend he was something he wasn’t.

  “You don’t even dress like a vampire.” Vanna waved her hand at his sky blue shirt and black dress pants. “And no vampire has red hair.” Or freckles. She gazed at his broad, handsome face. He was the exact opposite of what she should find appealing.

  “You don’t even glower properly,” she grumbled. She folded her arms and glared out the window. How could she be attracted to someone so clearly human? Becoming a vampire was her destiny.

  “I might be a little rusty at glowering.” His voice lilted with humor. The man, the human, was laughing at her. “But I do know you. You’re nervous, sweetheart.” He stroked his calloused fingers down her face, sending sweet sensations shooting across her skin, easing her anger. “You need to burn off some of that excess emotion.”

  She had lost control and snapped at him, something a vampire would never do. If she did that in front of Croix, he’d think she wasn’t worthy of eternal life. She couldn’t mess up like that again. Croix was a jaded, cynical, rock star vampire. Vanna tapped her fingers against her skirt-covered thighs. He likely received and rejected proposals like hers daily.

  “You’re right,” Vanna agreed. “I need to burn off my excess emotion. How do you suggest I do that?” She tilted her face upward.

  “I can think of a few ways.” Russ cupped her face, his palms large and warm and enticing, and he dipped his head. She stared at him, fascinated by the specks in his hazel eyes. They were brown and green and gold accented by a rich crimson concentrated around the rim. Why hadn’t she noticed the unusual color of his eyes before?

  His flesh brushed hers, and she sighed, parted her lips and leaned into his strength. As he deepened the kiss, she rested her hands on his chest, the cotton soft under her fingertips.

  A vampire would wear black silk. He was so wrong for her. She should --

  Russ pushed into her mouth, sliding his tongue along hers in a stimulating caress, and she moaned, opening wider to him, her doubts demolished by his touch. He tasted of that spearmint gum he always chewed, his flavor fresh and tingly, and she sucked on his tongue, devouring him.

  He pulled her closer, their bodies bumping together, the hard, thick ridge in his dress pants pressing against her stomach. She swiveled her hips into him, rubbing him, enticing him. She’d had him twice, and it hadn’t been enough. She needed him again.

  “Vanna.” Russ groaned, sliding his hands down her back. “We shouldn’t do this here, love.”

  “Oh.” Her face heated. They were kissing in the store, in front of the stoic security guards, and her smirking coworkers. Vanna stepped back from Russ, horrified that she’d once again lost all her carefully cultivated control. What if Croix had seen her? “I… I… I…” She reached for words, but she couldn’t find any, her mind blank.

  “Come with me.” Russ pulled her toward the back rooms, his pace flatteringly rushed. He wanted her.

  She wanted him. Vanna followed. God. He had wide shoulders, another sign he was wrong for her because vampires were tall and svelte, and Russ was built like a bull, all bulging muscles and massive feet.

  “If Croix comes --”

  “We’ll hear him.” He pushed her into a storage room. “He’s a rock star. His hearing must be shot all to hell.” Russ lifted her onto one of the huge jewelry safes, the gray metal cool on her bare thighs.

  “What do you know about rock stars?” Vanna frowned as he tugged up her skirt.

  “I know enough.” He unbuttoned her blazer, revealing her black lace bra. “I’ll hear Croix arrive. Trust me.”

  She did trust him, despite his foolish claims of being a vampire. Vanna pulled back his belt, releasing the buckle, and unzipped his black dress pants, the fabric falling to the floor. He wore stark white briefs. As a vampire-in-waiting, she hadn’t worn white in years, that color showing every bloodstain.

  “I love how pale and beautiful you are.” Russ’s running commentary flowed over her. “Your skin shines like ivory. I can see your tiny blue veins, dainty and delicate, begging me to kiss them.” He scattered fervent kisses over her chest, his lips smacking the tops of her breasts.

  She smiled as she stroked him through the cotton, feeling the bloom of his cockhead, the slight curve of his shaft. Russ was the noisiest lover she’d ever had, and she basked in the warmth of his adoration.

  “Ohhh… that feels so good, pumpkin.” He rocked into her hand. “I need to feel your fingers on my flesh.” Russ yanked down his underwear, his cock bouncing. “Yes.” He wrapped her fingers around him. “You have the softest hands.” She worked him over, her grasp firm on his thick shaft. “I won’t last long, not with the way you’re loving me.”

  He snapped the tiny ribbons holding her panties in place and slid his hands down her mons, threading his fingers through her neatly trimmed hair. “Nice,” he murmured his appreciation. She jerked as his fingertips reached her wetness.

  “Easy, love.” Russ brushed his mouth against her sensitive neck, and she trembled, stimulated by his heat. “Let me touch you.” He stroked her pussy up and down, up and down, and her tremors increased, shaking her entire body.

  The way he touched her set her soul on fire. She spread her legs wider, allowing him better access to her. He teased her entrance, rubbing his thumb over her clit, and dipping his fingers into her cream, while she pumped his cock, drawing out his seed, a dab of precum forming on his tip.

  “You’re wet for me, hot for me.” His voice deepened to a rumble. “Tell me that’s true, Vanna. Tell me you ache for me like I ache for you.” He pumped into her deeper and deeper.

  She shouldn’t tell him anything. He was a fling, that was all he could be, and she shouldn’t lead him on or give him hope. But she couldn’t lie, not now, not with his fingers inside her. “I do ache for you, Russ.” She arched into him, and his cock brushed against her inner thighs, leaving a trail of wetness. “Take me. Fill me.”

  “Yes.” Russ placed his massive hands on her hips and pulled her toward him. “Feel me inside you.” He pushed into her tight pussy, his broad cockhead stretching her to the point of burning. “Doesn’t this feel right? This is how it is meant to be, you and me, joined, together.”

  The endless slide continued, and she gritted her teeth against the pain, the fullness. He was so big, so thick and long. “You can do it, love,” he coaxed, nibbling on her right earlobe.

  She could. She clutched his shoulders. She’d taken him twice before. She could take him again.

  “That’s it.” He kissed her neck as her pussy lips pressed against his curly red pubic hair. “Good girl.” Sharp teeth traced her jugular vein, and she shivered with excitement, dropping her head back.

  Russ sucked and licked as he rocked into her. The heat of his mouth and the press of his lips reminded her of someone and some time -- a distant past or a time not yet experienced. Vanna closed her eyes and clasped his head to her flesh, trying to entice the lurking memories closer.

  “Touch me, Vanna.” Russ’s voice scattered her thoughts. “I need your soft hands on me.”

  She ran her palms down his cotton shirt. His back muscles stretched and contracted under her fingertips. His power and strength were tactile things, moving and alive and barely constrained by his clothes. She wrapped her legs around his thighs, locking her ankles behind him, securing him to her.

  “Grab my ass,” he ordered, driving his cock into her pussy faster and harder, a sheen of exertion forming on his freckled forehead. “Squeeze me.”

  Vanna did as she was told, grasping his clenched ass cheeks, marveling at his contrasts. He was soft skin and hard muscle, good-natured yet demanding, gentle yet strong. His complexity fascinated her, distracting her from her true purpose, her destiny.

  He varied his angle, his shaft rubbing against her clit, and she moaned, her body coiling tighter and tighter around him. “Russ,” she pleaded -- for what, she didn’t know.

  “That’s it, love.” He covered her wit
h words and kisses as their bodies smacked together, her breasts flattening against his chest, her nipples stinging with the hard connection, the pain accentuating her arousal. “Come for me, Vanna, my sweet, sweet Vanna. Scream for me. Tell the world you’re mine.”

  “No. No. No.” She shook her head, denying her release. She couldn’t do that. He wasn’t a vampire. She couldn’t --

  He nipped her neck, and she screamed, heat sweeping over her, bursting the wall around her emotions. She arched, and he pushed forward, roaring his release, filling her with his hot cum. He pumped three more times before stilling.

  Vanna sighed, her body limp and lethargic, and she leaned forward, resting her forehead on his shoulder, her nails remaining embedded deep in the flesh of his ass. She breathed deeply, smelling sex and blood and him.

  “My love.” Russ petted the back of her head, his touch sure and comforting. “My sweet little love. I have waited for you for so long, for an eternity, it feels like, and it was worth it; this was worth it.” He filled the small room with words, words of love, words of a future together.

  “Russ.” She should tell him it was over. It wasn’t fair to him.

  “Hush, love.” He placed a finger over her lips. “I know it’s too soon. You need more time to accept this, to accept us. I can wait. This is enough for me.” He pressed his lips against her forehead. “More than enough. We have the time. We have forever.”

  They didn’t have forever. He would stay human while she became a vampire. She had to tell him. “I --”

  “Shit.” Russ pulled away from her, cool air filling the space between them. He frowned fiercely, deep lines appearing between his eyebrows.

  “Oh.” She covered her mouth with her hand, dismayed at her rashness. “Condoms. We forgot.” She had been so swept up in his touch, she’d forgotten. What happened to her coolness? Her vampire-like detachment?

  “Don’t worry. I can’t get pregnant,” she assured him, squelching the pain. Her deformed womb was yet another sign she was meant to become a vampire. As were the blood-filled dreams she’d had since she was a child. All of it had a purpose. She was destined for another life, an eternal life. She had to be. “And --”


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