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Shafted (Devil's Blaze MC Book 4)

Page 7

by Jordan Marie

  “I’ll just go,” I whisper, wishing I could rewind everything. What was I thinking? He’ll probably go back and party with that man and woman at the club. Jealousy burns deep inside of me. I make my legs move to the door, even with my heart screaming no.

  Chapter Nineteen


  A smart man would let her go. Hearing her footsteps behind me, I know the best thing to do would be to do just that— let her go. When I hear the doorknob turning, that fucking pain in my chest starts again. I don’t want to let her go. That’s my reasoning for turning around. Inside, I think it’s worse than that though. I don’t think I can let her go.

  “Bree. Wait,” I tell her and she looks over her shoulder at me, her hand frozen on the doorknob. “Your chance to walk away from me baby came before you offered me that body of yours.” I’m an asshole, but fuck if I care.


  “I’m not giving you my dick until you’re out of school, that’s final.”

  “I don’t see—”

  “But that doesn’t mean we won’t find pleasure with each other.” I grin knowing I have her.

  She cocks her head to the side. “I’m confused.”

  “It’s simple. I may not give you my dick, but I will definitely give you all the pleasure that sweet little body of yours can handle.”

  “You will?”

  “Definitely. There’s only one thing left for you to do.”

  “What’s that?”

  I raise my brow at her. “Undress for me.”


  “You want this? You want me? Then baby strip. Right now.”

  “What’s with all the baby stuff? What happened with calling me sweet?”

  “I’ve decided you have a little bit of sour in you. Are you stalling?” This is where Bree surprises me again. She lets out a big sigh and then looks me straight in the eye.

  “Probably,” she says with stark honesty. Then, she slowly begins unbuttoning her shirt, her eyes never wavering from mine. With each button the blush on her face deepens. I see a fine tremble in her fingers, but she doesn’t stop. She has no idea how truly beautiful she is right now in this moment. There’s nothing fake about her. Nothing but her, and she’s not trying to be seductive, but I’ve never been more turned on in my life. Hell, the zipper on my pants has a stranglehold on my cock. The damn thing can’t have any blood flow at this point.

  I can see small flashes of skin now that her shirt is unbuttoned. It’s like the biggest fucking tease in the world. Her fingers have a death grip on each end of her shirt and her breathing is so ragged it’s visibly shuddering through her body.

  “Take it off, Bree.”

  “You’re very bossy,” she whispers so soft I have to strain to hear it, or maybe it’s just I can’t hear her over the way the blood is pounding in my ears and my heart is trying to beat out of my chest as the shirt falls to the floor.

  Her skin is pale, white, virginal as if the sun hasn’t even been blessed to shine on it. She’s wearing a blue silken, lace trimmed bra that hugs her tits perfectly…Fuck. How am I supposed to keep myself from driving into that body for four weeks?

  “The rest of it, Bree. Show me what you’re giving me,” I order, my voice almost as harsh as the hand I use to roughly adjust my throbbing cock.

  Chapter Twenty


  Jax’s voice is so dark and rough, I feel shivers run up my spine, not stopping until even my hair tingles. I’m inexperienced, but even I can see the need in his lust filled eyes that’s practically burning me alive when he looks at me. That gives me the courage to quickly undo my pants and push them down. I close my eyes, take a breath and then open them, standing in front of Jax in my bra and panties for the first time…in front of any man for the first time.

  “Turn around,” he orders, and I do it without a thought to argue. His voice is authoritative, but I think it would be easier not to face him when he looks at me. At least I was smart enough to wear a sexy bra. Unfortunately, I’m wearing panties that don’t match. I really need to go shopping for more lingerie. I’ve never needed the sexy kind before, but I want to look my best for Jax. I stand looking at the door wondering what he will ask for next. I jump, letting out a gasp when I feel his hands on my shoulder. His hand moves along my neck, pushing my hair out of the way, and putting enough pressure I lean my head down. His rough, calloused hand feels incredible against my skin, but when his lips touch there my heart skips a beat.

  Kissing down my neck and over my shoulders, his hands blaze the path first. Chills run through me, but I’m heated at the same time. He places a kiss at the base of my neck, his warm breath skitters across my skin, and I know I’m already wet along the inside of my thighs, but I can feel the moisture gather even more with his kiss and the tender way he’s holding my arms. He keeps his lips there, every so often his tongue flicks against the skin, while his hands move down my arms and slide to my hips.

  “Jax,” I breathe, not sure what I want to say, just needing his voice to center me, because right now I feel like I’m floating.

  “You’re so beautiful, Bree,” he whispers, his fingers flexing into my hips with bruising force. He pulls me back into him, the hard ridge of his cock pushing against my ass has me wishing he’d change his mind about giving it to me sooner. Even through his clothes he feels huge.

  “Please...” I beg unable to tell him what I want.

  “Please what baby? What do you want?”

  So many answers spring to mind. Please, touch me. Please make love to me. Please don’t let me go. Please keep doing exactly what you’re doing. All I can manage though is a whimper. That’s when one of his hands tangles into my hair and the other moves up to palm my breast. Excitement thrums through my body. Is he going to touch me? Has he decided not to wait? Please, don’t wait. I bite my lip to keep from begging him to give in—to give me what I want.

  His large hand moves over my breast, squeezing then releasing and repeating the action over and over. Desire bursts through me, even hotter than before. I feel his teeth bite into the skin where my neck and shoulder meet. Not gentle. Yet, right now I don’t want gentle. I want whatever Jax gives me. I exhale at the desire and pain that runs through me, my entire body giving one slow, long convulsing movement.

  “Oh…” I gasp as everything inside of me clenches tightly and evidence of my arousal runs from my center, wetting my thighs with sticky heat. If I could think, I might be embarrassed. But, I can’t think. Everything, every thought process, every touch, every breath is consumed by him. Jax. This man is owning me completely.

  “I told you Bree, there were things I could give you until you’re out of school. Things that will give you pleasure—give us both pleasure,” he assures.

  “I want it all,” I whimper. Feelings of anticipation, need, and disappointment collide.

  “You’ll like what I give you,” he growls against my ear, spinning me around to face him. When I come face to face with the desire and need written all over him, I can do nothing but agree.

  I’ll take anything he gives me, for however long he wants to give it to me.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I’m barely hanging on to control. I feel like a fucking pervert for even thinking of what I want to do to her young, untried body. I don’t know what the fuck difference it makes that she is out of high school before I give her my dick, but somehow in my twisted mind it does. Who knows what the hell I’m doing. Maybe I’m hoping she’ll save herself from me before those weeks are up. Maybe I’m waiting for someone to find out and kill me—put me out of my misery. There’s only two things I’m sure of at this point. One is that having her and then being forced to give her up will kill me—which will definitely happen considering how young she is and who she is. The other thing is that regardless of it all, I will have her.

  Her eyes look like liquid pools and the green is definitely brighter today, outshining the specks of brown and gold that m
ingle together. In all my years, I’ve enjoyed many women, but none have captured me the way that Bree has. And absolutely none have had eyes that even come close to how beautiful hers are.

  This is all wrong. She deserves flowers, a soft bed, silk sheets, not a run-down rat trap with a worn out sofa and a bed that hasn’t been slept on in months. I tell myself it’s okay, because I’m not taking her virginity tonight, but I still feel like a fucking asshole. I pick her up and she instantly curves into my hold, her arms sliding against my neck, her breasts pressed against my chest. It might be fucked up, but holding her like this makes me feel like I’ve conquered the world.

  When I get her to the bedroom, I’m torn between turning the light on, and leaving it mostly dark. There’s enough light filtering through the windows that I can see her. I don’t want her to be looking at how horrible the room is. I know she deserves better. I don’t want her backing out because she sees what she’s giving herself too. I need her tied to me before that happens. I want her completely mine, until her family and my brothers tear her away from me.

  I slide her down my body, instantly missing the feel of her in my arms. I pull her away from me, just so I can get one more look. I can visibly see how a ragged breath shakes through her body.

  “Jax?” she asks, but I don’t have time to answer. Instead, I unhook her bra and clumsily push it from her body. Sweet Jesus, I wasn’t expecting that. You think if you’ve seen a million tits, you’ve seen them all. But just like with Bree’s eyes, that’s no longer true. She’s special. Pale white globes with dusty rose nipples so tight it looks physically painful. I can’t resist brushing my thumb against it and watching as the point seems to strain toward me.

  My eyes travel over her body, on the verge of breaking my own rule. I’m going to claim her eventually. Why wait? Then, my eyes stop at her underwear that is hiding that sweet little virgin pussy from me. Jesus. As if I needed another fucking reminder of just how young she is, suddenly, here it is.

  Bree has on white cotton panties and over the front is a little daisy on it and the word Sunday written diagonally in frilly font and looped around the stem and leaves of the flower. She’s wearing fucking days-of-the-week panties.

  She must notice where my attention is, because her hand comes down to try and shield herself from me. I roughly grab her hands, pulling them away.

  “Never try to keep me away from what’s mine,” I bark, like a fucking animal, but that’s what she makes me feel. Like an animal and she’s my prey. I’ll fight and kill to keep her—even my own brothers.

  “I don’t want to stop you, I just...”

  “Just what?” I ask, letting my finger follow along the rim of her underwear, dipping under the fabric every once in a while, loving the way her body tightens and leans towards me each time. She’s already on the edge. God, how I’m going to enjoy pushing her over.

  “I wish you’d just get it over with,” she mumbles, her face a bright red. I want to laugh. She has no idea what I’m going to give her, or get her used to taking from me. Hurry will not be in my vocabulary. Well, possibly the first time, but the second time, I’ll make sure lasts a good long time. Maybe until she begs me, or better yet until she can’t do anything but cry from the need of what I’m denying her.

  “In due time. Right now, you have too many clothes on.”

  “But, all I have on is my panties,” she argues.

  “Exactly,” I tell her with a grin, before ripping them down the sides so I can claim my prize. I have plans for these later.

  “Why did you do that? What am I supposed to wear now?” she asks, flustered.

  “Me,” I tell her, completely serious.

  “But...” her sentence stalls on her lips when she watches me bring her underwear up to my face and deeply inhale her scent. “What are you doing?” She asks, her fingers biting into the bicep of my arm I’m using to hold her with.

  “You smell like fucking air.”

  “Air?” she asks, but I can’t explain, it would give too much away. How do you tell someone you are beginning to think you can’t breathe without them? I don’t want to discuss it. Hell, maybe I’m not ready to face it. Her hands move down to cover her pussy and she’s looking around to avoid looking me in the eye.

  I guess it’s time to begin her training.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I grab Bree’s hands, pulling them together, holding them hostage in one of mine, and forcing them behind her back. She doesn’t even try to stop me. A fact that surprises, but pleases me more.

  “I told you not to hide what’s mine, Bree,” I whisper in her ear. Her head leans back against me.


  “Don’t worry baby girl, I’ll give you what you need,” I assure her. Letting go of her hands, I slide one of mine down her stomach and then further to cup her pussy. The heat rolling off of her envelopes my hand as I feel the wet evidence of her desire gather on my fingers. Excitement pounds through me. Not for the first time, I regret not being able to delve deep inside of her.

  I push that thought aside and instead concentrate on the automatic way that Bree shifts her legs, making way for me to do whatever I want with that sweet body. I squeeze her pussy tightly, while my other hand palms and kneads one of her tits. When her hips thrust back at me, I feel like I’ve won a fucking war.

  It’s a dangerous game I’m playing, but I can’t resist unbuttoning my pants and pushing them down so that my cock is free, pressing against her bare ass. I’m so hard and ready that my balls physically hurt. Pre-cum is leaking from the head and instantly slides against her creamy white ass. I take my cock in my hand, holding him roughly and stroke one smooth, long stroke, groaning as a stream of it slides against her cheek. Bree’s breath hitches and her body stops all movement for a second as she feels what I’m doing.

  I take my finger gathering the liquid on it and pushing it toward the crevice of her ass. My fingers bite into the fleshy cheek and I pull on it to reveal the small rosette opening, groaning as I push my pre-cum and finger into it. The circle of muscles clamps down immediately.

  “Relax baby. Don’t tense up. Let yourself go. It will feel good I promise.” She takes a deep shuddering breath, but slowly she starts to relax, allowing my finger to go deeper inside. Jesus. She’s so fucking tight. Exhilaration and need drum through me at such a rate, my body literally quakes. I’m going to have her in every way possible. Soon.

  Raking my hand against her pussy, I push my fingers through the wet heat of her desire. She tightens down on my fingers, wanting to ride them. The urge to thrust them inside of her is there, but not yet. I slide them back and forth, never going inside but petting and combing through her sweet juice, while teasing her clit on each upward thrust.

  “Ah,” she gasps. Her hips are moving now in time with my actions. I can feel her legs tremble, as I rake back through. My hand is drenched in her desire. I want to taste her, but right now I need to do this. I’ve been thinking about it for days. I pull my hand back slowly, taking the time to scissor my fingers out and catching her clit between them. I push them together, so the throbbing little button jumps with each beat of her pulse. I can feel it against my fingers and again that feeling of power and control comes over me. What is it about her that makes me feel like I could conquer the world?

  Finally, I pull my hand back through, and push a slick covered finger into her little ass. She takes it easier this time, maybe because she’s excited, and maybe because my finger is so fucking soaked. She’s so wet and ready for me, my dick hates me right now, and my balls are heavy. I need to give her my cum. My finger sinks up to the knuckle easily, and I pull it back out. I repeat that several times, getting her used to the feel of it, getting her used to my rhythm. Then, when I can tell she knows what I need from her, and what she needs from me, I let my finger leave that tight little cavern. Her whimper of despair makes me smile.

  “Don’t worry baby. Daddy’s got you,” I tell her. Where the hell
did that come from? Daddy? What the fuck is wrong with me? That’s never been something I’ve wanted. With her it feels as natural as breathing. This time I push two fingers inside her tight ass, tunneling in until they breach through the ring of muscles. Bree cries out and I hold them still for a second afraid I’ve hurt her. I’d rather cut off my right hand than do that. I’ve wanted her since the moment I first laid eyes on her. Now, I just have to figure out how to keep her without winding up dead. Not that I care. Some things are worth dying for.

  “More. I need more,” she whispers brokenly.

  I think I could make her come like this. With nothing more than fucking her ass with my fingers. But, that’s not how I want her first orgasm to be tonight. If things were different I’d want her first orgasm to be with my cock buried deep inside of her, so I can feel every fucking second of her pleasure. I decide to do the next best thing.

  Regretfully, I take my hands away. She cries out in distress, and I place a kiss at the base of her neck in reward. I feel the need to make her work for every reward she gets from me—and every punishment.

  “Shh…Bend over the bed, Bree. I’ll make sure you get what you need.”

  “You will?” she asks, turning and looking up at me. The desire in her eyes makes me groan. She’s hungry for so much more, and I want to give it to her. I cup the side of her face with my hand, kissing her forehead.

  “You need to understand that you’re mine now, Bree. I will never leave you needing more from me.”


  “Unless I need to punish you.”

  “Punish me?” she asks, her eyes going wide as saucers.


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