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Loyal To The Bear (Second Chance Shifters 2)

Page 3

by Meredith Clarke

  “Now you’re just being stupid,” Henry said. Carly looked at Lee and watched as his eyes turned from golden brown to a bright golden yellow. Shit. He wasn’t human. He was a shifter. He had eyes just like the shifter that killed her father. She had nightmares of those eyes every single night. Fear gripped Carly’s body and she was paralyzed.

  Henry caught Lee’s next attempted punch in his hand, and with lightning speed, picked Lee up by the neck and shoved him down on the ground. The security guards were trying to force themselves over to where they were all standing, but a large crowd had formed around them to watch the fight.

  “You listen to me,” Henry growled. “I’m stronger than you. I know you can shift, but know that you are messing with a grizzly. If you were smart, you’d leave Carly and I alone and get the hell out of this bar right fucking now.”

  Lee coughed under the pressure of Henry’s hand over his throat. His eyes flashed a brighter gold as he desperately struggled under Henry’s weight, but he eventually realized that he was no match for Henry’s brute strength. Lee reluctantly lifted his hands in surrender. Henry lifted up his hand and Lee quickly got up. The security guards had gotten through the crowd and pulled Lee towards the exit. As he was about to be pushed out, Lee turned towards Henry and Carly.

  “You’ll get what’s coming to you. You both will,” he shouted and ran out of the bar.

  Even with Lee gone, Carly was still frozen in panic. Henry looked back at her and quickly rushed to her side. Carly barely reacted when Henry placed his strong arms around her shoulders.

  “Carly,” Henry said. “Let me get you out of here, okay?” Carly barely nodded and let Henry lead her out.



  Henry was on high alert the moment that he and Carly left the bar. His grizzly was just under the surface, ready for a fight, but he knew he needed to first get Carly to safety and away from that fucking douchebag cougar. Henry heightened his senses to listen and smell for any danger as he guided Carly down the street.

  Once they had made it a few blocks away from the bar, Henry physically calmed down and looked over at Carly. Fuck, he thought. In his protectiveness, he had completely ignored how hard it must have been on Carly to be confronted by a cougar. Her normally bright face looked a little pale and he wanted nothing more than to pick her up and make everything right in her world again. It killed him to see her this upset and frightened.

  Henry tentatively wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. He smiled when he felt the tension in her body start to melt and was comforted by the thought that he was able to physically relax her in this way.

  “I know you might not like this,” Henry said. “But I would feel better if you stayed at my apartment tonight.” Carly barely nodded, and Henry could tell that she was still in a state of shock from what had happened at the bar. Had she been herself, she would have never agreed to stay at his place.

  Those fucking cats. Why did they have to be so off their rockers? Every other shifter Henry had met had always seemed normal. But never the larger cats. There was always something off about them. It was as if they were always stalking their prey and waiting on their next kill. Their hunting instincts were always on, and something that primal was hard to control. To Henry, it seemed like the animals ruled their minds, rather than the man ruling over the animal. With Henry and his bear there was always a balance. With the larger cats, he wasn’t too sure there was one.

  Henry and Carly reached his apartment building and he led her inside. “I’m going to make you some food, all right?” Henry asked. Carly nodded and plopped down on the couch.

  Henry walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. He smiled when he saw his leftover meatloaf and knew exactly what to make Carly in order to cheer her up. It was what he always made her in college whenever she was stressed out. Several minutes later, the meatloaf’s aroma wafted out, and Henry held back a chuckle when Carly wandered into the kitchen with a big smile on her face.

  “Are you making my favorite?” she asked.

  “Meatloaf sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy, coming right up,” he said. He watched her light green eyes sparkle and was happy that she was acting normal again.

  “I can’t believe you remember my favorite meal,” Carly said, as she sat down at the table and took a long whiff of the sandwich.

  “How could I forget,” Henry asked. “You only made me make this for you every single week that we were together.”

  “Well, you always made it better than I ever could,” she said, muffled between large bites. Henry finished his sandwich before she did, and smiled at her while he watched her eat. Her appetite had to be one of his many favorite things about Carly. She was never a “I’ll just have a salad” type of girl and he loved her for that. Cooking and eating were two of his favorite hobbies, and he loved how he could make her happy by simply making her favorite dish. Henry’s smile faltered when he thought about how their relationship was so different now from what it once was.

  Mid-bite Carly looked up at him with a confused look on her face. “Why are you staring at me like that?” she asked.

  “I’m just remembering how happy we used to be,” Henry said sadly. “And how I wish we could be that happy again.” Carly set down her sandwich and stared up at Henry.

  “I told you that I don’t want to ever talk about our past,” Carly said sternly. Henry tightened his hands, hoping to mask his frustration. He couldn’t yell at her, not after what she had experienced tonight.

  “We have to eventually talk about it, Carly,” he said. “There was so much that I was never able to tell you. That you didn’t let me tell you because you ran off without a word.”

  Anger started to bubble in Henry’s chest. Carly had never let him explain himself. She just left without even speaking to him. Had she taken a moment and let him explain, instead of just running off, things might have been different between them.

  Carly stood up in a rush and stalked into the living room. Henry jumped up and followed her, determined to make her talk to him.

  “Carly, stop running away from our problems!” Henry said. “Sit down and actually talk to me about it.” Carly let out a frustrated sigh and stomped over to the couch. Even when she’s angry, she’s adorable, Henry thought.

  “I get it Carly,” Henry said. “You don’t trust me. But you have to understand that I didn’t tell you the truth so you could see that not all shifters are the same.”

  “No, Henry, you don’t get it, “ Carly said. “Shifters petrify me. The one that killed my father was completely unstable, and I’m terrified that his madness was a result of being a shifter. How do I know that it won’t happen to you?”

  Henry threw his arms up in the air in frustration. “That’s the problem, Carly! We don’t know what’s going to happen.” Carly crossed her arms, stood up, and looked out the window of the living room. Henry let out a sigh and slowly walked up behind her.

  “I know you might not believe me when I say this, but that I am in control. Most bears in our clan are. The cougar that killed your father is not me. That is not who I am. My bear and I have a full balance that I was trained to have as a little kid. That shifter and the one tonight have both lost their balance. What they are is not what all shifters are.”

  Henry’s voice waivered. “You have to believe me when I say that I will never hurt you, Carly. I will always be there to protect you, no matter the cost.”



  Carly let out a long sigh. For so many years, she had feared that all shifters were the monster that killed her father, or the murderer that made the attacks Avery reported on. But deep down, she knew Henry was right. He was different from those shifters. He was a protector, and that was evident tonight, when he had slammed that cougar into the bar. He was also right about how not all shifters were the same. With so many shifters in the world, they couldn’t all be like the one that killed her father.

  Carly turned to
face Henry, who was standing behind her, tears brimming in his brown eyes. In that moment, she realized how stupid she was being, letting her fear ruin her relationship with this wonderful man. Henry would do anything for her, and he was the one she was meant to be with.

  Carly rushed over to Henry and pulled his head down to meet hers. Their lips crashed into one another and sparks flew between them. The instant their lips touched, she felt her body melt into Henry’s embrace. His burly frame had always made Carly feel safe.

  Their kiss deepened and Carly stifled a laugh as Henry’s light stubble tickled her mouth. She had always loved his beard, even though her friends had made fun of his lumberjack style. But that was what she grew to love the most about him. They fit together perfectly, and inside his strong arms, with his tongue slowly darting inside her mouth, Carly wondered why she ever let him go.

  Henry’s arms wrapped tighter around Carly’s waist and pulled her body closer to his. Between them, she could feel his hardness and heat start to radiate between her thighs.

  Henry always had a way of making her feel like no one else ever had. Carly had had a few sexual partners in her lifetime, but they were never able to take her over the edge like Henry was able to do. With him, she was able to fully lose control and let her orgasms take over.

  Henry’s hands glided down to Carly’s ass and he gently squeezed it. His kisses moved towards her neck and Carly leaned her head back, closing her eyes and allowing her other senses to take over. Henry’s lips traveled down to her collarbone, and then he suddenly picked her up and carried her from the living room to his large bedroom. When he first did that when they were together, she was worried she would be too heavy for him, but Henry always assured her that she was easy to pick up.

  Henry gently placed Carly down on the sheets, and as she turned her head to the side, she breathed in his strong scent. She had always loved how he smelled. It was as if he had bottled up the smell of campfires and the outdoors and made it extremely sexy.

  Henry leaned down on top of Carly and continued to kiss and bite her neck. Carly wrapped her legs around Henry’s waist and rolled her hips underneath his. He let out a distinct growl that sent shivers of pleasure, instead of fear, down Carly’s spine. Carly didn’t realize until now how much she loved his growl.

  Henry reached down and teased Carly by rubbing her exposed skin as her dress rode up her hips. His hands left a trail of fire across her skin and she rolled her hips again, wanting nothing more than for him to be inside her.

  Henry moved his body off of Carly’s and lay down next to her as he pushed his hand slowly up her dress. His liquid brown eyes captivated her own, making her question why she left Henry in the first place. Henry kissed her deeply again and then quickly pulled up her dress and removed it. Next came her black lace bra. Carly closed her eyes, waiting for his touch, but slowly fluttered them open when it never came.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked. Henry was staring down at her.

  “You’re just so fucking beautiful, Carly,” Henry said. “I can’t take my eyes off of you.” Carly genuinely smiled and leaned in to kiss Henry again. As their kiss deepened, Henry slowly ran his hand from her waist to her nipple. Carly’s body instantly shuddered at his touch, and Henry chuckled as he broke their kiss. Carly closed her eyes again as she took in every flick and caress of Henry’s tongue. He leaned his body over hers as he trailed his tongue over one nipple, while gently tugging the other.

  Henry slowly kissed his way down Carly’s chest and teased her by going along the line of her thong. He gently teased her by letting a finger slip underneath the fabric and brush against her clit lightly. Henry then grabbed her waist and pushed her body back up the bed so that her head was hitting the pillows.

  “I love it when you push and pull me to where you want me to be,” Carly said. It was such a turn on.

  Henry smiled down at her. “What can I say? I like being in control.”

  Henry leaned down again and trailed kisses along Carly’s panty line. He slowly trailed his fingers up her leg, brushing lightly over her clit, sending shudders throughout her body. Henry then grabbed the edge of her thong with his teeth and slowly pulled it down. She lifted her legs up so Henry could pull it off with his hands.

  “Do you trust me?” Henry asked.

  Carly thought for a moment. Even though a small part of her still feared what Henry was, she knew she trusted him with her life. Carly lightly bit her bottom lip and slowly nodded. Henry smiled and leaned over the side of the bed, pulling up Velcro harness straps. A slight twinge of fear crept into Carly’s mind, but the instant she looked back into Henry’s eyes, a sense of calm went through her body. She took a slow breath in, calming her beating heart.

  “The second that you don’t like these, you just tell me, okay?” Henry said.

  Carly nodded as he gently placed both her arms in the straps on either side of the bed. He then trailed kisses down her body as he grabbed the straps at the bottom of the bed and locked in her ankles. Once she was completely strapped in, Henry grabbed a blindfold from the nightstand.

  Carly’s other senses took over as Henry pressed his lips against her own and moved down her body. By the time his lips reached her waist she was tingling with anticipation. Henry slowly moved his mouth below her waist, and Carly let out a loud moan when she felt his tongue slowly run up her clit. She felt Henry’s hands run up and down her body as he flicked his tongue across her. Carly tugged up on the restraints, wishing she could run her fingers through Henry’s hair, but she was also turned on by the fact that she was unable to.

  Carly felt the pressure build as Henry’s tongue moved faster. She let out another moan when she felt his fingers lightly play with her as well. Carly rolled her hips up, hoping that Henry would push his fingers inside her. She heard Henry chuckle, in between sucking, and she knew that he was planning on teasing her for as long as he could.

  Henry’s index finger dipped inside her, causing Carly to arch her back up and tug harder on the restraints. Henry pulled his finger out and then slowly pushed it back in. Carly felt the pressure intensify, and she knew that it was only a matter of time before Henry pushed her over the edge. Henry moved his tongue faster and slowly pushed two fingers inside her. Carly pushed her hips down on his hand as another moan escaped her lips.

  “Oh, Henry! I can’t hold on for much longer!” Carly gasped. Henry twisted his fingers inside her, compounding the pressure, and sucked on her clit. Carly rolled her hips over his hand as Henry pushed her over the edge. Loud moans escaped Carly’s lips as her body completely gave in to her orgasm. When she was finished, she let out a long sigh. Henry gently removed her blindfold and restraints and pulled her close to him, wrapping his body around hers.

  Carly gently closed her eyes, breathing in Henry’s scent and feeling the happiest she ever had been in the last four years.



  Henry slowly opened his eyes. He turned over, half expecting last night to be a dream, but was happy to find Carly still curled up next to him, naked and tangled up in the sheets. She’s absolutely perfect, he thought. His eyes trailed down her sensual curves and he felt his boxers get tighter. He shifted his weight, hoping to get out of bed without disturbing her, but she slowly stretched and fluttered her eyes.

  “Morning, beautiful,” Henry said, laying back down. Carly yawned, opened her beautiful green eyes fully, and looked over at him. “Morning,” she said, as she turned to face him.

  “I was going to make us some breakfast,” Henry said. A slow smile crept across Carly’s lips.

  “No, I think you should stay right here,” she said, and she pulled Henry on top of her. His lips crashed into hers and he tangled his hands through her wavy blond hair. Carly ran her nails down his back, and Henry let out a low growl. She laughed and started to tug down Henry’s boxers. He sprung free, and she wrapped her hands around him. She slowly moved her hands up and down, causing Henry to let out a low moan. She pulled him towards
her clit and she started to rub it with the tip of his cock. Henry looked down at her and smiled.

  “You’re having fun teasing me, aren’t you?” he said.

  “Let’s call this a bit of payback for the Velcro last night,” she said seductively. Carly continued to tease him by moving him up and down her slit. She was so wet. After an agonizing few minutes, Carly opened her legs wider and pulled Henry into her. She let out a loud moan.

  Henry leaned down and kissed her lips as he rolled his hips from side to side. Carly rolled her hips along with his and arched her back, leaning her head back.

  Henry pushed deeper inside Carly, causing her to gasp. Her legs tightened around his waist as he started to pump his hips faster. He tightened his arms around her and flipped over on the bed so that she was now on top.

  Carly pushed her hands down on his chest and slowly moved her hips forward. Henry grabbed on to her curves and guided her hips back and forth.

  “Oh god, Henry,” Carly moaned.

  “Let go, Carly,” Henry said. “I love it when you just let go.” Carly let out a louder moan and Henry smiled.

  Henry guided Carly’s hips faster over him, and she dug her nails into his chest. He pushed up harder, and Carly’s moans grew louder and closer together. Henry pushed himself up into Carly as he continued to guide her hips faster and faster. He moved his right hand to her clit and started to rub her as she continued to move her hips forward. He then took his left hand and gently tugged on her nipple, causing her to let out a loud gasp. He felt her whole body begin to shake as he pushed her over the edge, and he quickly followed. Coming with Carly was one of the most amazing experiences Henry ever had. He felt as though their souls had become one as they both fell into ecstasy. When they were both finished, Carly collapsed on Henry’s chest. They were sweaty, but Henry didn’t mind.


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