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Heavenly Sword Dragon Slaying Saber Book 1

Page 28

by Jin Yong

  Of course, Xie Xun didn’t want to leave them. After parting, they certainly would not return. To live alone on this island is possibly worse then death. But after becoming a sworn brother to Zhang CuiShan and Yin SuSu, he cared more for them than himself. And he loved WuJi as his own son. However, after thinking thoroughly, he knew that he had to stay. There are too many enemies back in the mainland. Plus, it’s quite possible that people knew that the Dragon Saber is in his hands now. Should he go back, just about everyone in the martial world would want his life. In the past, he would just shrug off the danger. But with both eyes blinded, he can’t possibly hold off his enemies. Besides, Zhang and Yin would certainly not see him die alone, and might fight with him to the end. He concluded that they would probably not live for more than a year back in mainland. Of course, Xie Xun didn’t care to share this. He would just go ahead and decided stay at the last moment.

  When he heard WuJi’s words, Xie Xun picked him up and said, "WuJi, you’re a good kid. Listen to your godfather, ok? Your godfather’s too old, and he is blind. I can live a carefree life here. But would feel uncomfortable living on the mainland.” WuJi said, "Don’t worry, I’ll will take care of you after we get back, and never leave your side. If you want to eat or drink, I’ll bring them to you. So you can live the same life.” Xie Xun shook his head, said, "No. I would still be happier here.” WuJi said, "I’m happy here too. Mom, dad, let’s just stay here, ok?”

  Yin SuSu said, "Big brother, why are you so adamant on staying? If there’s a problem, share it with us. But we can’t let you stay alone.”

  Xie Xun thought, "Looks like it’s impossible to reason with them into leaving. So what should I do?”

  Zhang CuiShan suddenly said, "I know you’re afraid of your enemies, right? We can just find an obscure place to settle down, so they won’t find us. Actually, we can simply go to Wu Dang Mountain. No one would expect you to be there.” Xie Xun said, "Humph. Although your big brother is useless, but at least he doesn’t need your master’s protection.” Zhang CuiShan knew he spoke the wrong words, and hurried said, "Big brother’s kung fu is my master’s equal. Why would you need his protection? Besides, we can go anywhere. There are many places for us to settle.”

  Xie Xun said, "If you want me to find an obscure place to live, what could be more obscure than this island? Look, are you three going or not?”

  Zhang CuiShan said, "If big brother won’t leave, neither will we.” Xie Xun sighed, said, "Fine. We’ll all stay. You can wait till I die, and then leave.” Zhang CuiShan said, "Alright. We’ve already lived here for ten years. And are certainly not in a hurry to leave.”

  Xie Xun yelled, "Are you certain that you’ll leave after I die?” At this moment, the three of them saw Xie Xun’s hand flashed, as he unsheathed the Dragon Saber, and sliced at his own throat.

  Zhang CuiShan yelled in shock, "Don’t hurt WuJi!” He knew that he could not physically his brother from committing suicide. The only way to stop him is by this lie. Xie Xun immediately froze, put down his saber and yelled, "What?”

  Zhang CuiShan realized that he can’t change Xie Xun’s mind, and said with tears, "If big brother’s so adamant about it, then I will respect your wishes, and part.” As he spoke, Zhang CuiShan kneeled down and kowtowed several times. But WuJi yelled, "Godfather, if you don’t go, then neither will I! If you can commit suicide, so can I. A man of his words does what he says. I can slash my own throat too.”

  Xie Xun yelled, "Little fool. Don’t be ridiculous!” He instantly grabbed WuJi, and threw him onto the raft. Xie Xun then stepped up, and pushed both Yin SuSu and Zhang CuiShan onto the boat also. He yelled, "Fifth brother, fifth sister, WuJi! I wish you a safe journey. Hopefully, you will peacefully return to the mainland.” Then he added, "WuJi, after you get back to the mainland, you must call yourself Zhang WuJi. Only keep the name ‘Xie WuJi’ in your heart, never to be spoken.”

  WuJi yelled as loud as he could, "Godfather, Godfather!”

  Xie Xun raised his saber and said, "If you dare return to shore, our relationship ends immediately.”

  Zhang CuiShan and Yin SuSu knew that their sworn brother’s mind is set. They could therefore only wave goodbye. By this time, the wind had begun to carry them away from the island. They saw Xie Xun’s body becoming smaller and smaller, until he disappeared into the distance. Only then did the family of three turn around. WuJi rested in his mother’s embrace, cried for a long time, before falling asleep.


  The raft drifted in the sea, where the northern wind continuously carried them southward. None of them knew exactly where they are, but since the sun kept rising from the left, sets on the right, the North Star always behind them, and the raft kept moving. They knew that the mainland is closer

  with each passing day. Afraid that they might run into icebergs, Zhang CuiShan had only a small portion of the sail up. Although this made the journey longer, but also made it much safer. They still rarely bump into icebergs, but always just a light graze, before slipping away. After they left the region of icebergs, the sails went up fully.

  The wind direction never changed. And thankfully, they encountered no storms. Everyone was optimistic about reaching the mainland. Not wishing to make WuJi upset, Zhang and Yin never brought up Xie Xun.

  Zhang CuiShan thought, "It’s uncertain just how useful big brother’s teachings are. So when WuJi returns, he still must enter the Wu Dang Sect.” With nothing to do on the raft, Zhang CuiShan began to teach his son basic Wu Dang martial arts. He taught in a much more detailed manner than Xie Xun, and rudimentary Wu Dang martial arts are quite simple. WuJi learned them quickly. For much of the journey, father and son spent their time on the raft practicing techniques.

  When Yin SuSu saw the wind continuously blowing southward, she couldn’t help but say, "Big brother’s knowledge of nature is also incredible. He certainly is a genius.”

  WuJi suddenly said, "If the wind blows southward half the year, and northward half the year, then we can go back to visit godfather next year.” Zhang CuiShan said happily, "You are right. When you grow up, let’s go back north together.”

  Yin SuSu suddenly pointed southward and yelled, "What’s that?” Only to see two black dots in the distance. Zhang CuiShan gasped. He said, "Could they be whales? If they ram into the raft, we’re goners.” Yin SuSu stared for a while, then said, "Not whales. I didn’t see water coming out.” The three of them stared at the dots intently. More than hours later, Zhang CuiShan suddenly yelled, "They’re boats! Boats!” He immediately stood up, and did a cartwheel on the raft. After WuJi was born, Zhang CuiShan had never acted so silly like this. WuJi laughed out loud, and did two flips himself.

  After another couple of hours, they saw the boats clearly. Yin SuSu’s body suddenly trembled, and her face turned pale. WuJi asked, "Mother, what’s going on?” Yin SuSu’s mouth moved, but did not speak aloud. Zhang CuiShan grabbed her hand, his face filled with concern. Yin SuSu sighed and said, "What a coincidence, just when we came back.” Zhang CuiShan asked, "What do you mean?” Yin SuSu said, "Look at that mast.”

  Zhang CuiShan looked at the ships closely. Only to see a large, black eagle drawn on the left ship’s mast. He suddenly remembered the Heavenly Eagle Sect’s flag on Wang Pan Island, and said, "Is it. the Heavenly Eagle Sect?” Yin SuSu whispered, "Yes. It’s my dad’s ship.”

  In this instant, thousands of thoughts passed through Zhang CuiShan’s mind. "SuSu’s father is the leader of the Heavenly Eagle Sect. This sect does so many evil deeds. What should I do upon seeing my father-in-law? What would my master think of my marriage?” He felt Yin SuSu’s hands shake, realized that she must also be pondering a lot things at this instant. He said, "SuSu, look at how old our son is already. ‘In Heaven or Hell, never to part’. What are you afraid of?” Yin SuSu let out a long sigh, smiled, and whispered, "Hopefully there won’t be any problems on my behalf. Just do what’s best for WuJi.”

  WuJi has never seen a boat before. He stared at them
curiosity, and didn’t hear his parents’ words.

  As the raft drifted closer, they saw that the two boats are next to each other, as if they’re together. Unless they changed their course, the raft would pass about thirty meters to the right of the boats.

  Zhang CuiShan said, "Do you want hail them. Maybe we can find out about your dad.” Yin SuSu said, "No. Let’s get back to the mainland first. Then I’ll take you and WuJi to see my dad.” Zhang CuiShan said, "That’s fine too.” Suddenly, swords glittered on the boats, as four or five people were fighting. So he added, "There’s fighting on the ships.” Yin SuSu looked for a while, and was concerned. She said, "I wonder if my dad’s there.” Zhang CuiShan said, "Since we’re here, we might as well take a look.” He changed the raft’s direction, so it now drifted towards the ships.


  The raft drifted very slowly, so it still took them a long time to get close.

  Suddenly, someone on the Heavenly Eagle Sect’s boat yelled, "We’re just doing normal business here. Outsiders should mind their own business.” Yin SuSu yelled, "Sun and Moon shines down, Heavenly Eagle spreads its wings, Holy fire rises up, Brings blessings down to us. I am a Hall Leader. May I ask which branch is burning incense and lighting fire?” A man on the boat immediately said courteously, "On this boat are Heavenly City Hall’s Leader Li, leading Green Dragon Branch’s Leader Cheng and Divine Snake Branch’s Leader Feng. Is the Heaven’s Secret Hall’s Leader Yin here?” Yin SuSu said, "I am Purple Secret Hall’s leader.”

  The people on the boat became chaotic upon hearing these words. Soon, many people shouted, "Hey, Miss Yin’s back, Miss Yin’s back.”

  Although Zhang CuiShan married Yin SuSu for ten years, she had never talked about the Heavenly Eagle Sect. Only now did he realize that she is Purple Secret Hall’s hall leader. Looks like a ‘hall leader’ is more powerful than a ‘branch leader’. He already saw the abilities of branch leaders Bai and Chang, and knew their skills to be above Yin SuSu’s. He figured that she’s only hall leader because her father is the sect leader. Zhang CuiShan also reckoned that this ‘Heavenly City Hall’ Hall Leader Li must be a powerful person.

  Only to hear an old voice say, "Looks like my sect leader’s daughter have come back. Why don’t we call a truce for now?” Another loud, crisp voice said, "Fine! Everyone stop fighting.” The sounds of weapons clashing immediately stopped, and the combatants backed off. Zhang CuiShan thought that crisp voice sounded familiar. He yelled, "Are you Brother Yu LianZhou?” That person on the boat yelled, "I am indeed Yu LianZhou. Who. oh. you. you.”

  Zhang CuiShan said, "Your little brother Zhang CuiShan!” The raft is still several tens of meters from the boats. But in his excitement, Zhang CuiShan picked up a wood from the raft, threw it into the water, and used it to jump onto the boat.

  Yu LianZhou quickly came to greet him. After ten years of separation, with Zhang CuiShan’s fate unknown, one could expect their exhilaration upon being reunited. Their four hands grasped each other. One yelled, "Second brother!” One yelled, "Fifth brother!” Their eyes filled with tears, as no more words could come out.

  Meanwhile, the Heavenly Eagle Sect held their welcome celebration for Yin SuSu. Eight horns blew loudly in the back, while Hall Leader Li stood in the front. The two branch leaders, Feng and Cheng, stood directly behind him, with the others further back. They now prepared some boards to connect onto the raft, with several people holding on to them using long hooks. Yin SuSu and WuJi jumped onto the boat.

  The Heavenly Eagle Sect divides into three inner halls and five outer branches. Each division has their own people. The three inner halls divide into Heaven’s Secret, Purple Secret, and Heavenly City halls. The five outer branches divide into Green Dragon, White Tiger, Black Valiant, Red

  Sparrow, and Divine Serpent branches. Yin TianZheng’s eldest son, Yin YeWang, heads the Heaven’s Secret Hall. Yin SuSu heads the Purple Secret Hall. Yin TianZheng’s little martial brother Li TianYuan heads the Heavenly City Hall.

  Seeing Yin SuSu dressed in such strange clothing, holding a kid with her, Li TianYuan froze for a moment. Then a smile came to his face, as he said, "Thank heavens you’ve come back. You have no idea how worried your father had been these ten years.”

  Yin SuSu got on her knees and bowed, said, "Nice to see you, martial uncle.” Then she said to WuJi, "Hurry and kowtow to your martial granduncle.” WuJi quickly got on his knees and kowtowed several times. Meanwhile, his eyes stared at Li TianYuan, quite curious to see all these people on the boat.

  Yin SuSu got back up and said, "Martial uncle, this is your niece’s son. He’s called WuJi.”

  Li TianYuan stuttered a bit, and then started to laugh loudly, said, "Great! Great! Your father will be so delighted. Not only is his daughter back, but he also gained such a handsome little grandson.”

  Yin SuSu saw several dead people on the deck, and asked quietly, "Who are we fighting? What’s the reason?” Li TianYuan said, "They are members of Wu Dang and Kun Lun sects.” When Yin SuSu heard her husband yell ‘Brother Yu’, and then met up with someone on the other boat, she knew Wu Dang’s involved. So she said, "Try to resolve this peacefully if possible.”

  Li TianYuan said, "Yes.” Although he’s the martial uncle, his hall ranks below Yin SuSu’s. Hence, on official sect matters, Yin SuSu has power over him.

  Only to hear Zhang CuiShan yell, "SuSu, WuJi, come see my martial brother.” Yin SuSu grabbed WuJi’s hand, and walked over to the other boat. Li TianYuan was afraid for her safety, and followed.

  Only to see eight people on the other boat. A tall, skinny man of about forty is holding hands with Zhang CuiShan, showing a close relationship. Zhang CuiShan said, "SuSu, this is second brother Yu I always tell you about. Second brother, this is your sister-in-law and your nephew WuJi.” Yu LianZhou and Li TianYuan were incredibly shocked to hear these words. The Heavenly Eagle Sect and Wu Dang are in the midst of fighting, yet an important person from each sect is actually a couple. Not only that, they even have a child.

  Yu LianZhou knew that it’s impossible to tell the whole story at this time. So he went ahead and introduced everyone first.

  He introduced a short, chubby Taoist with a yellow hat as Kun Lun’s XiHua Zi. A middle-aged woman is XiHua Zi’s martial sister, Wei SiNiang*. People in the martial world call her ‘Lightning Madame’ behind her back. Both Zhang CuiShan and Yin SuSu had heard of these two people. The others are also expert swordsman from Kun Lun Sect, but not as famous as XiHua Zi and Wei SiNiang. Although XiHua Zi’s fairly old, he seemed to lack manners. His first words were, "Fifth Hero Zhang, where’s that bastard Xie Xun? You should know, right?”

  Note* ‘Si’ means ‘four’. ‘Niang’ means ‘Madame’, except it’s not as formal. So SiNiang is not her given name.

  Zhang CuiShan hasn’t even set foot on the mainland, and already two huge dilemmas are presented to him. First, Wu Dang and the Heavenly Eagle Sect are enemies. Second, people are already asking about Xie Xun. He didn’t know how to respond, and asked Yu LianZhou, "Second

  brother, what’s going on here?”

  When Zhang CuiShan didn’t respond to his question, XiHua Zi became furious. He yelled, "Did you hear my question? Where’s Xie Xun?” He ranks quite high in the Kun Lun Sect, and has very good kung fu. So XiHua Zi is used to ordering people around.

  Two of Branch Leader Feng’s men just died in XiHua Zi’s hands. So he’s already angry with XiHua Zi, said coldly, "Fifth Hero Zhang is my sect leader’s son-in-law. You might want to watch your mouth when speaking.” XiHua Zi yelled, "How could a demonic woman of an evil sect be married to a member of a righteous sect? There must be something suspicious behind it.” Branch Leader Feng chuckled, said, "Sect Leader Yin already has a grandson, and yet you still spew this sort of crap?” XiHua Zi yelled, "This demonic woman.”

  Wei SiNiang knew of Branch Leader Feng’s intentions. He wanted to separate the bond between Kun Lun and Wu Dang. At the same time, he also gets to please Zhang CuiShan a
nd Yin SuSu. Things can only get worse should XiHua Zi keep talking. So she quickly cut in, "Martial brother, no need to waste time arguing. Let’s hear what Second Hero Yu has to say.”

  Yu LianZhou looked at Zhang CuiShan, then at Yin SuSu. He didn’t know what to think either, and therefore said, "Let’s get into the cabin to discuss this matter. Also, we can use this time to heal the injured.”

  On this boat, the Heavenly Eagle Sect is guest. And the highest ranked member of the Heavenly Eagle Sect is Yin SuSu. She entered the cabin first with WuJi, with Li TianYuan following.

  When Branch Leader Feng entered the cabin, he felt a strong wind coming towards his waist. Branch Leader Feng is very experienced, knew immediately that XiHua Zi ambushed him. Instead of blocking, he simply dashed forward, while yelling, "Huh? Are you attacking me?” He evaded XiHua Zi’s ‘Triple Lunar Hand’, and with the yell turned all attention towards them.

  Wei SiNiang glared at XiHua Zi, only to see his face all red. It was agreed that the Heavenly Eagle Sect members are guests on this boat. So XiHua Zi’s actions, especially as a member of a righteous sect, is quite shameful. Everyone sat down in the cabin, separating into two groups, guests and hosts.

  Yin SuSu is the head of the guests, and sat in the front with WuJi. On the host side, Yu LianZhou led the group. He asked Wei SiNiang to bring an extra chair, then said, "Fifth brother, sit here.” Zhang CuiShan said, "Yes” and sat down.

  This separated Zhang CuiShan and Yin SuSu, and put them into two different camps.

  For the past ten years, Yu DaiYan never left due to his injury. Zhang CuiShan disappeared, his fate unknown. Yet the remaining five heroes became even more famous. Although Song YuanQiao and Yu LianZhou are second-generation disciples, their position in the martial world rivals even the reverends at Shaolin. Therefore, out of respect for the Five Heroes of Wu Dang, the Kun Lun participants offered Yu LianZhou the front seat.


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