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Sanctuary: Book One of Bloodlines

Page 3

by C. L. Stevens

  S&B was a queerly shaped building with the phrase ‘Home of the Fatty’ emblazoned proudly across the front. The restaurant had a classic rock theme and the multiple TVs inside were all playing 70s rock music. The atmosphere was quite pleasant and the pretty hostess that showed them to their seat was exceedingly friendly. Desiree watched her dad checking the woman out. She shook her head in disapproval. The woman was probably 25 or so, a good 15 years his junior.

  A tall man around the same age as the woman introduced himself as their waiter. He had a beard which surprised her. She figured the restaurant would want everyone clean shaven that handled food but this was Oklahoma and perhaps things were done differently here. Feeling somewhat carefree and a more than a bit famished, she decided to splurge a bit.

  “Order whatever you want dad,” She said smiling. “It's all on me.”

  They had a lot of interesting burgers on the menu but in the end, she ordered her own creation. She went with a single 6 Oz beef patty with American cheese, all the fixings, and the restaurant's own special honey mustard. She also ordered a raspberry lemonade and a chocolate milkshake.

  The food was amazingly good and she and her father chatted away while chowing down and listening to classic rock, most of which she knew but had never actually heard them in their entirety. She was having a great time and all thoughts of her leg and the army floated away like a balloon that had its string had let go by a child. She left the restaurant with a full belly and a light heart.

  Over the next few hours, they explored the small town of Lawton, taking in the military museum and a few of the parks. At 6 pm, the time she was supposed to return to the Fort, they went to the first showing of Wonder Woman at the movie theater just off 67th and Cache Blvd. Desiree was pleasantly surprised to see that the beverages were self-serve and that the machine was the new kind that offered dozens of options.

  Armed with her ticket and drink, she fake-hobbled her way into the theater and took a seat in the middle row but at the end to give more credit to her ruse.

  Before the movie began the theater filled to capacity and they found themselves sitting next to a young couple who were very friendly and loquacious. Desiree would look back on their conversation later and notice all the hesitations and meaningless responses, but at the time, their words seemed seamless and as natural as laughter.

  The woman introduced herself as Meilin and the man was Deidrich. They too were in town for Fort Sill's family day and graduation, visiting the man’s sister, though Desiree did not recognize the name they gave. Somewhere deep inside she knew that she should have but any thoughts on it seemed to flutter out of her head like so many butterflies.

  When the movie ended, many in the audience applauded in approval. Desiree found that she was one of them and shared a smile with Meilin when she noticed her doing the same. She had really enjoyed the movie. She had not expected much, especially after seeing Batman VS Superman and Suicide Squad but the movie had been cleverly done. She wasn't so sure about an island with nothing but attractive women but cleverly done nonetheless.

  She heard several other people talking about how Marvel was better as they exited the theater and noticed her dad and Deidrich nodding agreement.

  “You guys didn't like the movie?” She asked, the disappointment in her tone perhaps making the question a bit more leading than she intended.

  “I liked it,” Her dad replied defensively. “It was good.”

  “Just nothing compared to Civil War,” Deidrich added.

  “Exactly!” Her dad agreed.

  For some reason she found herself frowning at the men. She didn't even know why. She probably agreed with them on some level. When she noticed Meilin eyeing them with a similar expression, she made an effort to smooth her features.

  As they came out of the dark theater and into the brighter lights of the concession area she got her first good look at Deidrich. He was HANDSOME! He was tall and slim, with a muscular frame and had a very dignified way of walking. His dusty brown hair partially covered deep green eyes that seemed to glow in the greater illumination. His smile made her heart flutter as he bumped into her playfully. But any thoughts of stealing him away died a gruesome death when she laid eyes on Meilin.

  While Deidrich seemed younger than herself, Meilin looked to be in her late 20’s, but that only seemed to help. Quite frankly, she was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. Pale skin, and not the artificially pale skin that most possessed. The almost translucent skin one gets from never seeing the light of day, that sickly look that shows more veins than they cover, but a natural fairness like a warm cup of milk, deep and full of color yet seemingly absent of any at the same time. And it stood out in contrast with her thick mane of inky black tresses that cascaded from her head to nestle around her shoulders like a tamed panther. Fierce and penetrating eyes as dark as a moonless night and as large as the moon itself sparkled with intelligence and mischievous seduction. She towered over her 5-foot 5-inch frame by a good 4 or 5 inches, despite wearing much flatter soled shoes than her military issued boots. And of course, the majority of that height seemed to be slender but shapely leg.

  Even her breasts were larger than hers if not overly large in general and seemed to stand at attention as if the president himself had just walked into the barracks. She had never in her life felt more jealous of another woman or felt more intensely that life was unfair. She felt so out of countenance that she didn't even notice that she was walking without her crutches.

  The four of them stood in the concession area for some time, talking and debating about all sorts of things. People that were passing by often stopped to chat as well and Meilin and Deidrich made it seem as if they had known each newcomer for years. Exactly the way they did with us.

  The whole time Desiree added little to the conversation. She could only stare at the couple in awe. They were just so charismatic and friendly… and well, gorgeous!

  They walked out of the building still chatting away. The parking lot was near empty by now and the few cars that remained were scattered, so she was surprised when Meilin and Deidrich walked with them all the way to their car.

  “Oh, no silly,” Meilin was saying in response to a question she had missed. “Deidrich is my cousin. We are certainly not dating.” She sounded both scandalized and amused at the same time.

  “You look nothing alike,” She mentioned skeptically under her breath. “You look European and he looks Arab more than not.” What are you complaining about? Do you want them to be dating?

  Something about the whole situation bothered her. She couldn't put her finger on it. Perhaps it was just that she did not like the way Meilin looked at her father. Like someone beneath her and hardly worth her time. Yet the woman was smiling at him as if inviting at the same time. She narrowed her eyes at the woman.

  Deidrich touched her hand and all thoughts of Meilin fled. It was only a light touch. More a brushing of her hand to be honest but the contact made her attention only have room for him. She suddenly realized how close he was standing to her and stiffened. He was smiling in a friendly manner as if he had no idea that his close proximity was unnerving her.

  “I like your braids,” He said and lightly ran his finger along her scalp between the braids on her head.

  She closed her eyes at his touch and found herself leaning into his hand like a pet wanting attention.

  “I would love to see you with your hair down though,” He continued. “I bet it is very lush, no?”

  She wanted to say something, anything, but her mind was completely blank, stripped to a barren wasteland by his handsome face and those eyes, those haunting, emerald eyes. The way he looked at her! He looked at her as if she was the only thing of note in his universe.

  “You will show me one day, yes,” He stated more than asked. “Perhaps you would do me the honor of accompanying me to dinner one night?”

  She opened her mouth to respond but nothing would come out so she nodded slowly. Wait, no, that's not
right. We are leaving in the morning.

  The thought fluttered around in her mind, refusing to roost. She tried to focus on that thought. Deep in her mind, she thought that it may be important, relevant somehow.

  She was struggling with that when suddenly his hand was under her chin, gently raising her face and he was kissing her. His mouth came down on her own, slowly and tenderly as if he feared she would pull away. He needn't have worried. She could have sooner lifted a car with her bare hands.

  She felt his other hand on the small of her back and she let it guide her closer and closer until her whole body was pressed into his. She could feel the warmth of him. Feel the sleek muscles of his stomach and his chest, of his arms as they squeezed her tighter and tighter. His hot tongue probed at her lips and she parted them slightly in response without even realizing what she was doing. The tip of his tongue was in her mouth and she found herself fiercely holding onto to his shoulders. She caressed his arms and ran a hand through his hair as if she had done so a thousand times before. Her body seemed to be moving of its own accord. When his tongue retreated, she chased it with her own. Oh my god, is this really happening?

  She felt dizzy, intoxicated. Her head floated like a dandelion seed on a windy day. She felt amazing! With her tongue in his mouth, she felt a slight pinch and her head swam even more. She felt as if he were spinning her around and around in his arms. She wanted to open her eyes to see if he really was. She would not have been surprised if it was true. It's weird to open your eyes during a kiss, isn't it? You don't want him to think you weird, do you?

  He abruptly broke off the kiss with a gasp and stepped away from her.

  “Ablanq!” She heard him say in an astonished whisper.

  Oh no! You didn't open your eyes did you stupid?!

  No. That wasn't right. She hadn't opened her eyes. In fact, they were still closed. She opened them through sheer force of will.

  Deidrich was staring at her not in revulsion as she had feared but in wide-eyed amazement.

  Suddenly there was the metallic taste of blood in her mouth. Her worried gaze became one of confusion. There was movement to her left, causing her to turn her head. She was almost startled to see her dad. She had totally forgotten he was even there. His eyes were closed and Meilin was just pulling away from him. To her shock, she realized that Meilin had been kissing his neck while he unabashedly explored her body with his hands.

  Meilin shared a quick look with Deidrich and made her way slowly to her. Desiree only had eyes for the woman. She was transfixed with her gaze and never lost eye contact with the tall woman until she was right before her and turned her head to one side with an impossibly soft hand.

  Meilin’s mouth came down on her neck and suddenly there was pain. But instead of pushing the woman away, Desiree was leaning towards her in a manner that gave the woman greater access. Oh my god, she is biting you! She is a vampire! Move you, idiot! Move!

  She heard Meilin gasp in astonishment as Desiree pushed her roughly away. Her hand involuntarily shot up to cover the area on her neck where she had been bitten as she stared at the beautiful woman in horror.

  “Impossible,” Meilin whispered in stark amazement, her large eyes growing wider and wider.

  “Run dad!” She croaked. She had meant to scream the words and opened her mouth to try again when Meilin was on her. One second she was standing five feet away, and the next she had her by the throat and lifted her effortlessly in the air with one arm.

  Desiree’s panicked eyes searched out her father and found him still standing there with his eyes still closed. He hadn't moved an inch.

  “She is Ablanq!” Deidrich said, his voice coming across as both diffident and warning at the same time.

  Meilin looked back at the man and Desiree used the opportunity to grab the woman's hand by the smallest digit the way her father had taught her and bent it back until the hand came free from her throat. She plopped down hard but managed to keep her balance. She moved to run for her father but Meilin grabbed her arm in a vice-like grip before she took half a step.

  “I will take her. Kill him quickly and come along Deidrich,” Meilin Commanded. In an instant, Deidrich was at her father.

  “No!” She cried and fought like a pregnant badger backed into a corner by hounds. She punched Meilin as hard as she could right in the woman's middle but she seemed to not even feel it. Desiree screamed, and the sound that came from her throat surprised even herself with its volume and intensity.

  She grabbed at Meilin’s wrist with both of her hands and twisted with all of her might. Meilin said something in a language she had never heard but was obviously a curse as Desiree wrenched loose and nearly sent her spinning to the ground. Her hands came up like claws ready to rake at the woman's face.

  “Stop!” Meilin called out and Deidrich stopped abruptly with his hand raised in a chopping position over the bent neck of Desiree’s father.

  “You will come quietly and do as you are told if we spare his life, yes?” Deidrich said looking at her.

  Desiree lowered her hands slowly, her mind racing. Desperately she searched for something, anything she could do but she could find no alternative. She licked her lips and swallowed twice before she could respond.

  “I have your word that you won't hurt my father if I come with you?” She asked finally. “That you will let him go?”

  She addressed the questions to Meilin and looked at her squarely in the eye without flinching as she did. Meilin only paused a moment before replying.

  “You have it,” She said and waved dismissively in the 2 men’s direction.

  Desiree looked over to her father and was infinitely relieved to see Deidrich lower his hand.

  “You watched the movie and then dropped your daughter off at Fort Sill,” He said in her father's ear but loud enough to be heard 20 feet away. “Now you will drive to wherever it is that you have accommodations for the night and rest, and in the morning, you will drive home knowing that your child is safe and happy.”

  Desiree watched as her father got into his car and drove off without a word with the same vacant expression on his face he held when he was with Meilin. With difficulty, she managed to fight back the tears that were begging to fill her eyes.

  “Come, Girl,” Meilin commanded and turned her back to her, walking briskly away.

  Deidrich followed behind her, both seeming to take it for granted that Desiree would follow. Desiree watched as her father's car left the parking lot and sped down the street and out of sight. She contemplated making a run for it but realized she had no place to go. There was nowhere she could get to before either one of her captors would catch her. She had already witnessed how fast they could move. Doing the only thing she could for the moment, she did as she was told and followed.


  Desiree followed them to one of the half a dozen or so cars that were left in the parking lot. Meilin stopped at a black, 4 door sedan and exchanged a close word with Deidrich. Desiree moved closer but the two stepped away from each other before she could overhear what was said. Deidrich eyed her for half a breath before turning and leaving her alone with Meilin. And what was that about?

  “Get in,” Meilin instructed as she walked to the driver side and opened the door.

  A thousand questions spun in her head as she watched Deidrich disappear into the night. Exhaling a deep breath, more a sigh really, Desiree entered the car.

  “Being a vampire must pay pretty well,” Desiree commented as they left the parking lot. The other woman did not respond. She didn't even look in her direction.

  “Last time I checked, a BMW didn't come cheap,” Desiree prompted again.

  Meilin sighed audibly in a way that sounded like a mockery of Desiree’s previous one when she entered the car.

  “I know you have many questions girl but I don't have the time nor patience to indulge you. Most of the answers you seek will be yours if you were to exercise but a bit of patience and watch and learn,” She sigh
ed again. “But seeing how that is above most people, I will answer two questions, and two only, mind you.”

  Meilin turned to her as she pulled to a stop at a red light. Her dark eyes collected the amber glow of the streetlight, giving them a haunting cast.

  “I suggest that you think before asking your questions.”

  Desiree didn't need to think long.

  “What is an Ablanq?” She said the unfamiliar word slowly, trying to put the inflections Deidrich had used.

  Meilin laughed. The sound was soft and rich and reverberated through the car and through Desiree herself, almost seeming to caress her skin. It reminded her of satin. This woman's laugh is like verbal satin.

  “You took note of that did you?” She laughed again. “Maybe you are not as base as most.”

  Desiree heard no hint of mockery. She sounded proud if anything.

  “There's no true translation,” She began. “But it roughly translates as timeless, or perhaps endless.” She turned and looked at her again. “And your last question?”

  “You haven't answered the first question yet,” Desiree stated.

  “I just told you what the word means girl,” Meilin retorted testily.

  “That is not the question I asked,” Desiree shot back, copying the woman's negative tone perfectly. Her heart skipped a beat at her own behavior but none of it showed on her face.

  Meilin suddenly pulled the car over with a screech. The car's momentum made Desiree lean forward precariously before snapping back hard as the car came to a stop. Is the bitch trying to give me whiplash?

  “You do have more than a few cents rattling around in that pretty little head of yours don't you.” She said, raising a single eyebrow. There was no doubt about it this time. Desiree definitely heard a hint of pride in her voice.

  “Honestly,” Meilin admitted, “I am not quite sure myself.” She smiled apologetically. “It can be any number of things. All have sustaining blood. That I know for sure. I could tell that much the moment I tasted you.”


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