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Sanctuary: Book One of Bloodlines

Page 17

by C. L. Stevens

  “You were waiting for me?” She asked, trying hard to keep the suspicion she felt from her tone. He seemed innocent enough. Truth be told, he seemed like a genuinely nice guy but they had only met the once and she wondered nervously why he would be waiting for her.

  “Yes,” He replied with an emphatic nod. “We were hoping to catch you before you ate anything to see if you wanted to go with us to the Cornucopia Festival.”

  “Oh shit, that's right! That’s today isn't it?” Stasha said and surprise. “I forgot all about it.”

  “What's this Cornucopia Festival?” Desiree asked.

  “The annual Uvarii Cornucopia Festival,” Kennedy began to explain. “Think of it as sort of a Thanksgiving dinner mixed with a taste testing buffet. That's what Eric calls it at least. He says they are totally awesome.”

  “Yeah,” Stasha confirmed. “I heard they are really cool. There are games and prizes and tons and tons of food.”

  “That does sound good,” Desiree thought aloud. And her stomach grumbled its agreement as well. “It's in the house somewhere?”

  “No,” Kennedy answered. “It's too big for that. It’s like 2 miles away but still inside the Sanctuary.”

  “I think I should probably stay in the house, for now, guys,” she said apologetically. “I can't go.”

  “Girl, what kind of contract did you sign where you can't even leave the house?” Stasha asked in wonder. “I've never even heard of that before.”

  “It's not permanent,” Desiree retorted rather defensively. “It's just for today or until Meilin returns. We were supposed to go shopping today. I hardly have any clothes to wear right now.”

  “You could have fooled me,” Stasha countered as she looked her over critically. “Looks like you have one hell of a wardrobe from where I'm standing.” She felt at some of the material of her skirt with her thumb and forefinger. “That stuff looks brand spanking new too.”

  “New or not,” she said with a gesture to her clothing, “I only have like 3 or 4 outfits to wear and they are all dirty. And I don't have any pajamas or casual clothes or anything else. Heck, I don't even have a good pair of sneakers.” She complained.

  “You can go one more day with the stuff you have,” Kennedy said in exasperation. “I mean, it’s the Cornucopia Festival. They are awesome.” He added, grinning from ear to ear. It's like a festival, banquet, and carnival all rolled into one. You don't want to miss it. Who knows, you might never get a chance to attend one again.”

  “Come on, let's go Desiree,” Stasha implored. “I seriously doubt Meilin or any vampire would want you to miss something like this.”

  “Yes!” Kennedy agreed wholeheartedly, Latching on to the idea. “It was made for us after all anyway. Well I mean, not for us specifically, but for humans in general.”

  “You guys haven't even been to one of these,” She said with the laugh, but she was already convinced and was just giving them a hard time.

  “They have tons of food and it's all-you-can-eat,” Stasha said as if it was her closing argument to an already proven case in court. “That's all I need to know.”

  “It's the Cornucopia Festival!” Kennedy said again excitedly.

  “OK, dang. I will go if you promise to stop saying Cornucopia Festival.” Desiree conceded with a sour look in the boy's direction. “But how do we get there?” She asked them. “And who is the WE that wanted me to go?” She added for Kennedy.

  “Well, a group of us were going, and we just wanted you to come. Me and Eric I mean.” He clarified in his unusually shy manner of speaking. “We figured, you know since you won't be staying in the bunks with the rest of us, it would be a good way for you to meet the others.”

  She wouldn't have admitted it, but she was rather flattered that they had thought of her.

  “And for your first question, it's only a mile or 2 so we will be hoofing it,” Stasha replied matter a factly.

  “Well let's leave a soon as possible,” She said. “I'm starving. But just let me explain to Marilyn where I'm going first so Meilin won't get worried.”

  “Geez girl, she doesn't own you.” Stasha chastised. “You don't need to tell her where you are at all times like some child. Do you want one of us to hold your hand as we cross streets too?”

  “I don't need to be a total ass about it either,” She shot back. “I told you we had plans for today. It's only common courtesy to inform someone that you had plans with that you were canceling and why. You do know about common courtesy right, Stasha?” She asked sarcastically.

  “Whoa, Mama has some bite after all,” Stasha said while raising her hands defensively as if she were trying to ward off blows. Kennedy was staring at her wide-eyed.

  “Sorry about that,” She said to Stasha. “My nerves are going haywire right now. I am usually not this snappish.”

  “No worries, I deserved it.” Stasha offered in way of her own apology. “I am just happy to see that you are not the overly polite pushover you seem to be at first glance. I'm glad to know that you can defend yourself. Some of these bitches in here are not nice. At all.” She added in a lower voice.

  Kennedy was still looking at her in surprise, but he nodded after a moment.

  “Yeah,” He agreed. “Some people can be pretty mean in here sometimes.”

  “Well don't worry about me,” She assured them. “All my friends and I did in high school was dog each other. Not to mention, I was the only one that got good grades in our group so I had it coming my way doubly bad. I have plenty of practice with defending myself from rude people or bullies.”

  Stasha grabbed her around the waist and spun her around to head back the way they had come. “You could have told me this earlier.” She said in her ear as she walked by her side still holding on to her waist in sort of a half hug. It made for some unsteady walking but Desiree didn't mind. She gave her new friend a pernicious smile and squeezed her back in return.

  “Now what would have been the fun in that?” She looked back over her shoulder to see Kennedy staring at them in confusion. “Are you coming, Kennedy?”

  The boy ran to catch up. “Ken. Call me Ken.”

  Chapter 13

  To her surprise, Marilyn laughed aloud when she told her what she planned.

  “I told her you would find out and want to go,” The older woman said, still laughing. “Just about every young person in the entire Sanctuary is going.” She looked at her two companions and nodded in approval. “You could have certainly done far worse for company. I am sure they won't get you into any trouble. And don't worry yourself, Darling,” She said to Stasha. “I will hold on to your computer gizmo until you return.”

  “See, I told you everyone would have expected you to go,” Stasha gloated as they walked through the house.

  They left out of a side door that led to a curving concrete path through tall bushes cut into shapes that resembled castle walls. The shrubbery was so high and thick that she couldn't see anything outside. Not even a hint. Despite walking in the shadows cast by said plants, the air was perfect. It felt good on her face and bare arms and legs, not warm or cold but… perfect.

  “Slow down!” She pleaded with her two companions as they quickly outdistanced her. “The festival isn't going anywhere!”

  “Come on, come on,” Kennedy pleaded right back. “If we hurry, we can catch up with the others.”

  Stasha was keeping pace with his long strides step for step and though she didn't say anything, her eyes spoke volumes. Reluctantly, and cautiously due to her footwear, she picked up her pace.

  When they cleared the enormous grounds of the mansion-like house, the Sanctuary in its entirety spread out before them. Everything seemed newly made and she gazed around like a child at Disneyland. From the asphalt of the wide streets to the peculiar street lights and buildings, everything was spic and span. In a way, the place reminded her of the grounds at an elite university with its lush foliage, winding walkways, and stylized buildings... in a way. At the same time, she could
not make rhyme or reason of most that she saw. For instance, to her surprise, there would be a home, complete with an elderly couple sitting on rocking chairs on the porch but the house was right in the middle of a park where children ran amok or played on swings and slides. There was what looked to be a grocery store behind a stand of tall trees, but Desiree could see no parking lot for cars or even a pathway for people to come in and patronize the business. The moment she started to ask a question about a peculiar sight, another oddity came up and she found herself just mumbling under her breath as she struggled to keep up with her companions.

  The sound of other voices drew her attention from the scenery as they came to a 3-way street corner. Just ahead of them a group of 4 people meandered lazily up the immaculate sidewalk, chatting and laughing with the unconcerned air that only young people could manage. She recognized Eric immediately and was rather surprised that she felt somewhat happy to see him.

  “Hey! You found her!” Eric said jovially when he caught sight of them. His huge and genuine smile took them all in. The others of his party, two young women, and a tall, athletic-looking young man, all stopped to regard the newcomers. Kennedy stepped forward and he and Eric bumped fists.

  “Hey, Busy Bee. Glad you could make it.” He said to Stasha as he playfully brushed up against her hard enough to knock her off balance. Desiree couldn't tell if he was flirting by making unnecessary contact with her, she had read somewhere that men did that sort of thing or it was just his natural outgoing manner. Either way, the effect was that Stasha smiled up at him babbling something so low she couldn't catch it.

  “Hey guys, this is Desiree, the girl we were telling you about.” Kennedy began almost formally. “Desiree, this is Martin,” he continued, gesturing to the tall boy. Martin smiled at her and ran a hand over his closely cropped hair before offering it to her in greeting. She took it and looked up at him, muttering a greeting. He had a very strong grip as he shook her hand.

  “The other two are Olive and Patty.” He added, emphasizing each as he spoke their names. Olive was roughly her size and build but a lot heavier in the chest area. She wore a tight fitting low-cut top that was no doubt designed to draw attention to said assets and judging by some of their eyes, and hers as well she had to admit, it was working to perfection. She had a long light brown hair that she constantly and unnecessarily as far Desiree could see, brushed it away from her face with one hand. Patty was a bit chubby about the middle but had quite a lovely face, framed by dark, curly hair to her shoulders. Her big brown eyes made her seem sad though, but not unpleasantly so. More like a lost puppy you wanted to pour your heart out to. Both women stared at her so long and pointedly that she wondered if they might both be gay. Desiree had made a concerted effort to ensure that her perusal of the two had been tactfully and politely done, both circumspect and more importantly, brief. They certainly showed no shame in openly studying her face and figure, blue eyes with one raised eyebrow and brown with a weird sort of half smile. Both made her decidedly uncomfortable and she walked over to Eric and put his frame between her and the two women to impede their view of her.

  “Thanks for the invite.” She said.

  “Thanks for coming.” He replied with that half grin.

  “We aren't there yet.” Kennedy reminded them all. “And I for one do not want to miss the opening ceremonies.”

  He took her around the shoulders with one arm and spun her about to walk beside him. She let herself be corralled, eager to get on with it all herself. She didn't take more than a few steps before Stasha latched herself to her other arm, grinning at her with wide and excited eyes. Being led along between the two somehow filled her with confidence and she began to relax. Kennedy whispered something only she and Stasha could hear and she laughed aloud. Feeling the moment, Desiree tilted back her head and yelled at the top of her lungs.

  “To the Cornucopia Festival!”

  To her surprise and delight, the others took it up enthusiastically.

  “To the Cornucopia Festival!”

  Before long the festival grounds came into view. In her mind she was expecting to see perhaps a large picnic area akin to the many family reunion gatherings she attended when she was a child. She guessed she had missed the importance of the word festival in the title. A hundred or more people mingled around the countless pavilions, tables and tents that spread out before them. People stood at booths playing all sorts of games and children ran around everywhere or sat in mechanical rides all seeming to be screaming at the top of their lungs. A live band played raucously to the crowd though Desiree could barely hear the music over the din of voices and clatter of games and rides. But judging by the way the band jumped around and whipped their heads about, they were really getting down. When they got close a woman's voice could be heard loudly on a mic and slowly but surely everyone quieted. Following the eyes of all that were gathered, Desiree was easily able to pick out the speaker. To her surprise it was Meilin’s mother, the lady Uvarii herself. She stood on a raised dais resplendent in an elegant white gown more elaborately embroidered than any she had ever seen. Her long blonde hair fluttered in a slight breeze that Desiree did not feel as she spoke in a strong and clear voice. She looked nothing short of regal. And judging by the open mouth stares and undivided attention of her friends and most of the onlookers she could see, they all agreed wholeheartedly.

  “One hundred and ninety-three years ago the first accord between Vampire and human was struck in this sanctuary at nearly this very spot.” The lady Uvarii stated in formal tones. “And to celebrate that moment of shared gain and trust for both sides a grand feast took place to mark the occasion. And to honor those first humans who had the courage and wisdom to see that House Uvarii wanted only peace and put their trust in us,” she paused then and looked over the crowd, making eye contact with many, “trust with their very lives, trust with their lives in a time when Vampires were not known to value life,” She continued, “we continue that feast every year.” She raised her hands and announced with pride Desiree could almost feel, “Welcome to the 193rd annual Cornucopia Festival.”

  “The crowd that was so quiet and almost somber a moment ago erupted in cheers so loud and enthusiastically that Desiree jumped. But before it even consciously registered, she was clapping and cheering with everyone else. She glanced at her side and shared a big smile with Stasha who was cheering even louder than she. This went on for some time before lady Uvarii raised her hands for silence. Slowly but surely the crowd quieted. Desiree found that it was an effort to do so on her part.

  “We only have a little over four minutes, so everyone find a place at one of the tables.” Lady Uvarii said, gesturing to the scores of long tables before her. Hurry, hurry now.” She added, smiling broadly.

  The prodding was not needed. At her first gesture there was a mad scramble for the tables.

  “Hurry!” Kennedy shouted, addressing everyone. “We need to hurry to make sure we can all sit together!”

  To emphasize his own words, he grabbed her by the hand and Stasha with his other and dashed for the nearest table. Stasha screamed and laughed in delight as they both half ran and were half dragged along. Desiree lost one of her shoes and just kicked of the other one as she ran and jumped and skipped at their sides. She was laughing so hard the muscles in her face were beginning to hurt. She only laughed harder.

  They reached the first table but people slid onto the seats just before they could. Not to be deterred, they dashed to the next and then the next before they found one still empty. They all slid into the seats panting and grinning like maniacs. It was hard for her to sit still. She wanted to get up and move. Kennedy sat to her left and Stasha to her right. Almost immediately several strangers sat next to Stasha so Eric and the others sat across from them when they finally made it. They looked red faced and out of breath but all had the same grin she knew was on her own face.

  “We could hardly keep up with you guys.” Patty said breathlessly. “We were calling for you al
l to wait. Why didn't you wait for us?”

  “I’m sorry, I couldn't hear anything.” Desiree apologized, though the huge smile never left her face.

  “Yeah, I didn't hear you guys either.” Kennedy said panting as well. “I just wanted to make sure we could all sit together. I was going to save seats for everyone.”

  Over the next few minutes people filled the tables to near capacity, though Desiree noticed only a few tables were so crowded that people sat shoulder to shoulder. She figured this was probably due to an effort to keep preexisting groups together more so than because of the space available.

  “It's almost time.” Lady Uvarii said suddenly, her voice booming over the crowd. “Everyone countdown with me… Ten! Nine!”

  Everyone quieted their low conversations at her first word and soon all joined in. “3… 2… 1!”

  At the count of one the empty tables were suddenly filled with plates and platters of all sizes, along with chalices and other large pitchers that just materialized out of thin air. Her gasp was echoed from countless other mouths. And then those dishes were filled with every type of food and drink imaginable. Before her was a tray with what appeared to be fillets of salmon with slices of lemon on the side, a dish of peas in some sort of buttery sauce, steaming rolls of crusty bread that made her mouth water, sliced carrots and whole broccoli stems that we so vibrant in color that they had to have been harvested only moments before. There was corn still on the cob with butter melting on top, a whole roasted bird that she assumed to be chicken or pheasant and several unidentifiable drinks of various hues that all beaded with condensation. And that was what was just in front of her. She glanced to her left and found an oval golden platter on which sat a large steaming roast with its slightly pink slices still sizzling in its own juices. She was surprised to find the peppery scents of its herbs and seasonings drew her attention more so than the fish, which was usually her favorite. Even more so considering it appeared to be prepared medium and she much preferred her beef well done. She almost laughed out loud at the sight of Kennedy’s face as he surveyed the roast in front of him. He looked as if his eyes were going to pop out of his head. She turned back and blinked. Before her, right next to the salmon was a small plate with slices of sizzling roast with the telltale bits of black and green flakes and familiarly seductive aroma that she saw before Kennedy. She was 99% sure it hadn't been there before.


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