Sanctuary: Book One of Bloodlines

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Sanctuary: Book One of Bloodlines Page 22

by C. L. Stevens

  “I forget how smart you are Stasha.” Desiree said and laughed nervously. “So observant. I honestly don't even know why I was reluctant to tell you. It’s not like it's bad news or something.” She took a deep breath.

  “I remember some of what I was told during my reading.” She admitted.

  Anastacia gasped in surprise. “But they said you can't remember anything. At least not clearly.

  “When I blacked out, it was because I was pushing myself to remember. I had to remember at list this much.” Desiree ignored her friends disapproving frown and continued.

  “And I did. A small part at least. I was told, or rather I had the impression that not all I have met are necessarily my friend despite that they all seem to be. I don't remember all the words actually being spoken but I do remember your name being mentioned specifically.”

  “What did it say?” Anastacia asked defensively.

  “It said that you are my true friend and I got the strong impression that I should stick close to you. I believe I still feel it even now. The feeling that being near you is the right thing to do. Like I am on safe ground or something. It's kinda weird to be honest.” She admitted with another nervous laugh.

  “Oh.” Anastacia responded, looking taken aback. “Yeah, I agree. That is weird.” She agreed. “I thought that maybe you liked me.” She laughed, sounding partly relieved and yet disappointed at the same time. “I was all nervous and didn't know how I was going to respond.”

  “What?” Desiree exclaimed. “Of course, I like you. I considered you a friend well before that stupid reading. You are smart and funny and I really enjoy your company. Don't for a second believe that I only want to hang around you because of a dumb reading I can hardly remember.” She sighed. “I don't understand what you are trying to say. I thought you liked me too. I mean, we get along great. At least I thought we did.” She added in a lower voice.

  Anastacia smiled. “No, no, that's not what I meant. I like you. I think you are very sweet Desiree, a good person. I think we will be very good friends. But the way you were behaving, I thought… I mean, it makes total sense now but at the time I assumed you, um…”

  He couldn't believe his luck when he watched the 2 girls split away from the other 2 and then actually proceeded to leave the festival grounds. Following them unseen proved to be extremely easy as well for the 2 were engrossed in deep conversation and neither of them paid their surroundings even the slightest of attention. He continued to follow as he fed his gift into the 2 of them, filling them with a sense of restlessness and the need to walk. After about a half hour he seriously doubted either had any idea just how far they had both wandered away from the festival. Suddenly they stopped and began speaking in earnest. He quickly signaled for his companion to circle around to the other side. This was going to be too easy, like feeding on an infant. He kind of felt sorry for them. But one only reaped what one sewed. They turned down the wrong Vampire this day. He watched them for a few moments even after he knew his partner was in position. Their behavior seemed odd at first but he soon realized what was going on and chose that moment to step from cover and confront them.

  “Isn't that sweet.” He said mockingly, causing the two girls to whirl around wide eyed. “Young lovers stealing a moment to be alone together.”

  “Who are you? What do you want?” The blonde girl asked nervously. Both girls jumped again when his partner appeared behind them.

  “They shouldn't be wandering so far away from the designated areas.” His partner added. “Especially with the dead zone so close. Anything could happen way out here. Practically… anything.” He finished with a wicked smile.

  He watched as the 2 girls cling to one another looking around as if in surprise at their surroundings.

  “Where in the hell are we?” His main target asked. “Can you guys show us the way back please? We don't exactly know where we are.”

  “Now what would be the fun in that?” He said as he spread his arms to the side and graced them with his most pernicious grin. A sudden breeze whipped their hair and clothes about, jet black and blonde alike flapping like foreign banners. When their scent reached him, the succulent aroma and tantalizing smell of fear made his heritage come forth unbidden. In all his 90 years he had never smelled anyone so mouthwatering. The blonde one screamed as he moved in to collect his dinner. She ran off but he paid her no mind when he noticed his partner move to intercept. She would not get far. He grabbed the other woman by the neck before she could even think of doing the same and lifted off her feet so he could get a good look at her.

  She was fit and attractive and the overwhelming scent of her filled his senses so strongly he wondered if he could have controlled himself even if the order to kill her had not been given. Oh, this girl’s patron was going to miss her. What a succulent morsel she was. He moved in to have a taste when a sudden sharp pain in his arm caused him to drop her. He looked down to find a shiny piece of metal lodged 2 inches into his forearm. He yanked it out and examined it. He expected to find a small knife or perhaps a small pair of scissors but what he saw made him laugh. The girl had managed to stab him with a set of tweezers. He turned in pursuit and caught her before she got more than a dozen steps.

  He punched out and connected solidly with the back of her head. The impact was only slightly muffled by the thick padding of hair. The girl fell forward to lie face down in the dirt and grass. He cursed himself, thinking that he had most assuredly just killed her and was thoroughly relieved when the girl's small frame began to crawl forward. That would have been a gross waste of a fine meal. He walked alongside his prey for a moment perplexed. He didn't know if he wanted to applaud her for not giving up or ridicule her for the futile gesture. At last he decided to end it and lifted the girl to face him. He looked into her eyes and expected and quite looked forward to finding nothing short of stark terror inside. What he saw made him drop her again in surprise. In her eyes was not the mind-numbing fear he expected, or even the resolute look of one that had accepted the fact that they were about to die. What stared back at him was a fighter, a lioness. A mighty and majestic lioness alone and surrounded by hyenas with no tree in sight, no chance of escape. She knew death was coming but this lioness was determined to meet her end with her teeth and claws and coat awash in hyena blood.

  Desiree stared back at the masked vampire determinedly despite being thoroughly dazed. In fact, her vision was doubled as she met his bird like eyes. All 4 of them. She was astonished to see him take a step back, his eyes narrowing in disbelief. She glanced behind her to see if her friends or even better, Meilin had arrived. She was not so lucky. She looked around for her friend and saw that the other vampire was feeding on her. Before it even registered in her head she was already moving. She was almost to Anastacia when he caught up to her and grabbed her from behind. She spun in his grip and just as teeth lowered to her neck she lifted her knee into his groin. He jerked and came up short but did not fall or release her. She berated herself for easing up on the blow but she had always felt uncomfortable striking a man there. She imagined that was how a gentleman felt about striking a lady. Like he was taking advantage of an inherent weakness. This is life or death. No time to be fair and chivalrous. No time to be timid right now.

  She struck again, this time as hard as she could. The realization that the vampire's grip had already turned into more of a clutch for support than a will to restrain registering too late. The would-be killer folded up and dropped to her feet in the fetal position.

  “You stupid Bitch.” She heard him gasp in tones of sheer agony.

  Those words instantly freed her of all guilt and she kicked him in the stomach as he lay there for good measure and then ran for her friend. The other vampire, wearing a Jason, or perhaps Michael Myers mask, she could never tell the difference between the two, pushed Stasha away as she approached.

  “Run.” She told her friend. The girl had fallen to one knee with a hand covering her neck where the vampire had bitten her. “
Run.” She yelled again as the man came at her.

  He reached for her with both hands but she managed to grab them before they could wrap around her throat. They both grunted with exertion as they struggled for dominance. She found that she was able to overpower him but had no idea how to capitalize on it. She had to admit to herself that other than the little her father had taught her, mostly control holds, she really had no idea how to fight. If she could only get a hold of his wrist she could do something worthwhile but he was moving around too much for her to dare to even try. She looked up to see that the vampire's eyes were wide as saucers behind the mask.

  “What the fuck are you?” He spat angrily. “I know you are no vampire! I can smell you are human. How are you doing this?”

  “When I tell my Patron Meilin, she is going to rip your head off.” She replied. “I have seen her do it. She will rip your ugly head from your shoulders and watch you crumble to dust.”

  He certainly believed her because the man's eyes widened even further and he fought more desperately but she was able to hold him at bay despite his frantic efforts.

  “You'll never live to tell her, you freak.” He promised. He smiled suddenly and she frowned, wondering what he was up too. She was on her guard but never saw the foot he placed behind hers and when he pushed she found herself falling. Her back hit hard with his weight coming down on top of her, driving all the air from her lungs. When the back of her already injured head struck a split second later, her vision went black with silver flecks dancing about crazily, making her think of a black and white video of fireflies. When it finally cleared, the vampire was no longer atop her. He was off to the side clutching a head that bled profusely. His gaze was no longer on her but on the prone form of Anastacia. She lay there not moving, her tiny body resembling one of those expensive painted dolls. There was a bloody rock that would have taken her two hands to grasp resting close to her side. The entire side of her face was covered in red, making it seem as if she wore war paint. She had no doubt it was blood though, her own blood.

  Desiree climbed to her feet unsteadily and hurried to the vampire. She started kicking and punching him and he curled into a ball trying to protect himself from the blows. She cursed and spat at him, saying things she never thought she would say to another living thing. She continued to wail away at him hurling obscenities, not even really knowing what she was saying anymore. She didn't know how long she pummeled him but when she at last sated her rage, she moved to her friend and knelt beside her. Her breath was coming in hollow gasps as if her airways were obstructed. She called her name but there was no response. A shuffling noise made her look back and she saw the first vampire walking slowly towards her while holding his abdomen and gritting a set of teeth that belonged on a wolf. There was the promise of painfully slow death in his ice blue eyes. The other one was rising as well if a lot more unsteady. The bottom corner of his hockey mask was broken off revealing a light dusting of light brown or perhaps blonde facial hair. He swayed back and forth precariously but he was coming.

  “I am going to rip your head off and drink from it like a chalice, you stupid bitch.” The vampire already on his feet growled angrily.

  “That's tough talk coming from a coward in a mask.” She retorted. She knew her words sounded brave and confident but in truth she was none of those things. She was just tired and hurting and wanted away from them. She knew that she had no chance against both of them at the same time so she scooped up her friend and stumbled away. Anastacia groaned in her arms from being jostled about but she did not open her eyes. Desiree thanked god for making the girl so petite. It was like carrying a sack full of pillows. She seemed to weigh almost nothing and didn't slow her in the least. She quickly put distance between them and their pursuers. She could still hear them yelling obscenities but she kept moving, not even bothering to look back. Just when she thought they would surely get away a problem arose.

  “What in the heck is that?” She said aloud as she stared, thoroughly dumbfounded. Before her lay a black wall that seemed to have come out of nowhere. It stretched as far as she could see in both directions and seemed to eclipse the heavens.

  “Nowhere to run now you Freak… you, Abomination”

  She turned to see them both coming and much faster this time. She ran along the dark wall as fast as she could. She had no idea where she was or where she was going, she just wanted to keep ahead of them. It wasn't working. They were moving far too fast now. Suddenly she tripped on the uneven terrain and fell. She managed to spin on the way down so that her friend was cushioned a bit by falling on top of her. Anastacia still groaned pathetically.

  “Ouch!” The blonde complained in a thin voice.

  Instead of scrambling back to her feet or even checking on her friend, Desiree only stared at both of their legs in horror. They now ended in stumps at the edge of the black wall as if sliced by a surgeon's sharpest tool. She nearly threw up at the terrible sight.

  No wait, I can still feel them!

  Snapping out of the shock of seeing her legs chopped in half, she moved and the leg reappeared from darkness made tangible. She tugged on her friend and her leg materialized as well.

  “I am almost disappointed that you gave up.” The vampire in the bird mask muttered from only a few feet away. His partner walked up beside him and she could see his mouth turn into a sardonic grin under the broken part of the mask.

  “We are going to snap your friends scrawny little neck like a chicken but it won't go so easy for you.” His partner hissed. “We are going to drain you slowly, painfully. I am going to break every bone in your body and then drain you dry. I want to hear you beg. Not for freedom, not for your miserable, wretched life… I will make you beg me to kill you.”

  “You already do that with your breath.” She retorted scathingly as she scooped her friend into her arms.

  “Funny. That's real funny bitch. Let's see how funny you are without a tongue.” He growled angrily. They stalked forward, not seeming in a hurry now.

  “Certain death before you.” Bird mask said almost casually, gesturing to the black wall.

  “And certain death behind.” The other added, elaborately indicating himself and his partner. “I am going to enjoy this!”

  She placed Anastacia down beside her where she managed to stand, if a bit unsteadily. She supported her as best she could. Just as they reached for them, she stepped toward the black wall, pulling her friend with her and let it swallow them. Once inside one or both must have panicked because their feet were suddenly entangled and she found herself falling. Desiree bent her body awkwardly in an attempt to protect her friend but the effort was fruitless. They ended up a tangled mess of limbs, rolling over several times.

  First there was only darkness, endless and all-encompassing darkness. She could not see anything. She felt for her friend and when her hand made contact, she heard her gasp before taking it in a desperate embrace. They both sat there quietly for a moment trying to listen for the vampires but there were only the sounds of their own heavy breathing. She was just about to get to her feet when she felt pressure all over. Pressure on every inch of her skin, every molecule of her being. She tried to leave the darkness but she was turned around and couldn't see anything. The darkness was oppressive, like a physical thing. The pressure only continued to mount to where she couldn't feel Anastacia in her arms any longer. She couldn't feel the clothes on her own body. The pressure only continued to build. I have to get out. I have to get out!

  And then she heard Anastacia begin to scream. It was such a powerful shriek of fear and pain and utter hopelessness that it chilled the marrow in her bones. The shriek went on and on as if it would never end. And then abruptly she couldn't hear it any longer. It was not that her friend had stopped, it was that her own now filled her ears and it put Anastacia’s to shame.

  Meilin combed her fingers through her long dark hair in an effort to dislodge the final bits of debris. She grimaced down at her torn and bloodstained clothing
as more twigs and leaves rained down. She was a filthy mess. And not all that blood belonged to her enemies. The long gash from her shoulder all the way down to very near her elbow still throbbed and accounted for a good portion. He was good, the one who had given her that decoration, she had to admit. And lucky. Extremely lucky. She had recognized him from the confrontation with Ivan. He had managed to get away in that fight as well. If she did not know any better she would have thought the man's gift was luck itself. Movement to her left accompanied by hoarse coughing caused her to straighten from grooming herself.

  “You definitely look the worse for wear.” She remarked, smiling down at her longtime friend. The man laughed but the action quickly devolved into more coughing.

  “It certainly took you long enough sister.” Deidrich managed to say between hacks. “The Phalanx?”

  Meilin shook her head. “Dead before I arrived.”

  “Damn.” Deidrich cursed. After a moment he finally managed to sit up. “You made them all pay with their lives, yes?”

  “All but one. The leader got away.” She admitted sourly.

  “Damn!” Deidrich cursed again more heatedly. “That one surely did need to die. He is the reason your cousin is looking so pretty right now.” He added, gesturing to the many cuts and bruises on his face.

  “It was not from lack of trying I assure you.” Meilin said, her anger growing hot at the reminder of what they had done. “I couldn't pin him down. He is… skillful.” She admitted reluctantly.

  “He is that.” Deidrich readily agreed. He laughed then, a low throaty gesture she had heard from him a myriad time before. “He had me down double quick. I was gutted, scaled and ready for the skillet before I knew we were being assaulted.” He shook his head in self-reproach. “I let my guard down. I never expected anyone to be so close to the Sanctuary.”


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