Sanctuary: Book One of Bloodlines

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Sanctuary: Book One of Bloodlines Page 23

by C. L. Stevens

  “They looked to be quite adept at frying careless Uvarii it would seem.” She said with a smile to soften the words. He looked up at her then with his one good eye, the other being swollen shut but he did not acknowledge the compliment.

  “This was because of the girl, yes?”

  She nodded. “Or in retaliation.”

  He looked at her questioningly.

  “Ivan is dead, by my own hand.” She told him without fanfare. Her tone said she was not bragging, only supplying information.

  Deidrich blew a soft whistle, blood and spittle spraying from a fat lip.

  “However did you manage that? And what ill luck caused you to run into that one in the first place?”

  “The girl, Desiree. She is indeed Ablanq and quite powerful.” She began and filled him in on everything that had occurred in his absence. Deidrich’s swollen mouth was wide open by the time she finished.

  “Powerful indeed.” He said in awe. “Where is she now? Safe in the Sanctuary, yes? I wish she were here now. I have never tasted anything like her.”

  Meilin’s mouth tightened but she didn't respond at first. After a moment's thought she said, rather reluctantly, “It would certainly put you on your feet again.” She admitted. “But there is something else I haven't told you. On our way to the Sanctuary I…” She trailed off as her dark eyes left his to scan the area behind them without actually turning her head.

  A vampire did not live long without developing a keen sense for incoming danger. Meilin had dubbed it her spider sense but Deidrich knew that it was not part of the dark gift like she believed. Even humans developed the skill after years of being around combat or the perpetual threat of harm. He caught on immediately and a second later proclaimed,

  “I sense it too. Others are coming and with alacrity.”

  She helped him up and they were off immediately.

  “Enter and wait for me.” She told him when they made it back to the entrance to the Sanctuary. “I want to see if I can learn a bit more about our enemies.”

  “It's too dangerous for you to go alone.” Deidrich protested. “We need to return in force and show them what it means to anger house Uvarii.”

  “Spy, not fight. I want to learn how much they know. Don't worry, I won't get too close.” She added when he looked to continue to argue.

  “Do I need to tell your father.” He threatened. “Or perhaps your mother, yes?” He smiled knowingly. “I am sure she can talk some sense into you. If anyone in this world can.” He added under his breath.

  She grimaced. “I heard that.” She told him sourly. “Go! Run and tell them. I will be back in short order.” With that she turned and sprinted back.

  “Be careful cousin!” She heard him call to her.

  She smiled to herself. She knew that he wouldn't say anything. Besides, what would be the point. It would be over and done with well before they could do anything about it. Though, thinking back, he had ratted her out before. She had been planning on doing things exceedingly dangerous and this was nothing. She had told him the truth, she wouldn't get close. Well not THAT close.

  Moving unseen from humans, especially at night, was as easy as a flip of the hair. Keeping your presence unknown from other vampires however was a much more difficult and tricky feat. Difficult but not impossible. One just needed to understand how the senses worked and adjust your efforts accordingly.

  Meilin scrambled to an adjacent building to where she found Deidrich and surveyed her surroundings. She smiled when she heard the low Hum and felt the subtle vibrations of a large air conditioning unit. She crouched behind the machine, folding herself into a tight ball with her knees pulled up against her chest. She examined herself, taking care to ensure no loose clothing or her long hair had a chance to billow from the wind emitted by the machine. Satisfied that everything was tucked away securely, she concentrated, letting her senses drift away from her body. She could no longer hear the loud thrum of the machine and could barely even feel the concrete under her. Anyone, human or vampire would notice her with little difficulty with the naked eye. But a vampire's other senses were infinitely more useful than the eyes, and this strength she knew would often lead to weakness, to carelessness. After all, why take the extended time needed to search an area with your eyes, when you could sense movement, body heat or even breathing from dozens of Yards away. Some were so powerful they could actually sense the subtle changes in the air from a body’s movement if they concentrated. The mere disturbance of dust motes in the air could mark one out to them. Though her position was hot and uncomfortable, to the otherworldly perceptions of her kind, she was practically invisible. All she needed to do now was wait.

  “Where are they. They should be here.” Hanna said worriedly.

  Otarin watched as Leon paced around the area, pausing here and there to shake his head. “What is it? What have you found?” He asked. Leon had amazingly sharp senses and an uncanny knack for noticing even the smallest detail. Better still, his other gift was unlike any he had ever heard tell. He could somehow partially view traumatic events that had transpired in a specific area. The more traumatic, the stronger and more detailed the visions.

  “An ambush was laid here. And successful.” Leon said softly. He pointed to various areas of the rooftop. As he pointed them out, Otarin could see the subtle hints left that marked an immortal’s demise. The faint grayish stain roughly the shape of a man on the ground or against a wall. The tattered remnants of clothing that had not been completely consumed with the vampire's death.

  Leon reached down and picked something up. Otarin was shocked to see the frayed ends of a cloak. A house Uvarii Phalanx cloak.

  “Successful indeed.” Leon stated, a smile growing on his lips. “Three Phalanx were killed here in quick succession. A fourth was taken alive.”

  He followed a trail only he could see several Yards away. When he and Hanna followed, they found a blood-soaked area with the prints of many boots.

  “He was questioned here… harshly.” Leon added with a grimace. “He would not have lasted long under such treatment.”

  “So, the prisoner is dead now?” Hanna asked as if she didn't really care one way or the other. “But what of our team? Did they abandon the task?” She suddenly perked up and asked excitedly, almost sounding like a small girl on Christmas morning. “Could the prisoner be the girl? Do they have her Leon?”

  Otarin perked up at that. He had never given the team leave to kill the Ablanq, but the girl was better dead than in Uvarii hands to be sure.

  “No. The prisoner was not killed.” Leon said slowly. He surveyed the area awhile longer. “Taken by someone. A small group, perhaps two, no more.” He followed another trail. For his part Otarin noticed a bloody scuff from a boot here and there. The team obviously had been moving for speed rather than stealth. Leon stopped suddenly and closed his eyes.

  “The team set upon the newcomers here… and died. They died as fast as they threw themselves at them. No! There was but one that stood against them. She stood right here and slaughtered. When the last tried to flee, she sought them out.” Leon grimaced at the thought or perhaps what he saw.

  “Who of house Uvarii could manage such a feat?” He asked in tones of awe.

  Otarin had a good idea who had done the killing and judging by the look on Hanna’s face he was sure she knew as well.

  “They are all dead then? The entire team?” He asked with more patience than he felt.

  “One escaped,” Leon replied hesitantly.

  “That was probably the Uvarii trash.” Hanna interjected.

  “I do not believe so Mistress,” Leon replied. The survivor fled north, away from the portal.” Leone paused as he crouched to examine something more closely.

  “The Uvarii that perpetrated the rescue appeared to pursue for a moment but turned back to aid the other. Their tracks are quite fresh. I would guess only mere moments before our arrival. The one questioned would be severely injured. It would be slow going. We might
be able to catch them before they reach the gateway.”

  Otarin thought for only a second.

  “No. We have lost too many already. It is time we inform the Master.”

  “Are you certain you want to miss this chance?” Leon replied. “Surely none save the Master himself could stand against the 2 of you. The other will be of no consequence, a burden if anything.”

  “No. We move. Pull everyone out until the Master is informed.” Otarin said with conviction. “And track the one that escaped. I want to know everything he knows.”

  Meilin sensed them leave with a tightness to her full lips that betrayed only a fraction of her annoyance. The one called Leon was dangerous. His gift was one she had only heard of and thought it fancy. But it was obvious that he could see events that unfolded just by being in that area. His recount of what had occurred was far too precise for mere guessing. She actually considered confronting the trio. It would be well for her house if Leon were dead but she had to abandon the idea. Leon was right. She knew the other two and she also knew she would not survive the encounter. Hanna and Otarin were both older than she with gifts that could not be underestimated. Perhaps with her Suvy at her side… but no, not this day. She straightened and moved to leave when a voice stopped her short.

  “You are strong, daughter of house Uvarii. Much stronger than I was led to believe. It is the girl… the Ablanq?”

  She whirled around to see the wily vampire who had managed to escape her earlier. She eyed him warily as she sent her senses out to ensure no others were near. He was tall, well-built and quite handsome. He had a pretty face with a strong air of ruggedness to balance. Surprisingly, judging by his skin and accent, he was African American and therefore quite young.

  “You are very skilled yourself stranger.” She said diplomatically. “You slipped through my fingers with ease. That has been seldom accomplished.”

  He was here for a reason and she was very curious to know why.

  “Luck only.” He replied modestly.

  “Luck is a skill like any other.” She intoned.

  He raised an eyebrow at her words. He smiled, showing the pristine whites of his heritage and bowed to her at the compliment.

  “Is the Ablanq the source of your new strength?” He asked again.

  She didn't respond but he nodded as if she had confirmed.

  “The girl intrigued me greatly.” He confided. “I have done a lot of reading since I first met her.”

  “Most of the literature of that time is gone, destroyed.” Meilin told him honestly. “The few scraps that remain do not tell much.”

  “True enough,” He admitted. “But any knowledge is power in a sense. And you would be surprised how many interesting facts you can find on the dark web these days. Interesting is probably not the correct word though, now is it? Damning would put a much finer point on it.” He eyed her knowingly.

  “Are you going to be a problem to her… to us?” She asked threateningly.

  He went on as if she had not spoken.

  “She is quite remarkable I have to say, being perfectly honest. Untrained, yes, but she is quite spirited and strong.”

  He rubbed at his arm absently. Meilin doubted he was even aware of it.

  “And beautiful” He added as an afterthought. “Her kind was said to be. Not as gorgeous as the famous Meilin Uvarii but beautiful all the same.”

  “What is it you want Von Rothe?” She asked angrily.

  “Von Rothe?” He echoed sounding perplexed. “I am not a member of that coven. Perhaps I would have been, but you killed my maker Ivan.” He spread his hands to either side. “Now I am free.”

  “You work with them. I am sure they view you as part of their coven.” Meilin pointed out.

  “Our goals just happen to align right now.” He replied casually. “Trust me, they are well aware that I have given no oaths. Not to say that they do not believe that i will soon, and perhaps I will… but as of right now, I belong to no one but myself.”

  She thought for a moment.

  “I have never seen you before. What is your name. Where are you from?

  The man’s eyes widened and he put his hand to his head as if flustered, though he certainly did not seem flustered to her.

  “My apologies Lady Uvarii. I have not properly introduced myself. I am Anthony James Monroe. I was born here in California, Los Angeles to be exact.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “When were you turned Anthony?”

  “Ivan found me almost seven years ago. I have been with him every day since... until the day he died of course.”

  Meilin was so shocked she couldn't keep it from her face. Seven years? Impossible! But deep down she knew that he spoke truthfully. So powerful already. She cringed inside.

  “What is to stop me from killing you here and now?” She asked, the obvious threat of violence shimmering behind her dark eyes. “You say that you are not Von Rothe but your actions say otherwise. You have hounded Desiree and I since before we first we laid eyes on you.”

  Anthony raised his hands as if to show he was no threat but if there was even the smallest bit of fear or even unease in his eyes, she could not see it. He virtually exuded confidence and stability. It rolled off him so strongly she thought that if she gathered it up she could build a monument. He is dangerous. I should Kill him! Right now!

  “Because I mean no harm to you or the girl.” He replied placatingly. “If I wished her harm I could have done so many times before she reached your Sanctuary.”

  “She told me you tried twice already.” Meilin said dangerously.

  “You actually care for her!” He blurted, surprise heavy in the accusation. She opened her mouth to speak but he went on.

  “Of course, I tried to kill her when we first met. My maker demanded it of me. You know as well as I that I could not, would not refuse him. And when I confronted her again, it is true, I would have destroyed you given the chance. You killed Ivan, my maker. He had always been fair with me, harsh at times but honest and fair. He has never withheld knowledge of any kind from me though I have seen many others denied in similar situations.” His face clouded with unreadable emotion but cleared quickly.

  “I have moved on from that.” He continued, his confident manner fully returned. “I realized that your houses are at war and you only did what you had to do. I hold nothing against you. But I would not have harmed her. I could have had I wished it. She is untrained. Powerful as she is, she is still untrained. She would have not known the danger until it was too late.”

  Meilin knew this to be true. Despite being so young, a baby practically, he was powerful. She would have put her last penny on her Suvy against any 1 vampire except for maybe a handful that were not elders, especially since their bond. But Anthony was a different story. Most of his gifts eluded her and those she could puzzle out were powerful Indeed. For one, he had a remarkable talent for stealth, talent the likes of which she had not seen since The Cleansing. Desiree would not see him coming and that would be her undoing.

  “I also could have ended her when she lay unconscious after the 2 of you left the hospital. You walked off for a few moments to gather yourself and I could have easily moved in for the kill.” Meilin’s eyes widened in shock. She hadn't sensed him anywhere near and she was actively searching.

  “I will give you more proof that I mean you no harm.” He continued. “I watched you approach and hide yourself near the machine. Quite ingenious! Had I not seen you beforehand, I would have been blind as the others. But I did see.” He said pointedly. “And I gave no alarm. I even doubled back to find your friend still waiting near the entrance you used and found him still there half unconscious.”

  She growled and took a step towards him threateningly. He backed up a step, alarm finally cracking the mask of nonchalance.

  “I did not touch him.” He promised. “He had no idea I was even there.” He eyed her speculatively when she stopped.

  “You care for him too!” He gasped. “Who would
have thought, a vampire caring for so many. I must admit, I am rather disappointed. From what I heard I expected more from the legendary Meilin Uvarii”

  “House Uvarii is not large but there is a bond between us. We all care and we take care of our own.” She retorted. “If you are truly free as you claim you should consider my house. I think the fact that we actually care about each other might not be the only thing to surprise you.”

  Meilin was shocked at her own words but in the end decided that it was not a bad idea. He would make a powerful ally. Once he took the oaths that is.

  He laughed, very real mirth and not a small amount of derision plain in the reaction.

  “Why on earth would I do that?” He asked, shaking his head. “Von Rothe holds all the cards. You are trapped in your precious Sanctuary. You are outnumbered, what, ten to one? No, i think i will at least stay on the good side of the winning side.” He gave her a smirk as he looked her up and down, blatantly checking out her body. “Flattered that you would offer though.” He added mockingly.

  The man had unnerved her and most assuredly thought that he had the upper hand between them. It was time to disabuse him of that fantasy.

  She moved like lightning, covering the distance between them almost before she was consciously aware of making the attempt. Before his eyes even had time to widen in surprise she had her hand around his throat. He was an inch or two taller than she was but that was erased as she batted away his attempts to break her hold and forced him to his knees. Cracks began to spread from his neck, down his chest and up over his strong chin. More cascaded from the wrist she held. All she needed to do was twist and he would be ended and they both knew it. She looked down at him, her large dark eyes full of malice and seemed to absorb all the surrounding light and engulf it like 2 miniature black holes.

  “Good for you that you did not harm them for nothing in this world would have kept you safe from me. Not anyone or anything.” She promised. With that she released him, shoving him away hard enough to make him crash against the far wall.

  “If I see you again I will assume you have joined my enemies and treat you accordingly.” She told him over her shoulder as she walked away. “And Anthony,” She added as he finally stood. “Stay away from her, on your life.”


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