Sanctuary: Book One of Bloodlines

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Sanctuary: Book One of Bloodlines Page 24

by C. L. Stevens

  Meilin made her way back to the portal and sure enough Deidrich was still there. She frowned down at him when she was close enough for him to notice her, her best frown.

  “I thought I told you to go inside little cousin.” She said sourly, her lips curling until a smile she couldn't withhold at the sight of him.

  “Did you really think I would leave you out here alone?” He replied

  “And what could you have possibly done besides complicate matters further?” She retorted ruefully. “Bleed on them?”

  “I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.” Deidrich boasted. She didn't doubt that he did at that.

  “Let's go,” she said, her tone becoming more serious. “I have learned a few things and have much to tell you.”

  Anthony rubbed his neck where Meilin had grabbed him, a slow smile spreading across his features. He had poked and prodded at the wild animal and it reacted predictably. He had to admit that the display had been impressive however. He doubted he could have avoided the attack had he wanted to.

  And to think that he thought the Ablanq girl intriguing. Meilin was skill and intelligence, mystery and power all wrapped into one lovely package. He held the long dark hair in front of his face and exaggeratedly gave it a sniff before tucking the prize into a coat pocket.

  “Until we meet again princess.”


  Meilin helped Deidrich up and they entered the Sanctuary with no more preamble. Once inside the magical refuge, tension released from shoulders she had no idea was there. She even sensed somewhat the same in Deidrich, though she knew he would have never admitted it.

  “What did you learn?” He prompted as they walked along.

  “They are withdrawing.” She said finally. “They are to report to Elder Von Rothe.”

  “Well, that could be good or bad news.” Deidrich stated into the silence that followed.

  “It gives us a few days in the least.” She felt she had to say. “That is if he decides Desiree is worth his time.” She added.

  That was the one advantage house Uvarii had over the other coven. The Sanctuary allowed for virtually instant travel throughout the world while their enemies had to use more conventional means. That, and of course the inaccessibility of the territory to their enemies, was the only reason their much smaller coven still survived.

  Deidrich gave her a look that said there was little chance that he would not. The existence of a living Ablanq was almost unfathomable and whichever coven had it would have a huge advantage. The war would intensify and they both knew it. But any change would be good for them. The way it had been going over the last 2 centuries had not been good. A change of tactics was long overdue.

  “I met up with your friend as well.” She said casually. “Or rather, he met up with me.”

  “My friend?” Deidrich asked, his brow crinkling in confusion.

  “The black guy that apparently bagged you like a fat trout.” She informed. “You know, the one you claimed was responsible for your current health issues.”

  “Well, to be honest, this was not exactly his work.” Deidrich admitted, gesturing vaguely to his bruises. “But I would have never been taken if not for him.” His brows furrowed angrily. “You ended that sneaky little bastard, yes?” He asked hopefully.

  “He is not a Von Rothe.” She said softly.

  “Well he definitely pulled the wool over my eyes.” He said sarcastically. “Don't tell me you believe him?” He stated but obviously meant it as a question.

  “He claims that Ivan was his maker and that he was turned only seven years ago.” She reported. “Now that he is dead and with him being too new to take the oath, he claims he is now free.”

  “If I believed him for second, and I do not mind you.” Deidrich made clear. “The Von Rothe will not see it that way.”

  “I agree.” She voiced as they entered the house with the sun’s first morning rays just beginning to greet the new day. “I told him if I ever see him again that I would assume the worst and attack straight out.”

  Deidrich nodded in approval.

  They both looked up to see Marilyn waiting off to the side. It was obvious she eagerly wanted an audience. She was wringing her hands and fidgeted from foot to foot like a small child trying to hold in their business. She waved her over.

  Marilyn was one of the few humans ever allowed to keep their memories after finishing their contract. She had been with them for the better part of 3 decades and her loYeahlty was unquestionable. In fact, Meilin had decided long ago that she trusted the human more so than any but a precious few that included Deidrich, her parents and perhaps one or two others.

  It is a shame you refused the gift of immortality my dear friend. The years go by so fast.

  The kind, loving and dutiful soul had decided to stay on indefinitely after losing her husband and 2 small children in a tragic car accident. She claimed there was nothing left for her outside and very rarely left. As far as Meilin was concerned she was an Uvarii.

  “May I speak with you in private my lady.” Marilyn asked with her head slightly bowed in apology to Deidrich. “It is in regards to your young ward.”

  Meilin tsked in frustration. Marilyn was a stickler for propriety. She could never get the fool woman to address her as simply Meilin.

  “He already knows all my friend.” At least nearly all. She replied amiably and rested a hand on the other woman’s arm sending waves of comfort and ease into her. It was a measure of her distress that the effort made little difference.

  “You can speak in front of Deidrich.”

  Something had been tugging at the back of her mind for hours, almost like a small child tugging on their parent’s pant leg but she had been so busy she hadn't given it any attention. The mention of Desiree however coupled with Marilyn’s temperament had now turned the light tug into a forceful shove. The bond… she could scarcely feel it. It was more than if Desiree were far away, it was like only a trickle of awareness came through. Like the bond itself only still held them together by a tenuous, minute sliver.

  “Where is Desiree!” She gasped, trepidation painting the question with broad strokes.

  “No one knows my lady.” Marilyn replied sympathetically. “She never returned from the festival. She and another young woman, a favorite of mine, a good child. Her name is Anastacia. The others in their group came to me straight away when they could not be found. A thorough search has revealed nothing.”

  “The Festival?” Meilin blurted. “That was nearly 3 days ago!”

  Marilyn rubs her hands together nervously.

  “Can you still feel the bond my lady?” She asked hopefully.

  Deidrich gasped but she silenced him with a look that held equal parts stifling authority and desperate pleading. She could see him swallow what he was going to say with obvious difficulty but he did it. His face promised that he would have words for her later however.

  “I can but something is wrong.” She replied, trying to focus on it to get a general location of the girl. She shook her head in frustration.

  Trying to find the child's location was like trying to thread a needle with a string that wiggled live a live garden snake.

  “It feels so weak and tenuous.” Meilin admitted, unable to keep the trepidation fully from her tone.

  “But at least the girl lives.” Marilyn stated as if the barrel of a loaded gun had just been taken away from her temple. Meilin thought that she understood the nature of the grief behind Marilyn's eyes when she first entered the house but she had been mistaken. That grief had been slowly fading since that moment and it just now dawned on her where it had come from. Marilyn had been worried about her. Sure, she was also worried about the 2 missing girls, but her lady’s safety and wellbeing was paramount. She had been worried how the death of a blood friend would affect the one that shared the bond. Meilin would have hugged her right then and there if other concerns did not demand her attention.

  “Who were the others in her group? I want
to know everything they did, everyone they talked to. Bring them before me this instant!”

  Eric shook his head in the negative when some of the others asked him to join in. They just shrugged and continued their gaming but he hardly noticed. His mind was on other things, more important things than Call of Duty or whatever other shooter the group happened to be playing.

  “She still hasn't returned to the women’s quarters.” Kennedy informed him a moment later. “At least no one has seen her.”

  He nodded, already reasonably sure that Anastacia was not there. It was not like after 3 days she would suddenly just show up as if nothing had happened. But he had to check. The worry in his friend's tone would have normally triggered his playful scorn but he found that he was a bit concerned himself. He liked Anastacia well enough. The girl was quiet and kept mostly to herself but the few times he spent any time with her she proved herself to be good company. She was both witty and surprisingly daring. And Desiree interested him greatly. There was something about her that reminded him of something. A memory or perhaps even something he had read, something mysterious and intriguing, just at the edge of sight. The both of them going missing had him concerned but if he were being perfecting honest with himself his concern was actually more in a general sense than for the individuals in particular. Humans going missing in the Sanctuary was not a good sign.

  Eric looked over the dozen or so young men and women lined up in front of the game consoles he had set up some years ago. They laughed and cursed and carried on as if they had not a care in the world. And why would they not. All who came here was led to believe that this place was safe. A true safety net from all that would harm them in the real world, like its name proclaimed. But simple luxuries like this or even grand spectacles like the festival the other night would not make him forget the harsh reality of their situation. The reality that they were all prey. Mice in a cage full of vipers.

  “Where could they be?” Kennedy continued anxiously.

  “I don't know.” He replied sadly. “But they were with us so I suspect we will be questioned as soon as Meilin returns.”

  He knew that he didn't have to worry about Kennedy. The boy seemed like an open book most of the time but he would have to warn Olivia, Martin and Patricia to not hold any information back. The vampires would no doubt use a Questioner, a vampire or some Gifted with the talent to detect lies. And as if his words were magic, 2 Phalanx entered the game room looking about sternly. Not as if they ever looked any different but he knew why they were here. Eric began walking towards the two guards well before their hard eyes settled on them, pulling his friend along.

  “Kennedy Holmes and Eric Young, you are summoned by the Lady Meilin.” One of them stated in a rough monotone. “You will attend her now.”

  Eric expected to be taken to the main audience hall where Lord and Lady Uvarii usually sat in attendance but instead they were taken to another room he had never seen before. Meilin and the other vampire that never seemed to leave her side, Deidrich if he remembered correctly, stood waiting. To his surprise they both looked like they had just been through hell, him especially. His face was a mask of cuts and bruises. Marilyn was there also, he noted happily. If there were anyone in the house that could keep Meilin civil, it was that old woman. She seemed to do that for anyone he noted absently. Throughout his survey of the rooms occupants, his eyes never left Meilin’s face however. And she stared back with an intensity that almost made him forget how beautiful she was. Almost.

  “You are dismissed.” Meilin said with a wave of her hand. The Phalanx that had escorted them in bowed and exited without a word.

  As they left, more entered to replace them, followed by some of the other members of their party that day, Olivia, Patricia and Olivia’s patron if he remembered the tall, dark-haired and grey-templed vampire correctly.

  “What is the meaning of this!” Olivia’s patron demanded haughtily.

  The 2 Phalanx that had escorted them in stiffened at his tone and immediately put their hands on their swords. Eric had read that those blades were Consecrated to God and therefore deadly to vampires but how that was possible or even true he had no idea. Wouldn’t the fact that the swords were Holy, bar their use by a vampire? Perhaps it was just the blades themselves and not the entire sword. The Patron seemed not to notice though. To his credit, Eric noticed that Kennedy seemed aware of the situation and had prudently taken good step or two away from the new group.

  “How dare you summon my Olive formally without informing me.” He continued, oblivious to the growing tension.

  Deidrich took a step forward, his face contorted with rage but Meilin rested a hand on his shoulder and he calmed visibly. He stepped back to stand just behind her and appeared relaxed once more but his eyes bore into the other vampire's Eric noticed.

  “You may leave us.” She said and the 2 newest guards bowed and left without a word like those previously. Meilin’s dark eyes seemed to soak in everyone until at last settling on the 3rd vampire.

  “It is good that you husband your ward so well Paulo. It seems few these days hold to the pact.” She stated calmly, her voice sounding almost sad but her eyes still held fire. They were large dark pits, even larger than usual, almost like a predator before the kill.

  “This is not a formal call, I assure you. Nor is it social.” She added. “Two of our residents have gone missing since the festival, my ward among them. I only wish to ask the young lady of their time together.”

  “I was not aware you had taken a charge my lady.” Paulo stated, sounding surprised. He bowed deeply and from the waist. “Of course, Olive will answer any questions you have to your satisfaction.”

  “I am sure she will.” Meilin confirmed as her eyes moved to meet that of the girls.

  Olive, who had been staring at the senior vampire with wide eyed fascination, flinched under her direct scrutiny.

  “I am sure she wishes the 2 to return safely as much as any of us.” She added and did not look away until Olive nodded in acquiescence.

  Eric amended his thoughts on warning the others. There was no way in hell any of them could look Meilin in the eye, in those caverns of empty, dark, starless space she called eyes and lie. The way the others were staring at the princess, they would tell their dead grandmother’s deepest, darkest and most embarrassing secrets if she asked.

  One by one they were called forward to speak with the vampire alone. Eric was so engrossed in watching Meilin that he didn't even notice that Martin had arrived until he too was called forth. Like everyone before him, he left looking weak kneed, eyes bulging and a weird sort of half smile on his lips. Then it was his turn.

  Standing so close to Meilin caused everything in him that made him a man come alive. This rather upset him because while he acknowledged her beauty, he didn't particularly like the vampire. Or any vampire to be completely frank. He did not like the way they could manipulate people. He dreaded the thought of losing any sort of control over himself. Because of this, he rarely imbibed and never to excess.

  She turned her head at a word from Deidrich in a language he couldn't understand, causing her long hair to cascade over his arm. Her hair felt so soft on his skin that it took every ounce of his self-control not to touch it. He was fighting that battle when she laid a hand on his cheek, nearly causing him to jump out of his skin. She smiled at his reaction, playful and seductive. It was an impossibly perfect smile, one that no mere mortal could hope to duplicate. The dark eyes that met his said that she knew every lecherous thought in his head.

  “It has been a while hasn't it. How have you been?” She asked him as if they were old friends. Her hand now rested on his bare arm and he turned away from her as if to look behind him for a second in order to break the contact without making it obvious. He knew that if she were using any of her gifts on him, and he would be a fool to believe otherwise, it would work much more potently with physical contact. This woman had enough advantage already.

  “Same old same o.�
� He replied with a smile.

  She smiled back, her full lips curling slowly into the gesture, making him feel heat in his entire body. The smell of her filled his nostrils and the reaction it caused in his body made him hate being a young man as he suddenly had the terrible need to adjust himself. It happened so often. The damned thing seemed to have a mind of its own.

  “I have always considered you wiser than most in the Sanctuary Eric.” She told him without a hint of mockery. She laughed then, tinkling like soft bells. “Wiser than some I could name that are ten times your age.” She added, looking off as if in thought and sounding genuinely amused.

  “Thank you, uh, Lady Meilin.” He managed to say after a moment. The compliment had managed to catch him completely off his guard.

  Meilin snorted delicately.

  “Why are you being so formal?” She asked, sounding more than a little annoyed. “Look boy. I meant what I said. I would choose you to have been there with Desiree over almost anyone. You have quite a sharp mind when you choose to use it for something other than video games or pranks. I need that. I need the boy I often see in the library assimilating knowledge just for the pleasure of doing so. The young man who managed to create one of the most ridiculous contracts I have ever seen.” She raised an eyebrow at that though, not appearing very happy about it at all.

  “I have already heard everyone's account of the night and it has helped me as much as an umbrella on a sinking ship.” She said in obvious frustration. “Something happened out there. You spoke with someone or you saw something that hints to where they could be. What out of the ordinary sticks out in your mind?”

  Eric thought long and hard before answering.

  “Well, there were a few things that caught my attention that I doubt anyone else noticed.” He admitted.


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