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Page 10

by J H Cardwell

  “What did it say?”

  “Just that I needed to watch my back and keep a special eye out on the rigs, especially in the United States. Like I said, it’s probably just an environmentalists group trying to persuade us to shut down or something.”

  “But, why would they mention you by name?”

  “And why did that letter come via the US mail directly to you and not to your father, or your company?” Asked Maura.

  John shot daggers at Harrison. He shrugged and looked at Maura as if to say ‘you weren’t supposed to know that’.

  “That doesn’t make sense John. That’s weird they would mention you by name, don’t you think?” I was perplexed by this issue. I’d never dealt with a threat before.

  “Hey.” John had turned back to me and was speaking quietly and directly to me. “It’s okay Chloe. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to worry you. It will all be okay. I’ll keep you updated on what’s happening though. Okay?” He reached up and grabbed my chin to tilt my eyes up to his. I glanced at Maura over his shoulder. She had a look of awe in her eyes. She quickly shook it off and turned towards Harrison.

  “Okay. I guess that’s good enough for now. But, I don’t want to be on anyone’s radar and not know it. So I’m holding you to that. You better keep me updated. Now, I need to talk with Maura a minute alone. Okay?” I was suddenly a little too warm and fuzzy and I didn’t like it. Flashbacks of our time together and John’s tender touch just now were causing feelings to ricochet all over the crevices of my heart. I needed a moment, and I needed it now.

  John motioned for Harrison to follow him. “We’re going to walk to the study. You girls call for us when you’re done.”

  Maura must have been waiting for them to get out of earshot before she laid into me. “Chloe! I don’t get you. How long have we been friends and you keep this from me!? Why didn’t you come to me? What is really going on? You of all people wouldn’t elope.” She came over to look at me – really look at me. “You of all people wouldn’t have fallen in love.”

  All I could do was stare at her. She was looking right through me. If anyone could read my thoughts, it was Maura. I had to be careful what I said next. The problem was, I didn’t want to lie to her. I dropped my head and closed my eyes. I couldn’t stand to look at her when I finally spoke what I needed to say.

  I let out a deep breath. “I know this is sudden. I…I never planned to fall in love Chloe. You know that. I just…I…it just happened.” I raised my tear brimmed eyes to Maura’s. For some reason what I was saying didn’t sting my tongue like I thought, like a real lie would. Why? Surely it was still the lie it started out being. I glanced toward the office where John and Harrison were. Wasn’t it?

  Maura eyed me with caution, but at first she didn’t comment. “I’m worried about you Chloe. Harrison has a theory. He thinks, well he thinks that you and John are only doing this for appearances because of John’s company.” She started pacing. “He says John had a little too much to drink awhile back and told him about the clause in his dad’s will as far as the company is concerned.” She was looking at me now, probably hoping I would give something away. I didn’t budge so she kept on.

  “The thing is Chloe. I saw you two tonight. He cares deeply for you. And I hate to say it, you’ve fallen for him.” She stepped up close to me and put her hands on my upper arms. “I’m worried you’re finally going to fall in love only to get your heart broken.”

  My eyes grew wide like saucers. Anything but that! “Are you crazy Maura? I’m NOT my dad! I will never fall so hard that I can’t recover.”

  She looked at me for another long moment then pulled me into a hug. “I only want what’s best for you Chloe. You know that. I’m sorry this has been so difficult for all of us. I guess we were just all shocked. Give Elle and Reese time. They’ll come around, okay?” Just as she was saying the last part, I noticed John and Harrison had walked out to join us. Confirming that Maura and I were done talking, John walked over to me and put his arm protectively around my waist.

  Kissing my temple, he said, “I’m sure you’re exhausted sweetheart.”

  “We’ll take that as our cue. See ya man. Congratulations Chloe.” Harrison spouted. “See you soon.”

  One more final squeeze from Maura and we were alone again. I was still concerned over the threat to John, but I was feeling so much better over making up with Maura. I felt like I could breathe again. If I could just get Elle and Reese to support me, we would be golden. At least for the next six months.

  Chapter 21

  The following several days were surreal. I was learning more and more of what John’s real life was like – his work life, especially. There was hardly an hour that he wasn’t on his phone, or sending emails. His assistant, Sara, a late forties book worm, with shoulder length, bobbed brown hair and studious glasses was the hardest worker I had ever met. She was John’s right hand and so confident and competent. Everything she did was precise and well planned out. She had a business degree from Berkley, and was probably paid better than anyone else I knew – short of Tate and Finn who were professional baseball players. Not having a husband or family allowed Rider Industries to be her life. In fact, she had an apartment in the same building, courtesy of John.

  I also learned all about having a housekeeper, or in this case, a butler full-time. Who still has those?! John forgot to warn me, so the first morning I walked groggily into the kitchen to get a drink of orange juice, I nearly jumped out of my skin. Standing in front of an open refrigerator, drinking out of the container no less, I heard a throat clear behind me. I yelped, dropping the orange juice and spilling sticky liquid everywhere. Once I turned around, I screamed even louder! A short Hispanic man, probably in his early fifties, was standing behind me with a cup of coffee in hand.

  “For the senora.” He said handing me the cup. I sucked in a deep breath and my ‘fight or flight’ nearly kicked in until John came out behind me with a light chuckle and a chenille robe. (He had bought three home for me, in assorted colors, the day after Maura and Harrison had their impromptu visit). Considering I was standing there in a camisole and panties he quickly stepped between myself and the strange man.

  “Sweetheart? I see you’ve met Mr. Rojas.” He said with a huge smile on his face. Damn him. He could have warned me. He laughed a little after noticing the squinted eyes look I was giving him. “Sorry - I should have warned you.” He said leaning in, giving me a quick peck on the cheek, and tying my robe around me.

  After a long conversation about how Mr. Rojas had been with the Riders for years, how he was completely safe and in fact very helpful, I finally relaxed. Since then, I have learned he is an amazing cook, errand runner, and listener. Yes, I have to talk to someone since John works all the time.

  The first time I was drawn in by his mocha colored eyes, I knew he was a person worth investing time in. “Senora Rider,” he said one morning. “You have made Senor Rider very happy, si?” He looked at me with his thoughtful grin and continued. “He like coming home to you. I see an extra skip in his gait. No?”

  I chuckled at his attempt at southern dialect. “You think so Mr. Rojas?” I had asked him.

  “Mmmm Hmmm. I know so. Oh, maybe I see little Riders in the near future, si?” My heart had stopped beating. Not just skipping a beat like before. I truly thought I might keel over from the palpitations. My face must have turned ghastly white; because Mr. Rojas was bringing me a cool glass of water, concern written all over his face. There is no way I would be bringing kids into this world. I was probably cursed with death from delivery as was my mom anyhow.

  So, needless to say, being Mrs. John Rider was full of adjustments. I won’t complain and say I had to suffer through them all. No. In fact, I rather like the succulent smelling top shelf hair products and organic foods that having money can provide. Not to mention, the chef (yes, Mr. Rojas also has a culinary degree) prepared meals and the in-penthouse gym with surround sound and state of the art workout equ
ipment. Also, for the getting to dress up like a princess for charity balls and special dinners. This was truly a dream. I wanted to be selfish and abuse my rights to any and all of the Rider comforts.

  But I couldn’t.

  In fact, John had his assistant, Sara, drag me to uptown boutiques to shop. I had NEVER bought things at these types of stores. I was embarrassed for Sara to take her time away from number crunching and report analyzing to buying cocktail gowns and designer handbags for upcoming events. But then she told me something that shook my world.

  “I’m happy for the break. More importantly, I’m happy to treat anyone who keeps Mr. Rider’s stress level down and his smile level up.” She had said with a wink. “He is a very giving and understanding man. I had a hard time watching his heart break over Ms. Stanford. I’m so very glad he offered you the arrangement.” She didn’t look at me at all when she said those last words. I was shocked. How did she know? Before I could toss around in my head what that meant, she quickly followed it up with. “It’s a gift when love occurs by chance Mrs. Rider. Even if you don’t think that it’s supposed to be the end result.” Her phone was ringing mid-sentence. Picking up the call, she kept walking - acting like she hadn’t just stunned me with her words of what? Assumption? Wisdom? Surely she wasn’t implying John loved me or that I loved him.

  “Mrs. Rider? Are you coming?” She said with a small grin.

  “Y-yes” I had stumbled the word out and caught up with her. She quickly changed the subject to the upcoming charity ball and the love subject was dropped.


  “I miss you.” Was what Maura said to me as I opened the door.

  I flung my arms around her neck. “I miss you too!”

  “He’s not here right? John’s at work?” Maura walked in sitting the bottle of wine and cheesecake on the coffee table.

  “Ye-ah.” I said dragging out the word. Maura had decided to move back home to Penderton for the summer since I wouldn’t be living with her in our apartment on campus. So why was she surprising me by driving an hour and a half away from her parent’s house?

  “Harrison told me you’d be alone. That’s why I’m here. I selfishly needed some girl time, and I wanted to see how you were doing.” Maura grabbed my hand and squeezed it with her left hand and I immediately felt the cold, sharp stone. Recognizing right away what it was.

  “Ahhh! What in the?” I brought her back in for a sharp hug. “When?”

  “Today.” She said beaming from ear to ear. He asked me today at home in front of my parents and grandparents. It was truly blissful!”

  “Oh Maura! Look at you sounding like a true romantic. I’m so happy for you!”

  “Yeah well, I had always worried how you would react when and if Harrison proposed. You know, with you hating marriage and all and Reese already married. So, I will have to say, with you married now, I was relieved to be able to tell you.”

  This was Maura’s world. She had planned this life for years. She knew she wanted to marry Harrison, the doctor, have two children, and live in a quaint neighborhood as a stay at home mom. That was her vision. How could we be so close when my version of life was nothing like her reflection of it?

  “Chloe? What? Where did you go? You’re happy for me right? I mean, I know something is bothering you.”

  “Of course I am! Now you can start your Martha Stewart years and live happily ever after.” I was serious. That’s what she wanted. She wanted to be the best mother, best wife and best PTO leader. She’d never said these things to me, but I knew those were her aspirations. And the truth was, she would rock at it. Not in a gloating sort of way. Just because she was good as gold. She was as good to the core as humanly possible in my opinion. How she had lived with me for the past few years was impossible to know.

  “Hey. I think it was God’s plan for me, you know. I didn’t really date in high school, and I met Harrison right before college. We’ve been exclusive since our time in Beaufort. Now that I’ve graduated, I can have my degree…”

  “And start making babies while staying at home. I know. And I’m SO happy you got things exactly as planned.” I gently squeezed her again.

  I could tell Maura was studying me. “If I didn’t know you better I would say you were jealous Chloe. But why? Everything has strangely worked out for you. I mean, who knew you would be married before me? Who knew you would ever even want to GET married?” She laughed. I was somewhat sad that I had pulled this off in front of Maura. I was expecting her to look right through the bullshit and know our marriage was based on a farce. I mean is…or was? Oh good grief!

  Maura grabbed both of my hands and pulled me to the sofa. “Okay spill it sista. Something’s up with you and I’m camping out right here until you tell it. Is it the threat to John? Newlywed issues? She asked with genuine concern. What?”

  I stared at my dear friend for a moment. I wanted to tell her so badly about John and me. I was about to speak when my phone started buzzing. Picking it up I saw it was John. I smiled at the sight of his name. Reading his text I softly laughed and sent him one right back. I knew he would be excited I was spending time with Maura. It was strange how he wanted me to be happy. I knew that part was real - at least I hoped it was. But, part of me always wondered if what I was starting to feel, and what I thought John was feeling too, was real.

  “Was that John?” Maura broke through my one-person discussion. “Man you’ve got it bad Chloe. I would have never believed it until I saw it.” I glanced up from my phone to see if she was really talking to me. She continued. “Just…be careful. While I wanted you to find love one day; sadly, I never really thought you would. Now, well now I worry that you have. I mean I even worry about John’s heart. I think you have fallen for him, and he for you. The issue lies in what that means to either of you if this quick marriage doesn’t work out.”

  I closed my eyes for a moment and breathed in slowly. “I don’t know Maura. I…I have forgiven John. He’s been so attentive to me. It’s really weird, you know? I never thought I would feel so strongly for a guy, much less marry one. I just am starting to see John in a different light. I had no idea how much time and energy he puts into using his money for good. I mean, how he takes care of Mr. Rojas and Sara AND their families financially. He’s sent Mr. Rojas nephew to college on a full scholarship while letting them work part-time for Rider Industries! The charities he gives to are endless. I’m sure a lot of it is a tax write off, but you should see the time and energy he takes into choosing how and when those funds are used and for which cause. I would have just let Sara, his assistant, handle that if it were me.”

  “I could have always told you John was a good guy Chloe. Surely you’re not just figuring that out. I mean you married him a few weeks ago!”

  “Yeah, that was mostly lust.” Maura would believe that coming from me. I was fine with that. “But he’s managed to win me over in other ways – other ways I never dreamed about.” My voice drifted off towards the end. My eyes quickly snapped to Maura’s and I had to change the subject.

  “So, have you talked to them?” I knew Maura would know exactly who I meant.

  “Yeah. I have. I called them both on the way here. Since I was seeing you in person, I figured I would let them know about my engagement so I called them first. They’re still pissed, but they’re coming home soon to help me buy a dress. I think they will have cooled off by then.”

  “Why? To secretly kill me somehow? I was wrong in marrying John without talking with you all – especially Reese. I knew it would hurt her, but I kept downplaying it in my head just how much. I just screwed up is all. Story of my life!”

  “I’ll admit. You’ve done some crazy things, but this beats all the others hands down. Your decision effected so many people Chloe.” Maura turned more serious. “Are you sure John didn’t talk you into doing this because he needed to be married, you know because of his dad and all?” I dropped my eyes quickly, my brain scanning ideas of how to change the subject.

sp; I finally landed on…the truth.

  Slowly letting out a deep breath I decided to tell her. “Well, yes” I dropped my eyes to the floor. “We faked…”

  “Hey! You did make it. Congratulations!” John was barreling through the door heading straight for Maura. What did he have…a hidden mic? Oh my god, what if he had a hidden mic? I plastered a fake smile and listened while she told us both all about the engagement and how they had spent the day going around telling her family. They were planning a small, intimate, but lavish wedding for three months from now. Of course she jumped up and down describing how we’d shop for dresses and flowers etc…

  I caught John’s sympathetic looks regarding shopping and being with Reese and Elle.

  John talked about how Harrison always had everything all put together and had always agreed to be finished with med school before he settled down for good. Yep, he and Maura were doing it exactly right.

  Chapter 22

  It was time to face the music…that would be the scratchy, hideous melody of his parents. His dad wasn’t doing well at all, and was in a top-notch rehab facility undergoing therapy of sorts. From what I understood, they had stopped all treatments and were on strictly palliative care. I wanted to feel sorry for John’s dad for all that he was going through, and for the dark future that plagued him. But John was so cold and calculated every time he spoke to his dad or about his dad that it was hard to.

  Mr. Rider senior had sent a request for us to come and visit him. I knew it was to discuss our marriage. I’m sure he really didn’t approve. I wasn’t anywhere near the pedigree I’m sure he wanted for John. While I would have my bachelor’s degree soon, I had no plans for further education and my family tree didn’t yield gold branches. Needless to say, I was nervous to be visiting this dying man.


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