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EVO Nation Series Trilogy Box Set

Page 25

by K. J. Chapman

  “It has got to be a Telepath,” says Jude. “I think they’re stretching you. I’ve heard of it before. A powerful Telepath can bring along the strength of a weaker Telepath’s ability. That’s the reason for the nose bleeds. It can be dangerous.”

  “Well, they need to stop,” Adam snaps. He takes my head in his hands and shouts into my forehead. “Do you hear me? Get out of her head. You’re going to kill her.”

  I smile at his severe face. “I think she’s trying to help me. It’s taking a lot for her to communicate with me.”

  “It’s a female?” asks Jude.

  My mind aches again, but it is becoming easier. ‘TESS!’ the voice screams. I clasp my hands to my ears in a vain attempt to drown out the screams.

  “What is it?” he asks.

  I gasp. “It’s Tess. Tess is talking to me.”


  I wait patiently at the bar for Seth to serve me. I don’t feel safe being back at the complex in case I have another funny turn, but the meeting is about to take place with all the members involved in the rescue mission, and we need in on the information. Even Jude isn’t included in this meeting, and he has an angry scowl etched on his face from being shunted.

  Adam and Wheeler chat to Jude and one of the men from the meeting last night. There are some put out faces of men who have not been included in Isaac’s rescue crew, but most seem relieved.

  The bar is slowly filling with men I recognise and some I don’t. Only men, though. Gabe clearly isn’t as diverse in his gender choices as Jude. Fortunately for Jude, not one member from his meeting has been included in the mission.

  I’m already feeling sick to my stomach when I hear a clink of heels and a recognisable perfect laugh. Celeste clocks me, flicking her hair over her shoulder as she passes. I watch her bee line for Adam. I concentrate on Seth and his smooth actions of pulling a pint.

  A giggle tinkles in the air, but I make a point not to turn around. If she is hanging off of him, I might not be able to restrain myself. I grind my teeth, catching a glimpse of her in the reflection in the window. Her long, bare legs rub against Adam’s thigh. She has a hand strategically placed on his bicep, whilst giggling along to whatever the man from last night is saying. Adam’s attention is on the back of my head.

  Seth plonks the final drink on the tray in front of me and hands me a pink cocktail with a glittery umbrella stuck in it. “Th-this is for Gold. He won’t admit he likes them, but they’re his favourite. It’s called a B-B-Barbie Girl,” he says, winking.

  In different circumstances, I would have taken the opportunity to embarrass Golding with the revelation, but I can’t find the funny side in anything right now. My attention is focussed on Celeste in the reflection, and I begrudgingly pull myself away from the bar, weaving my way back to the others. Her giggles follow me with every step.

  My seat is facing the back of the room and Adam. He is still leaning against the back wall, and she is still draped off his arm, but he has moved away so there is space between them. Jude eyeballs her briefly, but continues his conversation.

  “How can you stand it?” Emiko asks.

  The others all look back to Adam. He shifts uncomfortably.

  “What would you have him do? He can’t draw attention to himself,” I say, sipping my drink to disguise my lie. I want him to throw her arm away and call her a hussy, but I can but dream. Adam’s being Adam- level-headed and composed. “He’s not supposed to have remembered me,” I whisper.

  “Has she communicated with you again?” Golding asks. It’s all he has asked every ten minutes since we left Jude’s.

  I shake my head and try to clear my mind, anything to make it easier for Tess to tell me what she wants to tell me. If it will help Isaac, I need to know and I need to know now.

  Seth places two pints on the table. “I th-th-thought Adam and Wheeler needed r-rescuing,” he says, his smile aimed at me.

  “Hey Ad, Wheeler, we got you a couple pints in,” Golding calls back to them.

  Adam almost sprints away from Celeste and pulls up a seat beside me. His hand squeezes my knee under the table, and he leans in close to my ear. “I love you- I love you – I love you,” he whispers. “It’s only ever you, you know that, right?”

  Celeste’s angry face only makes me smile more. Would it be immature of me to put my thumb to my nose and waggle my fingers at her? I turn back into him, so our lips skim in the movement. “I know,” I whisper back. “However, your taste in women is horrendous. I find it a little insulting, actually.”

  Golding nudges us. Ty stands right behind Adam, clearly looking for trouble. Jude is already making his way over.

  “Hey, Lovick, you’re going back for sloppy seconds, eh? She must really have her claws in. You would have been better off with that one,” he says, pointing to Celeste. “You’d catch frostbite off this one- frigid bitch.”

  Adam’s chair screeches as he jumps to his feet. He launches himself at Ty, planting a fist in his face. Ty scrambles backward into a couple sitting at the table behind us. They scream as their drinks fly at them.

  Throwing himself forward, Ty jabs Adam in the ribs. The pair falls onto our table, sending the glasses scattering. Golding squeals as his cocktail splatters all over his white t-shirt, and Haydn pulls Yana away from the table just before it cracks, sending both Adam and Ty sprawling to the floor.

  Adam jumps to his feet, grabbing Ty’s scruff and dragging him up with him. He lifts him, so he is eye to eye with him, and Ty squirms like a maggot on a line. “Say that again, I dare you!” Adam spits at him, and then falls to one knee, gripping his head and releasing his grip on Ty.

  I can see in Ty’s face that he’s inflicting on Adam. I feel the surge in my own chest and focus it in my mind. I’m scared to use my telekinesis after last time, but I will.

  “She’s a frigid bitch,” Ty says, grinning at me. “I should know.”

  Adam pushes himself back to his feet. “Can’t fight me like a man, huh?” He groans from the effort and his hands spark blue. He’s fighting through the pain; he’s stronger than Ty. Ty’s eyes betray his fear.

  “Go on, Adam, knock him out,” shouts Golding. Yana smacks him around the back of the head. “Ow! Whose side are you on?”

  I grab Adam’s arm and try to pull him back. A shock travels through my arms. I stumble into Emiko and Maggie, and they both scream as the shock travels through their bodies too. Adam breaks his concentration on Ty to help me to my feet.

  Ty inflicts again. Adam yells out, but remains standing. The sparks jumping between his fingers amass into orbs in each palm. They never fail to entrance and frighten me. Jude and Wheeler attempt to muscle them apart with little effect.

  “Don’t make me use it,” Jude threatens. I don’t want to know what he can do when necessary.

  “He’s not worth it,” I shout.

  Adam takes another step toward Ty. Every muscle in his arms jut out, and a vein throbs in his neck. I’ve never seen Adam so angry.

  “Adam, you’re scaring me.”

  The blue orbs dissipate instantly at the sight of my face. He’s still fighting Ty’s infliction, but I know he is strong enough to beat Ty without pummelling him.

  I cuddle into his arm, kissing his bicep. “He’s not worth it,” I say, quieter.

  His eyes water from the pain searing through his mind, but he still manages to lower his mouth to mine. I close my eyes, touching my fingers to his temples. His pain burns like wildfire through my own mind. I force it away, blocking it out, and kiss him harder. I don’t break my concentration and it’s weirdly easy. Kissing Adam whilst inside his head is like drowning in honey.

  “You’re amazing,” Adam says in his mind.

  I grip my free arm around his neck a little tighter to let him know I heard. A fizz of electricity races through his lips to mine. I love it when he does that.

  “How’d you… What was that?” Ty stutters.

  “That’s called kissing, Ty,” says Golding, in the
manner you’d speak to a child. “You should try it some time with a real human, not an inflatable one.”

  “What did you say to me, queer?” says Ty, spitting on the ground at Golding’s feet.

  Seth taps Ty on the shoulder, and as he turns around, Seth head butts him clean in the nose. “Don’t call him that!”

  Ty drops to the floor cradling a broken nose, howling in pain.

  Seth rubs his own forehead. “Wow, that h-hurt more than I thought it w-w-would.”


  Adam and I sit in the office with Gabe pacing in front of us. Isaac glowers at me beside him. It’s not like I’m the one who’s been fighting again. There’s more to it than that. I think it’s mine and Adam’s going public that has angered him.

  There’s no point hiding our relationship, so I perch on his knee whilst he strokes my thigh absentmindedly. We can still keep up the pretence that he hasn’t remembered, but I’m not sure they’ll buy it.

  Ty sits across the room from us with Yvette seeing to his nose. Jude and Wheeler stand like body guards in between us.

  Gabe first turns to Ty. “Not only is this the second time you caused trouble in my hotel, but you also dare to insult my son? And you,” he says, pointing a finger at Adam. “Do you think it is okay to flaunt your electrokinesis in my god damn bar, in front of my god damn clientele? The pair of you are suspended from the E.N.C. No coming into the complex, no meetings, and you’re both on your last strike.”

  “Suspended? For how long?” asks Ty.

  “Until I damn well say so,” Gabe hisses. “Now, get out of my bloody sight.”

  Adam doesn’t protest. We get to our feet and follow Jude into the stairwell.

  Isaac’s hand clamps around my arm, tugging me backward. “Why is it that whenever there is trouble you’re slap bang in the middle of it?”

  “This whole place is trouble and we’re all slap bang in the middle of it. I don’t trust Gabe one bit and neither should you,” I say.

  He wraps his arms around my shoulders, pulling me to him, kissing the top of my head. “I worry about you,” he says, sighing.

  ‘Gabe...” says Tess’ strained voice in my head. I hold myself together and press my face into Isaac’s shirt. She knows something about Gabe. Come on, Tess, tell me.

  “Gabe is the least of my concerns,” Isaac sighs. “But don’t worry. I’m a big boy and I can take care of myself.”

  If he’s trying to reassure me, it isn’t working, although, he has a look in his eyes, one I haven’t seen before, and I get the feeling that he has been working on a plan of his own. At least he’s covering his own back because Gabe sure as hell won’t be.

  “We fly tonight,” he says into my hair.

  I instantly feel sick.

  “What happened to tomorrow?” Jude asks.

  Isaac shrugs. “We could only get the plane for tonight.”

  “I feel ill,” I say.

  Isaac looks at me with his serious face. “Don’t worry about me. The sooner we get Tess, the better.”

  ‘It’s not safe!’ Tess screams in my head. I need to get somewhere quiet before the connection breaks.

  “I know,” I sigh. “I need to get out of this place, so I’m going with Adam to Wheeler’s for a bit.”

  “No,” snaps Isaac. His voice has a bite to it and he realises, hanging his head in way of an apology. “I want you to stay in the complex with the others. We’ll be leaving soon and I want to know that you’re all together. The last of the clients will be checking out in an hour, so it’s just you guys here tonight. Please, just do this one thing for me, so I don’t have to worry about you as well. Make sure she stays here, Adam.”

  Jude and Wheeler head out into the foyer.

  Adam nods in agreement, holding out his hand to Isaac. “Good luck out there,” he says.

  Isaac shakes it firmly. “Thank you, and you better get yourself out of here before Gabe sees you,” he says, and then turns to me. “Promise me that you’ll stay here.”

  “I promise, as long as you promise to come back in one piece,” I say.

  He smiles for the first time since we left the safe house. “I promise,” he says. “And can you send Haydn to see me in a bit. I need him to look over some equipment for me.”


  Everyone is piled into my chalet, eating the fruit from the basket.

  I race through to my room and flop onto the bed. “Sssshhh,” I call out, closing my eyes and trying to communicate with Tess. “I know it must be hard for you, but please try and tell me whatever it is you need to tell me,” I whisper.

  Is it possible to think too hard? I scrunch my eyes closed and concentrate all my efforts on Tess.

  Adam sits down on the bed. I know it’s him without opening my eyes. It’s as if I can tune into his psyche. It feels warm with a crackle of electricity. I open my eyes and stare up at his face hanging over me.

  He has a troubled look in his eyes. “I don’t want to leave you after this morning. Please, be careful. I’ll see you first thing tomorrow, but if you need me, ring the club. I’ll leave the number by the phone.”

  “What about Jude’s meeting?” I ask.

  “Don’t worry about the meeting,” he says, sighing. “Just try to be careful with the telepathy, and I’ll fill you in on the meeting tomorrow morning.”

  I kiss him goodbye and feel a little sick watching him leave, but I need Tess to come through. There isn’t much time. Adam passes Isaac’s message onto Haydn before he leaves. Wheeler and Emiko leave with him, and I hear Golding stood outside talking to Jude.

  ‘Come on, Tess,’ I think to myself. ‘Give me something.’

  “Sleep,” she says, and I fall into a deep, dream filled sleep.


  I recognise this form of dream mode. I’m not really experiencing my own dreams, but sleeping in someone’s memories- Tess’ memories. I’m lying down in the pitch black. I want to open my eyes, and I desperately try to move my fingers with little effect. I’m inside Tess’ mind; her comatose, vulnerable mind. Frustration floods me and my thoughts feel slow as if I’m moving through treacle.

  “I’ve bought her in as you asked,” says Roscoe’s voice.

  Fear consumes me. His is not a voice I wanted to hear again. However, he sounds different, less confident.

  “I want my daughter back. We’re square now, right?”

  “Not even close,” says Gabe’s voice. “However, it’s a step in the right direction.”

  “I’ve done everything you’ve asked. I thought he’d be here,” says Roscoe. “He could at least tell me that she’s safe.” He sounds manic, verging on hysterical.

  “He’ll be here,” says Yvette.

  I could’ve put money on her being in on Gabe’s plans.

  “Is this attack on Facility One some kind of publicity stunt? What about the TORO? They were your kind once,” asks Roscoe.

  The door creaks open and someone else enters the room.

  “The attack on Facility One is retaliation. We’re accepting the invitation to war,” says a voice that I recognise- Isaac’s.

  My stomach lurches and I can’t catch my breath. I’m not sure if the feelings I am experiencing are mine or Tess’, but either way, they’re spot on. My heart pounds at super speed, my thoughts struggling to catch up. This can’t be real.

  “The TORO are not my concern. The world shall be getting its wake up call. EVO exist and we mean war,” Isaac continues.

  “I want my daughter back! Bringing Tess to you has cost me everything. You promised she’d be here,” Roscoe says.

  “Rest assured, your daughter will be released,” Isaac replies.

  Roscoe sighs loudly. “And what are you planning on doing with Tess?”

  “She shall be our weapon,” says Isaac, half laughing. “Unlike you, we’ve found a way to use her.”

  This is what Tess has been trying to tell me all along. ‘Not Gabe, all wrong’. She was talking about Isaac.

p; “You’re not safe,” her voice speaks to me. “This is not a memory, Teddie. You need to run. Run now!”

  She forces my mind away from hers, but I fight her back. I need to know more.

  “And the Telekin?” Roscoe asks.

  “Gullible,” Isaac says, chuckling. “She desperately wants a Daddy. It’s a shame you killed him.”

  It feels as if my heart is cracking and splintering off in millions of pieces.

  “But why do you need her?”

  “She’s the key,” Isaac replies.

  Tess untangles my mind from hers and gives me a final shove. “Tell Jude to kill me. Kill me, and then you all run! Wake up, Teddie!” she shouts.


  I wake in a cold sweat and throw up over the side of the bed. The chalet is in silent darkness apart from my laboured breaths. How long have I been asleep? Hours must have passed.

  Springing to my feet, I run to the bathroom and vomit again. I splash water on my face to try and shake off my fuzzy head with little effect.

  Trying to process everything Tess has just shown me is terrifying. Isaac’s not my Dad, and that means Rob was my biological father all along. A guttural wail leaves my throat and I drop to my knees.

  I need Adam. I scramble to the phone, dialling the club’s number from the napkin he has left. There isn’t an answer. The phone says it’s only 9.30 pm. I punch the number in again, my hands shaking- still nothing.

  Rushing outside, I run to Golding and Isaac’s chalet. Another wave of nausea grips at my gut when I think of Isaac sleeping in the chalet next to me.

  My mind darts to the moments he kissed my forehead or wrapped his arms around me like a father would. Every time felt forced. I should have seen it for what it was. I thought he was still getting used to being a Dad, overcoming his inability to connect. My skin crawls at the thought of it. He was right, I am gullible. I should’ve known from his outbursts- the way he told me to stay away from Adam- the way he blamed me for all the trouble.


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