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EVO Nation Series Trilogy Box Set

Page 66

by K. J. Chapman

  Lizzie raises her hand, waiting for permission to speak. “It doesn’t necessarily have to be Teddie’s D.N.A, but that of a close family member: father, mother, sibling.”

  The penny drops in that moment. I can see it on the faces of the Shift members, and Rafe looks set to laugh out loud. How did we not see it?

  “That explains why the E.N.C are protecting Shana,” I state.

  “Shana’s alive?” Jude barks. It’s the first he has spoken for the entire meeting, and Rafe’s head whips in his direction. “You know she is alive and you’re doing nothing?”

  “Nothing is exactly what she would do,” I retort.

  “You’ll get your reunion when we make head way with Fernan. That’s not to say that me or Teddie will be having anything to do with Shana when that time comes. She is not welcome here.”

  Jude can barely look at me. “Is that what you want, Princess?”

  “I don’t want to discuss this anymore. Shana isn’t the objective. First and foremost, we go ahead with this plan to save the people in Syndicate’s base. There are kids there… Ingrid and Silvain.” I add. “Then, I have a few choice words for this Fernan about the E.N.C’s methods of persuasion. If they really have a fully functioning army, then we better figure out a way to keep the upper hand, otherwise we are nothing more than E.N.C bitches.”

  “Say it how it is, Cub,” Rio jokes.

  A chuckle goes around the room.

  “Is there any other way to say it,” I reply, giving him my best, toothy grin.

  “I knew you’d say that, and that’s why we have already sourced the equipment, and Lizzie is ready to extract the profile. As for having the upper hand, I’ve been giving that predicament some thought,” Adam continues. “We need to match the E.N.C in number, and there is only one other group who can offer that kind of support.”

  “Syndicate,” Rafe adds, shaking his head.

  “Grayson is not a fighter,” Jude interrupts. Anger and hurt still blaze behind his eyes, but at least he still has his head in the game. “He thinks a war is suicide.”

  “Grayson is a coward,” Rafe replies, not taking his eyes off of his son.

  “Grayson is a man with good intentions,” Adam corrects. “He tried to stand up to Towley, but it blew up in his face. Don’t blame him for retreating. He has many lives to protect.”

  “I’m surprised at that comment. It was Grayson who gave the government your mother’s name. It was Grayson that killed your father, not me.”

  Jude steps forward, squaring up to his Dad. “You were his Governor, so it was your duty to protect him. You let him down. His wife was pregnant when she was murdered. Did you know that? I don’t like the man, but I know what it feels like to be let down by you- Shana does too. Don’t pretend that Teddie isn’t some kind of redemption for you. You failed us as a father, so now you want to right wrongs with Teddie as a grandfather. Although, from the looks of things, you’ve done a pretty good job at screwing that up too.”

  “Don’t you dare go there. Get the hell out of my office!”

  Jude barges passed Rafe.

  “Don’t take one more step, Jude,” Adam orders. “Jude is on my Counsel, and will be present at every meeting. I will not budge on that.”

  Rafe laughs. “Taking orders from a boy, Son?” he asks Jude.

  “No, I take orders from a man I trust with my life. The first man I have ever trusted with my life.”

  “Perhaps getting old is agreeing with you, then. I remember an arrogant, impossible, immature boy who couldn’t see passed the extent of his ego.”

  Jude takes another step toward Rafe, but Cooper places a firm hand on his chest. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, Dad.”

  I open the door and slam it with force. Everyone starts from the sound, and an instant silence spreads over the room. “We don’t have to get along to work together on this,” I shout. “What is your plan for Syndicate?” I ask Adam, taking my seat once again. I’m done with all the background noise. We need to focus on the real reason everyone is here.

  Adam winks at me. “Thank you,” he says into my mind. “We take Syndicate. Nothing too drastic, but enough to de-throne Grayson. He can be supervisor or whatever title he fancies, but ultimately, he answers to you.” He nods to Rafe.

  “Me? I’m the last person he’ll give up his organisation to,” Rafe says, laughing.

  “Despite what you think of him, he respects you,” Leoni adds. “He wants to redeem himself.”

  “And you’ll have your numbers,” Cooper says. “There are many people there who want their shot at Towley. They are waiting for Grayson to act and are getting restless.”

  “Well?” I ask Rafe.

  “I will lose precious time in preparing you. Exposing you now—”

  “Will save hundreds of men, women, and children. Besides, only this Fernan person and Grayson need to know, and you get leeway with the E.N.C. You know this is our best option. We can make this work.”

  Rafe nods, and then turns to Adam. “It looks like we’re doing this, but we do it properly.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less,” Adam replies.

  “One more thing,” Rafe adds. “How the hell did you find us? My Techs claim that there is no way that you could have tracked us with those images alone.”

  Adam puts his hands in the air. “You got me,” he says. “Those pictures were for Teddie’s benefit, and to give you a little heads up.”

  One of Rafe’s Techs leans closer. “So, how did you do it? I’m curious to know.”

  Vin leaves his position at the back of the room and stands beside Adam. “Me,” he states.

  The room erupts in chaos. Everyone shouts over each other, and Vin is muscled against the wall by Rafe. Adam whistles through his fingers; the ear-splitting screech quietens the rabble.

  “I’m confused,” I admit.

  Adam wraps an arm around Vin’s shoulders. “We go way back. Right back to the care home. Wheeler, Vin, and I were good buddies. Vin shipped out to the army a year or so before us. We lost track of each other for some time, but we heard he had joined a branch of the E.N.C in Ireland.”

  Vin looks to Rafe. “Adam’s a friend of mine, so I stole the ear piece that Brick used to contact Kesh during the rally. He had a right to know that Teddie wasn’t dead. The ear piece was damaged, but I hoped to get a message out via Morse code. I had no way of knowing if they had received the message until the images came through. Once I realised you wanted to join forces with TORO Squad, I sent a message with our location.”

  “That was reckless and not your call,” Rafe says. He doesn’t sound angry anymore, just tired.

  Bo squares up to Vin, her hands clenched and shaking. She is the closest to him out of everyone. This must feel like betrayal to her too. “You claim to be bosom buddies, yet you’ve been smarming all over Leason since she woke up.”

  “I had to maintain my reputation,” Vin says, hands open.

  Adam guffaws. “Of course, Vincent Statrling would try his luck with Britain’s Number One EVO.”

  Walking over to Vin, I wrap my arms around him. “Thank you,” I say. “When you said I’d see soon enough…”

  “It wasn’t about me getting into your knickers.” He turns to Rafe. “I take it I’m no longer a member of Shift?”

  Rafe lifts his eyes, studying Vin through his eyebrows. “You know that I can’t have a member that I don’t trust one hundred percent.” Rafe seems genuinely sympathetic. “That being said, Adam has now gained a valuable member to his squad. Right now, we draw a line. We keep moving forward.” He looks to me as he repeats my words to the room. If this is an olive branch, I’m willing to take it.

  “We might not all get along, but that’s by the by. As Teds said, we don’t have to like each other to work together,” says Adam. “From here on in, any hostility is aimed at those who deserve it, starting with Towley.”

  A wave of agreement goes around the office.


  The techs rush around under Kesh’s supervision, trying to rig up the equipment that Adam and Lizzie have sourced. The announcement has been made to the Shift members, and Adam has returned to address his squad. Keeping secrets isn’t a wise move, and if we’re going to approach the E.N.C, then we need everyone on board. There were a few heated debates, but ultimately, Rafe is the Governor and has the deciding say. Nobody stood against him.

  Kesh pats my forearm as he walks by. “It’s really brave what you are doing?”

  “Nothing you wouldn’t do. How’s things with you and Seth?”

  My question clearly catches him off guard. “Casual, but that’s okay. Adam needs me to have my head in the game, and Seth needs to sort his head out. At the moment, we’re simply friends with benefits. Although I hate that term, it’s all this war will allow. It’s nice to have that closeness with someone, though. Who knows what we’ll be after.”

  “After,” I say, deflating. “I wish I could think that far ahead.”

  I sit on the canteen table with all eyes on me. Jonah swabs the inside of my mouth several times. Nobody speaks, they just watch me in a morose kind of silence. I understand their apprehension. Teaming up with the E.N.C could be the best or worst decision made in this war. What if they say no? Will they expose me regardless of what Rafe and Adam ask? They want proof of my existence for something.

  Rafe takes the sample as soon as it’s collected, and I follow him to the tech lab. Kesh has an impressive set up of laptops, and Lizzie concentrates on various sciencey objects.

  “How long?” Rafe asks her.

  “I’d say twenty-four hours for me to do my bit and for Kesh to do his. The time limit is up in seven days, so we effectively have six days to work with.”

  “Adam agrees, we don’t send the profile until we’re certain we can match Fernan like for like, so to be safe, we need to get Syndicate on board in six days.” Rafe turns to Kesh. “And you reckon you can trace the source of the file once we upload the profile to it?”

  Kesh taps the screen. “I’m already on it. You concentrate on Grayson, I’ll do the rest.”

  Rafe takes my elbow and leads me from the room. “You’re due for training,” he says.

  “With whom?”

  “Me. We have to up our game, and your training is my priority. Adam will meet us there shortly.”


  The Dungeon is crowded and alive with activity. Crow has gathered Yana, October, and Wheeler for combat training. Brick has Cooper, Seth, and Emiko practising knife skills. Adam stands to the side, talking with Jude. Jude tenses when Rafe enters The Dungeon.

  A group of TORO hover around Adam, awaiting command. Watching my friends learning to fight - to stab someone - is a mind trip. It’s not right, but it is what it is.

  Crow places his hands on a sweating Yana’s waist to position her a little better for her attack. She shakes him off as if something dirty has touched her. She sets to punching at the air again, and he stands behind her, looking wounded. He was right, Yana hasn’t forgiven him for leaving. Normally, I would speak with her about it, but other people’s relationships aren’t high on my agenda. Yana is focussed on what is important. I have to follow suit.

  “Cub, spar with Crow. You lot will do well to watch this,” Rafe orders. “Give them a show and make them push harder,” he whispers into my ear.

  Adam’s curiosity is peaked. Both he and Jude move a little closer to watch what is about to unfold.

  I ignore the gasps that accompany the sight of my back as I shake off my jersey. I can feel Adam’s anger as if it is my own.

  “My memories motivate me too. It’s just that mine are also visible on the outside,” I tell him privately. He relaxes a little, but only a little. I can still feel his apprehension at me fighting Crow.

  Crow steps up and swings for me before I’m ready. I manage to dodge his blow, but only just. As I tumble forward, he brings his hand down on my back, knocking me to my knees. A roll to the left stops him inflicting anymore damage. I spring to my feet and prepare myself properly. I’ll let him have that one.

  A swift jab catches him in the ribs, and using the downward momentum he naturally makes from being winded, I bring my arms down upon his back just like he did to me. He staggers, but remains upright. Damn it. Although, his coughing gives me a little encouragement that it hurt.

  “Nice one, Kiddo,” Rafe calls. “Hope that hurt, Crow.”

  “What can I say? We’ve trained her well,” Crow replies, shaking out his shoulders and bouncing around me on the balls of his feet.

  He lunges at me, gripping a hand around the back of my neck, preparing to swipe my legs out from under me. Using his own weight against him, I deftly spring from the floor. His strong stance is my anchor. Cartwheeling my legs over his head, I wrap my thighs around his neck, twist, and throw us both down. The air is knocked out of his lungs, and I squeeze tighter on his neck, pinning him to the ground and pulling his arm as if I plan to snap the bone.

  Oh, my God, I think I have actually bested Crow. Sudden euphoria and smug pride wells in me like an inflating balloon, but Crow bucks on the ground like a floundering fish and throws me from him. Damn it, Teddie. Stop getting ahead of yourself.

  “Thought you had me, didn’t you?” he says, using my shock to his advantage and slapping me across the face before I even get to my feet.

  I sprawl on my stomach, and Crow kneels on my back, wrapping an arm around my throat. He pulls backward until I think my head might pop right off. He’s definitely got me.

  “Time!” Rafe calls.

  “One day, I will beat you, Ian Fletcher,” I say, wiping my lip on the back of my hand.

  He lifts me from the floor. “In your dreams.”

  “Why do you always have to make me bleed?”

  “Just a little reminder for next time.”

  For a moment, I forget that there is a room full of people watching. I smirk at the look of disbelief on Adam’s face and offer him a bow as he claps our performance.

  “Wow,” he says.

  “I didn’t win.”

  “Still impressive. I can give you some pointers, if you’d like? Your stance was off a little when he managed to get in the blow. I’ll help you tighten that.”

  “Are you not scared that she’ll kick your ass?” Wheeler asks.

  “She can kick my ass anytime. That was hot!”

  “My work here is done,” I say, sidling up to him.

  Jude pushes himself away from the wall. “Why are you training in hand to hand combat? We’re EVO, they are not.” He looks to me as he speaks, but his words are aimed at Rafe.

  “And what if we can’t use our abilities? Have you seen the tagging devices the military are using?” Rafe asks. “Everyone must be trained in both ability and manual combat for their own safety.” He marches toward The Tomb. “Shift members are dismissed, but the rest of you follow me. I want to see what we’ve got to work with.”

  Although dismissed, we don’t plan on going anywhere. We all want to see what lengths Rafe will push them, and I’m curious to discover the TORO’s abilities.

  They all look to Adam for permission.

  “You heard the man,” he shouts, pushing Cooper ahead of him.

  Sitting along the far wall with Coco, Crow, Brick, Rio, Kid, and Vin, we watch Rafe instruct the others on the various uses of The Tomb. Adam keeps making eyes at me over the top of Jude’s head.

  “Are you listening, Mr Lovick?” I ask, telepathically.

  “Yes, Miss,” he replies. “But there’s this girl and she keeps distracting me.”

  “Anyone I know?”

  “I believe so. She has a way of getting into my head.”

  “Well, I suggest that you ask her over to your place later.”

  “I like your style, Miss. Out of my head and into my bed.”

  Rafe taps him on the back, and Adam starts from the contact. “What are your thoughts?” he asks him.

  A laugh bursts from
my lips, drawing all attention to me. My cheeks flush red, and Adam’s smirking only makes it worse.

  “Yeah, Ad, what were your thoughts?” Cooper goads.

  Jude groans, slapping Cooper upside the head. The rest chuckle and snicker, knowing full well what his thoughts lean toward.

  Adam straightens a little, the cheeky glint still in his eye. “Sorry, Rafe, what were you saying?”

  Rafe shakes his head and gives me a scolding look. “Enough fun,” he orders. “Focus where it’s needed, please. Teddie, if you’re going to be a distraction, I suggest you leave.”

  Ignoring the peals of laughter, I settle back between Coco and Brick. “I’ll behave.”

  He repeats his question for Adam’s benefit. “Grades are psychological. Our abilities are like muscles, the more you practice and stretch, the more they grow.”

  Adam nods and clears his throat. “Right. Teddie and I are proof of that with the abilities we have developed via the link.”

  Rafe grunts in agreement. “Teddie lost her ability to use electrokinesis because she believed the link to be broken. It was all in her head. You see, we have the power to be stronger right in here.” He taps at his skull.

  The man has some gall to use his betrayal as part of his lesson.

  “Just let it go,” Adam urges from across the room.

  Rafe beckons October closer. “Ability?” he asks.


  “Show us what you’ve got and make it good.”

  Instantly, the weight of October’s ability douses my merry mood. A morose, heavy, empty feeling fills me from the inside, and I physically grasp at my chest. I’m not the only one to feel it, the whole room has fallen silent, and the look in their eyes is haunting. Clearing my mind, I block October out. The warmth returns to my core.

  “Nicely done,” Rafe says. “How far is your reach?”

  “Just those in close proximity. I can push any emotion,” October claims, “but I have to be close enough to sense the person.”


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