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Dirty Desire

Page 4

by M Dauphin

  “Did you just growl?” My eyes flash to his, wide. Holy shit I said that out loud? He starts to laugh and I realize I’ve been staring all too long at his beautiful body…that’s wrapped in nothing but a towel.

  “Do you make it a habit to walk around the apartment like this?” I mutter, trying to pry my eyes off him. Is my mouth watering?

  “I don’t know, Harp. Will you make it a habit to stare at me like that?” He winks and moves past me, the scent of his body wash still fresh on his skin.

  Holy Shit I’m not going to make it these few months with him.

  “So the party is still a go tonight?” John asks from across my desk. He’s not even looking at me, either. He’s typing away on his tablet, probably doing more work than I’ve physically done in the past week. That’s why I keep him around.

  “Of fucking course it is, John. We open soon anyway. The building itself is ready to go. All we’re waiting on now is the final paperwork. We’re good for a fucking party,” I huff. The fact that the city just now is deciding to give us shit about this club being so close to a college isn’t my fault. They’re the ones that missed it to begin with. I should be grandfathered in.

  And if I’m not, I’ll just find some asshole to pay off to look the other way.

  “Great. Tents are here so I’m going to go get on with that,” he mutters, standing up while he looks through his phone. “Oh!” He spins and looks back at me on his way out the door. “Bringing someone tonight? For the guest list…” The look on his face is begging for me to punch it.

  I narrow my eyes at him. He knows I’m living with Harper. He knows my situation. He also knows I don’t ever talk about my personal life.

  Even if it’s been three weeks of living with her and she’s still yet to let me touch her.

  Oh, it’s not because I haven’t tried. I’ve made it a point to show her just how good we could be together without even having to touch her. I’ve watched her clench her thighs together while we watch romance chick flicks that get to the steamy parts. I’ve watched her watching me when she didn’t think I was. I’ve counted the orgasms she’s given herself in these past three weeks, probably thinking about me just a room over.

  She thinks she’s being quiet.

  She’s not.

  “So that’s a no?”

  “Don’t you have somewhere to be right now, John?”

  “Right,” he grins and spins, leaving me alone to my office.

  One more month and these club doors will be open. Not open to the public, necessarily, but open for business.

  See, Come isn’t your typical club. It’s not a sex club, but it’s damn near close. There’s no rank or hierarchy here. There are no Dom’s and Subs. There are no ‘red rooms of pain’ that that goddamned film portrayed so terribly a few years ago. What there is, though, is a specifically talented set of staff that know exactly what the patrons need and want. Staff that aren’t paid to fuck patrons, just paid to give them the show they need to fulfill their desires.

  What happens after that is beyond my control.

  Glancing at the clock I realize I only have a few hours until the party and I still have to head home and get changed. I wanted to invite Harper; I feel like we’re getting that connection I’m going to need to keep her once she finds out the truth. Next week I fuck her, and when I do everything will fall into place.

  I can’t bring her yet, though. If she finds out too early what this is all about everything will have been for nothing.

  I’ve only lived with her for a few weeks but we’ve already got a routine down. Living with a woman has never felt so free. It’s weird. Maybe I know she’s oblivious to what I’m here for, or maybe it’s because she’s not like any other woman I’ve met…but I feel free with her. I never realized how trapped I’ve felt until spending time with Harper.

  Gathering my briefcase and other work possessions that I may need this weekend at home, I’m out the door and in my car without so much as a goodbye to my employees. They’re too busy anyway making sure tonight is just perfect for the party.

  It damn well better be.

  The drive back to the apartment is about ten minutes typically. Thirty minutes in rush hour traffic in St. Louis. These assholes don’t know how to drive. Not like in Springfield. At least in traffic in Springfield people are courteous and don’t ride the brakes. I’m going to be immensely happy moving back home.

  Parking and locking my car, since I don’t trust this neighborhood to steal everything but the steering wheel when I’m not looking, I head inside to get ready for the party tonight.

  “Hey,” Harper exclaims when her eyes hit mine. Mid stride in the hallway, she pauses briefly and lets her gaze linger on my work outfit. “I’m late. I’m sorry” She shakes her head and rushes past me, heading to the kitchen.

  “You working tonight?” I ask, leaning on the doorframe while she searches for something to eat. Finding a corndog in the freezer, she tosses it in the microwave and looks over at me.

  “Yeah. They just called and need backup. There’s a shit ton of people in town this weekend apparently and they’re slammed.” She’s talking while tapping her foot and throwing her hair into a messy bun. Her makeup is darker than usual and there’s a hint of red to her lips that makes me want to suck all the color off of them. The white tank top she has on cuts well below where it should, and whatever strappy thing she has on underneath it makes me want to fuck her tits. Hard.


  “You need a ride?”

  She pauses and looks at me, then to her ‘dinner’, then back to me.

  “Um,” she mutters. “I can walk. Dinner on a stick and all,” she smiles. My eyes travel to her tits again; perfectly plumped with whatever bra she’s wearing. The strappy contraption under her shirt is still holding my attention. It’s pressed perfectly against her cleavage just begging for me to rip if off.

  I notice her hand come to her chest and start absentmindedly running across the fabric of it. I look up at her and the grin on her face as she stares me down tells me it wasn’t absentmindedly done at all. She’s teasing me on purpose.

  I growl and shake my head.

  “I’m taking you to work,” I say pointedly.

  “I can wa—”

  I storm over to her, not letting her finish her words before my hand goes around her throat, pressing her collarbone, applying just enough pressure to heighten her senses. She’s glaring at me but she’s not scared. No…the only look on her face right now is pure lust. I’m close enough so she can feel my breath on her ear as I whisper words only meant for her ears.

  “You’re not walking around the streets like this, Harper. Not tonight. You don’t know who’s out there tonight.” I do. My club’s too close and I’ve met some of the patrons that will be at the party tonight.

  She doesn’t need to mingle with them until I’m in control.

  “Who are you to tell me what I can and can’t do?” Her voice is a whisper, but with how many times her eyes flick to my lips I know she’s not going to be putting up a fight anytime soon.

  “I’m no one,” I whisper, staring at her lips. My eyes flick to hers and she’s fucking begging me for it.

  She’s begging me for more than I can give her tonight, but hell if I don’t want to give it to her.

  Maybe just a taste.

  Leaning in closer, I press my lips to hers and almost grin mid kiss.

  She’s so tense.

  I can help with that.

  When she doesn’t pull away, I kiss her harder, bringing the hand that was on her throat around her head and pull her towards me. A small moan escapes her lips and her body melts to mine. The kiss quickens and before I know what I’m doing, my mouth is going for her tits.

  “Knox,” she pants as my fingers slide under the straps of her undershirt. Goosebumps rise on her skin and I grin, burying my face between her tits and inhaling her scent.

  Jesus Christ. I’m not certain my dick could get any harder right now.r />
  Everything I’ve been working for is so close I can literally taste it but I can’t have it.

  Not yet.

  Pulling back abruptly, I clear my throat and wait for the onslaught of angry words that I’m certain she’s going to spew at me for that. Any girl would.

  What I’m not prepared for, though, is the sly grin that spreads across her face. It reminds me of the Cheshire cat.

  “Thanks for that.” She adjusts herself and grins at me. “The hot and bothered look gets me more tips at the bar.” She winks and pushes past me, leaving me stunned silent for the first time in my life.

  I hear her leave, but I’m still in shock. What girl in her right mind wouldn’t be upset about that little tease? Is she not interested in me? Have I read her wrong?

  No. That’s not possible. I’ve heard her moan my name in her sleep.

  She’s just that good of a player.

  And I’m going to have to work that much harder to break her.

  With an hour to go before I have to be at the club for the party, there’s not time to relieve myself even though my dick is straining to get out of my pants.

  Give it time.

  “Great party tonight, Knox,” Shelby purrs in my ear as I walk out the front doors. She’s been on my tail all night tonight and I can’t seem to shake her. The last thing I need in my life is another woman.

  “I’m going home.” I look over to John who nods.

  “Right this way, Ms. Presley.” He takes her by the arm gently and escorts her away from me. She pouts, but she’s not fighting him. She knows better.

  Thank fuck.

  I head to my office and pour two fingers of whiskey before sitting in my chair. I need to decompress from tonight before I’m able to walk back into that apartment and not fuck the hell out of my roommate. The things that happen behind closed doors in this club always make me need.

  And tonight, I need her.

  When the party started tonight I told myself I was staying out of the VIP rooms. The local gathering area was mingling, music, food, and fun. When Shelby pulled me to the back where all the action happens, I couldn’t pull myself away from it.

  Each VIP room at the club has two areas…a viewing area and a performance area.

  The performances aren’t staged nor are they club employees. They’re simply patrons aiming to fulfill their desires; be it a bucket list type of desire or a more carnal one, needs that only places like this club can give them.

  When I opened my first ‘resort’, as they call it in Springfield, I knew the patrons would be up for anything I offered. I took a risk bringing it here to St. Louis, but from the looks of it we’re going to have a good turnout when it comes time to sign on patrons for memberships.

  Patrons can only go so far without a membership. And memberships cost some people’s yearly salary. This is how we keep the dirt out and the wealthy in.

  It sounds like a dick move, but with a club like this it has to happen. There are multiple different levels of memberships, and only the elite get the full package.

  Elite status takes a lot more than money to attain.

  The next morning I wake up before the sun and spend a good half hour planning my approach for the day. She’s here. She got home just a few hours ago. I should let her sleep but I have this insane urge to see her.

  Pulling myself out of bed, I get dressed for my morning jog. I’m certain she’s never been up this early to know that I leave for a run every day, but just in case she is I opt for no shirt today.

  Sitting in the living room, waiting for my phone to charge enough for music on my run, I hear a noise from her room that startles me enough to perk up and glare towards her door.

  Is someone in there with her? I pause and listen again.

  “NO!” I hear her muffled voice yell and my first instinct kicks in and I’m barreling through her door in no time flat, ready to beat the shit out of the guy that doesn’t know how to take no for an answer.

  What I’m not ready to see is her, fast asleep, the sheets tangled around her nude body, and her face scrunched into a face I’ve never seen her wear before.

  “No,” she whimpers as her mouth turns down into a frown.

  “Harp,” I whisper, moving closer to her. An urge to reach out and caress her leg comes over me. Her ass is just barely covered by the black sheet and, lying on her stomach, her back is bare to me.

  Jesus she’s sexy.

  “Harper,” I say a little louder, crouching down by her bed. Her face softens and she grins in her sleep.

  “Mmm Knox,” she whispers.

  Suddenly her eyes whip open and she’s staring me straight in the eyes.

  “Knox?” Her brows furrow, then it dawns on her her current predicament.

  “What’re you doing?” Her voice, half filled with sleep, partial amusement lacing the other half. She pulls the covers slowly over the rest of her as she sits up in bed, leaving her side bare to me.

  “You were talking in your sleep,” I say, my voice filled with a shit ton more emotion and lust than it needs to be.

  Why does her having nightmares bother me so much?

  “Oh.” She rubs the sleep from her eyes and glances at the clock. “What the hell are you doing up at five in the morning?” She glances back at me and now it’s my turn to smirk as I stand; her eyes traveling the length of my body slowly until they land on mine.

  “I always go for a run at this time. You’re usually passed out when I leave and when I return.” I shrug and start walking towards the door. Her eyes follow me the entire time. “No more nightmares, ok? They really freak me out.” I’m not lying either. I didn’t like that. At all.

  “Right,” she mumbles, lying back down in bed.

  I leave her bedroom and click the door shut. I’m in more need of a run now than I was before that whole ordeal. My dick wants to walk me back in there and fuck her senseless, so instead I hit the pavement.


  Each hit of my foot to the pavement is another memory of her I want erased. This job isn’t for pussies. It’s not a search for romance. It’s a way to get me everything I want. It’s selfish.

  Three fucking weeks with her and I’m already regretting living so close to her. Human beings are programmed to love, cherish, and attach. I don’t want to be like that! But seeing her in bed, so natural and so vulnerable, brought out something in me that I now have to try my fucking hardest to put away.

  One month down, two to go.

  I’ve held out this long. I can last the next two months.

  If I keep telling myself this maybe I’ll actually be able to go through with it. As it stands, though, I’m standing here in my living room, staring down the only piece of man meat I’ve ever truly wanted to devour slowly, while he grins back at me because he knows he’s right!

  “I’m not in danger when I walk home in the middle of the night,” I growl. I fucking hate when men think just because I’m a girl I can’t defend myself. I was a black belt years and years ago. I have moves he’s never dreamed of.

  “I’m not saying you’re going to get hurt if someone approaches you. I’m saying I’m available to pick you up every night and I’d rather you didn’t have to deal with the assholes that roam the streets at that time. Plus, it makes me worry less about you.”

  I glare at him, then flick my gaze to the clock.

  Three pm. I have two hours until I have to be at work but I wish I had to leave right now just to get away from him. The more we bicker, the sexier he gets.

  Is that even possible? Yes. Yes it is.

  I huff and cross my arms under my chest, grinning when his eyes immediately go to my tits.

  God I love this feeling.

  How about we play a little game, Mr. Knox?

  “What type of people is that, Knox?” I give him my best seductive look. Slowly walking towards him, I make sure my back is straight and the ladies are out to play as much as they can be in this work shirt.

  I mean, I know
how much he loves this tank.

  “You know,” he growls, his hands firmly crossed against his chest.

  “The type that like this?” I use my arms to push up my tits a little more, giving him a little show before halting it and grinning at him.

  The growl that comes out of him instantly makes me wet. I’d say my panties were melting off, but these shorts tonight leave no room for panties.

  “Or!” I gasp and bat my eyelashes at him. “What if I run into the big bad wolf, and he tries to make me come with him?” I trail a finger down my cleavage, then right back up before popping it in my mouth. I’ve really been enjoying these games I’m playing with him.

  Suddenly, he takes me by the shoulders and spins, pressing me against the wall with his hard length.

  “I don’t like you joking about that, Harper,” he growls. “And if anyone is going to be coming with you, it’s me.”

  He glares at me for a moment, his words sending a rush of attraction straight between my legs.

  Then he’s on me.

  His lips smashing to mine.

  His hands roaming my body.

  And I can’t get enough.

  “Fuck,” I hiss when his teeth leave marks on my neck. He lifts me up and sets me on the counter and in one swoop has my shirt off.

  The look in his eyes as he admires the black lace bralette I chose to wear tonight makes me throw all my rules out the window.

  All I can do right now is respond; to the way he looks at me, to the way he touches me, and to the way he talks to me.

  “This has been the longest month of my life, Harper Stills.” He trails kisses down my body then in one swoop pulls the bralette over my head.

  Once I’m free from it, his lips immediately find my nipples and he starts sucking hard enough to bring me damn near close to my first ever orgasm without penetration.

  And holy flying fuck it feels good.

  More than good. It’s the best feeling ever having his lips on me.

  “Fuck me, Knox” I pant. He slips a finger under the waist of my shorts and makes quick work undressing the rest of me before stripping his clothes off and tossing them on the floor. The entire time he’s working, I’m growing wetter and wetter from pure attraction and he’s grinning at me like a madman. Then he slowly slips off his boxers and springs free and holy fuck he’s big. Not abnormally big, but Jesus fucking Christ. I lick my lips, wanting nothing more than to taste him, but he has other plans and I’m not one to ruin someone’s plans.


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