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Hot & Sweet

Page 7

by Sean Ashcroft

  And crap like that was why Wyatt had kissed him, because Kai was effortlessly hot, and everything he did looked so elegant and sensual, and…

  Wyatt wanted to fuck him. Either so he could experience more of it, or to reduce him to a sobbing mess and pound the elegance right out of him. He hadn’t quite decided yet.

  The way Kai was eating was going straight to Wyatt’s mental catalogue of things to jerk off to later, which probably wasn’t a good thing.

  “These are good,” Kai said, as though he hadn’t just been moaning eagerly over them.

  “Uh,” Wyatt said, wetting his lips. “Glad you’re enjoying them?”

  He wasn’t sure why that had come out as a question. Maybe because he wasn’t sure he was glad Kai was enjoying them, because he needed to move away from this counter eventually and he wasn’t sure his apron would hide his reaction when he did.

  He cleared his throat, focusing on the task at hand and praying silently that he wasn’t about to get caught with a hard-on in front of the entire studio audience.

  “So, uh, that’s it for this week,” he began, rattling off the end-of-show details as always, a job he’d started doing automatically and that Kai had never hinted he wanted instead.

  Once he was done, Donna gave him a huge thumbs-up from the audience, and that just made everything worse.

  Kai was still happily eating churros, though less dramatically now.

  Hopefully, he was done getting his own back, and Wyatt wouldn’t have to handle this for three more episodes.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kai sat down on the studio counter with the freshly-warmed bowl of chocolate sauce Wyatt had stored in the fridge earlier, dipping the tip of his index finger into it and letting it drip into his open mouth.

  He licked his finger clean eagerly, then dipped it in again, figuring that he might as well eat it. It’d only get thrown out in the morning, when the cleaning crew came through.

  Wyatt may not have had the technical skill of a real chef, but he knew his way around a chocolate ganache, and he definitely knew his chocolate. He’d sourced one that was rich and dark and lightly floral, with base notes of nuts and coffee and the faintest trace of cinnamon.

  All things, he imagined, that Wyatt couldn’t really name, but he could know it was good chocolate.

  Kai dipped two fingers for his next mouthful, not quite ready to just pour it down his throat, but tempted. He moaned softly as he sucked them clean, the depth of flavors enhanced by the light salt taste of his own clean skin.

  He hadn’t had sex with another person in a while, but this was better, anyway.

  “You wanna get a room?” Wyatt asked from the doorway.

  Kai cleared his throat, two fingers still in his mouth. There was no way he could pretend this wasn’t what it looked like.

  “I thought I had one,” Kai said, grabbing the bowl of chocolate sauce and holding it close to his chest.

  Wyatt snorted, heading over and dipping his index finger in the sauce without hesitation.

  “My fingers have been in that,” Kai pointed out.

  Wyatt shrugged. “They’re clean.”

  They had been clean when Kai started, at least, so he wasn’t wrong. “They’ve been in my mouth.”

  Wyatt shrugged again. “My tongue’s been in your mouth. I’ll live with it.”

  Kai huffed softly. He was clearly going to have to share.

  That was probably a good thing. He’d only make himself sick if he ate the whole bowl, and there was a serious risk that he would if left to his own devices for too long. It was really good.

  “Starting to think you’ve got a thing for chocolate,” Wyatt said.

  “I do,” Kai admitted. “Real chocolate is one of life’s greatest pleasures, and I’d do more or less anything for a chocolate like this that isn’t packed with vegetable oil and corn syrup.”

  “So all this time I could’ve just given you fancy organic chocolate…”

  “I would have been putty in your hands,” Kai said, smiling wryly. He dipped his finger in the chocolate, letting it drip onto his tongue again.

  Wyatt stared at him. He could practically feel the weight of his gaze, like a physical force.

  The tiniest spark of heat flared up in his belly, completely unrelated to the temperature of the chocolate.

  Wyatt’s mouth was on his before he’d even registered the movement, hot and insistent, lips parted. Kai was trapped between the counter and the solid warmth of Wyatt’s body, Wyatt’s hands planted either side of his thighs, not quite close enough to touch.

  The spark of heat roared into a crackling fire, leaving Kai moaning into Wyatt’s mouth. He wanted this. There was no point in pretending to himself that he didn’t, that he didn’t desperately want Wyatt regardless of how completely, utterly maddening he was.

  He tightened his thighs to push his knees into Wyatt’s waist, holding him in place and sucking on his tongue, moaning again at the combined taste of chocolate and Wyatt, his senses opening up in a rush.

  Tension pooled in his belly, his cock stirring in response to Wyatt rocking against him, demanding nothing but offering everything.

  And Kai wanted it.

  He wanted absolutely everything Wyatt was willing to give him, and probably more besides, and the sheer wave of lust rolling over him at the thought of having it was enough to make his head spin.

  He put a hand on Wyatt’s shoulder, jumping off the counter and pushing him back until he collided with the fridge.

  They parted, just for a moment, staring into each others eyes, both of them flushed and panting. This time, though, the spell didn’t break.

  Kai licked his lips, and then fell to his knees.

  Right now, he couldn’t imagine anything more incredible than sucking Wyatt’s cock until he came down his throat.

  A glance up at Wyatt got him a tight, wide-eyed nod, and that was all the confirmation he needed that Wyatt wanted this, too. That finally, spectacularly, they were about to burst the sexual tension between them.

  Kai pushed the hem of Wyatt’s t-shirt up, pressing his nose into the soft skin of his belly and breathing in deeply, his tongue darting out to taste. The salt of Wyatt’s skin was different to his own, perhaps a touch more muted.

  Arousal made it hard to think much further about how Wyatt tasted than good. Clean and warm and unquestionably masculine, leaving Kai eager for more.

  He made quick work of Wyatt’s fly, pushing his jeans open and pausing to nuzzle the bulge of his cock through his underwear, breathing in the sharp tang of arousal. A soft moan rumbled in his chest, pure, white-hot need rushing to his own cock, making it twitch again.

  Kai worked his own jeans open one-handed as well, still clutching the bowl of warm ganache in the other hand.

  A wicked, wonderful thought flitted through his brain and made excitement well up in his chest. He smirked to himself, deciding it was a fantastic idea, and pushed Wyatt’s underwear out of the way, letting his half-hard cock spring free.

  Kai licked his lips, then dipped his finger in the still-warm ganache and let a thin line of it drizzle along the length of Wyatt’s cock.

  “What the fuck?” Wyatt asked above him, his voice already strained with arousal.

  Kai ignored the question, leaning in instead to lick the chocolate off him, sighing happily at the combined tastes of Wyatt’s cock and the rich, dark sauce. It was a thousand times better than it’d tasted on his tongue, the scent of arousal mingling with the salt taste of clean skin, making Kai’s cock twitch.

  He dipped his finger in the chocolate again, this time smearing it around the head and immediately sucking it into his mouth, letting his eyes fall closed as the first drop of precome hit the back of his tongue.

  “Don’t stop,” Wyatt murmured, spreading his legs just a little further apart. His hand dropped to Kai’s shoulder, fingers just barely touching, as though he wanted to grab him and hold him in place, but was afraid of scaring him off.

Kai chuckled around the head of Wyatt’s cock, swirling his tongue around it to clean it completely. It was too thick to take all the way into his mouth, short of dislocating his jaw, but they could work around that.

  Pulling back, Kai looked up at Wyatt with as much innocence as he could manage, subtly licking his lips.

  He could see that this was killing him, and he loved every minute of it. Teasing Wyatt had quickly become his favorite activity, though sucking his cock was working its way up the ranking already.

  Getting to do both at once definitely worked for him.

  With a smirk, Kai raised the bowl of chocolate above Wyatt’s cock, then poured a thick stream over the head, careful not to actually let it drip off.

  “Hold this,” he instructed, pressing the bowl into Wyatt’s free hand.

  Wyatt clasped his fingers around it automatically, not even pausing to consider the possibility of disobeying the order. That was interesting, and definitely something worth filing away for later reference.

  Kai chuckled and surged forward, sealing his lips around the head of Wyatt’s cock again and moaning. He could get used to this. He loved the way Wyatt tasted, even without the chocolate, and he loved doing this.

  Wrapping one hand around the base of Wyatt’s cock, Kai moved his other one to the front of his own pants, fumbling the fly open eagerly. He wasn’t doing this just for Wyatt’s benefit. His own cock was already hard, just starting to leak into his underwear.

  Kai rubbed the heel of his hand over the length of it through the thin fabric of his boxer-briefs, drawing a shuddering breath around Wyatt’s cock as he did so. Wyatt’s hand tightened on his shoulder, the grip almost hard enough to bruise.

  The last thing Kai planned to do was complain about that. Wyatt’s fingers were grounding, points of pressure that gave him something to focus on instead of the blazing inferno of arousal burning in the pit of his stomach.

  There’d been tension between them since day one, thick enough to cut even with one of Wyatt’s hopelessly blunt knives, and now it was finally crumbling all around them. Relief was almost as strong as arousal in the air, he knowledge that both of them wanted this settling over them.

  Kai moaned at the thought, letting his eyes fall closed as he sucked Wyatt’s cock clean, shoving his own underwear out of the way and curling his fingers around it.

  He stroked both of them at the same time, grunting softly as Wyatt’s hand moved to his neck instead, fingertips barely brushing against his skin. The heat and weight of Wyatt’s cock in his mouth made him moan, the slow, steady flow of precome lighting up Kai’s palate like a rare wine.

  Everything about Wyatt was infuriatingly fascinating, from his charming smile to the feel of his cock in Kai’s mouth, thick and satisfying. This wasn’t going to be enough. Some part of Kai had thought it would, that he’d do this once and never need to do it again, but…

  He’d want this again. He wasn’t finished and he already wanted it again, was already anticipating how Wyatt would feel under him, their cocks lined up together, or Wyatt’s inside him, where he could take it all, well and truly filling him up.

  Wyatt hissed above him, a sharp sound that told Kai he was close. The fingers around his shoulder tightened painfully, digging deep into the flesh, but all that did was make his own cock twitch. Knowing that he was making Wyatt come apart was the ultimate turn-on.

  Kai was close, too, his cock aching with the need to come. It’d been too long since he’d done this, all his senses on fire at the taste and smell of Wyatt, at the sounds he was making.

  It felt so good to get him off, to have him leaking into his mouth, making soft, desperate sounds as his hips started to rock of their own accord, forcing Kai to relax his jaw and take the movement, to move with the way the head of Wyatt’s cock nudged against his palate, spreading precome all over it.

  A low, strangled groan was all the warning Kai got that Wyatt was about to come, the first pulse hitting the back of his tongue almost at the same moment, forcing him to swallow it down greedily.

  The shock of it tipped him over the edge too, his own cock twitching as his orgasm hit, a moan tearing its way out of the back of his throat.

  The first wave hit him like a sledgehammer to the lower back, making his hips jerk forward and his eyes water as a hot flush of arousal washed over him, spilling out of his cock and all over his hand.

  He sucked eagerly on Wyatt’s cock as he finished, cleaning every drop of fluid away even as he striped his own stomach and coated his fingers, his head spinning with the force of it as wave after wave of pleasure rippled down from the top of his spine to the base, making his hips jerk into his hand.

  Wyatt was almost still, but Kai could feel his muscles trembling with the effort of staying that way. The courtesy surprised him, though it probably shouldn’t have. Wyatt was, above all else, nice.

  He wouldn’t fuck someone’s throat unless they asked him.

  Kai pulled back, licking his lips, seriously considering asking. His jaw ached from the strain, but the thousand different tastes of Wyatt were still lingering in his memory, a warm curl of arousal making his stomach feel heavy even though he’d just come.

  As predicted, he wanted more. This wasn’t enough. If he’d thought for a second it’d get Wyatt out of his system, he was wrong.

  After a moment of catching his breath, Kai stood, tucking his spent cock back into his underwear and zipping up efficiently. He grabbed a handful of paper towels from the roll on the counter, wiping himself off as best he could, though he’d definitely need a shower when he got home.

  No, a bath. A bath, and a surround-sound replay in the privacy of his own mind, where he could stroke his cock languidly for as long as he wanted without any need to rush, like there had been this time.

  They could have been caught doing that. Filming was done for the day, but it wasn’t impossible that someone else might have come in here.

  He hadn’t even paused to think of that. He’d wanted Wyatt so intensely that he couldn’t think of anything else.

  Wyatt cleared his throat, and Kai looked up just in time to see him buttoning his pants back up. “You, uh…” he said, gesturing at the corner of his own mouth.

  Kai balled up the handful of paper towels he’d grabbed and tossed them in the trash. His whole face was hot, and he knew he must have been bright pink all over.

  Wyatt was staring at him. Kai wiped his mouth again with the back of his hand, assuming he’d missed a spot, but it came back clean. He raised an eyebrow.

  “Uh,” Wyatt began, his voice low. “You just… you’re all rumpled and your lips are swollen and it’s… kinda hot?”

  Despite everything, Kai laughed. “Kinda?” he repeated, amused.

  He’d just sucked Wyatt off after covering his cock in chocolate ganache. That had to qualify for an upgrade from kinda hot.

  “Really,” Wyatt corrected, looking down at the floor for a moment and wetting his lips.

  Kai hadn’t seen him shy before now. It was surprisingly sweet.

  He was so used to Wyatt being endlessly charming, with an easy smile and all the confidence in the world. Somehow, though, Kai had managed to make him stumble.

  That felt good, in a way he wasn’t quite ready to examine just yet.

  “So, uh,” Wyatt looked up at him, and Kai barely suppressed a grin at having reduced his vocabulary to so, uh and a few other important words.

  He knew he was good at sucking cock, but it was nice to be reminded.

  “Come over tonight?” Wyatt asked.

  Kai’s heart lurched into his throat. He hadn’t been expecting that.

  He wanted it, though. This hadn’t been enough, and he wasn’t sure now that he’d ever get enough, but he’d take whatever was on offer. Wyatt had gotten under his skin, smile by smile, joke by joke. Hell, even pastry by pastry, made with so much concern for whether or not Kai would like it.

  Out of pride, at first, Kai was sure. But now it felt like something different. Fri
endship, even.

  He nodded, decision made. The thing he most wanted to do with his evening was have Wyatt fuck him until he passed out. If it was on offer, he was taking it.

  “Text me your address,” he said, his voice rough. “I’ll be there.”

  Wyatt licked his lips, nodding once. “See you later, then.”

  Kai cleared his throat, returning Wyatt’s nod. “Later,” he agreed, turning and heading for the studio door, excitement welling up in his stomach.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Wyatt bit his lip so hard he could taste blood as Kai sank down on his cock, the long, lean lines of his body highlighted by the low light of the bedroom, his thighs tense as he settled on Wyatt’s hips, his stomach held taught as he adjusted.

  Kai’s chest heaved with every breath, his cock straining up toward his belly, precome already welling up at the head, just in case Wyatt had any doubt he was into this.

  Not that there was a lot of room for that. Kai had all but wrestled him to the bed the moment he got in the door, tearing his clothes off, pushing him down and kissing him until his lungs burned while he slicked himself, soft grunts of need making Wyatt’s cock twitch between them.

  Wyatt wasn’t inclined to object to Kai’s enthusiasm. The way Kai had sucked him off earlier, he could have anything he wanted in return, and if what he wanted was to ride Wyatt like a prize stallion?

  Absolutely, one hundred percent cool with him.

  Kai’s hands landed heavily on Wyatt’s shoulders, skillful fingers digging deep into the flesh, pressure points that hovered between pleasure and pain. He used the leverage to bounce on Wyatt’s cock, short, sharp thrusts that knocked the breath out of Wyatt’s lungs, left him gasping for air.

  He was being used, and he knew it, but he really couldn’t bring himself to mind. Kai was hot, and Wyatt had come to like him, and if he wanted to have enthusiastic, athletic sex all night, Wyatt was fine with that.

  He reached out to touch, curling his fingers around Kai’s waist at first, rubbing his thumb against the smooth, soft skin of his stomach. Kai grunted in response, but it sounded like a good grunt, so he kept it up, unsure what else to do.


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