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The Naughty Virgin (Sorority Sins XXX Book 2)

Page 2

by Sadie May

  Both of their lips set me to flames and every inch of me came alive. My breath was coming in shallow gasps as they each inched closer to my ear.

  I tried to clear the haze of lust. Did they know they were both kissing me? “Wait,” my ragged breath pushed out. “This isn’t right. The two of you--”

  “Is it weird?” Eric quietly spoke by my ear.

  “We understand if it is,” Kyle murmured in the other.

  Wait… they weren’t in competition. I didn’t have to pick. They both wanted to be with me. Holy shit. Why was that idea so totally hot? “No,” I heard myself saying. I should have said yes. But Kyle’s hand was now at my knee and Eric’s was steadily moving up my bare thigh and my pussy was pulsing like nothing I had ever felt before. “It’s just that I’ve never--”

  “We know you’ve never been with two guys. But it’s not that different from one.” Kyle grinned against my ear, his hand now sliding up my leg too.

  Eric’s dark hand was just inches from my dripping pussy and he started dancing his fingers in little patterns on my thigh. Without meaning to, I opened my legs further and his fingers moved closer to the juncture between my legs.

  Then Eric kissed along my jaw and suddenly his lips were slanting across mine. If I’d been dripping before, I was now soaked as his tongue plundered my mouth. Missy was never getting this dress back, I’d ruined it.

  “Tell you what,” Kyle was pulling me into his lap so my back was against his chest. Eric kept kissing me as Kyle spoke. “We’ll only show you the pleasure you can have. We’ll worry about us another time. Tonight is all about you.”

  “That doesn’t seem fair,” I started to speak but then Eric’s fingers brushed against my folds and any thoughts fell out of my head.

  Eric lifted his mouth for a second, giving me a wicked smile. “You’re not wearing anything under here.”

  “The dress showed panty lines,” I gasped as his fingers started making little circles on my clit.

  Kyle positioned my legs so they were falling on either side of his. One of his hands crept under my ass and then his fingers were circling the rim of my hole, stroking up the crack of my ass and back down again. “You’re so wet for us, sweetheart.”

  Eric’s second hand slid the straps of my dress off my shoulders. Normally, I would have been embarrassed to have my dress scrunched at my waist in front of two guys but what they were doing made me feel so good, I didn’t even care.

  One of my hands reached back over my head to twine into Kyle’s hair. He, in turn, used his free hand to tweak one my nipples. I cried out into Eric’s mouth, it felt so good.

  That was all the encouragement Kyle needed to slip a finger into my pussy. Eric was still working my clit and my body tightened, my insides started to tremble.

  “Tiffani, you’re so tight.” Kyle groaned in my ear. “I don’t know that I’ve felt a tighter pussy.” He started to pull his finger out.

  “Don’t stop,” I begged as my other hand curled into Eric’s hair. I opened my eyes for a second to look at Kyle to beg him to keep finger fucking me when I caught sight of Missy standing in the doorway to the dining room. Her cell phone was in her hand and she seemed to be filming us. I was still in the common room for crying out loud. I’d forgotten everything but the feel of these two gorgeous men.

  I was about to ask her what the hell she was doing. Though some small part of me liked it. Liked that she saw me with these two gorgeous men. But Kyle inserted two fingers into my pussy as Eric’s mouth dropped to my nipple. I forgot about Missy, the phone, and the common room as the most powerful orgasm of my life ripped through me.

  A moan tumbled from my mouth as my pussy milked Kyle’s finger. Eric slowed the circles on my now sensitive clit and his lips came back up to kiss mine.

  Then Kyle reached for my chin and turned my face back to kiss me too. My body sagged against his, my eyes heavy as his lips met mine over and over.

  Eric righted my clothes as he gently moved my legs together. “We should put her to bed,” Eric whispered.

  Kyle lifted his lips from mine. “Okay, just let her fall asleep first. We wore her out.”

  They weren’t wrong. I could barely keep my eyes open. A third voice called from the doorway. Distantly, I recognized Missy’s sassy cadence as she said, “Her room is just up the stairs. Third door on the left.”

  My room? I didn’t have a room yet. I was still only a maybe. But I didn’t have time to think about it further as the comfort of the man sandwich I was currently in and the powerful orgasm lulled me right to sleep.

  I woke the next morning feeling amazing. It might have been the best sleep of my life. I was still a virgin but I had done something so naughty. Missy was right, it was empowering.

  But I’d forgotten to even exchange numbers with at least one of them. My shoulders fell. Now that this part of me had been opened, I had to admit, I wanted to explore it further. But it was probably for the best, I mean you couldn’t actually date two guys at the same time, could you? And as much as I’d loved last night, was I going to lose my virginity in a hookup? I wished I had more experience, then maybe I’d know how to handle this.

  I went down the hall to the common showers to rinse myself off at the very least. It was unlike any shower room I’d ever seen. Instead of stalls, there was one large room with ten or twelve shower heads coming out of the wall. How strange.

  But there was nothing I could do to change it. So I turned one of them on and started to shower.

  I hadn’t been in there for more than a minute when I heard the door open.

  Turning, I saw Missy. I started to cover myself but she rolled her eyes. “Save the modesty, I’ve seen you come. Here’s some extra soap and shampoo.”

  “Right,” I said taking them from her hand. I started to ask her why she had been watching but she started first.

  “Whenever you’re ready, you can move the rest of your stuff in.” She gave me a wink. “Damn girl, that was some hot fucking shit last night. I thought you’d do some super vanilla stuff with some Ken doll jock to match your Barbie vibe. But you went all out with two studs.”

  My face flushed, remembering that Missy had been watching. “Were you filming us?”

  She waved her hand. “We all do some freaky shit. You can participate as much or as little as you want. But every sister makes a video. It’s how we promise to keep each other’s secrets.” She gave me a wink. “Yours is done so that makes you an official member.”

  “Seriously?” My brain tried to process all of this. Secrets?

  “It will be easier if you just see it.” She gave me a wink. “Meet me in the common room tonight at eight.”

  I made it through my classes and back to Kappa house by eight. I hadn’t any clue what I was going to and even less of an idea what to wear. So I settled on jeans and see through top with a tank underneath.

  I wasn’t sure I wanted to do this. What I wanted was to spend another with the gorgeous men who’d made me feel so good but I had no idea how to contact them.

  Missy was waiting for me with a naughty grin. “About time,” she chirped.

  “I’m five minutes early.” My hands spread out in front of me.

  She rolled her eyes. “So you can participate or just watch. It’s your call.” She licks her top lip. “I am participating tonight. I need to blow off some steam.”

  “Blow off steam?” I ask.

  “Your show last night was super-hot.” Giving my ass a little slap, she grabbed my hand. “Come on!”

  Heading down the basement steps, we crossed to a nondescript door. With one final glance back at me Missy opened the door and pulled me inside.

  I staggered back for a moment as the sight of the other rush chair, Morgan, blurred my vision. She was naked and splayed out, bucking her hips on a man’s cock. Her head was tossed back and her back was arched as a low keening moan fell from her lips. I couldn’t see her face, but I knew she was blissed out, in front of all these people. It was hot and
I felt myself getting wetter.

  This was a large room and several other groupings were in various states of sex. One of my sister’s was sitting on a guy’s face while another rode his cock.

  Two girls were in the sixty nine position. I couldn’t help it, I was so wet. Missy gave my hand a squeeze. “I’ve got a date but, feel free to stay as long as you want. Just watch, or join in. Totally your call.”

  She disappeared down a hall with lots of doors but not before I caught sight of her date. I could have sworn, it was Professor Brandt, my bio professor. His eyes locked with mine for a split second before he turned and followed Missy.

  I bit my lip. God, I wanted to feel someone inside of me so bad. Well, not anyone. I wanted Kyle or Eric. I knew that. But how was I ever going to find them?

  The next morning, I got jumped out of bed and headed to my dorm room to change for class. I had to move the rest of my stuff, this was crazy.

  But I’d worry about that later, right now my head was spinning with all I’d seen last night. Was that me? Did I want to do that too?

  Pulling my hair into a loose bun, I pulled on a sweater, admittedly the tightest I had, and a pair of form-fitting jeans. I didn’t normally do that for class, but I was revved up today and the sexy was oozing out of me.

  Then, slipping on a pair of boots, I headed for my bio class. It was a super important one for me, I was a pre-med major and I wanted a perfect score in these gen eds.

  Shuffling into the lecture, I took my usual seat towards the back, noticing that a few guys gave me some long looks. Clearly, my outfit or my new swagger was catching some attention. I smiled shyly back at one of them. It wasn’t that I could think of anyone but Eric and Kyle, it was more that I finally understood how to approach a guy or at least give him an invitation to approach me. It was thrilling.

  A large shadow crossed my seat and I turned my head to see what was causing it. Standing in front of me were Eric and Kyle. What were they doing in my bio class?

  From the sitting position, they were giant. Tall, broad shouldered and gorgeous. My skin heated just looking at them. The ache between my thighs began throbbing again.

  “Hey,” Eric gave me grin.

  “Hi,” Kyle winked. Then he looked over at the guy I’d just exchanged glances with. “Who’s your friend?”

  My eyebrows rose a notch. He sounded… jealous. “I don’t know.” I cleared my throat. “What…what are you doing here?

  Eric’s grin broadened. “We’re TAs, remember. We’ve been reassigned to help Professor Brandt.”

  “Oh,” I managed to murmur but a blush was travelling down my cheeks through my entire body. I was going to see the two guys I shamelessly spread my legs for every week in bio class. The three of us weren’t going to live happily ever after. A threesome was a hook up. Even my virgin self knew that. I should end this but here they were, standing over me, making my pussy throb. I crossed my legs and squeezed my thighs together, hoping to relieve the pressure. It didn’t work.

  “Listen,” Kyle started leaning closer.

  I held my breath. As much as I’d told myself that getting involved with them was a bad idea, hearing them give me the speech made my chest tighten in pain. Because I knew what followed the word listen. My friends in high school had gone through this a million times.

  Listen, last night was fun and all but it was just a one night thing…

  Or, listen you’re great but I just don’t want a relationship right now…

  “Good morning, class,” Professor Brandt called from the front of the room.

  Kyle straightened and both he and Eric looked to the front. Then Eric turned to me and his hand dropped down to lightly brush along my arm. “We’ll talk after class.”

  That only confused me more. Was he just being sympathetic?

  Then they both started down the steps toward the front of the lecture hall. Relief and disappointment shot through me. It was heady to be near them but I had been saved from imminent rejection.

  When they reached the bottom, Professor Brandt signaled them to his side. My mouth went dry as his eyes met mine in a knowing glance. I pulled out my laptop, intent on trying to concentrate on this class, though it was likely futile.

  But I stopped mid-movement because my professor and both Eric and Kyle were staring directly at me. They were whispering furiously, and even from here, the intensity of Kyle’s and Eric’s gazes made me heat with desire. What was the professor telling them about me? Images from last night flitted through my thoughts again and I groaned.

  What were they saying? This is why I never hooked up with guys. This part was so messy! And the worst was, I still wanted them, craved them. My body still pulsing with need.

  If paying attention had been a lost cause before, now I couldn’t listen to word, my brain buzzing. I wanted to run away. I wanted to throw myself in their arms and let them ravage me.

  The students around me started to stand, and I realized that class was over. Relief swept through me and I bolted out of my seat, pushing past students to get to the door. I didn’t want to hear their rejection, didn’t want them to see how much I wanted to be with them again.

  I breathed a sigh when I made it to the hall and started towards the main corridor when a hand stopped me.

  It wasn’t rough, but it was firm. “Where are you going?” Kyle whispered right behind me.

  “I…” I swallowed. “I was… that is to say… I am a little…” The words died on my lips. How did I tell them that I wanted them so much, I couldn’t hear their rejection? I shouldn’t want this but I did.

  “Our sweet girl,” Eric came up on my other side. I was in the middle of a man sandwich again and it felt amazing. I closed my eyes for a second.

  Kyle’s voice caressed my other ear. “You’re running away from us.”

  I shook my head no. “I wasn’t.”

  “Then why the dash out the door?”

  My face turned bright pink. Eric’s hand was holding my waist and Kyle’s was on my other shoulder. It made me feel safe and so I told the truth. “When Kyle said ‘listen’ I just assumed he was giving me the talk. You know the, ‘it was fun but now I’m your teacher’ kind of talk.”

  They both chuckled. “When we saw you smile at that other guy,” Eric murmured.

  “We thought you were about to give us the talk,” Kyle finished.

  Spinning myself around, their hands slid over my body. “You finish each other’s sentences, you know that, right?”

  They nodded but Kyle spoke first. “We’ve been best friends since we were little. We fought over some girls early on but then we figured out, we did best when we just shared.”

  Shared? They wanted to share me? “You mean sex?” I looked from one to the other.

  Both gave me an intense gaze but Eric finally answered. “I think we need to take this somewhere more private.”

  “There’s a lot to discuss,” Kyle finished. And then they were pulling me down the main hall and out the front doors.

  Each was holding one of my hands and, honestly, it felt really nice. No girl had ever been as cradled as I was between these two.

  We crossed the common quickly and then Eric pulled out an ID badge to scan to get into the grad dorms.

  Moving through the lobby, Kyle pressed the button for the elevator and one slid immediately open.

  They pulled me inside and the doors slid closed. Kyle turned me towards me. “I didn’t get to really kiss you last night.” And then his lips dropped to mine.

  I was totally lost as his mouth ravaged mine. His tongue sweeping against my tongue, sending shivers of pleasure all through my body. Kyle was more aggressive where Eric was softer, but it was exciting that they were different.

  Eric brushed my hair to the side and started kissing my neck, his hands running down my back and cupping my ass.

  The elevator dinged and, knowing the doors would slide open, we broke apart, panting.

  Thankfully no one was in the hall, and Kyle gra
bbed my hand pulling me to a door on the left. Eric quickly opened it and we all tumbled inside.

  Kyle started kissing me again. I was lost, barely thinking when he raised his head. “How can you seem so innocent and kiss like that?” He grinned.

  I blushed. “I’m not sure.”

  “You forgot to mention how sexy she looks. Tiffani, you’re a knockout.” And then Eric’s hands were tracing my curves.

  “I need to ask you,” Kyle tilted my chin to look in my eyes. “How much experience have you had?”

  The pink in my cheeks began spreading down my neck. “Not very much.” I took a breath about to tell him all of it. That I was the big V.

  “I didn’t think so but Professor Brandt mentioned your new house gets up to some pretty kinky shit.” Kyle’s eyes searched hers.

  Oh my God, I knew that is what they were talking about?

  “My sister brought me to the party two nights ago because I had to prove I wasn’t a total goody in order to get in.” I pleaded with my eyes for Kyle to understand.

  But it was Eric who spoke next. “Do they expect you to hook up with guys often?”

  I wondered if I should tell them about the video. With insurance in place, I was free to do what I wanted. But I didn’t dare tell them they were now on film, I’d just dodged their rejection. And besides, I needed to tell them something else. “No. Now that I’ve proven myself, I can participate as much or as little as I choose.”

  “So, you could be with us and only us?” Kyle bent down, his voice low as his hand stroked up my arm.

  My heart leapt in my chest. I didn’t need a forever commitment but not losing my virginity to a hook up made me feel so much better. “Just the two of you? I’d like that.”

  Eric was kissing the back of my neck again. Kyle ran his hand along the bottom of my sweater before slipping his hand inside and running it along my bare skin. I shivered at the sensation, my mind starting to swim but then I remembered that I hadn’t told them yet. “Wait,” I gasped between breaths.

  They both backed off a few inches. Kyle’s brow scrunched up as he looked at me. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”


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