So Good

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So Good Page 11

by Kayla Carson

  “I have so many questions. Where will we live? How will this work? What-”

  “You're over thinking again Hermosa. What does your heart tell you?” I asked softly, placing my hand over it. “In here?”

  “Yes.” She whispered, her eyes locked on mine. “Yes.” She said again, aloud this time before flinging herself down on top of me. We both fell into a fit of laughter, as she peppered my face with kisses. Gabriel joined in on the fun too, jumping on the both of us and attempting to tickle us. In the end, he was the one being tickled, and when we'd finally calmed him down, I placed my mother's ring on Evie's finger. It fit her perfectly, and looked like it had always been there.

  She smiled, looking down at the sparkling rock. It was a split shank vintage opal ring with a diamond halo. The band was twenty four carat gold, and the opal was one and a half carats, and against the complexion of her skin, it shone brilliantly. My father had it custom made for my mother after their second date. It seems falling hard, and fast was in my DNA. I had never been so happy to sit down and eat cold french toast and bacon. Especially when I was sitting directly across from my new fiance. From the one woman, who has never left my heart. I was finally starting to enjoy life again, and it was all because of her.

  After finishing our breakfast, and getting Gabriel all cleaned up, we decided to head over to Wes, and Zoe's place to tell them our good news. We pulled into their driveway around noon, and Gabriel wanted to be the one to knock on the door. I lifted him in my arms and let him ring the doorbell instead, knowing that it would drive their dog Rocko crazy.

  I could hear Zoe yelling at the poor dog on the other side of the door before she answered it, making me laugh. “Jake!” She said, with a start as if she were surprised to see me. “And Evie, and Gabriel.” She added with a smile. “What brings you guys by?”

  “Can we come in?” I asked, arching a brow. “Or, would you like us to come back another time..” I half joked. She was acting odd.

  “Sorry.” She laughed, “Come in guys. We were just uh, cleaning the bathroom. Let me tell Wes you're here.” She said, running up the stairs.

  “I know she's my sister.” I whispered to Evie, “but if they were having sex it's not like it would be a surprise.”

  Evie smacked my arm playfully, just as Wes, and Zoe came down the stairs. I watched Zoe stop dead in her tracks, as her eye caught Evie's hand as she did so. “Jake?” She asked nonchalantly. “Is Evie wearing mom's ring?”

  “That's why we're here Zo.” I said, the excitement evident in my voice. “Evie and I are engaged.”

  “Engaged?” She asked, like she hadn't heard me correctly. “Jake.. could I talk to you for a minute? Alone.”

  “Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of Evie.” I said, standing my ground.

  “Maybe so, but I'd rather not say anything in front of Gabriel.” She smiled sweetly at him. “Do you want to go help Uncle Wes feed Rocko?”

  “Yes!” He squealed, as he tried to wriggle out of Evie's arms. She set him down, and Wes immediately took his hand, leading him towards the kitchen, and away from our conversation.

  When she was sure that Gabriel was out of ear shot, Zoe focused her attention back on Evie, and I. “What the actual fuck?” She asked, with exasperation.

  Chapter 24 Then

  Knowing that I had Zoe's support meant the world to me. It made leaving her alone with Wes, a little more bearable. But, only a little bit. I could tell by the way that he looked at her, he was interested. I just hoped my leaving wouldn't push them together. I had already lost Evie, and if something happened between Wes, and Zoe, I'd lose him too. I would have to choose sides, and obviously I'd choose my sister.

  Normally, I'd be back on base, but thanks to General Wyatt I was a few hours away from landing in Georgia. There was a training facility there, and he thought I was the man for the job. Honestly, after fucking up so bad on my last mission, I was feeling a little relieved. I'd be in charge of a platoon, but only in a training aspect. If I did a good job, there was a chance for a promotion, and that was what I decided I was really after.

  If I had to live my life without Evie, and move on, then this was the only way I knew how. Only this time, I was going to do it right. No more hot shot moves, just by the book military training. It was time to the be the kind of man who deserved respect, and I realized that these past few months I'd lost all sight of him. If my father were still here his disappointment would be staggering.

  When I entered the army two and half years ago, it was because I wanted to find myself, to find what I was good at. Now, I was staying because it became all that I knew. I felt like myself among my men. I wasn't judged, or looked down upon, even when I messed up. There was a kind of brotherhood that only they, and I understood, and I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me love it even more.

  I was finally on the right path, and I owed it to my sister. She let me lose it, and then she was there to help me pick up the pieces. I may have been the one who was looking after her, but she was always the glue that held us together. Even when our parents were alive, it was Zoe who kept us all sane. She had this way about her, an honesty that no one ever questioned. I'd never admit it, but I wished I had some of that. My fear was almost non existent when I was out on a mission, but when it came to my feelings, I was a coward. And it was my cowardice, that lost Evie.

  The flight attendant announced that we'd be landing soon, and everyone fastened their seatbelts. I closed my eyes, as the plane made it's decent, secretly hoping for a little turbulence. Life wasn't anything but consistent, and it only seemed fitting that my landing wouldn't be a smooth one. Why change things now?

  I walked into the airport with my bag slung over my shoulder. I was heading towards the baggage claim, when a woman holding a sign caught my eye. It said “Jake Cruz.” With confusion, I made my way towards her abandoning my bags for the moment. When I stopped in front of her, I pointed to the sign. “I'm Jake Cruz.” I said.

  “Yes you are.” She winked. “Grab your bags soldier, you're coming with me.”

  “And you are?” I asked, skeptically.

  “A friend sent me.” She smiled sweetly. “Now go grab your bags.”

  “Yes, maa'm.” I smiled back, before doing as she instructed. When I returned, she'd abandoned the sign, and stood waiting, her arms crossed over her chest, and her hip cocked to the side. She was cute, but I still had no idea who the hell she was. “You gonna tell me your name Sweetheart?” I asked, as I followed her out of the airport, and into a waiting limousine.

  “Candace, but everyone usually just calls me Candy.”

  “Ok Candy. What's with the limo?”

  “Do you always ask so many questions?” She asked, placing her hand on the door handle.

  “Only when I'm being picked up by a beautiful woman from the airport in a limo.” I said.

  “I like you Cruz.” She smiled. “I think we're going to be good friends. Now, are you getting in first, or should I?”

  “Ladies first.” I said, placing my hand over hers so I could be the one to open the door. Friend of a friend or not, I was a gentleman.

  We slipped into the limo, and the partition screen was already up, so I had no idea who the driver was. I watched as Candy poured herself a glass of wine, and then she offered me one. I declined, I was on my way to the training facility after all. Showing up hammered probably wouldn't make the best first impression. “Suite yourself.” She said, bringing her glass to her lips. “We have an hours drive, what do you want to do?” She asked, crossing her legs strategically, allowing her dress to rise higher up her thighs.

  “Which one of my friends arranged this?” I asked, suddenly getting the feeling that Candy was more of a stage name than an actual name.

  “Luke Mendez.” She said, taking another sip of her wine. “His way of saying thank you.”

  I let out a breath that sounded like a quiet howl. “I don't want to offend you here Sweetheart, but what exactly did he hire you
to do?”

  She laughed, polishing off her glass, and placing it back in the cup holder. “I'm an escort.” She said, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, before sliding over to sit beside me. She placed her hand on my thigh, and gave it a little squeeze. “Luke said you had a lot of tension, and I'm here to help you iron it all out.” Her hand rose higher, brushing against the side of my cock. “Just tell me what you need.” She whispered, leaning towards me, her intentions more than clear.

  “Listen.” I said, placing my hand over hers, and removing it from my thigh. “You're a beautiful woman, really, but this isn't my kind of thing. Do you understand?”

  “What are you saying?” She asked, sticking her bottom lip out in a pout that was probably supposed to be alluring, but instead made her seem spoiled, and childish.

  “I'm saying, the limo will drop you off wherever you need to go, but that's all that we're doing together. Just enjoying a car ride.”

  “But, I'm already paid for.” She pouted again, crossing her arms.

  “Consider this an easy days work then.” I smiled. This seemed to infuriate her, and she quickly went to the other side of the limo and tapped on the glass. The partition went down, and she gave the driver the address to a hotel. She remained quiet until the car finally stopped ten minutes later. When I offered to get the door for her, she flipped me off, and climbed over me instead. I had a few choice words for Mendez when I seen him again.

  “How much longer until we arrive at Fort Benning?” I asked the driver, before he had the chance to put the partition up again.

  “Ten minutes sir.” The driver replied.

  “Thank you.” I said, closing my eyes, and rubbing my temples with my hands. I was suddenly struck with the biggest headache, and it was called Luke Mendez.

  When we pulled up to the base the men at the front gate, looked less than impressed. Instead of arguing with the driver, and the other soldiers I just grabbed my bags, and walked around to the front of the limo. “Sergeant Jake Cruz.” I said, “General Wyatt sent me from Fort Hunter Liggett.”

  The men looked from me, then to the limo, the question in their eyes evident. “It was my platoons idea of a joke.” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “I assure you, I normally drive a beat up chevy pickup.” I joked, trying to clear the air. The last thing I wanted was for my train-ees to think I was some spoiled rich kid who got the job because of his connections.

  After radioing their supervisor, I was finally allowed in, and I walked. I didn't care if I had to walk a mile, that limo was staying on the other side of the Fort. Luckily it was more like the length of a country driveway, and when I made it to the front office, I seen a few familiar faces. Butler, and Mendez, were sitting in the waiting room type area with shit eating grins on their faces.

  “Have a good ride Sarge?” Mendez asked, raising his eyebrows up and down, causing Butler to fall into a fit of laughter.

  “Real slick guys. You forgetting who's in charge here?” I asked.

  “I am.” General Wyatt said loud, and stern, seemingly appearing out of no where. “If you boys are done playing with each other now, I'll tell you why you're all here.”

  Chapter 25 Now

  Evie, and I followed Zoe back up stairs so that Gabriel wouldn't over hear anything he shouldn't have. I knew my sister would have reservations about Evie, and I, but I thought she would at least respect our decision. When were safely shut in the guest bedroom, Evie and I sat down on the bed, leaving Zoe to pace the room.

  “Have you completely lost your mind?” She asked, aiming the question directly at me.

  “You know how much I love her Zoe. It's the right move.”

  “Oh it's the right move is it?” She said, shaking her head in disbelief. “I'm sorry, but does she know what she did to you? What she put you through?!”

  Evie stood then, getting right in my sister's face. “Listen Zoe, I respect you, but you're way out of line. You aren't his protector, and you don't get to make decisions for him.”

  “No, that's your job!” Zoe spat back. “Like deciding that he didn't need to know about his son!”

  “This doesn't even concern you!” Evie said, raising her hands in disbelief. “We don't have to explain anything to you.”

  “You almost killed him Evie!” Zoe yelled, tears beginning to form behind her eyes. “He threw himself into every single dangerous mission. The ones that no one wanted. He almost got his entire platoon killed because he just didn't give a shit anymore. You did that! You nearly destroyed him, and it took years to get him back to a good place!” Zoe's tears were falling freely now. “I've always rooted for you two, but this? This is insane.” She said softly.

  Evie turned to face me, her own eyes brimming with tears. “Is that true Jake?” She asked, sitting back down beside me.

  “I'll leave you two alone.” Zoe said, reaching for the door handle.

  “Wait.” I said standing, and reaching for her hand. I led her back towards the bed, sitting her down beside Evie. “You two are the most important women in my life, and there's a lot that both of you don't know. Yes, when Evie left I lost my damn mind. I called the police, I jumped into ridiculously dangerous situations, and I trashed my room. I did all of that because I blamed myself. I was living a life that didn't feel like mine. I let my fear of saying the wrong thing, control me, so I just didn't say anything at all. To either of you. Zoe, you're the reason I was able to move on without Evie. I know you think that I'm making a mistake, and that I'm jumping in head first, but I'm taking a cue from you.”

  “From me?” She asked puzzled.

  “Yes. You. You've always told me the truth, and said whatever was on your mind, just like today. Evie, and I are meant to be. It's as complicated, and as simple as that. We are going forward with our eyes wide open. She still intends to open her practice, and work at Harper's House. I still have eighteen months left of IRR. Nothing is changing, except for the fact that we're no longer going through these things alone. We haven't got all the details ironed out yet, but we will. We'll make it work, because nothing in my life makes sense without Evie.”

  “You're right.” Zoe said, turning to face Evie. “I'm sorry I jumped down your throat. It's just seeing my mother's ring on your finger after everything that Jake's gone through, it really threw me for a loop.”

  Before Evie could respond, a soft knock came on the door. “Zoe?” Wes called out. “I uh, I need you in the bathroom.”

  Zoe stood quickly, wiping her tears from her face before pulling the door open. Gabriel squirmed out of Wes' hands and ran over to Evie giving her a big hug. “I uh, I'll leave you guys to talk.” Zoe said, slipping out of the bedroom, and taking Wes' waiting hand.

  I closed the door behind her, taking the now vacant seat beside Evie. “I wonder what that was all about?” I asked. “First they were cleaning the bathroom when we arrived, and now Wes needs help?” Evie just shrugged, quietly kissing the top of Gabriel's head. “Hey.” I said, using my finger to lift her chin towards me. “We're ok.” I said reassuring her. “Everything's going to be ok.”

  “I didn't know.” She sobbed softly. “I didn't know leaving the way that I did would hurt you so much. I thought you'd find someone to fall in love with, and you'd move on. How could I have been so selfish.”

  “Hermosa, you are not selfish. A little messy maybe, but not selfish.” I teased.

  “Aren't I? You're leaving tomorrow Jake, and I know you can't stay, but I still said yes. I still agreed to marry you.”

  “That isn't selfish Hermosa, that's smart.” I winked. “You said yes because you love me, and saying yes isn't selfish when it makes me the happiest man in the universe.”

  “Seriously? Has Wes given you pointers, because your game has really improved.” She giggled, and I pulled her, and Gabe onto my lap.

  “Wes isn't the only one who can spew some pretty words.” I said, kissing her softly on the crook of her neck. “You bring out the poet in me Hermosa.”

bsp; “And apparently the cheese too.” She teased.

  “That's it. I've had enough of being made fun of.” I teased back, before tickling her rib cage. In an instant she was on her back, Gabriel laughing uncontrollably on top of her, as I switched my tickling hands from her to him. I was relentless, and didn't stop until she was screaming uncle. “You give up?” I asked, raising my eyebrows playfully.

  “Never.” She said with conviction, but I knew it was no longer in the context of tickling. It was in the context of life. Our lives together, and what we could finally be. A family.

  The three of us went down stairs together, Evie's hand in mine, and Gabriel on her hip. We found Wes, and Zoe sitting on the couch, and took our own seats directly across from them on the loveseat. “I've decided not to sell the house.” I said, gauging Zoe's reaction.

  “What changed your mind?” She asked, sitting up straighter.

  “We had some time to talk upstairs, and we've figured some things out. Evie's practice won't be open for at least another six months, and Gabriel's too young to start school just yet so they're coming with me. When the practice is up and running, she and Gabe will need a place to stay, and it makes sense that they stay there. That the three of us, live there.”

  “You're saying, after you've finished with IRR, you're moving back for good? You're done with the army?” She asked, a bit skeptically.

  “That's what I'm saying.” I said, with a smile. “The last time that house felt like home was when Evie was there. I think that's why I wanted to sell it. Too many memories, not just for Evie, and I, but memories of mom and dad. What do you think?”

  “I think it sounds like you've got everything figured out.” She smiled. “I'm happy for you Jake, I really am.”

  “Thanks Zo. Now, you want to tell me what the hell is going on with you two?” I asked. “Unless Wes suddenly has a bowel issue, I'm not sure why he'd need help in the bathroom.”

  Wes flipped me the bird, a trait he'd apparently adopted from his new wife. But he didn't respond, just took her hand in his and rubbed his thumb over her palm. “Babydoll?” He asked.


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