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The Reindeer's Secret Santa Gift

Page 3

by E A Price

  “Boss, it’s out.”

  “Aww, shit.”

  His herd now knew he needed to mate and fast.

  “The females are on the hunt.”

  “How?” snarled Branch.

  “Not from my enforcers or me. I reckon Alden told Maris – one of my guys saw her flirting with him at the fireworks cider thing.”

  One of the many Christmas events his mom insisted on having. She did offer to cancel it due to the black cloud currently hovering over them, but no, Branch insisted it should be business as usual. He didn’t attend, but then Branch never attended any of her events.


  His mother may be content in thinking that he already had a girlfriend waiting to be his mate, but the other herd females wouldn’t let him be until he had a ring on his finger. Figuratively speaking as reindeer shifters never bothered with jewelry.

  “You want some protection in case you get mobbed?”

  Branch scowled at the hint of amusement in the other male’s tone.

  “No,” he replied peevishly, “just keep digging into Cletus and his herd.”

  “Got it.”

  Branch scrubbed a hand down his face.

  This was not going to go well, yet in spite of that, he couldn’t seem to be annoyed – not too much anyway. The sweetness in the air and the lingering taste of that heavenly cupcake meant that his mood couldn’t dip too much.

  He inhaled and leaned back in his chair, breathing in and out. Perhaps he should warn security about Maris. Perhaps he should have gone ahead and got that panic room installed…


  December 14th

  Mira covertly tried to stretch out her tights. The blasted things were giving her a monstrous wedgie, and the last thing she wanted was for kids to see Santa’s chief elf pawing her own bottom.

  She wasn’t officially called the chief elf, but given that she was Santa’s only elf, she had to figure that she had earned the title of chief.

  Santa was the grandfather of another of Temp’s railroaded volunteers – they were recognizable because they always had a dazed look on their faces once Temp had spoken to them. He was suitably cuddly and jolly, and the kids all loved him. It was a little early yet for gifts so for now he was giving out caramel apple cookies made by his very own chief elf. Santa would be around until Christmas Eve when they would have a large party, and all the kids would be given gifts to open on Christmas day. Some of the gifts would be donated, but others would be bought with the money given to the charity.

  Santa let out a yelp as another kid tried to pull on his beard – it was real, as more than half the kids could now testify. They’d clearly seen too many movies. Luckily Santa was sweet enough not to mind too much.

  Mira hustled another kid onto his lap.

  “Ho ho ho – ouch!”

  Yep, that one bit him. Thankfully, Santa was used to it by now, and it didn’t slow him down.

  Mira lifted the little tyke off Santa and sent him on his way. Santa gave her the signal and Mira nodded.

  She clapped her hands together and called out, “Okay everyone, Santa just has a little North Pole business to attend to, but don’t worry, he’ll be back in five,” Santa cleared his throat, “ten minutes.”

  That was code. It meant Santa needed to pee, or that he just wanted another slice of cake.

  Mira made her way to Temp’s office, stretching her arms and legs. She was starting to ache a little after lifting all those kids – some of them were damn heavy. Too much candy, though she didn’t blame them, she had been a very plump child and was now just a mildly plump adult.

  “Hey, I – oh!”

  She found Temp gorging on an enormous slab of devil’s food cake. One of the many treats she had brought to the center. Santa had already indulged in three slices. He said it was the most gorgeous chocolate cake he had ever eaten. Mira had seriously preened when she heard that.

  “What’s wrong?” asked Mira.

  It wasn’t such a shock to find anyone eating her cake; it was just that Temp didn’t have much of a sweet tooth, and Mira was fast coming to realize that Temp only tended to indulge when she was upset.

  Temp swallowed a huge mouthful. “Deer Co canceled their donation.”

  Mira scrunched up her nose. They were the owners of fancy holiday resorts that Mira knew two things about. One, they were costly and exclusive. Two, she would never be able to stay at one because of reason number one.

  “They did? Why?”

  “No reason. They just canceled it.”

  “Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry.”

  Mira rubbed Temp’s back in soothing circles.

  Temp hiccupped. “They usually donate every month – more at Christmas – but they’ve just canceled their money, and every time I try to call, I get put on hold by a snooty guy who says their CEO is far too busy to talk to me.

  “I can’t believe this – we were depending on that money for the kids’ gifts, and for our Christmas party – not to mention next January’s visit to the aquarium. Real sharks don’t come cheap! I don’t know how we’re going to survive without it.”

  “I wish I could do something,” murmured Mira.

  Temp smiled wanly and squeezed her hand. “It’s okay – everything will be fine.” Not said with much confidence. “Don’t worry – I’ll… I’ll look for more donations.”

  As Mira wiped the chocolate away from Temp’s mouth, she felt absolutely useless. How could she help? She was useless. But she knew she had to try. She had to try and help her sister out – it was Christmas, and everyone deserved a happy Christmas.


  “Isn’t it a little early for our Christmas party?” groused Branch.

  It was only seven, and many herd members were already so drunk they were dancing around the office in a conga line. Well, he assumed they were drunk; he’d never known sober people to form conga lines willingly.

  “Nonsense,” trilled his mom, “you know lots of herd members like to vacation over Christmas.”

  Yes, reindeer shifters loved to run to warmer climes every winter. If Santa were real, he’d be so disappointed.

  Branch huffed, considering how quickly he could make his escape.

  “I’m not sure Ariel should be here,” he grumbled on seeing his little sister talking to a couple of male herd members.

  He didn’t like to see his sister talking to anyone male. Were chastity belts still out of the question?

  His mother shrugged with alarming nonchalance. “She is twenty-one.”

  “But still young!”

  Though, he doubted his straitlaced sister would cause any problems. He wasn’t sure she had even had a boyfriend before. But he definitely didn’t like the way that males were starting to pay attention to her.

  At least the building was a little quieter at that time of year. With so many herd mates absent or busy off enjoying the holiday season, it meant he could get a lot of work done.

  “Is your girlfriend not joining us?” asked his mom.

  Crap. He should really tell his mother the truth but seeing her disappointment when she realized he lied to her was not something he wanted to deal with at that moment.

  Thankfully, he was saved from answering. He was spotted.

  “Alpha! There you are!”

  Maris, decked out in a tiny white and red striped dress, waved at him. The garment barely covered her butt. She looked like a slutty candy cane.

  “Alpha,” she called, “what do you think of poinsettias for centerpieces?”

  Maris was determinedly making her way through the crowd to him.

  Branch let out a rumble. If he didn’t think of something, perhaps he would have to mate Maris to save the herd.

  “You run along, darling,” murmured his mother – and life saver. “I’ll run interference.”

  He was tempted. “Alphas should be brave.”

  “Yes, but even alphas have their limits. Ariel told me that Maris already asked her to be a bridesmaid. J
ust go and save yourself.”

  Branch rolled his eyes. “I’ll be in my office but…”

  “I won’t tell her that.”

  His mom winked, and Branch strode away. His pride wouldn’t let him run, even if his legs wanted that. Maris probably wouldn’t even notice his absence. She was just interested in mating the alpha – she didn’t really care that it was him. She’d probably mate anyone at all who was an alpha – probably even a vole shifter. Actually, she’d probably settle for a beta – anyone high up in a herd. Perhaps he should throw Harlan into her path…

  He made his way to his office, remembering to be careful when he entered. Who knew what delights his brother had left for his Secret Santa gift. His own assistant had purchased an expensive bottle of booze for his second cousin Roger, and he seemed fine with that. Why did his brother have to be such a pain in the ass about it?

  Ten days. Ten damn days until he was expected to mate or he’d lose his herd completely. The noose was tightening round his neck, and he really was starting to believe it would be a noose called Maris.

  He pushed his way into his office and paused. He was met with a deliriously enchanting scent and a scowling elf.


  Holy night! Mira was not expecting Mr. Smolder.

  Getting into the Deer Co building had been easy enough – easier than expected. The security guards recognized her as ‘sandwich girl ‘– well, she was visiting the building five times a week. They sent her right up without question.

  Apparently, there was a Christmas party going on, and given her costume – she hadn’t bothered to change – the guards just assumed she was invited.

  It worked out well, and given everyone’s general joy and drunkenness, no one stopped her when she made her to the CEO’s office in lie in wait for him.

  She was prepared to pounce. She was prepared to harangue. She was not prepared by the staggering intensity that was being directed at her.

  “Who are you?” rumbled the huge male in a husky purr.

  Huge he was - over six foot four. He had at least a foot on her, and boy was he built. Muscles bulged out of a perfectly tailored suit. James Bond eat your heart out.

  He took a step towards her, and she may have trembled just a little, though certainly not out of fear.

  “I’m… uh… an elf?”

  Mental slap. Yep, she was reaching for her go-to move. He took another step, his hard features softening marginally.

  “So I can see.”

  His dark eyes seemed to swirl as they wandered over her costume. She really should have changed. Green tights, pointy shoes, and a tiny red miniskirt were one thing when you were plonking kids on Santa’s lap. They were quite another when you were trying to face down the sexiest man you’d ever met. Oh boy, she really could get lost in that steamy look.

  His lips twitched into an almost smile. But just as fast, he took on a hardened look.

  “I know why you’re here, and I’m not interested. You can leave.”

  He turned around, giving her a wonderful glimpse of a very tight tushie, and proceeded to unbutton his jacket and sit down at his desk. She waited for a moment, but no, he was staring at his computer and not paying her even the slightest bit of attention.

  He was ignoring her and just like that the spell was broken. The nerve! How dare he do that to her after she went to the trouble of forcing her way into his office.

  She let out an angry huff. “Just like that?”

  “Yes,” he said without looking up.

  Mira folded her arms. “How can you be so cold?”

  “Cold?” He looked up, and she froze in the look of disdain.

  Though she could have sworn his eyes momentarily dipped to her breasts. The bust of her costume was pushed to the maximum. The kids didn’t seem to notice, but a couple of the fathers left with happily dazed expressions on their faces. While leaning over to pick up their offspring, undoubtedly she gave them all eyefuls.

  But even if he had been looking down there, he didn’t seem particularly interested, as the next second his eyes were firmly on hers, holding her in place. For a moment she forgot to breathe as she found herself trapped in that powerful stare.

  “You try to lecture me on being cold?” he asked.

  Mira frowned. Was he calling her cold? Well, whatever – screw him! She was not a cold person!

  She jutted her chin and ignored that comment. “What about the people who depend on you? Surely you should think of them!”

  Jeez, his office was freaking palatial – bigger than the house she grew up in – and he was a CEO of a multi-million dollar company. The charity donation was generous but hardly startling. Mira didn’t like to think this way usually, but jeez, he could damn well afford it!

  He looked at her again, but rather than the accusation she saw before, there was a wariness.

  “I am thinking of them. But there has to be a better way than this.”


  She was staring at him blankly. Like she had no idea what he was talking about. Well, playing dumb was not helping.

  Branch breathed deeply. Damnit, he could barely breathe at all. Her scent was everywhere, curling itself around his last nerve, teasing and tempting him. It was cloyingly sweet, yet not unappealing – no, quite the opposite. He should find out what perfume she was wearing, and then ban all herd females from ever wearing it. It was far too intoxicating.

  It was a shame it was also attached to such a tempting female, too. He’d always preferred tall females, lithe and athletic, just like his mate had been. But there was something about this female. Something about that plump lower lip that begged to be bitten. Something about her curves, the way her breasts eagerly pressed against that silly costume, yearning to be free, yearning to be kissed… Something that was making his body heat just a little too much. Why the hell was it so hot in there?!

  Branch cleared his throat. “I won’t deny I am not tempted...”

  Too tempted. Perhaps he would have preferred a python for a Secret Santa gift after all. The hell was his brother thinking? Did his brother honestly think he could just throw this female at him and he’d mate her and then dump her?

  How had his brother known she would even appeal to him? He wondered how much Harlan had offered to pay her. Or maybe she was just one of his many conquests. He had met the women his brother dated; they were cold, calculating gold diggers. His brother was attractive, but they were much more attracted to the family fortune. He didn’t like to think of this soft, pink-cheeked creature being so ruthless. Didn’t like to think of his brother’s greedy, grasping hands making their way over her sensual curves. Didn’t like to think of him making her cry out in pleasure as she… as she…

  That thought had his chest tightening and his reindeer chuffing. No, he didn’t like that at all.

  The female blinked in surprise as he let out a beastly rumble.

  She bit her lip. “Ummm… Maybe I should just go.”

  Go back to Harlan he wondered as his anger blossomed dangerously. Was she running back to his brother’s arms? No, he didn’t want that, not at all.


  He leaped to his feet, blocking the doorway. He didn’t want her to walk away. Maybe it was just a flash of madness, but he didn’t want her to walk out the door. Didn’t want never to see her again. Plus, he did need to mate someone. He wasn’t crazy about his brother’s idiotic scheme, but what other choice did he have? Surely there were a lot worse options than the small, bright-eyed female in front of him.

  “Okay,” he murmured.

  Her small nose wrinkled in confusion. “Okay?”

  “Okay. We should talk terms.”


  “What is your name anyway?”

  “It’s Mira, but what are you…”

  “I’m Branch Connors.”

  “I know, but…”

  He stopped as his mom came into his office. “I am sorry to interrupt, darling, but…”

  She hesitated
on spying Mira and blinked on seeing Branch’s irritated expression.

  “Am I interrupting something?” she asked as Branch stepped in front of Mira.

  His mom darted her head from side to side, trying to see around Branch’s large bulk. Branch tried to hide Mira. Why, he wasn’t quite sure. He wasn’t ashamed of her or anything like that. It wasn’t like he wouldn’t want anyone to see him with Mira on his arm. But, rather, he wasn’t quite ready to share her. Of course, Mira didn’t quite get that.

  She poked her head around him and said in a bafflingly cheery voice, “Hi there, I’m Mira. I was just leaving… or not. I’m not really sure what’s going on.”

  His mom’s polite smile absolutely flourished into a blinding ray of sunshine. “Mira! Oh, my dear, I’m Martha – Branch’s mother. You don’t know how happy I am to meet you!”

  She giggled softly. “Thank you, I’m not sure why, but thank you!”

  Oh well. Here went nothing. He was resigned to this, and he better see it through. Branch cleared his throat. “Ah yes, this is my girlfriend – well, now my fiancée.”

  Mira blinked. “Ummm, what?”


  Had she missed something?

  Mira gaped as Martha pulled her into a warm, breath-taking hug. “Oh my dear, welcome to the family.”

  She glanced up at Branch. He was watching her in an almost cool, disapproving way. Not like he was about to jump up and down and shout ‘ha, April fools’ any second. Yeah, given that it was December that was unlikely.

  “Mom,” he murmured.

  “Oh, yes, darling, don’t worry, I’m leaving. I’m sure the two of you want to be alone.”

  She gave Mira one last squeeze, let her go to allow her to breathe once again and nearly skipped out the room. Leaving Mira alone with Mr. Smolder once again. Or possibly Mr. Crazy Smolder. She was considering whether she needed to start yelling for help or not.

  Mira tapped the side of her head. Perhaps there was something wrong with her hearing, or maybe she was just sleeping. Though, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to conjure up a man half as gorgeous as him even in her dreams.


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