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Unbridled Passion: A Riverton Crossing Novel

Page 9

by Savannah Maris

  “Walk with me to look at the perimeter of the house. I need you to tell me if you see anything out of place.”

  The female officer tasked with looking for evidence in Charles’s car was walking from her patrol car to Charles’s when she stumbled in her step while taking a double take at Nathan.

  “Come on, baby. Let’s walk this way.” Nathan put his hand on Vanessa’s lower back and guided her toward the side of the house. “Max, heel.”

  Vanessa nudged him once they turned the corner. “Seems someone else thinks you’re cute in your uniform.”

  He looked down at her. “Your opinion is the only one I care about. So, do you think I’m cute in my uniform?” He winked.

  Her face turned bright red. “Very.”

  “Good to know.”

  The water was turned on, and the hose was pulled to the corner of the house. What was Charles planning on doing, catching her off guard with water? “I guess this was what he was doing when you didn’t hear him. Stupid ass.” The wire to the alarm system was cut. “You’ll need to call the alarm company. They need to get this taken care of as soon as possible.”

  Sam was speaking with the last officer when they walked back to the front of the house. Vanessa went inside with Max while Nathan headed toward the officers. “Thank you, officer. I appreciate all the help.”

  When the officer walked off, Nathan addressed Sam. “I need to change the locks on the house.”

  “I’ll go pick them up while the officers finish here.” Sam wiggled his brows. “That’ll give you a few minutes.”

  Nathan slapped Sam on the back. “Thanks, man, but you’ve got to be back in thirty.”

  “Sit outside. Plus, they have to wait on the wrecker service to pick up the car. I’ll be back by then.”

  “Sounds good. Let’s go see what you need to buy.”


  The men were looking at the type of locks Sam needed to buy for the back door when Vanessa walked into the sunroom wearing tiny shorts and a tank top. Sam blinked while Nathan’s eyes widened and his cock instantly hardened. The only time he’d ever gotten the smallest glimpse at her body was the first day in that damn skirt he couldn’t get out of his head. What she had on now gave him the clearest vision of her figure.

  His hands clenched so he wouldn’t touch her because if he touched her, he would strip her. If he stripped her, he’d make love to her, and he couldn’t do that. Three weeks and three days. His lips tilted into a strained smile.

  Sam cleared his throat. “I’ll go get those locks.”

  “Is everything all right?”


  “Are you sure? I know you’re upset that Charles came down here, but you look really uncomfortable right now.”

  She laid her hand over his heart, and it felt as though her hand was burning through his skin. She had to feel his heart rate. He wanted to touch every inch of her, but he couldn’t. He had to wait, and the longer he waited, the angrier he got. His body tensed and his hands balled into fists.


  “Please don’t touch me,” he barely whispered.

  She jerked her hand off him and bowed her head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “Ness, look at me.” He waited for her to lift her face to his. His finger waved up and down her body. “That right there. What you have on is the closest I’ve come to seeing your body. Now, I want to see the rest of it and I can’t fucking touch you.” He ran his hand down his face. “Baby, it’s killing me, that’s all. You’ve done nothing wrong. I just don’t think I can take you touching me right now when all I want to do is take you to your room and bury myself inside you.”

  Her gaze dropped from his eyes to his crotch and slowly worked their way back to meet his. Her face turned a bright pink. “I want that, too.”

  “Do you see what you do to me?”

  “Yes, will you be okay?”

  “I’ll be fine once I take a cold shower. Didn’t you say you wanted us to need those?”

  She bit her bottom lip and nodded, not breaking eye contact.

  “Good, then I need you to answer a question for me.”


  Nathan got as close as he could without touching her. He leaned down and whispered into her ear. “Are your nipples hard, baby?” He cocked his head to see her reaction. A shiver ran through her body before it was coated in goosebumps.

  An audible squeak left her. “Yes.”

  “Are your panties wet?”

  Her mouth flew open. “Nathan,” she whispered.

  “Answer me.”


  A cocky smile tilted his lips. “Sounds like you need a cold shower too.”

  She nodded.

  “How about we try something tonight when I get home?”

  She turned her head to look him in the eyes again. “Like what?”

  “Phone sex. You can play your song in the background to help you. You’ll touch yourself but at my guidance.”

  “You’ve done that?”

  “Not in a long time. But if I can’t touch you, I at least want to hear what you sound like when you come.”


  “Don’t touch yourself when we leave. That way you’ll be hyped up.”

  “I can do that.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  The front door opened, and Sam walked in with a bag in his hands. “I’ve got the locks.”

  Vanessa walked past Sam toward the bag of Max’s things, and Nathan swallowed as her tight ass sashayed toward the kitchen. “Then let’s get it done.”

  As they walked to the front door, Nathan looked over his shoulder. Vanessa was bent over setting Max’s bowl down that she’d just filled with water, and a growl left him.

  Sam chuckled. “Did I interrupt something?”

  “No. Just making plans for later.”

  “What the hell, dude? You can’t see her later.”

  “I know, but I’m going to figure a way around this shit. I want to take her out, so you and the rest of the group need to get used to double dates, group outings, something. Did you see what she had on?”

  Sam cleared his throat. “Um…”

  “Don’t answer that because I’d probably hit you.”

  “Let’s get this done and get on the road before you have a heart attack.”

  They replaced the locks on the doors. When they walked into the living room, Max was on the sofa with Vanessa rubbing his stomach. Nathan snapped his fingers and Max jumped between him and Vanessa, so he rubbed the dog’s head and neck. “You don’t let anyone in this house, boy. You keep her safe for me.” Max barked. “You did good today.” He gave Max a treat he had in his pocket.

  He stretched his hand out to Vanessa, and she took it with a bright smile. “Thank you…for Max, today, everything.”

  He cupped her face and tangled his fingers in her hair. He wouldn’t get close enough for their bodies to touch but bowed his head and gently kissed her lips. “You’re welcome. Be good. I’ll call you when I get home.”

  He held her hand as they walked to the front door. “You may want to say a little prayer that Sam won’t have to arrest me for murder though.”

  Her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh, no, you’ve got to ride back with Charles?”

  “Yes, but Sam has some earphones. I’m going to listen to music that reminds me of you. I want to find a song that tells you how I feel.”

  “Oh, Nathan….”

  He caught the tear running down her face. “Good night, beautiful.” He pointed toward her kitchen. “The keys to the new locks are on the counter. Lock up.”

  He walked out the door and waited to hear the lock slide into place before he walked away.


  Vanessa spent the afternoon on the phone with the alarm company and her attorney. She had Max fed and settled for their first night together. She left his bed just outside her door where Nathan had put it, and was just crawling into bed when the
burner phone rang.

  “Hey, sexy.”

  Nathan chuckled. “Sexy? Someone’s feeling feisty tonight.”

  “Stop it.”

  “Beautiful, you call me whatever you want as long as you call me yours.”


  “Ness, I’m tired of dancing around this. I’ve never wanted someone as much as I want you, and I’m not just talking in bed.”

  “Nathan,” she whispered.

  She heard him take a deep breath through the phone. “Ness, I’m not pushing, I swear I’m not, but I need you to know where I stand. I heard my song today, so just like you, I’m giving it to you. Listen to “Shameless” by Garth Brooks. I haven’t known how to put my feelings into words, but that song did it for me because you do have the power. Listen to it, then if you want to proceed with what we discussed, call me back.”

  “Really? I’ve never called a man before. I mean, when I was in high school, I wasn’t allowed to call boys, and Charles let me know quickly that I wasn’t to call him. He’d call me if and when he wanted to speak to me.”

  “You can do this, baby. I’m right here waiting for you.”

  Vanessa found YouTube on her phone to listen to the song. She brought her fingers to her mouth and let them fall as the words melted her heart. No one had ever had said these types of things to her. Oh, God, could she handle this man? Was he telling her that he loved her? How? Nathan is such a protector, now he’s freely giving himself to me.

  She’d never felt more secure in herself than when she was with him. But did that mean she loved him? He gave her confidence, made her feel beautiful—not just with his words but also with his actions. She laughed with him, something she hadn’t done since she married Charles. He made her feel safe—that she could make mistakes and not be punished for them. She felt like herself when she was with him, and he made her happy. She wrapped her arms around her legs and rocked, torn with what to do. The more she thought about him, the more she smiled causing tears to form in her eyes. Her fingers shook as she pressed the call button.

  “I thought you’d changed your mind.”

  “I listened to the song. I mean, I’ve heard it before, but I really listened to the words.” She took a deep breath. “Nathan, how? How can you mean those things?”

  “Ness, I can’t explain it. Even with Diane, I never felt the pull, the attraction, the need that I have for you. I know we’ve talked about being on the same page before, but I want to start moving toward a life together when your divorce is final, so you need to know where my heart is. I want you walking into this with both eyes open.”

  She got out of bed and started pacing. Her movements caused Max’s head to pop up. “You’ve told me before that you were falling in love with me, but this song says you love me. Do you? Love me, I mean?”

  “Ness, I’ve never felt like this before, so yeah, baby, I’m there. I’m in this one hundred percent.”

  “Oh, Nathan. What if you change your mind? What if I can’t be what you need?”

  “You’re just scared because you’re twenty-five and have never experienced what it’s like to give yourself to someone willingly, to flirt, to let nature take its course. You’ve never fallen in love either. Baby, I don’t want to miss a second of this ride.”

  “What happens when we argue?”

  “We’ll talk it out like adults.”

  “What happens if I’m not in the mood?”

  Nathan chuckled. “Our life isn’t going to completely be about sex, even though right now that’s all I can think about. But I’m sure I’ll try to change your mind. If I can’t, I’ll just hold you. You can always say no.”

  “What if I don’t have dinner on the table precisely at six?”

  “Ness, you know my schedule. I won’t always be home at six. We’ll find our way.”

  “And your job? Are you always safe in your job? What would I do if something happened to you?”

  His voice seemed to have a smile in it. “I’m safe, Ness. Having you to come home to will only make me safer.”

  “You make this sound so easy.”

  “It won’t be because we’re going to make mistakes, but I promise you it’ll be better than the life you’ve had for the last nine years.”

  Her heart raced. Could this really happen for her? Her chin quivered. “I wish you were here with me.”

  “I wish I were too. Are you in your bed?”

  She crawled back into bed. “I am now.”

  “Then let me be with you the only way we can be tonight. Turn on your music.”

  She turned on the radio on her bedside table. Love songs poured through the speakers. “Can you hear it?”

  “I don’t need to hear it. I want to hear you. Tell me something that I do to you in your dreams.”


  “Baby, I can’t fulfill your fantasies when we get together if I don’t know what they are.”

  She closed her eyes and pictured Nathan’s handsome face. His blond waves and blue eyes were tender and loving. His playful smile shone, and she swallowed. “You take my breasts into your mouth while you touch my…my vagina.”

  “Baby, vagina doesn’t do it for me, but I am definitely going to suck on your breasts. And that pussy, I’m going to do more than touch it.”

  Her mouth fell open. No one had used those words with her before. Her stomach felt funny, and she was getting warm all over as a small whimper left her mouth.

  “Are you getting turned on, baby?”

  She could barely get out a whisper. “Yes.”

  “Are your nipples getting hard?”

  “Yes, they’re so hard they ache.”

  “I can’t wait to see them, taste them. Put your phone on speaker so your hands are free, and then take your index fingers and thumbs and pinch your nipples. Gently at first then steadily increase the pressure.”

  She did as he requested. “They only ache when I’m with you. I’ve never done this before. I usually just rub them until they feel better.”

  “I wish I could see you.”

  A whimper escaped again, and she felt her thighs tense and her tummy contract. “Nathan,” she whispered.

  His voice had turned gravelly. “Move a hand into your panties.”

  “Are you okay? What are you doing?”

  “Is your hand on my pussy?”

  “Yes, tell me about you.”

  “My hand is wrapped around my cock and moving slowly up and down. Precum is forming at the slit, and my balls ache. You do this to me, baby. This is all yours.” She gasped at his words. “Where are your fingers?”

  “Under my panties, but on the outside of my…”

  “My what?”

  “Pussy,” she whispered.

  “Good girl. Now, run your fingers through your folds. Are you wet?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Now touch your clit. I want to know how you rub it. How did you do it that morning I showed up on your door step? Do you rub in a circle or back and forth? Tell me what feels good.”

  A moan left her. “Mmm, I start in a circle, then end back and forth as I get faster.” Her face was hot because she couldn’t believe she was telling him this. “Oh, Nathan, that feels good.”

  “Talk to me, baby. I want you to tell me what you like. Do you want me to finger you before I slide my cock inside you?”

  With a shaking voice, she replied, “I don’t know. I’ve never had that done before.”

  “Fuck, Ness, then don’t do that. I want to be the first to give that to you.” He groaned. “Baby, tell me about oral sex. Have you ever?”

  She shook her head even though he couldn’t see her. “I don’t know how, and I’ve never had that done to me either. Oh, Nathan…”

  “Oh, baby, you’re going to love it. Ness, I’m not far from coming. Are you with me?”

  “Yes, yes, I’m there.”

  “Let me hear you, baby.”

  She moaned, and he followed with a groan as they fou
nd their release.


  The next day Nathan started his three days off. He woke in a better mood than he’d been in weeks. It was easier rotating from days, but his first day off was the same no matter which shift he rotated from. Clean the apartment, grocery shop, and dry cleaners; however, today he added a couple extra activities. He wanted to plan a date with Vanessa and needed a couple to go with them. His first choice was Evan and Ginger, but with her being pregnant, he didn’t think Evan would go for driving to Edisto Island. Same held true for Mitchell and Kayla. That left Thomas and Cat, depending on his schedule, or Sam.

  As he drove to the Department of Motor Vehicles, he made a call.

  “Nathan, what’s up?”

  In his mind, this was going to be a piece of cake, but when Thomas answered the phone, it felt like more. “I need a favor.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “I need you and Cat to join Vanessa and me on a date.”

  “What? Like a chaperone?”

  “No, a double date. We can’t be alone together for another three weeks. I want to take her out, so we need to be with witnesses.”

  “Let me ask Cat. I finish my rotation tomorrow, so when are you thinking?”

  “I was thinking tomorrow, but we can make it Sunday.”

  Thomas laughed. “I may not be very good company.”

  “I don’t care. I just need you there.”

  “I’ll call you later.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  Nathan hopped out of his truck at the DMV. He ran in to pick up a driver’s handbook. There was enough room on the beach property for her to learn to drive again. She deserved independence as much as he wanted her to have it.

  Driving back to his apartment he called Vanessa. He’d waited as long as he possibly could to hear her voice. Was she as happy as he was? Did she sleep well?

  “Good morning, handsome.”

  “Good morning, beautiful. So, I’m back to handsome, huh?”

  “You’re always sexy, Nathan Cox, and you know it.”

  “If you say so, beautiful.”


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