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Optorio Civil War Complete Series Box Set (Books 1 - 6): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance (Optorio Chronicles Book 2)

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by Ruth Anne Scott

  But there I was. The times were most definitely changing.

  I placed the device up to the lock and there was a series of bees before things clicked into place and the cell door swished open. I pushed it all the way open and spoke the one woman who wasn't afraid.

  “Get everyone up. We need to hurry,” I said.

  “How do I know this isn't a trap?” she asked me, not moving, though her eyes looked toward the open cell.

  “It's not, I don't work for these people. I'm here to save you, now let's go,” I said. I started nudging some of the women, a few of them begged me to leave them alone. “I'm not going to hurt you. I'm helping you escape.”

  A few women stood up and ran for the cell door, but they obviously had no idea where to go.

  “Turn left!” I shouted. “Not right. That's where they're at, left is an exit.”

  I handed my electrical key to the dark-haired woman. “Here, place this against the lock on the door and press here. It'll unlock the cell doors. We need to hurry before they come back.”

  The woman stood up and did as she was told. I could hear the cell doors opening one by one and next came the sound of women piling into the hallway. But time was running really short and we had to go. Any minute now, they'd be coming for the next woman to be auctioned off. Any second, really. And we couldn't afford to be caught down in the cells letting everybody out.

  I grabbed the device from the woman's hand and told her to follow me. Together, we walked to the back door, where I unlocked it with my device.

  “There's a ship out there with the doors open,” I said. “Climb aboard and I'll be there in just a second.”

  “Here,” I handed over a gun to the dark-haired woman. “If someone tries to take you, shoot them with this.”

  She stared down at it, wide-eyed and confused. “I don't even know what it is.”

  That's right. They didn't have the same weapons on Earth as they do here. It was killing me because I could feel the time slipping away, but I stopped and showed her how to use the weapon.

  “Just point and shoot, but please, be careful with it,” I said. “The aim is incredibly good, but it will kill a person, so use it wisely.”

  “Why are you doing this?” she muttered.

  “Just go!”

  She led the women out the door, while I stayed behind. There were several cells still locked, and I'd planned to go back for them once the first group was gone. But the door at the end of the hallway opened up and I knew I was about to be in trouble. I shut the back door to keep them safe and hidden as I faced down one of the guards – he was early for his shift.

  “What the hell?” he said. “Where'd they all go?”

  His eyes zeroed in on me in an instant. I'd given my best weapon to the woman, but I still had a knife. Pulling it from the sheath at my side, I prepared myself for battle. The guard lunged toward me, a stunner in hand but nothing more.

  As long as he didn't touch it to my skin, there was no problem. But if it did touch me, I'd go down and he could kill me at his leisure.

  Better not let that happen, I thought to myself. The man pressed a button on the wall as he came toward me and alarms sounded. I knew it was only a matter of moments before more guards came – which meant they would likely find the women outside. One gun wouldn't be enough to protect them, I had to get them out of here and fast.

  But the eyes of the others watched me, hopeful. They too wanted their freedom and I was their only hope. I had a choice. I could stay and fight to rescue the rest of these women – and probably be killed in the process. Or I could run and save those on my ship. If I ran, who knew when I'd be back – and what security systems would be in place when I did.

  That is, if they stayed there. After my break-in, they very well could be different.

  I didn't have much time to think, however, as the doors opened and more guards rushed through them. More than I could take on – some carrying guns.

  “I'm sorry,” I muttered, feeling the tears in my eyes.

  If it weren't for those already outside, I'd have gladly risked my life to save the others. But I was stuck between a rock and a hard place and I had to save at least some of the women.

  “I'll be back for you, I promise,” I said.

  I knew it was a promise I couldn't keep with any sort of certainty – mainly because they could be sold or even dead by the time I got back. But with me dead, there'd be no one fighting for them. Many more would die.

  I stabbed the first guard in the gut, twisting the knife and pressing him against the wall. He screamed in agony as his blood, thick, blue, and warm, rushed down over my hands. I watched the light leaving his eyes as he died in front of me.

  “I wish I could stay and kill all of you, but really, I must be going now,” I said.

  I didn't have time to retrieve my blade, since it was buried inside the guard's gut. I opened the back door again and rushed out, running to my ship and hitting the emergency ramp switch to close it up and seal the ship.

  I was safe.

  These women were safe.

  I was greeted by the woman with dark hair. There was no word of thanks, no words of appreciation – there was nothing. But she held the gun up and pointed at my head.

  “Careful,” I said, hands raised. “I'm the only one who can drive this thing.”

  “Where the fuck are we?” she asked.

  “It's a long story, but please, put the gun down and let's get out of here before they catch up to us,” I said. “Then, I'll tell you everything, I swear. You can't drive this ship, so if you kill me, you're all back to being prisoners and there will be no one to help you.”

  She looked uncertain, but another one of the women put her hand over the would-be shooters hand and pushed it down.

  “He's right, Riley,” she said softly. “We need him.”

  With the gun no longer pointed at my face, I hurried to the cockpit and started the engines. Luckily, the ship was one that started up fast. We were already off the ground and in orbit less than three minutes from initial ignition. The security guards around the place didn't have ships as fast as mine – one I'd acquired during my time in the Royal Guard.

  Once my course had been charted, I could step away from the controls. I went back and found the woman called Riley sitting on the floor, once again comforting some of the women. As her eyes locked onto mine, I saw so much fire and fight in them. She was so different than I was. And yet, remarkably, very much the same. I found that I couldn't stop staring. I admired her for that. After everything they'd seen and been through, she still had life and fire inside of her.

  “Riley, is it?” I asked her. “My name is Jendrish. Nice to meet you, I only wish it had been under more – ideal circumstances.”

  Riley stood up and walked toward me. Luckily, she had no gun in her hand this time, or else I'd be in trouble judging by the look in her eyes. She just stared into my eyes for a long moment.

  “Tell me where the hell we're at and what's going on,” she said, her voice ice cold. “Now.”

  “Alright, alright,” I said, hands up in self defense.

  And I told them – everything. About how they'd been abducted and taken to another planet to be sold as sex slaves. I saw disbelief in most of their eyes, but after everything they'd witnessed – and the ability to look out the ship's windows and see nothing but stars for as far as the eye could see – it was hard for them to argue with me.

  “Too much too soon?” I asked Riley.

  “Maybe for some of them.” She looked worried, biting her lip as she watched some of the others. “But we needed to know the truth. So, thank you for that. Even if it does sound crazy – I just don't know what else to believe at this point.”

  And then she laughed. A sound of pure amazement and disbelief – not one of pleasure or joy. But still, she laughed as she looked over at me and the sound was beautiful.

  “You're stronger than them,” I noted

  “Nah, I just know how to pretend I am.”

  “Isn't that what being strong is?” I asked, feeling a smile tugging at my lip.

  She didn't say anything. There was pain in her eyes – a pain I found myself wishing I could wash away. There was something different about this Riley. Something very – intriguing. She had a story and I was more than a little curious to hear it.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “The others,” she said. “The ones we couldn't save. What's going to happen to them?”

  I sighed. “I wish I knew,” I said. “I wanted to save them so badly, it's why I stayed behind as long as I did. But I couldn't save them – there were too many guards. And I had to make a choice. Staying to fight would have left me dead and all of you back in the cages.”

  “I understand. It's hard, but I understand,” she said softly. “I just keep wondering – why me? Why was I saved? And why were so many others left behind?”

  Honestly, the reason for that was my fault. When I saw her, I'd gone to her first. I knew she was strong. I could see it from the start. But there was more to it than that, and I knew it. I'd been drawn to her from the moment I first saw her. She was the first one I chose to save, – and yes, it was a choice. And one I didn't regret.

  “Because I knew you were strong and would be able to help me help the others,” I said. “And I don't know if I could have saved this many without your help. So, thank you.”

  “I think anyone would have done the same thing,” she said with a shrug.

  “I don't know about that.” And that was the truth. “I don't now that anyone could have. But listen it's going to be a long trip back home. Perhaps you should get some rest?”

  “I can try,” she said. But she made no movement towards the bunks to lay down. Instead, she just stared straight ahead. “But I don't think it'll be possible.”

  “Just try,” I said to her. “I promise you, you're safe now. Nothing will hurt you.”

  She gave me a half smile. “I wish I could believe you, but I have a bad history of men lying to me. So I apologize if I don't fully trust you yet.”

  I wished she could believe me too, but me arguing the point wouldn't help. I'd have to prove it to her somehow. Prove it to all of them. But in the end, as long as they were safe and we made it back to Earth, I'd succeeded. At least a little bit.

  I prayed that Tarkonil would be proud with what I'd accomplished, even if I didn't save them all.

  There was still so much work to do though. I sighed, feeling my own eyes growing heavy. So many more people to save.

  But we'd save them all. And then we'd take down the men who'd enslaved them to begin with. I swore that on the graves of my ancestors.

  Book 3 – Protection

  Chapter One


  There was no way I could sleep. Not only was I trying to come to grips with being abducted in the first place, I was still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that it had been alien beings who'd taken me. Aliens – like, from another planet. The more I ran that thought through my mind, the more unreal it seemed to me. Alien abductions were just an urban legend – right?

  Yeah, that's what I'd always thought. I'd always believed that alien abduction stories were told by those people looking for some media attention. Or people who'd done way too much crystal meth and were seeing things.

  But as I stared out the window at – well – outer space, there was no denying it. Not anymore. I was in an alien craft, piloted by an alien being – who'd just rescued me from alien abductors. It was overwhelming and it continued to make my head spin.

  My heart raced every time I looked at the stars hurtling by and thought about where we were. Honestly, I'd never cared for flying in a regular airplane, but being in a space ship? In outer space? It induced a level of anxiety I never thought I could reach. I suppose I broke a personal record – go me.

  I tried to focus on other things. Tried to focus on the other women who were in the craft with me. Make sure they were okay – or as okay as they could be given the circumstances. Anything to help distract me from the reality of what was happening. And some of the time, it worked. Some of the time, I was able to push it to the back of my mind because there were so many other things going on.

  But in those moments where it came rushing back to the forefront of my brain, I still couldn't believe I was even there. And it filled me with a terror I'd never known before. But at the same time, it filled me with a sense of awe. Granted, it was a few grains of sand in a beach of fear, but – I was in space. Aboard an alien space craft. I had to admit, as terrifying as it was, it was sort of cool at the same time.

  I turned from the women to our host and pilot. He'd said his name was Jendrish. What was he exactly? He kept talking about us as if we were so vastly different than him. Yeah, there were a few differences, but he looked human-enough to me. Yet, he referred to us as humans, implying he was something else. But what was he then?

  It was too much for me to wrap my head around. All I wanted to do was sleep. But I was too wired to even do that.

  “Are you okay, Riley?” a female voice spoke up from behind me.

  It was a girl named Charlotte – a sweet, southern belle with curly red hair and the bluest eyes I'd ever seen who was all of about sixteen. She was one of the ones we'd saved. One of many. But there were others like her we'd had no choice but to leave behind. We couldn't save everybody. And that was a thought that continued to weigh heavily on me. I didn't know what was going to happen to them with any certainty, but I knew whatever it was, it wouldn't be good. The guilt was a lancing pain in my heart.

  “Yeah, I'm just trying to take it all in, that's all,” I said.

  “I know, right?” she said, standing beside me and looking out the window.

  All of the wonders of the galaxy were out there. It was beautiful. Breathtaking. And just so damn unreal. We stood in silence for a few moments, just taking in the scene before us. Charlotte looked as awestruck and terrified as I felt.

  “It's hard to believe this is real, but I'm seeing it with my own eyes,” she said. “I'm not crazy, am I?”

  Her question was a serious one, and I couldn't blame her. I'd asked myself the same question about a billion times already.

  “If you are, I suppose that I am too,” I said.

  “At least I'm not alone in my insanity then.”

  We shared a laugh over that, but the laughter wasn't all that heartfelt or long-lasting. It almost felt like we were trying to force some levity into the situation. After our laughter died, we fell quiet once more. The others were asleep, and I knew Charlotte and I should be too. We needed some rest after everything that had happened. But sleep was more than a little hard to come by at the moment – for obvious reasons.

  “What do you think of him?” Charlotte asked me. “Jendrish? The alien guy. Do you trust him?”

  I sighed. “I honestly don't know what to think. I mean, he seems sincere,” I said, keeping my voice low. “And he did risk his own life to save us. But to be perfectly honest, I have to wonder why he'd do such a thing. Why risk his own life to save a bunch of women he didn't know? I had the really unsettling thought that maybe, this was just another trap, you know? How would we know any different?”

  “Yeah, I guess we wouldn't. And I hope you're wrong about that. I hope this isn't another trap,” Charlotte said softly. “He seems like a pretty decent guy.”

  I cringed at her description of him. “But is a guy at all? I mean, is he even human?”

  “No,” he responded. “I'm not human. To answer your question.”

  We both jumped at the sound of the voice behind us. It was Jendrish. We hadn't even heard him walk up. He moved so quietly – like he walked on air.

  “Jesus Christ,” I said, my hand over my heart. “I didn't hear you walk up. I'm sorry, I didn't mean any offense by what – ”

  “None taken,” he said, stepping up
beside me.

  He was smiling, and I had to admit, his smile seemed kind enough. His eyes were a vivid blue and seemed without malice or guile. I liked to think that I was a pretty good judge of character. I just didn't know if that sound judgment extended to alien beings or not. I supposed I was going to find out.

  Though, I had to take back what I said about Charlotte having the bluest eyes I'd ever seen. That title would actually belong to Jendrish. Except his eyes weren't a normal human blue – they looked more like the blue of the sea in a picture from some exotic locale. A deep, rich blue with specks of cerulean mixed in.

  “I'm not human,” he said. “I'm an Optorion male. It's just another description. Nothing more, nothing less.”

  His hair was sleek and silky, falling down around his face and highlighting the paleness of his skin, which seemed to further bring out the blue in his eyes. He was beautiful, that was for certain. There was an almost ethereal quality about him. But I knew from hard earned experience that beautiful men were often the most dangerous men. Mike had been very good looking – though not as ethereal as Jendrish – and he knew how to use that appeal to his best, and my worst, advantage.

  I didn't doubt that Jendrish knew he was handsome too. I just wondered if he used his good looks to manipulate women the way Mike had. Like I'd said, I didn't pick up on any guile on his part, but then, when it came to those gorgeous men, they were often able to hide their darker side. They didn't advertise that they were manipulative assholes and you only found out when it was too late.

  “I'm going to get some rest,” Charlotte said softly, excusing herself.

  I thought she probably felt a little uneasy in his presence. And after all we'd been through, I didn't blame her. I wasn't exactly the picture of comfort in the presence of a man who looked a lot like the men who'd abducted me. But – he'd given me no reason to not trust him. Quite the contrary, in fact. He'd gone out of his way to show me that he could be trusted – he had risked life and limb to save us, after all.


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