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Nyssa's Guardian

Page 7

by Reese Gabriel

  Oh, yeah, that was the good stuff…

  “Baby, you didn’t get to come again,” she murmured.

  “Never mind that. You need to get some sleep.” He freed her wrists, checking each in turn.

  His massaging fingers felt so good. He had such a magic grip, always the right amount of firmness, enough to let a woman know she was being held, but never enough to hurt. Did the obedients really have it that badly in the hands of men like this? Maybe there were perks to being one that she didn’t know about.

  “Theron,” she whispered. “I want your cum…please. Come inside me?”

  “Penetration wouldn’t be a good idea. Not again,” he told her, as if his cock were some kind of lethal weapon. “We can’t risk the possibility of igniting bond urges.”

  She wasn’t sure exactly what he meant, but it sounded sexy.

  “Risk it.” She lifted her pelvis.

  “You don’t understand, angel.”

  Nyssa felt a fluttering in her stomach. No one had ever called her that before. “Can I at least suck you off?” she wanted to know.

  Theron frowned, not convincingly. “Woman, you are supposed to be obeying. Have you any idea how much time I just spent breaking your will?”

  She flashed him a look. She was waking up at last. “I promise I’ll act all nice and broken first thing in the morning.”

  “Forgive me if I’m skeptical.”

  “Hey, I’ve got an idea,” she enthused. “What if you were to come on me?”

  His eyes narrowed. The boy really was naïve in some ways. “You know, ejaculate on my body. Wouldn’t that be a turn-on? Like a primal thing, marking your territory and all?”

  “Nyssa, this isn’t a game.” He seemed the tiniest bit exasperated. Her every instinct told her to keep digging. Under no circumstances would she cut him slack. Ever.

  “Who said I was playing anything? I want your hot, primale semen all over me. Think you can handle that?”

  Judging by the hardness of his cock, he seemed more than ready. But he was hesitating.

  “What’s the matter?” she teased. “Is your semen super-powered, too? Is it acid or will it just brainwash me?”

  “There’s more of it, Nyssa, if you didn’t notice already. And it’s stored at a warmer temperature.”

  Nyssa tried to see this as a problem and couldn’t. “I think I can manage without drowning.”

  “Hold your breasts, then. Cradle them.”

  Nyssa wrapped her fingers around her tingling breasts, compressing them, offering them. “Theron, is it true that obedients call their mates Master?”

  “This is for each primale and his obedient to decide, but some do, yes.”

  “So that would make them slaves?” She couldn’t believe she was asking this without hostility.

  “Not in the way you want to think of it. What they call each other…how they interact…it’s a mutual decision. An obedient gives up only what she feels is right in her heart, and no primale would ever take more…or less.”

  Nyssa’s nipples were still sore from the clamps. Her ass still stung, too. It had been quite an education. “But how far, Theron? How far can it go?”

  Theron climbed across her body, his motions graceful and predatory at the same time. His tawny muscles flexed, putting him in place, his knees on either side of her belly. “As far as they wish. I have seen obedients who remain always naked and collared and who are subject to the strictest discipline. On the other hand, I have seen relationships where the woman’s submission is expressed in profoundly subtle ways. The lowering of her eyes in deference to her man, the licking of half-open lips, the slight arching of her back, displaying her breasts.

  “As many different individual human combinations as there are, that’s how many possibilities for relationships there are. Whatever works between them…is right.”

  He was stroking his cock, running his hand up and down the rock-hard length, so very smooth, but ridged with veins of a bluish-green hue. The sight of it fascinated her. The thickest, longest shaft she had ever seen. And those balls of his—so high and tight. He really must have a lot of semen in there.

  A big part of her wanted that cock back inside her, but the idea of being showered in his emission gave her a wicked chill to the core. With thumbs and forefingers, she tweaked her nipples. “I’m ready, Theron…”

  The look on his face was so beautiful. Intent concentration focused on what he was doing and on her that she had never seen in a male before. The best of her mem lovers always seemed…preoccupied, distracted, and almost timid.

  This man was with her now and she felt like there could be no other woman on the planet for him. If only she could find a mem to love her that way. An appropriate mate.

  “Nyssa,” he groaned, the sound low and satisfied.

  “Yes, I’m here for you,” she answered the hidden call. “For your pleasure.”

  I exist for you…

  “Let yourself go…shoot it all over me…”

  His teeth were clenched, fierce warrior teeth. “Between…” he was saying.

  “Between what, Theron?” Her breasts—that was it. He wanted to fuck them. “Oh, stars, honey, yes,” she encouraged.

  Nyssa slithered underneath him, helping him to position himself. He moaned in pleasure as he shifted, sliding his turgid, hot cock into her cleavage. She held him tightly, delighting in the heat, the pulsing energy.

  “That’s it…Theron…yes.”

  He pulled back, the sinews in his neck tight with his building need. He was the predator now, a creature of the wilds. No more speaking, it was time for action. Once, twice, he pumped himself between the bulging flesh of her soft globes.

  “Fuck them, Theron, fuck my breasts.”

  Another groan, his hands settling over hers, and then it began, the motions, ancient and animal, pure instinct, pure male…primale. Lightning-fast, Theron used the sculpted valley as he had her cunt. His eyes rolled up to the heavens. Oh, what those eyes must have seen. The pain, the battles.

  “Now, Theron…now…”

  Theron roared. She felt his cock swell. Her sweaty hands started to slip. She couldn’t hold him…too fucking big. How was he doing this? The balls on her belly were hot, almost searing her flesh. The pain of the spanking, the crop, reawakened in every part of her.

  The first blast hit her chin, the thickest, fullest semen. Then he pulled back, abandoning her breasts to take himself in his fist. “I’m going to…fucking soak you,” he vowed, sounding so very unlike the rigidly guarded, disciplined man she knew. “Take it, Nyssa…”

  “Oh, baby, I’m yours…”

  Hot semen on her face. Fountains of it on her cheeks, on her lips, and on her tongue. Her neck arched, her chest was bathed, coated, like with the wax. Everywhere. All over her. Eyebrows…hair. Until she felt completely soaked and owned. A primale’s play toy. The most feminine woman in the world, for having given this man so much pleasure and caused him to lose himself for her.

  Grasping his cock, running his hand up and down, he milked the precious fluids. Nyssa licked her lips, tasting what she could. She wanted more, a sampling of the sprayed drops on her breasts and belly, scandalously white and thick.

  At one point, he reached back, with the fingers of his free hand, and worked her pussy. He brought her to instant orgasm, making her shake helplessly on his fingers. “Yes,” she screamed about a thousand times in a row. “Oh, my fucking planets…”

  When at last the spiraling came, the descent, Nyssa clung to him, needing to feel his impossibly strong body. His heartbeat gave her orientation, showing her the way back home, to the present time and place. Presently, he pulled her up, scooping her off the bed and into his arms. This time she was too torpid to even speak. He carried her to the hygiene room, and into the sanitizing chamber. He held her under the cleansing beams, the shimmering, fluoron lasers gently but efficiently removed every bit of sex. The rays were warm on her skin, but he was warmer. He was so strong. She had never
felt so safe and secure in her life.

  She murmured against his chest, though even she did not know what she was saying. It might have had to do with a thought capsule she’d digested once, feeding information about how in the old times showers had been waterfalls from the ceiling.

  But he probably knew that. He knew everything…or so it seemed.

  The beams clicked off, leaving them tingling all over, pure and sterilized. She was a little sad, because she liked the sex smell, the sweat smell. She thought of them in a jungle, no chamber to clean them. She would use her tongue, licking every inch of his body clean. Then they would find a stream and he would bathe her. They would be aroused all over again. They would fuck in the water. Or on the shore. Or both. She would wrap her legs around him, she would lay her ass in the mud, she would let him tie her to a tree and take her from behind.

  Or maybe in her ass. Damn, wouldn’t that be something—having that cock up inside her. It would be like having her entire body fucked all at once…having him in so deep and far she would never get the curls out of her toes again. And the orgasms…imagine what he could give her if he had play over both orifices at once.

  Theron took her back to the bed. He remade it into something modern, a fluffy futon bowl shape, fur covered with a series of decorative golden horns, ten feet high, curved in ivorex and pseudo-gold, rising straight up from various places around the bowl’s lip.

  She should have known he hadn’t picked the design for art’s sake. Laying her down on her side, head on the pillow, he went back to the objectifier to order something new. He returned with gleaming silver chains. And shackles.

  “On your back,” he commanded.

  Nyssa rolled over, exposed. She felt deliciously wicked, her skin so vibrant from the beams, so primitively caressed by the fur covering of the bed, silver-white nano-wolf fur from the extreme reaches of space.

  “Extend your left leg into the air.”

  She did so, flexing the calf and pointing her toes. The movement was instinctive, but very feminine. She blushed at the implications—she was trying to please.

  Theron’s face was unreadable. He took her ankle, holding her instep. She shuddered, imprisoned. As for the touch of his fingers on the bottom of her foot, he might as well have touched between her legs for the impact it had. “This is to complete your punishment,” he reminded, his voice slightly raspy. “You will spend the night in bondage.”

  The word was electric in the air, pregnant with unspoken possibilities.

  Bondage wasn’t only about restriction of motion or captivity; it was something sexual. A woman in bondage was a target for males…she was available.

  Her pussy spasmed sharply as he grasped her ankle firmly and locked it in one of the shackles. She felt its weight at once, the cold metal, and traced the attached chain to its end. She watched him wrap it around one of the horns, securing it.

  She swallowed hard, letting the reality sink in.

  Nyssa was in bed to stay now. Until such time as he released her.

  “Lift your bottom off the bed.”

  Nyssa sucked in her lower lip. Was he going to make sex with her? If so, should she fight him or welcome him?

  There didn’t seem to be a lot of point in protesting, given how obviously wet and fragrant she was.

  “Higher,” said Theron, rejecting her initial efforts.

  Nyssa arched her back, humiliated.

  Theron made no move to touch her, except to wind one of the chains around her waist. He secured it and told her to lie back down on the fur. Nyssa resumed contact between the bed and her spanked and flogged ass, more than a little curious as to his next move.


  Nyssa held them out, almost by reflex. Theron’s lips angled slightly in self-satisfaction.


  Now the bastard thought he was training her.

  He had a snug silver cuff for each wrist. This time he didn’t put them together. Instead, he hooked each to short lead chains on either side of the waist chain. Two simple clicks later, and he had her immobilized, hands at her side.

  Theron stood up straight to admire his handiwork. “Attempt to free yourself.”

  Nyssa tried, pulling at the metal in various directions. Frustration mounted. She could stretch her hands and bend her arms a little, but freedom was beyond her. So was any ability to cover her pussy or breasts from his gaze or touch. Feeling thoroughly outwitted, had and fucked, she looked up at him. “You know I can’t.”

  “Say it, then.”

  “I can’t free myself,” she said, intending to cheat him of victory. “I’m your happy little hostage.”

  “No,” he corrected, his voice tinged with a subtle new energy. “You are being punished.”

  “I’m being punished,” she repeated softly.

  “You are in bondage.”

  “I’m in bondage,” she acknowledged. Her chest was rising and falling more rapidly. Her nipples were tight, tiny peaks. She was helpless, completely accessible and mountable.

  Theron frowned. His cock was stirring. Apparently the scene was getting to him, too. “It’s time to go to sleep.”

  She sensed there would be no getting around him this time. “Where will you be?” She wanted to know.

  “I will be awake, watching you.”

  Her heart leapt to her throat. The idea of having his eyes glued to her chained body all night, with his cock that close, was more than she could bear. What if she did something lewd in her sleep, egging him on? What if he decided to slip himself inside her while she was unconscious and completely defenseless?

  “Kind of carrying this guarding thing a little bit far, aren’t you?” She sought to conceal her anguish with a quip.

  “A chained woman should never be left alone while sleeping. I will make sure you don’t cause yourself any discomfort.”

  “Whatever floats your bubble.” She tried to make light of the churning in her belly, the hot flippings and flutterings. “Can you at least cover me with a sheet? I don’t want you finding all my imperfections when I can’t defend myself.”

  He shook his head. “You will remain exposed. Nothing will hamper my view of your bondage.”

  Her heart was going like a rabbit’s. “Surely my chains aren’t that dangerous,” she scoffed. “I’m sure you can fight off a mean old sheet and save me if you need to.”

  “The exposure isn’t for safety,” he said, “it’s part of the punishment.”

  She clenched her small fists, slippery with sweat. So he did intend to take advantage of her.

  “The right to cover your nakedness from me is part of the freedom you have lost tonight. You will sleep knowing that your body is visually available.”

  Nyssa clenched her pussy, tamping down the desires as best she could. The fucker was making her want the whole thing all over again—the terrible, agonizingly sweet ordeal of fighting, resisting, only to be overwhelmed and had. “You’re a real dick, you know that?”

  “Thank you for your input. I suggest you go to sleep now. We have a long trip in the morning.” Theron pulled a gravi-stool from the air, resting it on the floor on its narrow, pointed bottom. It was a match to the bed, part of the new ultra-hip décor.

  “I know what you’re gonna do,” she said, “and you won’t get away with it.”

  “What are you talking about, Nyssa?” He sat down heavily, still naked.

  She tried to keep her eyes off his half-hard cock. In the ass, she kept thinking, I want it right up my tight little ass. “You’re going to fuck me in my sleep,” she goaded. “If you do that, it will be rape.”

  Theron’s expression darkened. It was a look she hadn’t seen on him before. “If you were a male, Nyssa, I would demand satisfaction for that remark. As it is…I think you had better quit while you’re behind.”

  She couldn’t, though. Not when she was this close to satisfying her obsessive need to expose the man. “So what is it, then? Are you going to jerk off all night? You get off o
n chained, naked girls, do you?”

  “This conversation is ended,” Theron declared flatly. “You will go to sleep now or face the consequences.”

  “Is that the best you can do?” she shot back, desperate to spur him into an argument. “Bully me to silence? Why don’t you just admit it? I have a hot body—men on twelve worlds masturbate to me all the time. You think Vonda is kept on the show for her ability to engage the intellect? You think people vid my solo performances to hear me rail against the system? I’m larger than life. I’m a goddess.”

  His jaw tensed. She was definitely touching some nerve…finally. “You would do well to have a reality check, holostar. There is more to this universe, much more, than the grid. Real suffering and dying. And don’t fool yourself. There are millions of women like you. I’ve seen my share, trust me.”

  “So now it comes out,” she smiled coldly. “Look who’s hiding things now? Care to tell me where all that hatred comes from?”

  “I hate no one,” Theron defied. “I am what I am. What I was made to be.”

  “Your cock is hard, buddy boy, that’s all I know.”

  “Maybe it is,” he shot back. “But it sure as hell isn’t for you.”

  Nyssa’s lip trembled. Real tears were there—not like the ones the crop had brought. “Good. Because I wouldn’t let you in me if yours was the last prick in the universe.”

  She threw herself to the other side of the bed, wriggling like a worm to turn away from him. She would be damned if she would talk to him anymore or let him see any more of her than absolutely necessary. Tightening herself into a ball, she tried to vanish, like she used to do, back in her cluster, when she felt overwhelmed or threatened or scared.

  That was the way she fought off the feelings. Bad feelings, the kind that came in the middle of the night. Feelings of danger and far-off battles—as if she had been places she could not possibly have been, seen things no fem could have seen. And worse still, that she might one day face it again. The terror of death, and the awful weight of decision, and the lives of millions in the balance.

  Her robo-therapist had told her it was just an overactive imagination, too much time with the grid. Or maybe it was something genetic, something left over accidentally from one of her gene donors. Which would be odd, because her donors would all be fems and mems, and none of them ever went to battle.


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