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Nyssa's Guardian

Page 12

by Reese Gabriel

Within seconds, Theron achieved the desired mental state. No dreams, of course. Primales preferred to keep their images real. And sharp. The seconds ticked, and eventually an in passed. The bubble sailed across the void.

  From deep within his still active mind, Theron’s subconscious focused on the sounds of the ship, the hum of the engines, the whir of the navigators. It was the ships heart and its lungs.

  At a certain point, the bubble turned, arcing downward, seeking fresh orbit. A blue light activated on the rounded ceiling indicating planetfall. Theron’s eyes opened immediately. He was refreshed, alert.

  “Nyssa,” he whispered, touching her shoulder.

  She sat up sleepily, rubbing her eyes, her hair tousled. Looking at her filled him with devotion. Such a sweet and beautiful little creature.

  “Where are we?” she mumbled, her lips puffy.

  Theron’s erection stirred. It had been a constant battle, keeping his mind otherwise engaged. Though unable to think of anything but Nyssa, he had at least fought to keep those thoughts platonic. The urge to push her back down on the seat, however, was nearly overwhelming. He imagined his hands everywhere on her body, tearing away the clothing that dared restrict his privilege of touch. He would make that flesh of hers sing, he would rip away the metal, dive between her legs, lick her senseless and then fill her with his turgid shaft, and relieve the agonizing ache. Lightning-fast motions, their skin as one, her teeth sunk into his shoulder, his hands gripping the ass that was his, the spanked ass of this fem who would and should be his, if not for the vagaries of her genetic birth.

  He wanted to ride her to inevitable climax, higher than this shuttle was ever capable of going, and more explosive than its engines could ever manage, resolving at a single stroke all their difficulties and misunderstandings. But that was never to be. No arcing or falling, no single moment to make the whole of his life worthwhile, no spilling himself ever again in the body of beautiful Nyssa. No holding her through the conclusion of her own spilling.

  No pleasure, no sexual anguish and no release. None. None at all.

  “We’re coming in for a landing.” He forced his mind to more prosaic matters. “You can see the amphitheatre out the view port there. They’re already setting up the beams. I’ll have to give the place a once-over. For security.”

  Something flashed behind her eyes. “That’s a good idea,” she offered, a little too eagerly.

  Theron’s primale radar moved to high alert. There was only one reason Nyssa would say anything even remotely nice to him, and that was to cover up another of her ridiculous escape attempts. “I’d hate to drag you along when I do it, though,” he said nonchalantly.

  “Well, I suppose you could leave me backstage. I’ve a million things to do. And it’s not like anyone will let me walk out, right?”

  He smiled indulgently. For a woman who made her living on the hologrid, she really was not a very convincing actress. “An excellent idea,” he approved. “I think that is exactly what I’ll do.”

  She tried to contain her glee, even as the shuttle set down on the landing pad. “Okay, if that’s what you want.”

  Theron folded his arms over his chest. He could hardly wait to see what the little imp had in mind this time.

  Chapter Ten

  Nyssa was not entirely certain that Theron trusted her. He’d given in a little too easily when she’d suggested staying in the backstage area while he did a security check of the mammoth amphitheatre. Was he setting her up again to see if she would attempt another escape, or was her plan to blunt his steely resolve with her feminine wiles actually having some effect? His energy did seem a little diverted. He was acting a little less cocksure, a little more brooding.

  Or was he just on edge because of the number of people who were going to be here tonight? She had to admit, she was a little nervous herself. Almost, but not quite enough to call off her plan. Theron still needed to be taught a lesson. For her part, she would be perfectly safe without him. The amphitheater already had security, and there would be police as well. She was a star—they wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Who had ever heard of a real-life murder or assault, anyway? Crime was just about as old-fashioned and outdated an idea as letting people give birth to babies out of their own bodies, with no genetic control or enhancement whatsoever.

  Weighing it all out, she decided to go for it.

  “Nyssa, we love you,” shrieked a small throng of teenage girls waiting for her just outside the backstage door.

  “One in to commencement,” said a producer nervously standing beside her elbow.

  “One in,” echoed two of his toadies, ready to usher her inside.

  She took a deep breath, readying herself. From this point forward it would be one great big whirl of activity and sensation, from preparation to final ovation. A few blinks of the eye and the whole night would be over.

  “I’ll leave you here,” Theron said, his massive primale body framed the triangular doorway. “While I do my check.”

  Nyssa hesitated. Was she doing the right thing? If somebody was after her, she was a fool to let this Guardian out of her sight. “Are you sure I’ll be safe?” she heard herself ask.

  His brow furrowed. “You’ve said all along you had nothing to worry about. This is just precaution. Overkill.”

  “Sure.” She managed a thin smile. “All right, then. I’ll see you in a bit.” Nyssa resisted the urge to go on tiptoes and give him a peck on the cheek.

  Not that he would have responded, blockhead that he was. Why couldn’t he just be like a mem? Give her all the sex-making she wanted and then leave her alone? Right now, she wanted plenty. Her untouchable crotch was on fire. The sexy little outfit was making her want to rub herself against Theron, to let him know what she could do to him—for him—if only he would free her.

  What was he trying to prove? He had plugged her up, taken control of her body, put her in her sexual place. Over and over. She would refuse him nothing. Not being vain, but she was a sex symbol on the mighty holo, and he was certainly interested. Those erections of his were nearly constant. Why deny himself? Why deny her?

  She watched him walk away, down the glowing white ramp, a figure of utterly handsome perfection in his one-piece uniform. Any woman in the cosmos would be beyond proud to call a man like that her mate. It would have to be an obedient, though. Someone ready to submit to all that surging power.

  He needed someone to keep him honest, too, though. Whether he knew it or not. She took a few moments now for her young fans, putting her insignia on the personal screens of as many of them as she could reach over the barricade. They shrieked with delight to be acknowledged by their idle.

  “Nyssa, please…the show,” the producer cried, in near apoplexy.

  With one toady on each arm, she let herself be guided inside. The thrill of preparation was evident everywhere in the backstage area. Men and women hustling to and fro up and down mirrored corridors, objectifiers and grooming robots whirring full speed to prepare her cast of extras and backup singers. And an army of technicians who were readying the mammoth light and energy show.

  There were also the hangers-on, gaily arrayed men and women, holonews and gossip purveyors, endorsement seekers and self-appointed cultural experts, all of them flashing their backstage passes in her face, as if that granted them the right to invade her privacy.

  Nyssa sighed. Much as she loved the limelight, she also liked the anonymity of the big-city domes where there was too much going on for her to stand out much. She and Theron had enjoyed their own little world under one of those domes, hadn’t they? A world full of conflict and sparks and heartache…and unbelievable, indescribable passion.

  A lump formed in her throat. Did she really want to betray him? Then she remembered all the bad things. The stupid anti-sex belt. And the way he seemed to run so hot and cold. He wasn’t even that good at his job, or he wouldn’t have left her like this, anyway.

  Did he even care if she might be scared?

what was the use sorting it out? She wasn’t being rational. She just wanted done with it. The time was here to be impulsive. End of story.

  “Dromin!” she cried across the wide-open floor of the technical bay. “There you are!”

  The mem with the plume hat, his eyes covered in a pair of sophisticated multi-phase glasses, waved enthusiastically. The senior holo-tech was a study in contrasts, running over to her in his velvet and leather, the hat bristling with state-of-the-art antennas and holo-wires.

  “Nyssa, you naughty little thing…spank, spank…you never call anymore. Where have you been? Under a rock?”

  She felt a little charge at the word spank. Once upon a time, pre-Theron, that would have been a silly little joke. “Something like that,” she laughed nervously, hugging him. “Listen, Dromin, I need a favor.”

  He dropped clownishly to one knee. “Your wish is my command, m’lady.”

  She pulled him to his feet. “Stop,” she chided, “I’m serious. I need you to do a beam-out at the end of the show.”

  He arched a gold-flecked brow. “Tres interesting…making a secret rendezvous are we? New boyfriend? Girlfriend? Or is it both? Do tell!”

  “So you can do it, then? It’s not impossible?”

  “Child,” he scoffed, “it’s done all the time. Trust me, there’s plenty in this business who don’t want to be where they’re supposed to.”

  Nyssa bristled a little. “I’m not running away from anything.”

  He took her arm. “Didn’t say you were. Come with me, we’ll work it all out.”

  A man-sized wall blocked their way. “That’s far enough.”

  Nyssa swallowed hard. “Th-Theron…I…”

  “Sir, may I speak with the lady alone?” Theron asked Mem Dromin.

  Dromin cast Nyssa a puzzled glance.

  “It’s okay,” she told him, her voice a bit hoarse. “I know this man.”

  Theron promptly steered her down a nearby corridor filled with dressing rooms. He picked the first empty one and locked the door behind them. Nyssa backed against the far wall, beside the mirror and dressing table. “Theron, I can explain.”

  His face was stern and resolute. She could barely stand to look into his eyes. “You know the punishment for disobeying me?”

  She felt anticipatory tingles down her backside. He was approaching her, reaching beside her on the dressing table to pick up a hairbrush. “But, Theron,” she cried. “I didn’t do anything.”

  His lips curled downward. “Don’t make this harder on yourself by lying, Nyssa.”

  “All right, it’s true, I was going to try and get away again at the end of the show, using the remote beam. That mem was helping me.” There, it felt better to get it out. A part of her was relieved to have been caught anyway. Theron was back now, he would not let her go…and he must have cared a little after all to have not left her in the first place. The only thing she had to get around was the punishment thing.

  “Take off your clothes, Nyssa.”

  “Theron, what are you going to do with that brush?”

  “You know the answer to that.”

  She laughed, though there was nothing very funny going on. “You can’t beat me with a brush. I’m a holostar.”

  “Brushes are perfectly appropriate to use on brats, Nyssa, and that’s what you are. You were prepared to put yourself and possibly others in danger. That’s irresponsible and immature.”

  “All right, I’m sorry,” she conceded. “It was a stupid thing to try and do. Now can we just move on from here?”

  “Yes,” he said. “After your punishment.”

  Nyssa’s protests turned to a whine. “But, Theron…I have a show to do.”

  “We’ll be done in plenty of time. I’ve seen how fast you get ready. Now, strip.”

  Nyssa stomped her foot, making sure he knew how much she hated it…and him. “This isn’t fair.” She lifted her dress over her head. “People will hear about this.”

  “The shoes, too.”

  She made a face, then bent down to undo the laces one by one. A few moments later she stood before him, barefoot, stark naked save for the belt, which she could not remove if her life depended on it.

  “This is for your own good,” he told her.

  “Yes, I’m sure it is.” She looked pointedly at the bulge in his crotch.

  Theron’s jaw tensed. “Turn around, put your palms against the wall.”

  She did so, her pussy dripping.

  “Cheek to the wall.”

  She took another little half-step forward, gingerly leaning her body.


  Oh, god, he wanted it all…her breasts and belly pressed directly against the cold metal. She shuddered at the feel of it, like a lover’s hands, alien on her flesh. Her nipples swelled under the icy pressure. She was so humiliated, so exposed, so totally fucking horny.

  “Spread your legs,” he commanded.

  The plug in her ass shifted as she moved. Nyssa stifled a moan.

  “You have to learn, Nyssa…” His hand went to the small of her back. Her breathing grew shallow. Her pussy grate moved, very slightly against the wall. Metal scraping metal.

  The brush descended on her ass without warning.

  She suppressed a yelp. This wasn’t playing around, not like his hand or even the crop. This was meant to smart.

  The smooth, hard plasticite surface of the brush reverberated against soft woman flesh. This time, there was no respite. The burning continued, straight up to number three and beyond.

  Over and over he spanked her, each time moving the brush to a different area of her ass. It hardly mattered. There was fire everywhere, jerking pain and uncontrollable throbbing. Tears stung her cheeks while sobs choked her throat. She begged him to stop, but at a certain point other sensations kicked in. Her nipples engorged and pressed against the wall. Liquid dripped from her sex, the product of erotic shame, and her buttocks clenched and unclenched as he pushed the plug deeper with every strike.

  It was a form of fucking—without being in her pussy. Caught between the man’s will and the wall, nothing to do but undulate, working her belly until the sweat coated it, until her hair hung limp, until she was a shattered wreck, all pride vanishing in the blistering heat.

  “Theron,” she called, her voice a searing whisper. “Fuck my ass…like a contract girl, the ones you pass around in your units.”

  “Nyssa…you’re talking crazy.”

  She turned around, pushing herself against him. “No, I’m not. You said so yourself—sex-making between us can never mean anything. I can’t be your mate, so let me be your…”

  He held her at bay, her upper arms in his grip, the brush dropped and forgotten. “You’re not a prostitute, Nyssa… I never meant to imply such a thing. You’re a star and you know it.”

  “I’m a whore for you.” She spoke the truth. “You beat my ass and it made me hot. You can’t claim my love but you own my body.”

  There, she’d said it—the “L” word. The gauntlet was down. Would he care that she was denying him? And how would she respond if he did make a play for her heart? A part of her was still pushing him away, but another part was like a magnet, trying to draw him closer.

  Theron’s features clouded. She was awakening the predator. She hoped to the stars she knew what she was doing.

  “Very well,” he growled, taking her hair in his fist. “You want to be possessed? So be it.”

  Nyssa winced as he clenched tightly. She wanted to beg mercy, but they were past that point now. Looking around for a place to fuck her, he saw the dressing table. One hand still holding her hair, he used the other to sweep it clean, crashing the contents against the back of the door.

  He bent her over it facedown. The waist chain of the chastity belt snapped in his fingers like string. She gasped as he withdrew the anal plug and pulled the grate back between her legs. He tossed the ruined device to land with the rest of the table’s contents.

  “Submit,” he a
dvised, plunging a single finger between her swollen pussy lips.

  “Oh, yes,” she groaned. “Yes, Theron, yes.”

  “You will climax for me. Now.”

  Her belly pushed against the table. She scraped her nails on the surface. She was coming…on command. The orgasm shook her like some alien thing, like her entire body was being lifted outside of itself, massaged with raw electricity and redeposited, every atom scrambled into a new position.

  Three times he did this to her, each time sifting out more and more of her conscious will. This was only the beginning. The tip of an iceberg. She could spend a lifetime with this man and never know it all. He was primale, and he would only become stronger, more willful. More demanding.

  Theron removed his cock, pushing the tip of it against her blushing butt cheek. “You will take my full size this time, Nyssa.”

  “Yes,” she promised, though she had no clue what she might be letting herself in for.

  The answer came shortly as he plunged into her hot, gaping canal. All the way to the hilt, sheathing himself.

  Theron sighed in anticipation of his next movement. He was going to show his primale nature, she could feel it. His control amazed her. Whereas by this point a mem would begin thrusting in earnest toward conclusion, the primale took a series of deep breaths.

  It was after this that she felt the first signs. The fulfilling of what he had said about her taking his full size. Indeed, Theron’s cock was changing inside her. Swelling, and lengthening. A tiny bit at a time, but with definite cumulative effect.

  She gasped, pounding at the table. The sexual pressure was overwhelming. So good…and yet so powerful. All-conquering.

  “You will take it.” He clenched her waist with his hands. “You will submit.”

  “It’s…it’s so big,” she cried in astonishment. “I-I don’t know if I can.”

  His hand cracked against her ass. “You can Nyssa. You must choose to obey, and your mind will compel your body to obey.”

  Nyssa’s insides turned to jelly. For just a moment she had breathing room, but he quickly filled the space, once again pushing her to the limit.


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