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Nyssa's Guardian

Page 18

by Reese Gabriel

  She was totally consumed with Theron’s power, his drive. No woman had ever been loved so well. Nyssa was not only born for this, she was being born in it. So this is what my body is for, she thought with pre-orgasmic delight. No mem had ever had a fucking clue compared to this. She was so past letting go that she couldn’t hold onto anything if she tried. The nearest thing was the sound of his guttural passion. Theron’s orgasm was a silent eruption more deafening than sound. Her ass orgasmed with him—if such a thing was fucking possible. Her pussy and breasts enjoyed their own paroxysms, throbbing waves and needle jabs, soft and hard, climax radiating everywhere at once. She clamped down on the bit, unable to resist wishing for and imagining more…the paddle, the crop…pins to prick her everywhere on her body. Would she ever get enough?

  Eventually they both subsided, riding the crest of a final waterfall, straight into a lush, lazy green valley. Nyssa was spaghetti—she couldn’t have moved if her life had depended on it.

  Theron took responsibility for removing the bondage items. Turning her to her side, his long, full body hard against hers, he began with the collar. Lightly nuzzling her neck, he undid the bit harness and then reached down to undo the clamps. Nyssa felt only mild stings and soreness, so warm and comforting was his embrace. She snuggled back against him, feeling so wonderfully sleepy and cozy. Greedily, she took his powerful arm and pulled it down on top of her, ensuring their connection, spoon-style.

  “Nyssa,” he whispered, “we need to talk.”

  “Not now,” she mumbled. “I need sleep…I’m human, remember?”

  “I’m human, too.”

  It was too late. She was already drifting across to the other side. The world of dreams. Though this time, Nyssa was quite sure she was too worn-out to dream. Unless it was about him…doing a whole hell of a lot more things to her like he had just done.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Nyssa looked adorable as a dominatrix, all dressed to play in her thigh leather boots, crotchless panties, captain’s hat and metal-studded bra, all black leather. She was wielding a multi-stranded flogger, too, which she fully intended to use on Theron’s naked ass.

  As an act of pure love and devotion, he had allowed her to chain him in the middle of the room, his hands shackled overhead. She had stripped him first, making sure his cock was good and hard. He had told Morax that he would stop humoring her once the mating ritual was complete, but the old man had shaken his head and laughed.

  “You may know the battlefield, boy, but you know nothing about fems.”

  His current predicament as her temporary slave for the afternoon was the prerequisite she had posed for carrying on their mating negotiations. They had been “negotiating” for three days straight. So far there had been much more sex-making than anything else.

  As far as he was concerned, it was a done deal. There was no getting away from the woman. If he sought even a moment’s peace, she would start hounding him, wanting to fight more. That was a sign of love, according to Dekalia.

  If the courtship was any indication, being mated to little Nyssa was going to make battling the Narthian hordes look like a walk in an agropark.

  “We need to talk about the sex-making,” Nyssa announced, tapping his hip with the crop.

  “I fail to see the point of discussing what we do already almost constantly,” he pointed out.

  Nyssa swatted his cock, sending a wave of pleasure through his body. Once again, he was allowing her incredible liberties. Such was his love for the feisty holostar.

  Nyssa loved every minute of it. “Silence, you insolent brute.”

  Theron sighed. The illogic of wanting to discuss something without him talking was typical of the “negotiations” so far. For the present he would humor her, occupying the time by thinking of new ways to torture her.

  Which was probably what she was trying to provoke him to in the first place. After all, it wasn’t as though steel chains could hold a primale.

  “I need to know how many times a day you plan on making sex,” she said. “Assuming we mate…which I doubt highly we ever will.”

  “At least eight.” He aimed for the high end.

  “Don’t be absurd.” She snapped the crop at his cock again.

  “We’ll make it easy,” he teased. “You can wear a dildo all the time to keep in practice.”

  “I’ll make you wear a dildo.” She thwacked his chest.

  Theron relished the sensations, the brief illusion of helplessness. There must be some advantage, he thought, to being in another’s control, letting them worry about all the decisions.

  “What about spankings?” he said. “We have to talk about them.”

  “Oh, yes,” she agreed. “I’m going to spank you every chance I get.”

  “Actually, I was thinking of you on the receiving end.”

  “I’m sure you were,” she wrapped her fingers around his throbbing, desperately engorged cock, “slave.”

  “Didn’t your mother teach you not to play with loaded weapons?”

  She dug her nails in just hard enough to get his attention. “Who’s playing?”

  “That hurts, Nyssa.”

  “Does it now? Guess you better do what I say, huh?”

  “Looks that way.” Actually, he was far from trapped, but what the hell, they were having fun.

  She dragged her nails possessively along his shaft. “If we mate, this becomes mine,” she let him know. “I don’t share well.”

  “Nor do I.”

  “If I let you down, you need to promise to lie on your back like a good boy.”

  “What if I don’t?”

  “Then you can hang up there all by your lonesome.” She pushed her fingers between her legs, extracting some of her moist, fragrant liquid. “You don’t want that, do you?”

  Nyssa put her cum-soaked fingers up to his lips. He sucked them clean, shaking his head “no”.

  “I didn’t think so.” She let him suck a little longer and then ran the glistening digits down his chest. She paused to pinch his nipples, one after the other.

  Theron clenched his fists…unlike with a fem, who became erotically passive, such an assault to a primale only made him more raring to go. “Let me down, Nyssa. I want you.”

  Nyssa blew him a kiss. “We don’t always get what we want.”

  He was on the verge of pulling down the chain when she moved behind him to stand on the little stool she had used to lock him up. Fiddling with the cuffs, inserting both keys, she freed him.

  Theron was all set to grab her when he remembered his sort-of promise. Under duress though it might be, he needed to be a good sport by honoring it.

  “Down, boy!” She snapped the ends of the flogger in the air.

  Theron lowered himself to the padded floor. They had made a dedicated space in her loft just for their new sex-making games. Today’s variation, apparently, would be fem-on-top.

  “Being at my feet agrees with you,” she lorded over him. “Maybe I’ll chain you naked all the time down there.”

  “I’d rather you fuck the hell out of me.”

  She grinned mischievously, touching the pointed heel of her boot to his dick. “Anxious, are we?”

  “A little,” he said dryly.

  “A little…Mistress.”

  “A little, Mistress,” he grumbled slightly.

  “Do you want me to take you, slave?” she inquired imperiously.

  He drank in the sight of her luscious leather-clad body. Wanting her was an understatement. “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Stroke your cock for me, show me how bad you need to be mounted.”

  He grasped his rod, holding it tightly. He slid his fingers up and down, his breath thin and steely.

  “Beg for it.”

  “Mount me, Mistress Nyssa…stick my cock deep inside you.”

  “Hands behind your head,” she pressed her victory, “legs wide apart. If you move from this position, I won’t make sex with you for a week.”

  Theron highly
doubted that the she could abstain for half an interval let alone a full week. Assuming the position, he braced himself for her worst.

  “Oh, and one more thing,” she offered with deceptive pleasantness, “you are not to come without my express permission.”

  Comets and meteors, he thought glumly. “I’ve taught you a little too well.”

  * * * * *

  As Nyssa looked down on the perfect, naked specimen of manhood before her, she could not conceive of ever living without him. Certainly, her body wasn’t about to give him up, nor was her soul. They were going to be lifemates, and that was that. Lowering herself to all fours, she started licking him, beginning at the bottoms of his feet. The big man laughed and jolted as she tickled him, but he kept his discipline. His skin tasted good, musky and a little salty.

  Slowly she worked her way up over both of his legs, his calves, his kneecaps, and then on to his thighs. She never tired of looking and touching and sensing Theron. She hoped that she never would. Climbing astride him, aligning his cock to her opening, she made her announcement. “Theron, if you’ll agree to my terms…I will give you my pledge…forever.”

  He groaned as the head of his cock sucked up inside her. “What terms?”

  Nyssa liked him this way, writhing, so completely masculine and needy. “You have to complete me, not own me. Let me fly, don’t break my wings, and I’ll come home to you…always.”

  “I can do that, angel.”

  She lowered herself, shivering, taking, absorbing, fully engulfing her and him in the realities of sex-making. “Tell me what you want, Theron.”

  “To protect you…to care.”

  “But you have to love me, too. I won’t mate without love.” Nyssa settled herself, Theron’s cock completely inside her. She took a breath. He took one too, aligning his rhythm. Two hearts connecting.

  “I don’t know what love is,” he said honestly, “but I know I can’t not think of you, I know you drive me crazy, and I have to have you constantly. I know I’ll never be able to touch or sex-make with another. I know that without you…I’m nothing.”

  “That’s close enough for me.” She lifted herself slowly, letting him feel the pleasure of her silky canal. Soon, very soon, they would be thrusting and counterthrusting like wild demons.

  “Do you love me, Nyssa?”

  “Only a primale would ask such a silly question,” she teased.

  His hands shot out to take control of her breasts.

  “Hey,” she protested. “You’re supposed to stay still.”

  “Tell me you hate not being able to control me.”

  She moaned inwardly as he massaged her twin globes, working the nipples, pressing her into sheer combustion. “I hate it,” she lied.

  “I’m still waiting.” He squeezed.

  “Ow,” she squealed, not very seriously.

  “Do you love me, or not?”

  “What do you care?” She decided to give him a run for his credits. “You get whatever you want out of me.”

  “I want love, too. It’s a package deal.”

  “Well, you can’t have it. I’m going to be an important politician one day and I have to remain objective.”

  Theron’s hands moved to her waist, gripping firmly and securely. “This is your last chance.”

  “Unhand me, you devil!” She tried to keep from laughing.

  “You asked for it.” He lifted her in the air, nearly pulling himself out.

  “Hey, put me back.”



  Theron set her down and lifted her. “Tell me you love me.”

  “I did…until this.”

  He repeated the action, impaling her again and again. Each time he let her get close to orgasm, but not go over the top. The motions left her panting, craving more. “All right, I give up,” she cried. “I love you. Now can we make sex?”

  “You’re only saying that so I’ll let you come.”

  “No,” she laughed, nearly hysterical with passion, “I swear it. I do love you, you stubborn fool. Now fuck me already.”

  Theron yanked her arms close and devoured her breasts one by one. She clamped her pussy muscles, letting him know how powerful the sensations were. His cock reacted, lengthening and thickening, just as it always did when he was getting really into it.

  “Oh, honey,” she moaned. “Oh, god, I do love you…baby, I love you so. From the minute I saw you…but I’ll never stop fighting you.”

  “You damn well better not,” he growled. “I like my fems feisty.”

  “You’re not getting any other fems,” she clawed at his chest, “or any obedients either. You want me? You forsake all others, buddy.”

  “That goes both ways. No more robot fucking.”

  “What if you’re away at war?”

  “That’s what the belt is for.”

  “No fucking way!”

  “Why not?”

  “Because…it’s inhumane.”

  “Keeps you honest.”

  “So would cutting off your dick and keeping it in water by the bed.”

  “Won’t do much good there.”

  “I’ll find uses for it, trust me.”

  He slapped her ass. “Less talk, more sex-making.”

  Nyssa pushed her palms down on his formidable pectorals for a springboard. “Aye, aye, Sir.” She launched herself into a bucking frenzy, bronco style.

  Theron’s muscles tensed. His cock grew hot inside her. He was breathing through his teeth, increasing his momentum, matching her rhythm, and preparing himself for their mutual bliss.

  “Remember to wait for permission,” she reminded him, as if she could hold him back at this point.

  “Better…give it…fast,” he breathed, serving notice that he wasn’t going to be playing her game very much longer.

  That was fine with her. She arched her back, the tide of pleasure surging within her, filling her every pore, readying itself to overflow her body’s bounds and join his.

  “Now.” Her insides turned to lava, to molten sex-making.

  He cried out, thrusting one last time. His cock seemed to push all the way up to the back of her throat. It felt like gallons of his cum this time, shooting up into her. She released a small flood of her own down onto him. Their bodies crackled with wet electricity, merging in the moment of their built-up energies.

  It had never been this good. Then again, she’d said that last time and the time before that. On back to the beginning. It would always be this way as far as she was concerned, one highlight after another. Yes, they would face challenges, dangers, but they wouldn’t be alone. They knew how to laugh and love and cooperate. Had the genetic engineers known all this down to the last detail? Had they blushingly installed these orgasms inside each of them, had they made sure that this particular day would come, hot on the heels of all the others? Or had they made the most of a possible destiny, seizing it for themselves?

  All Nyssa knew now was that the love they had made, like the sex, was something that belonged to them and no one else. Whoever might have come up with the idea initially could never have known how it would come down in the real world.

  “I love you.” She collapsed onto his chest.

  “I love you, too.” His big arms encircled her, making her the happiest woman on this or any other world. “I know that now, more certainly than I have ever known anything in my life. And I owe it all to you that I have the courage to confess it.”

  Nyssa sighed, tuning her heartbeat to his. It was all perfect.


  The only negative thought, tiny seed of doubt that it might be, concerned the “head” of the dragon that Theron was hunting. The one who had tried to kill her, presumably, was a mere tentacle. She asked him if that put her in grave danger at this very moment.

  He held her all the tighter. She feared he might try and humor her with his answer, but he gave the most honest answer he could. “We all face some kind of danger. Yours is specific, yes, b
ut the good news is, it’s something I can hunt. I like hunting, Nyssa.”

  “And I like you,” she sighed, snuggling.

  “What happened to love, young lady?”

  “Well, you know love fades with time…relationships change.”

  He reached back and smacked her rump. “You don’t get the right to change. Especially not after only a quarter of an interval.”

  “Oh,” she feigned disappointment, “in that case, you’ll have to twist my arm.”

  He gave her posterior a pinch, inducing a feminine wriggle. “Your arm isn’t the only thing twistable on you.”

  “Or you either.” She snaked her hand down his thigh, looking for pay dirt.

  “Don’t even think about it,” he growled.


  “Spoiled brat,” he shot back.

  Ah, yes, thought Nyssa, we are off to the right start, all right. A perfect challenge for both of us. Never a dull moment, never a quiet second. That’s the kind of life we are in for together.

  “You know when I’m High Councilor, you will have to start taking all your orders from me.”

  “At work, yes,” he agreed readily, “but not at home.”

  “Right, because you will already be taking orders there.”

  “Don’t you forget,” he pointed out, “that it’s my job to keep you humble.”

  Nyssa went to work on his cock, making it hard all over again. “You suck at it so far.”

  “Speaking of sucking…” He pushed her head down.

  She evaded him. “Uh-uh, Mr. High and Mighty Guardian…it’s your turn.”

  “I can’t reach my own cock,” he teased her. “And besides, I don’t like the flavor.”

  “Add some peppermint.” She played along with his bad joke. “As for making the connection between your mouth and your cock, I know you can stretch the fucker up to your mouth if you try.”

  “I could also stretch it long enough to make a paddle to spank you with.”


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