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Falling for Him 5 (Rachel and Peter in Love)

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by Gray, Jessica

  I put my hand on the knob and then stopped. Is Peter already asleep? Should I wake him up and apologize? Or wait until tomorrow? What if he’s still angry?

  My head was swimming with those of thoughts as I unlocked the door. I didn’t have to worry about what to do next, because he sat on the couch in the living room. He looked so relieved to see me that I barely contained the urge to throw myself into his arms.

  Peter came up to me, anxiety written on his face and asked, “Rachel, are you ok?”

  I nodded and finished entering the apartment, letting the door close behind me. “Yes. Peter, I’m sorry.”

  “No, I’m sorry,” he said at the exact same time.

  We both started laughing and as he took me into his strong arms, I my body sighed in relief. Instantly, any residual anger dissipated, and I was so happy to be there, in that moment with him. Peter is the love of my life and I want to be with him, no matter what.

  On my walk I had realized that I’m just worried about the wedding. And how to fit in… his world is different from mine.

  Peter could evidently see the worry on my face and gently kissed my lips before hugging me close once again. “I missed you,” he said softly against my temple and my heart melted.

  I tried to laugh it off, “You missed me? I was only gone for an hour.”

  “Yes, but the place is so empty without you!”

  Pressed against his chest, my body soaked up his warmth and the hard muscles beneath my cheek. His body reacted instantly and hardened beneath my own. As my hips brushed the front of his jeans the evidence of his arousal caught my attention. God, our first makeup sex!

  I tried not to giggle out loud, but suddenly all the comments and stuff I’d heard about make-up sex entered my brain and I couldn’t turn them off. I was so turned on it was funny!

  I leaned my head back, to better see his face and licked my lips, wetting my bottom lip with my tongue before meeting his gaze. His eyes darkened with desire as they became fixed on my lips and I couldn’t help myself – I licked my bottom lip again and enjoyed the tightening of his hands around me. He wants me as much as I want him.

  “Rachel, I am sorry. I want our wedding to be a wonderful day for both of us, if you don’t want a big reception…”

  “Shh,” I replied, covering his lips with my hand and looking up at him, “now is not the time to talk”. Slowly, I let my fingers wander across his cheeks and down over his chin. That wonderful strong chin and his tender lips.

  He sighed and tried to take me in his arms, but I wouldn’t let him.

  “No. Let me.” I used my hands to trace a path down his neck, over his shoulders, and let them skim down the fabric covering his strong chest. How much I love his bare chest! My hands wandered further south, following the line of his abs; he’s been going to the gym at least three times a week and it definitely shows. My fingertips traced each well-formed muscle group, my brain counting out the six-pack the shirt was hiding. His abs trembled as I traced them, letting my fingers come to a rest when they encountered the waistband of his jeans.

  A little devil rode me, and I wanted more. A lot more! His shirt was in my way and I commanded him to take it off. His eye’s widened at my tone, but he quickly obeyed my demand and pulled it from his jeans and over his head. I watched as he did my bidding and grinned at him. This is going to be a lot of fun. I’ll let him beg for his pleasure.

  I watched his eyes, darkened with lust, and I could tell that he was just about to explode. When he reached for me once again, I stepped back, commanding him, “No! This is my turn.”


  I am so turned on, a few more touches and I’m liable to go off like a rocket. After removing my shirt, I reached for Rachel, only to be put off again as she raised her eyebrow and told me it was her turn. God, she’s teasing me! I love it! I watched the light of triumph enter her eyes as I let my hands drops to my side. I devoured her with my eyes, clenching my hands into tight fists to stop them from grabbing her. I won’t complain. If she wants to lay this game I’m all in. She’s so sexy when she gets to be in control.

  She let her eyes wander up and down my body, wanting me to touch her with my hands and mouth. Every time I lose control and reach for her, she steps away, which makes my fire burn even more. I wonder what she has planned behind that smile. I wonder how long I can hold out before I lose control?

  Oh god, that woman knows how to turn me on! I know what’s coming. She’ll make me beg for my pleasure and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

  I’ve never let another woman take the lead before. After all, I’m the man, and I like to be in command, but with her, everything is different. I’d do anything to please her and if she took pleasure in setting me on fire, it was even better.

  She’s running her fingers across my bare chest and abs, lightly scratching with her nails and I can’t control the shiver that runs through my body. The shirt drop from my fingertips, and I have to clench my fists again as the urge to pull her against me and ravish her strengthens.

  Now she started using her lips on me, teasing my nipples until they hardened painfully, and that wasn’t all that was hardening. I was about to burst, and looked down to catch her gaze. She knows exactly what she’s doing to me, the little minx!

  When she let her fingertips trail to the waist of my jeans, and then dip just below, enough to slip under the edge of my boxers, but not low enough to give me the touch I was longing for, I couldn’t stop the groan that slipped from between my lips. When she touched her lips to the area between my navel and jeans, my stomach muscles tightened as I reveled in her touch. I shivered again and clenched my teeth. Control, buddy. Control.

  She licked her lips again, this time her gaze fixed on the fly of my jeans and I just about lost it. I was more aroused that I could ever remember being. Wow, if this is what fighting with Rachel turns out, then we need to fight more often.

  As if she could read my mind she looked up at me, softly placed a kiss on my lips and dug her fingers into my back. What a bittersweet sensation! It almost threw me off the edge. Then she suddenly retracted again and said, “Take your pants off!”

  It was an order, not a suggestion. One I had no trouble obeying. Whatever she had in mind, I’d follow with joy, as long as she didn’t stop pleasuring us both.

  I hurried to undo the buttons on my jeans and pushed them down and off, taking my boxers with them. When she observed me from head to toes, I felt excited and vulnerable at the same time. The look on her face was – possessive. It was as if she suddenly knew I was hers!

  I watched her from lowered lids as she knelt down in front of me, using her hands for leverage on my thighs. Without prevarication, she took my rock hard cock into her mouth and I couldn’t stop my groan. God, that feels soooo good! Her mouth is so warm and moist. I want to make that woman happy. Forever.

  She licked her way around my shaft, using her tongue in ways that had me ready to burst. When she dipped her head, taking me to the back of her throat and then swallowing gently against me, I reached down and placed both hands on the sides of her head. “Wait,” I commanded her. The time had come where I couldn’t stop myself from taking back the control.

  Rachel looked up at me, still holding me in her mouth before gently releasing me and licking her lips. That’s it! I reached down and lifted her into my arms, sealing our lips together in a kiss that had us both burning in need. I placed her back to her feet and lovingly undressed her, touching, stroking, and licking every inch of her wonderful breasts. When she was bared to me, I knelt before her, letting my lips skim her taut stomach and grinning as she tightened her muscles and goose bumps covered her flesh. Standing up again, I flung her over my shoulder in a fireman’s hold, using an arm around her thighs to hold her in place, “I’ll show you what you get for teasing me!”

  Rachel pushed herself up enough to meet my gaze and faked a fearful expression, answering with excited eyes, “Uh- huh. Please show me what a strong man can do to a woman lik
e me.”

  I slapped her butt playfully as I carried her into the bedroom. I tossed her onto the bed, coming down next to her and letting my eyes roam the treasure splayed out for our mutual pleasure. She was glorious in her nakedness. She’s so beautiful, she takes my breath away.

  When I touched her again, she shivered with desire and I felt my cock harden even more. God, one simple touch and I’m going to go off like the Fourth of July! With a groan, I murmured, “Rachel,….” I caught her gaze, seeing the same desire mirrored in her eyes as in mine. I positioned myself over her, “Rachel...,” I murmured against her lips as I made us one.

  This was no gentle, drawn-out loving, but a quick race to the finish line, where we both fell together, gasping for breath as the pleasure consumed us both. When her body tightened around me, I plunged once more, hearing her scream out my name as we both fell over the edge into ecstasy.

  Breathless, we lay on the bed, and after several minutes, I moved to her side, still keeping our bodies joined. In silence, I held her as our heart rates came down and the sweat cooled on our bodies. When she stirred slightly, I bent and kissed her forehead before slipping from her body and heading for the bathroom.

  I brought back a damp cloth for her and then pulled her against my side once more in the large bed. She snuggled up to me, laying her head on my shoulder, and draping an arm and a thigh over my body. When she hugged me and then softly spoke, I couldn’t believe how blessed I was to have this wonderful woman in my life. “Peter, I love you. If you really want a big wedding, I can live with it. Anything, just to be yours!”

  I laughed lightly, “Darling, I love you too. But let’s talk about this tomorrow. I’m sure we’ll find a solution that’s good for both of us.” I dropped another kiss on her forehead and gave her a warm smile.

  Rachel kissed my chest and relaxed against me. Moments later, she fell asleep in my arms and I followed her into a peaceful night’s sleep with the woman I loved above all others pressed tightly against me.

  Chapter 4 - Rachel

  Several days later, I was flipping through a magazine when the doorbell rang. I glanced at the clock, wondering if Peter had forgotten his key. Seeing that he hadn’t been gone long enough to have returned, I set the magazine down and headed towards the door.

  Today was Saturday and Peter had headed out first thing in the morning for a round of golf with some of his friends. I had so much going on right now, that I was actually glad to be alone and do nothing but sit in the apartment and enjoy the peace and quiet.

  I approached the door, pushing aside the strangeness of opening it. This is the first time I’ve answered the door since moving in here! How strange is that?

  Shaking my head at my silliness, I pulled the door open with a welcoming smile upon my face for whoever was on the other side. A strange man stood in front of me. Though I didn’t recognize him, he looked somehow familiar. If I just could remember where I’d seen him.

  “Hi Rachel, so glad to see you.”

  “Hello…,” I let my voice trail off, still wondering who this person was and how he knew me.

  “You don’t recognize me dear, do you?”

  “No, should I?” I was wracking my brain trying to place this stranger, but nothing was fitting in place.

  “I’m your dad.” He smiled at me as I just stood there looking at him.

  He’s what? My dad who disappeared when I was just 8 years old? Whom I haven’t seen in more than 15 years? My anger and all the old feelings of abandonment surged within me. And he has the nerve to show up on my doorstep, say “Hello” and pretend nothing has happened?

  As I continued to stand there, saying nothing, he smirked at me again and asked, “Well, aren’t you going to invite me to come inside?”

  I wasn’t sure what to do. After all, I don’t know this man. Clearing my throat, I continued to stand in the doorway, barring his entrance into the apartment as I asked, “How did you find me?”

  “Rachel, your upcoming wedding is all over the tabloids. And everyone knows where Peter Shaw lives. My little dummy.”

  I hate his tone of voice, it’s so patronizing, treating me like a dumb little girl. I don’t have many memories of this man who claims to be my father. But I remember clearly the day when he walked out on my mom and me. How I watched my mom breaking down and me starting to panic, afraid I’d loser her too. I’ve never seen him again. Until now.

  His voice. I recognized his voice, and it brought back rather unpleasant memories. The last time I’d heard his voice he told us he was abandoning us. Why is he back?

  Clearing my throat once more, I crossed my arms over my chest and asked, “What do you want?”

  “I want to talk.”


  “Well, I expected some more enthusiasm my little girl.”

  He sounded disgruntled, but what did I care about his feelings? He’s the one who left!

  “I’m not your little girl. You walked out on me, or have you forgotten that?”

  “I had my reasons.”

  My eyes take an inventory of this man who calls himself my dad. He looks sleazy. His behavior and everything about him is appalling to me! He’s about three inches taller than I’m, with dark blond, longish hair, which is greasy, and looks like he hasn’t washed it in days.

  His body odor and cheap cologne, which doesn’t help at all, are offensive. He’s wearing a cheap, ill-fitting suit and shoes that have seen better days. His speaking tone is soft, but I think I hear some underlying aggressiveness in it. I’m not keen on inviting him in, I haven’t seen the man in more than fifteen years. Peter, I wish you were here.

  “Won’t you invite me in, Rachy?”

  I remember him calling me that when I was a little girl. I’m not sure I liked it back then, but I definitely don’t like it now. “My name is Rachel.” My tone was aggressive and I didn’t even attempt to hide my dislike for the man in front of me.

  “You have grown, my little girl.”

  “I’m NOT your little girl!” I realize I am almost shouting, and take a shallow calming breath. He’s making me feel uncomfortable. This is soooo not what I expected when I imagined meeting up with my dad again.

  I’m not sure how to react. I’m not even sure what to feel at this moment. Am I happy? Angry? Disappointed? I don’t know.

  Looking at him again, he didn’t look all that dangerous, and I figured it would be fair to hear him out. Stepping back, I invited him in.

  I led the way to the living room and took a seat in the armchair. It was conveniently positioned the furthest away from the other seating in the room, and gave me a small measure of comfort and safety.

  “So you’re probably wondering why I left, huh?” he asked with a funny little smile that looked more like a leer to me.

  “Not really.”

  He paused surprised, but continued anyway, “Your mother and I didn’t get along so well with each other. She was always complaining about this or that, and told me all the time how she’d be better off without me. Jane was always griping about money, and how much time I spent with the boys. Lots of other things you wouldn’t understand, but it killed me to leave you.

  I begged her to let me see you, but she wouldn’t have nothing to do with that. She wouldn’t even let you talk to me on the phone.”

  He’d called? Not what I remember! I kept my features neutral and allowed him to continue talking his nonsense.

  “I missed you, baby girl. I came to the house a couple of times, but your mother threatened to call the cops on me.”

  What bunch of bullshit! I was eight, and plenty aware of what was going on!

  “I wanted to spend some time with you, but she wouldn’t let me, and then she moved and wouldn’t tell me where. I had no way of contacting you after that.”

  We had moved. I almost started believing him. He was very convincing. Could what he was saying be true? I didn’t know, but I still disliked his attitude.

  “Well, aren’t you going to say
anything?” he asked, finishing his story for the moment.

  “What do you want me to say?” We stared at each for a few moments before I asked, “How did you say you found me, again?”

  “I saw your face with that handsome fiancé of yours on one of the tabloids at the checkout counter in the grocery store. It told all about your upcoming wedding and such. I just couldn’t let my baby girl get married without meeting the man she’d chosen to spend her life with.”

  I nodded my head and watched him. “Peter’s not here right now.”

  “He’s not? Well darn. I really do want to meet him. When’s he due home?”

  I needed some time to put his visit into perspective. “Not in the next few hours, and I was just getting ready to head out myself. If you give me your number we could get together sometime?”

  “Sure, sure.” He grabbed a tablet sitting on the coffee table, along with a pen, and jotted down a number before handing it to me, “Here’s my cell phone number. You figure out a time with that man of yours and give me a call.”

  He stood up and headed for the front door, “Don’t wait too long. I want to get to know my future son-in-law.”

  “Okay. I don’t know when…”

  “Anytime in the next few days works for me. I’ll be waiting for your call.” He gave me a slight wave of his fingers and let himself out of the apartment.

  I sat there watching the closed door. What in the hell was that all about?

  Chapter 5 - Peter

  I entered the apartment, feeling relaxed and ready to spend the rest of the day with Rachel - doing nothing, or everything. I didn’t care; I was just looking forward to a carefree day in her company.


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