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Dangerous Days (The Firsts Book 18)

Page 19

by C. L. Quinn

  “Sure. Talk. While I’m sure the conversation is scintillating, do me a favor and quit pounding the headboard of the bed with so many words. Get out of here, I’ll clean up.”

  Saul glanced at Quattro before they left, and Dani noticed a distinct lack of hostility. It was a start.


  The Island of Oahu

  Could be his last first meal. Felix was nothing if not a realist, and while he’d prepared down to the last detail, the enemy force he would meet tomorrow night was formidable. In that, Quattro had been right. The idea of facing a truly worthy opponent, even at the risk of paying the ultimate cost, was unbelievably stimulating.

  “Bring the food in all at once, please,” he barked to the compelled humans he’d been using since he arrived. Locals, not particularly bright, but human, so there you had it. Adequate for that task anyway. “And don’t forget the beverages.”

  Whisky, the finest, and cranberry juice, a favorite tart drink. Also a selection of chemically designed beverages that were all the rage. Delicious, unique, like himself.

  Felix glanced toward the large bed he’d engaged for the next few nights, a honeymoon suite with a round bed big enough for six. On it sat four of the biggest human men he had seen on the island since arriving three nights earlier.

  Since there was every possibility he might die soon, he had decided to engage in his decadent desire for men. Women, yes, they were lovely, and he enjoyed sex with them, but increasingly over the past few decades, he’d found himself drawn inexplicably to rough masculine bodies, especially to having their mouths and tongues attack his cock. There was just something about watching the men working down there. Gods, he could almost come at just the thought.

  If he won, if he had more time, he would convert several as he began to build his army. So the stakes were high for this fight. He wanted to live and recreate the Four Horsemen with men of his own choosing, and surround the horsemen with a vampire army. The thought was almost too much, so exciting, so…

  As two women brought bottles of Scotch into the room and opened them to set several glasses next to him, Felix barked to the man who sat nearest to the foot of the bed.

  “You, come here. Remove your clothes.”

  When he had, Felix continued. “Now, unzip my pants and swallow me. Be rough. I like it that way. Bite. Now.”

  Leaning back, he closed his eyes with a glass of whisky in his hand, a shiver running through his body as he felt a hot tongue on the tip of his cock.

  Across the island near Wheeler-Schofield Cabins

  “I thought you’d get a kick out of this. It was military about a hundred years ago. The bases closed and they turned much of the area into these rustic cabin rentals for tourists, but the tunnels that run under the mountains remain largely intact. Historically, they’re fascinating. And for us, they’re defendable, cool, and light-tight. Plenty of room for training.”

  Jack spun around, arms out, to present the facility he’d arranged for their overnight accommodations.

  “Stark. Dank. No amenities. Yep, exactly where we should end up.”

  “Aw, San, you’ll adjust. Jack, it’s perfect.” Dani carried her small bag in and placed it on a leather sofa. “It is kind of damp.”

  “And unlike you, I don’t have anyone to keep me warm,” San complained.

  “It will do,” Kwano snapped as he, Quattro, and Saul brought in the rest of their supplies; food, lights, weapons, sleeping tubes, and Evaleigh’s computer support. Luckily, everything she carried with her had net capabilities without outside lines.

  Quattro carried his boxes to the back of the corridor.

  “I’ll set up an area for food prep. And a bar. We’re going to need that tonight. Our last night before we fight.”

  With everyone pitching in, they made the hallway that led into Kunia Mountain into an overnight camp.

  Multiple hallways led off the main entrance, and Dani glanced up to see Saul carry two sleeping tubes away from the others down another hallway to the left. She nodded her approval. They needed privacy tonight. Turning, she looked around at this rag-tag group of friends and hoped this wasn’t the last time they’d all be together. Even Quattro, aware now of his relationship with Saul, was family too.

  “I can’t lose this,” she whispered. Good, honest, beautiful people she loved who spent their days protecting people and building good lives for them. “I won’t let that crazy bastard win.”

  After spreading out her sleeping tube, Sanquinetta dropped down into its air-filled cushion. “Aw, that is nice. I’d forgotten how comfortable these are. Dani, what did you just say about crazy?”

  “Nothing. Just that we’re not going to let this guy win.”

  Sitting up, San glanced around the room just as Dani had just done. “No,” she said on a sigh. “He won’t win. We have too much to lose. Plus, he’s exactly the type of vampire we remove from the world. He’s our ultimate mission. We’ll crush him.”

  Later, first meal over, the seven warriors sat on their sleeping tubes, now placed in a circle, to confer about the looming battle. When it came to strategy, Sanquinetta usually took point, but this time, with the nature of the enemy, she thought they needed to hear from the first bloods instead.

  “Quattro. Is there anything you can tell us that will help?”

  Lying on his stomach, fully relaxed, he nodded.

  “Yes, but you’re not going to like it. Felix is dangerous, and by that I mean, he’s smart, fast, mean, and unpredictable, and that combination is really bad for anyone he fights.” He paused to take a sip of whisky. “I think only we three first bloods should go. It’s too risky for the rest of you, especially you ladies. Not because you’re women, don’t start on me, but because you’re human.”

  “That isn’t…”

  Kwano cut Sanquinetta off. “I’ve been thinking the same, Quattro. Everyone, I agree. Look, we are here to protect our group as much as to stop Felix. He’s one first blood, and we are three. It’s true what Quattro says, and please don’t burn me with those beautiful eyes ladies, but we will be much less effective if we are trying to fight him and protect you as well.”

  “You forget I’m pretty fucking good with a stunner and machete. Dani carries earth magic. Eva, it’s true that you are a wizard on the keyboard, and you aren’t really a fighter, but Dani and I can help.”

  “You can, of course you can. We don’t dispute that, but this is too dangerous. This time, we’re being hunted too, and we have no idea what this lunatic has planned. This could go sideways fast. We can use air-displacement to move, but we can’t leave you behind and that slows us down, makes us targets, shackles our movement. You need to find refuge and stay there. Once Quattro is out of here, you need to change locations, and Felix won’t be able to find you. Jack, back us up here.”

  Jack had been quiet during the discussion because he had been included too. “There’s merit to what you say. I’m having a little trouble with it because I’m apparently being benched too. I can’t help but find it emasculating to be shoved out of the fight.”

  “That isn’t it, Jack, you know it. Saul, weigh in.”

  Saul, too, like Jack, had stayed silent. His eyes went to the women watching him from around the circle, then Jack, stretched out on his tube. He could feel their eyes boring into him. “Yes, it’s the wise choice. We’re three of the most powerful people on earth against one. Yes, if he’s smart and lucky, it’s possible for him to take us all. It’s also extremely unlikely. So, yes, I think, Jack, that you should find a safe place and wait this out with our ladies.” He finished with a slight smile. “It has nothing to do with your masculinity, by the way.”

  “Or you can listen to me.”

  All faces turned to Dani, standing now, as she reached for a slice of one of the six pizzas that had been brought in half an hour ago. “Everything you say is true, but we’re a team, and we work well together. We do what you say with one change. Jack, San, and I will go, but we’ll stay in the backgrou
nd and watch for any opportunity to help. You forget, my earth magic is strong, and when combined with Quattro, stronger yet. You will need me. Eva, you’re not a fighter and you, of all of us, would be the most in danger. We need you, but out here, monitoring the area, movement, anything you can see that might help us. I think you should go to a hotel near the site, set up, and stay linked.”

  Quattro slammed his hands on the floor. “That’s the plan, then. I’d follow that brilliant woman anywhere.”

  Kwano rubbed his forehead, strong memories of his recent death still fresh.

  “Okay. I guess it had to work out this way. Only ladies, don’t get killed.”

  Sunset the next night


  Everyone was. Weapons were attached to all the usual places on each warrior and a few more in addition. Dani and San wore catsuits lined with Supratef, a micro-thin layer that could almost stop a bullet, and would stop most blades.

  Evaleigh had passed out coms devices so they could keep in touch and call for help if necessary. “Keep these in at all times.” She had especially meant Quattro, who wasn’t accustomed to working with a group like this.

  Kwano addressed the team.

  “All right. The main goal is Felix, and unlike our usual tactic, this is a kill. Disable so that we can safely dispose of him. No heroics. Stop him, call the others, and we finish the fight forever. Here’s the tough part. He has likely compelled a large number of humans to attack us, and while that’s dangerous, we have to remember, they’re innocents. Try not to kill, or badly injure, any of them if possible. It’s a coward’s way, hiding behind humans, but we’ve already seen that Felix isn’t above that. He’s no hero. Just, be careful. Let’s all meet, well and whole, for a celebratory dinner afterward.”

  Evaleigh placed her hand on Sanquinetta’s, then Dani did so as well. “Merry meet, and merry meet again.”

  She looked up at the men. “It’s an old greeting that means we shall see each other again under good tidings. Join us.”

  Seven who would go to battle placed their hands on top of each other’s and spoke Eva’s odd words. It seemed the perfect way to say goodbye, but only for a little while.

  At Kolekole Pass

  The full moon preceded the hunters to their destination up the mountainside to Kolekole Pass, a place of historical significance.

  Cautious, spreading out to create a less tight target, they found no evidence of Felix or his army.

  Quattro’s spoke softly. “I don’t feel him here, but he’s close.”

  Jack quietly walked around the area, noting old metal plaques that described what had happened there so long ago. “You know this is where the Japanese came through as they attacked Pearl Harbor about 200 years ago. Felix selected a good place to end this. They called it the Day of Infamy.”

  “That seems about right. It’s beautiful under moonlight. I can’t believe we’re fighting here.”

  “Dani, please, baby, stay close to me.”

  “Always, my love.”

  “Ugh, too much sugar, guys. Remember why we’re here.”

  Quattro’s fone chimed and he lifted it from his pocket.

  “It’s Felix.”

  He held it up as vid images began to play, Felix’s voice overlaying the sound.

  “Good evening, my friends, thank you for coming. I realize that I have a great disadvantage tonight, one first blood pitted against three, so here’s my equalizer. I have taken two people and buried them somewhere on this mountain. They’re human, and have only two hours of oxygen left in the containers where I have placed them. They are buried about eight feet deep. It will take one vampire each searching with all his abilities to save them. If you choose not to search, they will die. Simple choices. One is the mother of two adorable little girls, and without her, they will be orphaned. The other is a young man that I have been assured has a brilliant future. He’s such a kind man, he’s spent most of his young life caring for those in need. Awww. Which will it be? Stay here and fight me, or save the humans in danger? Quite the conundrum. I give you ten minutes to consider it, and then I come for you.”

  Side by side vids showed a young woman, her hands bound, eyes terrified, as she kicked repeatedly against what appeared to be a heavy plastic container. She’d never break through it. The second vid showed a man with pale hair lying unmoving in an identical box, his eyes wet, as frightened as the woman.

  Jack cursed. “Fuck. Our weakness is that we care. Goddam that asshole. That would leave at most two first bloods against him if I go.”

  “He’s not as smart as he thinks he is.” Dani took Quattro’s hand and moved forward. “We can find them in much less time than you can. Earth magic can tap into the living planet and the Mother will show us where they are within her warm ground.”

  “If you find them, you’ll need vampire help to dig them out in time.”

  “No we won’t. Earth magic will remove the soil. We got this. You get that bastard.”


  “Saul. I’ll be fine. Go do your job. Quattro and I will do ours and come back to help.”

  Quattro searched the area. “Felix is near. Very. He’s below us. Everyone, be careful.”

  “Thank the Gods for the moonlight. It’s nearly as bright as day up here.”

  “It’s an advantage for him too. I guess we begin the search for him. He’ll be coming for us.”

  With a last glance at Saul, Dani and Quattro disappeared from the site where their battle would begin.

  Jack stood side by side with Kwano and Saul, guarding Sanquinetta, all armed with powerful long range shock guns as they searched the white shrouded landscape and watched for any movement.

  “We need to take cover while we hunt for him.”

  Trees and bushes lined the hillside just below Kolekole Pass’s visitor spot where they’d arrived. Sliding into the foliage, the group moved apart to cover more ground and offer a smaller target. Moving down the mountainside to where Quattro had said Felix’s lifeforce put him, both Saul and Kwano would read it if they came within a reasonable distance. Coms would keep them all apprised if he showed. They knew that Felix wouldn’t have come alone, that he’d have compelled people all over the mountain to attack whenever they were in range.

  The first barrage came seconds after they started to move when power arrows flew toward Jack, the first one sailing just above his shoulder. A second arrow struck Sanquinetta’s side, and while it tore a hole in her suit, the Supratef stopped it from penetrating too far past her skin. The point left a deep gash, but nothing serious, as she sprayed a quick-setting coagulant on the wound.

  “Oh, fuck that hurts.”

  “You’re okay?”

  “Just makes me more fighting mad. Let’s go!”

  Settings on the shock guns had been lowered so they could use them to stun humans, stun vampires, but not kill anyone. Felix would only need to be stunned long enough to take his head.

  “Everyone lives,” Sanquinetta had murmured. Please, please, she’d thought. Now, in the midst of the battle, she knew, knew, that everyone wouldn’t survive.


  It was Saul and the whisper came through his coms.

  “Stay with San, Kwano and I are going to recon using hyperspeed.”

  “Check,” he acknowledged.

  Nearly faster than the human eye could register them, Saul and Kwano scanned about 100 yards out from their location, and found no other threats.

  Stopping near each other, Kwano shook his head.

  “What’s he playing at?”

  “We’re in the dark, literally and figuratively. I have no clue.”

  “Makes me feel even more uneasy.”

  “It should. Let’s find Jack and San.”

  “This is messed up.”

  “How does one first blood think he can take on three?”

  “Because this one is completely mental. Godhood syndrome, I guess.”

  With no warning, Saul was thrown into
the air. Kwano, shocked, searched for him, and saw his form several feet away, locked in a battle with someone. It had to be Felix, no one else would easily hold his own with a first blood. As he raced to help him, he heard a percussive blast, saw the muzzle flash of a handgun, the shadow of a body falling, and another form disappear into the darkness using air-displacement.

  “Saul,” he whispered, reaching his side, blood pouring from his head, his body still, dead from the gunshot.

  Fuck! With Quattro off in search of the humans, Saul fatally injured, Felix had equalized first blood talents easily.

  “We haven’t been wise about this. Too arrogant, thinking we had superior strength.”

  And in his coms, “Everyone, Saul is down. We need to get him out of here before Felix or someone else tries to behead him. Quattro, I need you now.”

  Seconds passed when he felt Quattro arrive on air.

  “Take him,” Quattro said. “Get everyone else out of here. I’m finding Felix and killing him.”

  “Not alone, you’re not.”

  “No. I’ll do it with Dani. We are unbeatable together.”


  “Yes. No discussion. Get everyone to safety. I mean it, Kwano. I know now how this is supposed to go now. It’s the only way it could ever play through. He has men all over this hill with ax’s to remove our heads. Felix would have won. Now he won’t. Dani and I will find you when it’s done.”

  “He’ll be ready for you.”

  Quattro smiled. “He won’t be ready for us.”

  “Did you find the buried humans?”

  “Easily. Dani’s with them right now. Give me Saul’s com. I’ll leave it on them, and if you guys would pick them up on your way out, that will be helpful.”

  “I fucking hate this.”

  “It will happen as it is meant to happen. Take everyone to the Big Island. When it’s done, Dani and I will find you.”


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