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Dancing In Darkness

Page 2

by Sherrie Weynand


  Walking up the stairs to her apartment, she ran into her landlord. Bill Wiley was nothing more than a slumlord. Collecting high rent on small, dilapidated apartments. Appliances that wouldn’t work, no hot water most of the time, air conditioning going out, nothing was fixed yet your rent better be on time.

  “Ms. Barnes, you’ll find the eviction notice on your door.” Bill told her.

  “Mr. Wiley, please, I’m only two days late.” Priscilla said, almost in a panic.

  “Two days is two days. You don’t have a lease, I don’t have to give you notification. Since I’m a decent guy, I’ve given you ten days to vacate the premises.” He told her. “Or,” He said, “We could take the difference out in other ways.” He smirked.

  “No. Absolutely not. I can have my rent money by tomorrow morning. Please, Mr. Wiley. I have nowhere else to go.” She said quietly. She hated this man. He was evil and vile.

  “Bring me the money before nine and I’ll make the eviction go away. No more chances though. Next month, if you don’t have every penny on the day it’s due, you are out of here.” He barked.

  She tore the notice off of the door and went inside. That man caused shivers in her. He truly was awful, she thought to herself, “Just like the men that are going to watch you dance almost naked.” It wasn’t something that she could worry about. She had to have at least enough for the rest of her rent. Without it, she would be on the street.

  Picking up some papers that had been scattered on the coffee table, she looked around her shabby little place. It wasn’t great to look at, but she kept it clean and was proud to call it hers. When she threw the papers out, she saw something in the stack of mail that she thought was junk. It was a postcard. She must have missed it when she opened everything the day before. Looking at it, she saw the picture of a beach at sunset. Turning it over, she recognized the writing on the card immediately.

  “Priscilla, I am writing this to tell you that I am not well. I know we haven’t spoken since shortly after your father died. There are a lot of things I need to say. If I hear from you, I will know that you indeed would be willing to listen. The phone number is the same. Mother”

  Dropping the card onto the table, Priscilla burst into tears. “After all of these years she decides she wants to talk to me? What could she possibly do to put me down any more than she already has?” This wasn’t something that she wanted to face right now. The prospect of being homeless mixed with words from her mother, was not a combination that she remotely had time for.

  With everything on her plate, she decided to make a pot of coffee and relax. She needed to kick back and enjoy her day. At some point she would have to rest, she wasn’t used to the long nights of dancing. She wondered how many different dances she would have to do tonight. If nothing else, it would keep her in great shape while she earned a little money. That’s how she had to look at it. A means to an end. She wasn’t going to get sucked into the entire lifestyle, it wasn’t her and it wasn’t who she wanted to be. For right now, she wouldn’t complain. She only hoped that she wasn’t fooling herself about making enough to cover rent.

  The day went by quickly, she had done so much thinking that the day passed before she knew it. Since she would have to walk to the club, she decided to leave just before eight. It would give her enough time to get there and get prepared for the night. Megan had said she could borrow some of her things, so she would have to look through her locker and see what she had. The teacher had been a hit so that was a definite. She was clueless about anything else.

  Heading to the back door entrance to avoid walking through the crowd, Priscilla started to feel her nerves again, trying to recall what Nina and Megan had said earlier about her dancing. That is what she had to carry with her. Only the positive. She noticed that the music was much louder than it had been when she was here this morning.

  “You made it!” Megan yelled at her over the music.

  “Yeah, of course I did.” Priscilla answered.

  “Let me introduce you to some of the girls.” Megan grabbed her hand and pulled her through the curtain. “Ladies, meet Ms. Pris. Priscilla, this is Diamond, Yvette, Zena and Abi.”

  Priscilla smiled and said, “Hi.”

  Yvette stood up and smiled at Priscilla. “Baby doll, it’s okay to be nervous. We all had a first day some time.”

  The rest of the women in the room greeted her warmly, then went back to getting ready. Priscilla asked Megan about the outfits that she had offered her.

  “Girl, get in there and find what you want. I would start with having four prepared. See how that goes. There’s five of you dancing tonight, so probably about four sets each.” Megan told her.

  “You aren’t dancing tonight?” Priscilla asked.

  “No, I’m not dancing. I won’t be dancing for a little while.” Megan answered, avoiding a direct reason why.

  Priscilla didn’t press her for any information, but held on to it in order to ask her at a later time. Megan helped her get her makeup on and her hair finished. They pulled the teacher outfit from the locker, and then found three more. The only true character was the teacher, the rest were hot, but the teacher was amazing. Priscilla played it well.

  “I am so nervous, I feel sick.” She admitted.

  “Dance like you did today and you will be just fine. There’s a good crowd tonight and it looks like they have been tipping well. Just do what you did and there’s nothing to worry about.” Megan smiled. “You’re going up after Diamond. There is about two and a half minutes left in her song. Wait at the door until your introduction and come out like you did this morning. Block everyone out at first until you are comfortable. Get used to the whistles and screams.” She continued. “If at any time you feel threatened or uneasy about a client, you always have security on both sides of the stage. Let them know, it’s their job.”

  “I’ll announce for you again, so listen for the music to stop and the name announcement.” Megan went on. “You got this.”

  Taking a deep breath, Priscilla adjusted her skirt and shrug. She was ready. All she could think about was her rent. She would do whatever it took. Diamond’s music came to an end and she readied herself to take the stage for the first time. She could hear the men who had obviously been drinking, when she heard Megan’s voice come across the sound system.

  “Gentlemen, and ladies, tonight we have a real treat for you. Straight from the classroom, please welcome Ms. Pris.” She said in the same tone she would have used if she were trying to sell something, yet there was a sensual quality to it.

  When the music started, she took a long breath and strutted out on stage. Same position, hand on hip and one on the glasses. She was going to replay what she did earlier in the morning. That way she didn’t have to make up an on the spot dance. Before her next set, she would have to figure that out. Hitting the stage, the audience immediately came alive. That wasn’t anything new, it was the same every time a new girl made an appearance. At least they gave them a chance.

  Less than thirty seconds into her routine, the crowd was on its feet. The cheering and whistles and yells were heard over the music. Nina had been watching from the side lines and was impressed with what she witnessed. The money was being thrown on the stage at an alarming rate. Priscilla couldn’t concentrate on that, she wanted to do the best she could do. Every time an article of her limited clothing was removed, even more hard, cold cash was thrown onto the stage.

  When her music was over, the crowd went wild. They wanted more Ms. Pris. Priscilla was a little embarrassed but the bouncers helped her gather all of the bills that had been tossed while she was entertaining them. These weren’t just ones and fives. Tens, twenties and she noticed at least one hundred dollar bill. While it wasn’t her dream job, she knew that there was more money there in one night than in a whole week at the restaurant.

  Walking into the changing room, the other women congratulated her. All hugs and kisses. “Welcome to the family!” Abi to
ld her.

  “Thanks.” Priscilla managed to reply. This wasn’t a family that she wanted to be a part of. It was something to survive.

  “Girl, let’s count that cash!” Megan said as she walked into the room.

  Priscilla smiled as she picked up the piles of cash. Counting it out slowly to herself, she had to stop and recount when she finished. That couldn’t be right. Again she counted and came to the same dollar amount. In less than four minutes time, she had made five hundred and thirty two dollars. In less than four minutes. She kept repeating that one over and over in her head. With three more songs tonight, she could bring in more than she did in an entire month. Her worries of not making enough to pay her rent, faded from her mind.

  “Damn, you made more than anyone so far tonight for their first song. Just wait until these fools get drunk and are willing to part with their money easier.” Megan told her.

  Yvette piped in with a statement about having to up her game, Priscilla wasn’t listening and had been stuck in her own thoughts. Knowing that she had a few more minutes before it was her turn on the stage again, she started planning out what she would do. Finding a sexy costume from Megan’s locker was the first step. She couldn’t really change all of her makeup in that short of time, so she made touch ups. Her hair she would keep down this time. The straight, long brown mane that she was so proud of spilled across her shoulders and chest, covering her breasts and leaving them more covered than they would be. It left an air of secrecy.

  The next couple of hours passed quickly. She had completed three of her turns on stage. The cash kept rolling in. It seemed as if the men couldn’t get enough of her. When she came out for her fourth and final dance of the night, she laid down, rested one thigh high booted foot on her bent knee, arched her back allowing the light to shine from beneath her, while her head was bent back with just the crown on the floor. The scene was highly sexualized and very erotic. The dark background, fog from the mist machine and well placed spotlights all added to the sexual appeal of her movements. Reactions from the crowd were outlandish. Megan had been correct, the more they drank, the more they paid her. When she had finished, they were yelling her name for more. Security had to intervene on one occasion when a man in his late twenties tried to push his way to the stage.

  Walking out with the same strut in her stride that she walked in with, she was smiling to herself.

  “I have to count all of this. This is completely insane.” She told Megan.

  “I know who to hit up if I need to borrow money.” Megan said playfully.

  “Sadly, no matter how much is here, it will probably all be gone after paying my bills that are due. Rent, my cellphone before they shut it off, electric, seems like I’ll never get ahead.” Priscilla admitted.

  “You know you will. I guarantee you that this wasn’t a one night stand in terms of cash flow. Those fools loved you. I think you should consider working bottle service between sets. You would make bank. Same rules apply, no touching and whatnot, just sit there and talk or listen to what they have to say. They pay more for the bottle so it doesn’t seem they are paying for your time. You make a percentage of that and whatever tips they give you.” Megan suggested.

  “I don’t know if I’m comfortable with that.” She told her friend.

  “Get used to this first. It was only a suggestion.” The other girl smiled at her.

  After counting all of the money, she had just under seventeen hundred dollars. She couldn’t breathe. When was the last time she actually had that much money in her hands at once? It had to have been right after she moved. Now, here she was holding it all and she had earned it in one night. As she cleaned up her portion of the mess that had taken over the dressing room, she couldn’t wait until morning to pay that ignorant man she called a landlord. Plus, she knew she had enough to take a cab home.

  Yvette came around the corner as Priscilla was grabbing her bag from the locker. “You think you are going to come in here all high and mighty like you own the place? Let me tell you sister, it doesn’t work that way. There are some of us that have been here a long damn time. You earn the respect.” She almost spit at Priscilla.

  “I don’t want any trouble with you, I don’t think I own the place and I sure as hell am not high and mighty. What is your problem? They asked me to dance and that’s what I did.” Priscilla retorted. She did not want to get into a fight on her very first night. While she made her rent, she could work a few nights and get a little saved up.

  “Yvette, what in the hell are you doing?” Nina snapped. Neither woman had seen her walk in.

  Rolling her eyes, Yvette picked up her things and started for the rear door.

  “No, you aren’t leaving yet. We have something to discuss. Since you chose to involve Ms. Barnes, we will do so right here.” Nina was angry.

  Priscilla could see that this was not entirely about her which made her uncomfortable. The older woman was livid and it showed through her expression and her movements.

  “What is it, Nina?” Yvette said. “I have to go. My babysitter will only stay so long and I’m not paying extra.”

  “I don’t want you to run late, but I’m going to tell you, one more outburst towards any other girl or even myself, and you are out the door. Permanently.” Nina spoke evenly but firmly.

  “Are you threatening me? This place isn’t that great and I was keeping it above water. Maybe when DiDi left this morning you should have left it as it was. Not bring in some new bitch who makes a little more money on her first night and thinks she’s queen bee.” Yvette continued with her nasty attitude.

  “Tonight was it, Yvette. You are no longer welcome here. Please clean out your locker and any personal things. I’ll have either Ed or Leon help you carry your belongings and escort you out.” Nina almost yelled. “While you are doing that, I’ll get your last paycheck and you can be on your way.”

  Priscilla could feel the tension between the two growing by the second. Nina stood her ground while Yvette started to argue louder. “I have been here for how many years, Nina?” She asked.

  “You’ve been here a long time, but when you start running off good dancers, people who are bringing money into the club that actually pay you, then we have a problem.” Nina snapped.

  “I just call it like I see it.” Said Yvette.

  “No, you had DiDi in tears this morning. She was one of the best girls I had. Because of you and your out of control mouth, she left. If it hadn’t been for Megan telling me about Priscilla, I would have been down a girl.” Nina continued, “For that matter, it’s my name that is on the business license. Not yours. Am I clear?”

  “Freaking crystal. Mark my words, this dump is going to be gone in less than a year.” Yvette laughed as she spoke, “Your old ass and the rest of these bitches can’t carry it. Without me, you all are nothing.”

  “Get your shit and get out. Now. Before I remove you myself.” Nina hissed. “You can wait outside for me to get your check. Get out.”

  Yvette picked up the things she had pulled from her locker, threw them all into the oversized gym bag she was carrying and walked to the door. Looking back over her shoulder at Priscilla, she squinted her eyes and in a deadly quiet tone, told her, “This isn’t over.”

  “I am so sorry, Priscilla. When she feels threatened by another girl, this is what she does. This time, she has pushed me too far. I’m done playing her little game.” Nina told her.

  “It’s okay. Not sure why I am such a threat to her. She has a following, that’s for sure.” She replied.

  Finishing up in the dressing room while Nina took care of Yvette’s last pay check, she could hear them in the parking lot through the open window. It was in a hushed tone and she couldn’t make it out clearly, all she could tell was that it was extremely heated. Nina was yelling at Yvette and clearly heard her tell the younger woman to not threaten her.

  Priscilla was the type to mind her own business, but she wanted to be sure the older woman was alright. She d
idn’t know Yvette, but she didn’t trust her at all. She had seen her type too many times before. When she heard the car door close, she walked out into the parking lot. Nina was just coming back in.

  “Do you have a ride?” Nina asked her.

  “No, I was going to call a cab or walk.” Priscilla was honest with the woman,

  “Like hell you are going to walk. Not in this neighborhood.” Nina said with a firm tone. “Give me a couple minutes and I’ll give you a ride.”

  “You don’t have to do that, I can call the taxi. It’s no big deal.” She replied.

  “I don’t have to do anything except die and pay taxes. I look at it as protecting my investment.” Nina smiled.

  When the older woman smiled, Priscilla could see the true kindness in her eyes. She was hardened by the world she lived in, but she was kind and caring. Tonight, Priscilla was thankful for the ride. She directed Nina to the apartment she called home. On their way, Nina told her that she was truly impressed with her and her skills.

  “I’m not one to harp on someone, but you have talent and could go far. I know you weren’t considering this for your career, not many do, but you have something that they do not. Raw talent.” She told Priscilla.

  Priscilla couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. The first thought that crossed her mind was telling her mother that she had made a name for herself through stripping. It wasn’t a conversation that she would have any time soon, if ever. As they got closer to her building, Priscilla told her she could pull over.

  “I would love to have you come back tomorrow night if you would. This could turn into a great venture for both of us.” Nina said before Priscilla got out of the car.

  “Tomorrow night is fine. It wasn’t so bad besides Yvette and I’ve handled worse than her.” Priscilla smiled at the older woman.

  “I’m pretty sure she is all talk. She felt threatened and got jealous. That little green monster can be downright ugly when it rears its head.” Nina said.


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