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Dancing In Darkness

Page 11

by Sherrie Weynand

  “Those are called spreader bars. They are used on the ankles to keep them a set distance apart and unmovable. They can be used with the furniture or on their own and chained to arm restraints.” He explained to her. She liked that he didn’t make her feel stupid. This was all so new to her.

  “While I wouldn’t want to participate in all of this, again, it’s not as bad as they made it appear on the internet.” She told him.

  “What? You went and searched it?” He looked at her incredulously. She never failed to amaze him.

  “Well, I didn’t know anything about it. I had to have some idea so that I didn’t appear to be brilliantly stupid.” She looked at him slightly annoyed that he almost laughed at her.

  “I wouldn’t have thought you were stupid,” he reassured her. “I only found it amusing that you took the time to do that instead of simply asking.”

  “Ugh, I should have, because this isn’t anything like that. Thankfully, because honestly, I was ready to run.” She said.

  “Sweetheart, there are people out there that are into what you found on the internet. I am not one of them, but do enjoy some of the perks.” He told her.

  “Can we see the last room before I change?” She asked, noticing that the time was starting to wean down to guests showing up soon.

  Walking a short distance down the hall to the third and final door, he put his hand on the doorknob and told her, “This room is the most intense. I just wanted you to be aware of that before you went in.”

  “It’s fine. I think I can handle seeing it, as long as there is no one in there. I mean, it’s just inanimate objects, right?” She asked.

  “Indeed.” He was proud of her attitude and how she was dealing with all of this. He knew that it could be very intimidating to those not well versed in any of the lifestyle. He was also glad she was open to some of it, even if it were only a small portion.

  When the door opened and she had stepped inside, it was as if she had been taken into another realm. It was indeed designed like a dungeon. There were shackles hanging on the wall that were attached to large metal loops. There was a huge wooden X in the middle of the room that seemed to swallow everything else. Perhaps because of the nature of the piece? There were loops on all four arms and on the bottom two were feet rest, on which to stand. There were several types and colors of ropes hanging across the walls, there were hooks hanging from the ceiling where restraints could be locked while someone was standing. There was a large dresser type piece sitting along the far wall. She crossed the room and ran her hand along the length of it. Before opening one of the drawers, she turned and looked at him, “May I?”

  “Of course.” He replied.

  Sliding the drawer easily and silently, she looked inside. There was a selection of vibrators and other sex toys. Next to the chest of toys, she noticed another piece of equipment. She wasn’t sure what it was for, and he noticed her questioning eyes. “It’s an autoclave, after everything is washed with cleanser and water, it is sterilized in there.”

  “Okay, that makes sense and it’s very smart.” She agreed. Taking one last look around the dungeon room, she walked out. “Those aren’t too horribly bad, I’m sure it might be different if there were actually people in there.”

  “Keep in mind that the only people in there are those that choose to be. This is all by choice and it’s never forced. Everyone has a safe word with their partner or whomever the person they are with at the moment. This keeps everyone safe, if they can’t take something, it’s too extreme or they don’t want to continue even if already actively participating, it stops immediately.” He explained to her with great patience. “This is why I said that the sub of the relationship holds all of the power. It is not something to take part of with someone you do not trust implicitly. That is something to always remember.”

  “Interesting to say the least. I better go get ready, we spent quite a bit of time going through here. Thank you for showing me, Adam.” She said. Leaning up she kissed him quickly before crossing the room to the other side of the stage.

  He knew before that he was falling in love with this woman, but not that it was set in stone. He loved her. It was his first relationship that would not be in a Dom/sub context. He had never felt the desire to share his life completely with one person. Priscilla Barnes was different. The question would be, does she feel the same way? He couldn’t tell her all of this without knowing she felt the same way first. He refused to put his heart on the line only to be shot down.

  In a room down the hall, Priscilla had decided on the same type of costume as the last party, only in a different color. Fire red. It was eye catching and sexy. For the first time in a long time she felt sexy herself. The other men cheering and paying her was different. She didn’t have to feel anything, it was all about the money. While she was getting paid for her performance tonight, it was different. She was technically living with this man, she was definitely sleeping in his bed and that’s how she wanted it to remain, for the time being. Pushing all of that aside, she picked up her phone and dialed Adam’s number. She knew that the guests would be arriving and some probably already had, but she wanted him to walk her out. That last little streak of shyness never went away for her.

  “I’ll be right there, love.” He told her when he answered the ringing phone.

  “Did he just call me love?” She asked herself out loud. “Oh, I couod get used to that. Shut up Priscilla, you’re getting in over your head.”

  When he opened the door and saw her for the first time that night, he lost his breath. For the first time in forever, Adam Linston was speechless. The red outfit, the platform shoes to match, the exquisitely French braided hair, and she was the epitome of perfection. Finally finding his voice, he told her, “I am a lucky, lucky man.”

  She felt the familiar blush creep into her cheeks. Fight it as she may, she had no control over it and she didn’t think it would ever go away. He found it rather sweet. It showed that she still retained her modesty.

  “Are we ready?” He asked her.

  “I am, is everyone here?” She replied.

  “Mostly. I think.” He shrugged. “I don’t care, I want to see you dance.” He had waited long enough.

  She smiled at him as they walked down the hall arm in arm. Entering the large, darkened room, she took a deep breath as he helped her to the stairs. He whispered in her ear before she went up. Her smile brightened her entire face. “You are all mine tonight when we are through.” He told her.

  Taking her place on the stage by leaning against the pole, she waited for the music to start. When she began to move to the rhythm she could see all heads turn to watch her. This was the part that she enjoyed. The one thing that she could do right. She could dance. What she didn’t notice was that the shadowy figure in the corner from the last party, was there again. Still sitting in his chair, still watching her every move. Plotting. Yes, he was watching her slow, torturous death play out like a screenplay that only his mind could view.

  The man in the dark thought to himself that only by following her every move and her reactions to different scenarios would he be able to have his just rewards. His patience was strong, but beginning to wear thin. He had been watching her for a while, waiting for precisely the right time. Now, he had to start moving his plan into action. It wouldn’t be tonight, but it would be soon. Let her think that she was safe here, in this castle that Linston called a home.

  There wasn’t any safety here for her, he was an invited guest, a member in good standing. No one would ever suspect him. It was the perfect plan and had worked perfectly the last three times. Some things had to change though or it would be extremely difficult to pull off. This had not been in his plan at all, she would have had no reason to be here. What were the odds of that happening? He stood to leave just before the music stopped for the night, wanting to make his exit before the lights were brought up.

  She hadn’t seen him all night until this very moment. In fact she had forgotten ab
out him. Now that he was leaving she could sense something that to an extent seemed familiar. That couldn’t be though, she didn’t know anyone here other than Adam. She brushed it off as it being someone that could be a public figure and that’s how she thought she knew. Then again, with the lighting as such, it was too tricky to say with any confidence that she recognized him at all.

  “Priscilla, I think you should go answer your phone, Nina has been calling for the last few minutes, repeatedly.” Adam said seriously.

  “Oh no, please no.” She looked as if she were going to cry. Grabbing her phone from the table in the break area under the stage, she quickly hit the numbers for Nina.

  “Pris, I think that they might have the guy they are looking for!” Nina practically screamed into the phone.

  “What? How?” She couldn’t think. All she could do was throw some clothes over her costume and ask Adam for a ride to Nina’s.

  “What’s going on?” He questioned.

  “Nina said they think they have the guy responsible for the murders. I don’t know. Please, we have to go.” She begged him.

  Without so much as a goodbye, Adam grabbed her hand and they headed for the garage. It was a long drive that he was about to make much shorter. He had to know that no one else had been injured and that his Priscilla was safe. “When did she become your Priscilla, Linston?” He thought to himself.

  Neither of them said a word the entire trip. When he came to a screeching halt in front of Nina’s, there were police cars and lights everywhere. Jumping out of the car, Priscilla rushed to the front door. “Miss I’m sorry you can’t go in there.” A voice called to her.

  “Is Det. Tony or Det. Ward here?” She asked the officer.

  “Yes ma’am, Det. Tony is inside. You’ll have to wait.” He told her.

  “Please tell her that I am Priscilla Barnes.” She begged the officer.

  The officer turned away from her and pushed the button on his radio. “Yeah, tell Tony that a Priscilla Barnes is out here.”

  “Thank you, sir.” She muttered. She was terrified that something was horribly wrong. Adam tried to console her as much as he could. She wasn’t in the frame of mind to be comforted and he couldn’t blame her. He was about to crawl out of his own skin with worry.

  “Ms. Barnes.” She heard Det. Tony call her name.

  “Yes! What is going on? Is Nina okay and Abi also?” Her mind was a list of questions.

  “Slow down. Everyone is okay, maybe a little shaken up. Earlier tonight, Abi Martinez had to run to the grocery. When she left on her own, a man grabbed her and tried to abduct her.” Tony went on, “He has been arrested for this crime as well as the homicides of the other three victims.”

  “Oh dear God.” Priscilla cried. “It’s over?”

  “Yes, I do believe it is over.” Tony said. “Of course we will have to question him extensively, but with the charge of attempted kidnapping, and it being a woman that was somewhere in line with the prior victims, yes, I do believe it is over.”

  Priscilla turned and fell into Adam. The tears of relief washed over her and her body was wracked with sobs. Her friends had lost their lives at the hands of this monster. Now it was over.

  “Can I see Nina and Abi?” She asked the detective.

  “Of course you can. Follow me.” She replied.

  Without hesitation Priscilla followed closely behind her. When they got in the door, Nina was comforting Abi and the children were in another room.

  “Abi, I am so glad you are okay.” Priscilla cried. All three of them were in one big hug, holding each other. It had been a long time coming and it had taken a lot out of everyone. Nina had lost money by having to close the club, but keeping it open would have put them all at risk. Now it was time to start getting back to normal.

  For exceptionally selfish reasons, Adam felt both relieved that the killer was behind bars where he couldn’t hurt anyone and saddened that his time with Priscilla might be coming to a close. It was a terrible position to be in, but in the end he knew that as long as she and everyone else was alright, he would find a way to be happy.

  The man in the black Honda sat down the street watching the scene unfold. How lucky for him that this idiot guy decided to try and kidnap someone that was being closely followed for her own safety. His plan was coming together even quicker than he thought it would. Not only quicker, but now he would have free reign to take things as he may. He could only wish that these murders would stick to this fool and he wouldn’t be released within the next seventy two hours. If they had nothing to connect him to any of it, they wouldn’t be able to hold him any longer than that. This he knew. Tonight he would watch and determine if Priscilla was going with Linston or staying at her place. He assumed that he would have to wait at least another night, especially having seen the looks shared between them earlier in the evening. That whore wasn’t going anywhere, money hungry bitch. His hatred for Priscilla Barnes grew every day. The others he had done away with almost calmly. This was going to be different. Very, very different. There wouldn’t be any calmness or peace for her. She was going to pay.

  There was still an active crime scene and she knew that Nina and Abi were both fine, other than shaken up, so she decided that Adam and herself would go ahead and leave. Adam had left all of his guests unannounced and she felt bad, but she couldn’t make any sense of what Nina was trying to tell her. Saying their goodbyes the two set off back to Adam’s.

  “Ms. Barnes, one more thing before you leave, I need to apologize on behalf of Det. Ward. I don’t know what he was thinking and we all have bad days. If I need you for anything I will give you a call. Rest a little easier tonight.” The detective said with a smile.

  “No worries, I had let it go. Thanks, you try and get some rest also.” She replied in kind.

  Beth Tony knew that this was going to be anything but a restful night. She had to go and interrogate this prick of a kid. Ward was on his way in, being out of town fishing to get rid of some of his stress. Hopefully he wouldn’t lose his cool with this guy. They had to nail him to the wall.


  The mood on the ride home was much lighter than it had been on the way to Nina’s. They talked and laughed most of the way. As they were in the driveway, Adam looked at her, “When we get in, I’m going to jump in the shower. Meet me in bed.”

  “Really, giving orders tonight are you?” She winked at him.

  “To an extent, yes.” His eyes darkened.

  “I’ll meet you. Go shower.” She told him as they walked up the front steps.

  He turned the hot water on and let it run over him. The stress that was built up had done a number on him the last several days. He was constantly worried about Priscilla and hadn’t been able to breathe correctly since she found the note in the apartment. He needed a few minutes to gather his thoughts and allow his body to relax. Between the steam and the hot water itself, he would feel better in no time. “Not to mention what will be waiting for you when you get out.” He told himself with a smile.

  Priscilla had made the conscious decision to surprise him. Since she was able to go home this would be her last night here on a permanent basis. She hoped that she would be back intermittently. Walking swiftly to the bookcase, she pushed the button to open the door. She couldn’t allow herself to think twice about her decision, there wasn’t much time and she had to work fast. Going into the second room they had explored, she went to work doing what she wanted to do. She found cuffs on the wall that fit her wrists and ankles snugly, but comfortably. Stripping down until she was naked, she went to work putting the cuffs on. It felt strange putting them on herself. “Hell it would feel strange putting them on at all. Don’t lie.” She chided herself. After she was sure they were in place correctly, she went back to the wall and found a collar. She wouldn’t wear a leash, but she would wear the collar showing him that she was his. Pulling her long hair up into a ponytail was the last thing she had to do. Picking up her cellphone, she got ready t
o send him a text.

  “Do you want what is behind door number 2?” She hit send and then waited in the center of the room like she had witnessed the other girls do. She sat on her knees, her legs spread, hands upturned on her thighs, her head down and her eyes downcast to avoid eye contact unless he permitted it. She didn’t know how long she would have to wait, but didn’t think it would be too long. It had taken her awhile to get ready, so that cut off a bunch of time. She hoped he wouldn’t be upset with her.

  As Adam walked out of the shower, he expected to find her in bed. When he didn’t see her, he wrapped a towel around his waist and set off to find her. Noticing the flashing light on of his phone, he picked it up and saw a text from her. “Why in the hell would she text me?” He thought. Swiping the screen to read it, his eyes widened. She was full of surprises. Taking his time to dry thoroughly, he picked up a pair of pajama pants and stepped into them. All he wanted to do was run to her, instead he was in no rush. She would be there.

  When he finally made his way to the door he hesitated before opening it. As he opened the door fully to enter he couldn’t have been any more shocked to find what was waiting for him. There she was, on her knees, waiting. She didn’t flinch when the door opened and then closed, she didn’t flinch when he stepped in front of her. He had to turn away to wipe the single, silent tear that fell down his cheek at the love he felt for this woman. Turning back to her he spoke in a firm tone that she hadn’t heard in this context before. “You do not have to do this, you do understand that?” He asked.

  “Yes, sir.” She replied.

  “You are fully aware that in this room, I am in complete control? You will have a safe word and that would end everything in here tonight.” He asked.

  “Yes, sir.” She replied again.

  “Are you aware of how completely fucking happy you have just made me?” He asked her.


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