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Razzle Dazzle

Page 7

by Morticia Knight

  There was a knock at the door.


  The door opened, and his personal assistant on the set stuck his head in.

  “Excuse me, sir, but you wanted me to alert you when the director was almost ready.”

  “Indeed. Is Mr Stone on the set?”

  “He’s been there for almost a half an hour. I don’t know where Miss Fox is, though.”

  As if I care.

  “I see. Please alert me when it is precisely one minute to my call time.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  His assistant shut the door, and Roman considered his reflection in the large mirror surrounded by many light bulbs. It was vital that he have the upper hand in everything that occurred between him and Jack from that moment on. The film they were starring in together was a footnote to everything else—a means to an end. He could be patient. He could wait. The prize he sought would be well worth it.

  There was a deeper understanding as to why Nick had felt the need to drink as much as he had than Jack had ever known before. He would give anything to have a gin—or two—right there on the set. The anticipation of seeing Roman again had been building at a slow but steady pace from the second Jack had set foot in the studio car. It was now at a critical level. He had decided to be on the set early in order to acclimate himself to his surroundings. He was hardly an expert at his new craft, and sets were still new territory. It would be nothing to Roman. He would have no trouble being at ease there.

  He looked around. The activity was picking up, and he jumped when a strong hand clapped him on the shoulder.

  “Ready to go, nice and early.”

  It was the director, Marvin Holst.

  “That’s what I like to see. Enthusiasm.” He released his hand and pulled up his bullhorn. “All right, people, let’s go! Everyone get to your places.”

  Marvin walked away and Jack went through in his head again what his first position would be, and began to run the scene in his mind. He had to stand in the drawing room at a large mahogany desk looking over an old map. He would have his back to the window, then Roman…

  Oh God. Roman.

  Jack took a deep breath.


  Then Darius—Roman’s character—would burst in through the window. A struggle for the map would ensue…

  Sweat dripped down his face. He was ruining his makeup, but it couldn’t be helped. It was so damnably hot in there. He looked around frantically for a makeup person so that the director wouldn’t be angry with him for holding up filming. People scurried everywhere. Some plugged various cords in, others adjusted lights and the rest did things that Jack couldn’t even comprehend. But none of them seemed to be doing anything related to cosmetics.

  They’re probably still in the makeup area back where the other dressing rooms are. If I hurry, I can be back before the director needs me.

  He turned to go in the correct direction, and ran right into Roman. He stumbled and Roman grabbed his upper arms.

  “I do apologise, my dear Jack. Are you all right?”

  Roman still gripped Jack, and the feel of Roman’s hands on him was very distracting. And commanding. But he couldn’t help but notice how impassive Roman’s expression and tone were.

  He’s probably still angry at me.

  “Yes. Thank you very much for asking.”

  Jack was proud of himself. He was managing to sound less like a silly boy, and more like a man. He had even been practising his speech. He wanted to say his words better. Even though he still didn’t succeed much of the time, he was trying.

  “Hmmm. I see your makeup is running a bit. If it’s not too impertinent of me to say, you should probably take care of that before you go on set. Marvin can be frightfully harsh at times. Oh, and I do like how you’re styling your hair these days.”

  Jack swallowed. “Thank you. I was just headed that way.”

  Roman cocked his head, and slowly released Jack’s arms. “Well then. Do let me know if I can be of any additional help. For now, please excuse me. I am needed on the set.”

  Roman walked away without another glance, yet the pounding in Jack’s heart wouldn’t stop. He had to admit he was affected by the man. He was willing to acknowledge that even though he still loved Nick, there was something so extraordinary about Roman, Jack was unable to ignore it. He still believed it had been the right thing to do not to give in to him at the club, but he also knew that being in Roman’s presence was going to be a challenge.

  He was hard just from Roman’s brief touch.

  Inhaling sharply, Jack looked at the ceiling that hovered about twenty feet above him. Someday he would mature and would easily be able to let go of someone he felt a longing for as if those feelings had never existed. The same way Nick had. And, it would seem, Roman. Until then, he would keep the pain buried deep inside him where no one else could see it.

  If he had to grab Jack around the waist and wrestle with him on the ground one more time…

  If my cock gets any stiffer, it shall explode.

  The thought of something that dreadful actually happening did nothing to lift his mood. The frustration caused by filming the scene of grappling with Jack had made him irritable, and he’d snapped at Marvin and, unforgivably, at Jack.

  “God damn it! I know you’re a babe on the set, but is it too much to ask for you to stand in the same spot when I burst in? You know—the place that is marked with a large ‘X’?”

  The look of hurt on Jack’s face had immediately made him regret his words. He’d been impressed up to that point at how well Jack had been masking his feelings by maintaining the same unaffected expression as Roman had. Roman knew he was a master at cutting people down with mere words, but he’d never meant for his sweet Jack to be the recipient of his ire.

  “Okay, people,” Marvin announced through the bullhorn, “let’s take a break.”

  Holst headed towards both Jack and Roman. Jack stood off to the side of the desk, trying to fix his hair and appear relaxed.

  He needs to work on his acting skills more.

  Roman had his arms crossed over the intolerable robe, and made sure to maintain a proper distance from Jack. If the costume hadn’t continually wrapped itself around the two of them like a cocoon, they could have had the shot completed several takes sooner. Roman’s legs had kept getting exposed as the garment became tangled, and he was sure it had looked quite laughable to the crew. He could have sworn he’d heard a few chuckles.

  “All right, gentlemen, c’mere.”

  Holst motioned for the both of them to stand next to him.

  “What can we do to make this scene work, huh? It needs to be filled with drama and suspense. Will the dark and brooding Darius steal the map? Will he overcome the gentler Henry, and force him to do his bidding?”

  Jack snorted.

  Both Roman and Marvin turned his way. Jack’s blush was evident under the blinding lights, but Roman was sure Marvin would assume it was from the heat. Roman knew better.

  Marvin continued, “Because right now, it looks like a Buster Keaton routine.”

  “Marvin, I would have to say that the true culprit in this whole mess is this detestable costume. If the fucking thing isn’t getting caught on the fake windowsill and almost bringing the entire flat down on top of us, poor Jack over here is being smothered to death by it as we roll around on the floor like puppies.”

  Jack smothered a giggle. Roman caught his eye, suppressing a smile, but he was sure that Jack could see the mirth in his gaze.

  “All right gentlemen. I agree that the robe does seem to be an issue, so we need to rethink this. Roman, what if your character wears European dress clothes during the scenes that are supposed to take place in London, then wears the traditional garb in the scenes that are supposed to be in Egypt.”

  “Splendid Marvin, I couldn’t agree more. You have come up with the perfect solution, as always.”

  Now that he’d got past his irritation, he needed to butter Marvin back
up. Hopefully, he would get to apologise to Jack right away as well.

  “Fine. Let’s take an hour. Jack, go get cleaned up and ready to shoot, and Roman, head over to costuming, and tell them what we need. I haven’t got all day to do just one scene. Trixie’s been in her dressing room pouting. She was supposed to shoot over two hours ago.”

  Jack walked towards his dressing room, which was on the opposite side with Trixie’s from where Roman’s was located. As soon as Marvin had disappeared from view, Roman scurried after Jack. He resisted the urge to grab him.

  “My dear Jack,” he called out, “may I have a word?”

  Jack halted but didn’t turn around. Roman stopped right behind him.

  “I’m sure you must think me a vile person for yelling at you like I did, so I have come to request your forgiveness.”

  Jack still didn’t move, so Roman decided to add a little untruth.

  “Only this morning, before we began, I told Marvin how perfect you are for this role, and that I was honoured to be working with you. I’m afraid he is all too well acquainted with my little tantrums. You might have noticed that he received many more of my tongue lashings than you did.”

  Roman made a mental note to actually say something to Marvin later, just in case.

  Jack turned around, the open and innocent look back on his face. Roman’s heart melted in relief. His Jack was still there underneath the mask.

  “You did?”

  “Of course. I know we had a little hiccup in our acquaintance last week, but I don’t want you to think that I can’t separate my personal longings from my professional behaviour.”


  Jack looked down, and Roman faltered, not sure how to proceed—a highly unusual condition for him. But Jack was not the typical conquest, and was consistently full of surprises. Any other prey would have still been enraged with him, possibly spiteful, but not his dearest Jack.

  “I’m sorry too.” Jack looked up at Roman with the most endearing expression. There wasn’t any hint of deception or anger.

  “What could you possibly be sorry for? I am the one who has behaved like an animal. In both instances.”

  Jack looked around, as if he were afraid someone might overhear.

  “No you didn’t. You’ve been very nice to a nobody like me, and I didn’t mean to hurt your feelins. I just ain’t, I mean, I’m not ready to be with another man right now. And if I ever am, it wouldn’t just be for sex. I still love Nick—the one you asked me about—and I can’t give up on him yet.”

  Roman resisted the urge to scream at Jack that his precious Nick had dumped him like yesterday’s garbage. That Roman would cherish him above all else, and give him his every desire. But he’d learnt his lesson. Jack needed to be coaxed gently.

  “You are too kind, Jack. But you aren’t a ‘nobody’, especially not in my eyes. Soon, you shall be the dream of every man and woman in the country. Let me leave you with this thought, though. It would never just be sex between us. I must confess, my heart is already too captivated by you for that to be the case. Possibly, you shall give me a chance to prove that one day.” Roman paused for effect. “I shall see you back on the set in an hour.”

  As he’d expected, Jack was too surprised to say anything. Roman turned and walked away, feeling victorious for the first time since the horrible way things had ended at the club. Now, on to the next step in his plan.

  He said I captivated his heart.

  This new piece of information had him completely flustered. Instead of making everything better, it had made it much, much worse. It seemed like a joke to think that Roman actually had any real feelings about him. But if he did…

  It doesn’t matter anyway.

  His love for Nick still superseded anything else. It was nice to know that Roman was sorry for behaving the way he had, and that things were fine between them. Now all that mattered was the film. A sensation of lightness filled him. It was unexpected, but comforting. He had been genuinely working on pulling himself together, making himself better. He was even making plenty of money now—all on his own, and he wasn’t doing anything bad to get it. If Nick did come back, he would see that they could be equals instead of Nick feeling as though he had to take care of Jack all the time. In the meantime, he wouldn’t dwell on what Roman had just told him. Jack would never take it any further anyway.

  There was a sharp knock at the door.

  “Jack, open up will ya? I’m dyin’a boredom over here.”

  Jack got up to unlock the door and let Trixie in. He liked having his privacy, and after everything that had gone on with Roman, he had decided to use the lock.

  “Hey, Trix. Whaddya been doin’?”

  She flounced in and perused his dressing room.

  “Humph,” she said, and collapsed in the love seat positioned at one end of his compartment. His room was a snug ten by ten feet. But it served its purpose with a dressing table and mirror, clothes rack and the piece of furniture Trixie currently lounged in. Apparently, only Roman had a changing area that had a private bath, and was supposedly at least twice as big as theirs.

  “Nothin. Just waitin’ for you two lovebirds to finish your scene so that I can get out there.”

  “Hey, that’s not funny. And anyway, Roman apologised for the whole club thing.”

  “Ya mean he said he was sorry for his tongue?” She fell into a fit of guffaws.

  “Come on, Trixie, don’t make fun. And don’t say nothin’ to him neither. I’m finally gettin’ to the point where I ain’t… I’m not so scared to be around him. This is hard for me. I’m not all professional like you and Roman.”

  Trixie sat up.

  “Aw, sweetie, don’t listen to me. I’m sure you’re doin’ great.”

  Jack smiled, remembering Roman’s words. “Actually, he told Mr Holst that it’s an honour to be workin’ with me.”

  Jack tried not to blush, but it felt too weird to be saying something like that about himself, even if it had been what Roman had said.

  “Well, listen to you, Mr Hoity Toity. I guess I’m just the chopped liva’.”

  “Chopped liver? Why would I think you’re a liver?”

  “Oh shit, Jack, I never get tired a ya. It’s just an expression. Listen, what’s it like out there? I’ve never worked with Marvin. At least not on a movie set.” She covered her mouth and giggled behind it.

  Jack thought better of asking her about that. He was doing just fine by not thinking about any of that type of stuff anymore.

  “Well, I’m feelin’ less nervous now that Roman and I are okay. We had a problem with Roman’s costume, though, so that’s why we’re takin’ a break before we go back out there.”

  Trixie flopped back on the love seat. “Shit! I ain’t never gonna get on that set. I can’t believe I dragged my ass out of bed this mornin’ to sit around while you two love…boys hog up the camera.”

  “Why don’t you come out and watch. That’s what I’m gonna do when you film your scenes.”

  “You are so cute Jack, but I think I’ll go see if I can’t rustle up some giggle juice around here. They are so fussy about havin’ booze on the lot—like the coppers are gonna bust Global Studios—but I bet someone’s got a stash somewhere. I’ll see ya later.”

  She jumped up, came over and gave Jack a peck on the cheek then sashayed out of the door.

  Jack shook his head, then turned to examine his reflection. He could do this. He could be film star Jack Stone. All it would take was a little make-believe.

  Chapter Seven

  The past few days on the set with Jack had been its own type of sweet torture. Roman was able to be close to his love, but couldn’t touch, or even banter with him, for fear of chasing him off once more. He had maintained a respectable distance in attitude and proximity, and Roman was sure it was having the effect he had intended. Jack would be lulled into a false sense of security.


  Roman had only ever professed love to one man, and it had been
a horrible mistake. He’d sworn he would never do it again. It seemed like a hundred years ago, almost as if it had happened to someone else. In reality, it had only been about a dozen years before when he was close to Jack’s age. He had been in Hollywood for a year after escaping his Mexican village, and was desperate to quit working as a dishwasher in a dive restaurant on Santa Monica Boulevard. An older, rich man had spotted him. Even when Roman was penniless, he had still been exquisite to look at. He’d known that, and had used it to his advantage.

  But his downfall with that first man had been to fall in love with him. There could be no love between business partners. But in the two years he had lived with Fernando, he had learnt all about how the film business was beginning to take hold in the area. With all of his money, Fernando began investing in this new medium, becoming one of California’s first successful producers.

  Others began to take notice of Roman when he would accompany Fernando to the desert locations that were popular with all of the cowboy films. Many times, Roman was pressed into service as a Mexican worker, or as part of a menacing Indian tribe. Within a few years, as the film business began to completely take over the area, Roman had long been discarded by Fernando, and begun the climb to the fame that he now enjoyed. He had also made sure that he would be the one to pick and choose his lovers from then on. He would never allow himself to love or be discarded by anyone else again.

  That was why it was so crucial that he win Jack over. Because he was already irretrievably in love with him.

  It would mean a drastic change to his current lifestyle. Jack would never be able to handle other men in Roman’s life, he was much too sensitive. Yet that was one of the things that Roman loved the most about him. Therefore, his revolving door of lovers would have to come to a halt. The orgiastic lavender romps would cease. Roman worried whether he could give all of that up. He was still young enough that he craved constant sexual release.

  But to have Jack all to himself—to do with as he liked—would more than make up for it. To possess Jack’s adoration and devotion would make his life complete.


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