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Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar)

Page 8

by Richards, Jana

  * * *

  Chapter Seven

  Zach found himself drowning in Dani's dark eyes. The way she looked at him, as if he were truly someone special, someone cherished, made his chest ache with longing. Had Chantal ever looked at him that way?

  A moment later Todd and Jonathan entered the foyer. Jonathan gave Dani a wide grin and pulled her into a one-armed hug.

  "Wow, you clean up good, sweetheart." He kissed her cheek.

  Zach was blind-sided by a primitive urge to pry Jonathan's fingers from her waist and plant a fist in his face. He took a deep breath and counted to ten until the urge subsided.

  When the hell had he turned into a caveman? What was it about Dani that brought out the Neanderthal in him?

  "You really do look great, Dani," Todd said. "Thanks again for going to all the trouble to get the cake. It meant a lot to Fiona and me."

  "You're welcome," she said as he kissed her cheek. "And thanks for the compliments. You guys are great for my ego." She smiled shyly in Zach's direction.

  Mr. and Mrs. Woodman joined them and Todd pulled a set of keys from his pocket.

  "We'd better get going before the Campbells send out a search party."

  The six of them took the elevator down to the parking garage before parting company.

  "Dani and I will take Camp's SUV," Zach said. "We'll meet you at the church."

  Jonathan winked at her. "See you there."

  "See you in a bit," she answered.

  Zach took her elbow and steered her towards the SUV. What exactly was going on between the two of them? Jonathan was way too into Dani for his liking. And how did Dani feel about Jonathan? Was she wishing she'd been paired with him this weekend?

  A short time later they arrived at the church in downtown Toronto. The old building had a brown brick exterior with two massive spires visible for miles. The interior was just as impressive, with ornate stained glass windows, soaring ceilings, dark oak pews and a magnificent pipe organ that filled the area behind the altar from floor to ceiling. It was the perfect setting for Fiona and Todd's classically elegant wedding.

  The Campbells had already arrived and were waiting. The minister hurried them inside.

  "Quickly, quickly! I've got another rehearsal in forty-five minutes so we'll have to move it along."

  He showed the groom and his attendants the little anteroom next to the altar where they were to wait for the bride. Next, he demonstrated the walk up the aisle for the bridesmaids.

  "Just walk normally. You don't have to do the old one-step, one-step all the way up the aisle. Just a nice slow walk. And remember to smile. This is a wedding, not a funeral."

  They ran through the routine a couple of times until everyone got it. By then, the next wedding party had arrived and it was time to leave. Zach pulled out the keys to the SUV.

  "Are you ready to go, Dani?"

  "Sure. Just let me grab my coat."

  Chantal approached him. "It's too crowded in Dad's car. I'll drive with you to the hotel."

  As usual with Chantal, it was more of a command then a request. "All right."

  She smiled brilliantly, looping her arm possessively through his. "Let's go, shall we?"

  "I'm waiting for Dani."

  Her smile faltered. "Can't she ride with Fiona, or better yet, with Jonathan? They seem to get along so well."

  It irked him that Chantal had picked up on the close relationship Dani had so quickly developed with Jonathan. Had everyone noticed their special bond?

  "She's riding with me."

  She pouted prettily and rolled her eyes. "All right, fine. If you insist."

  "I do."

  He blew out a relieved breath when Dani hurried up the aisle a moment later with her coat. He saw her frown when she saw the grip Chantal had on his arm.

  "Chantal's going to catch a ride with us to the hotel."

  "Oh." He heard the disappointment in her voice, but she smiled politely in spite of it. "We'd better go. The other wedding party has already started their rehearsal."

  "If you hadn't been so late, we wouldn't have had to rush through our rehearsal."

  Zach exchanged a look with Dani. She bit her lip as if trying hold back a pithy retort. There was no use trying to explain to Chantal that they'd hurried as quickly as they could.

  When they reached the SUV, Chantal stood by the front passenger door, waiting for him to help her up.

  "You know I get car sick if I have to sit in the back. You wouldn't want me to be sick at my sister's rehearsal dinner, would you?"

  "I can sit in the back," Dani said. "It's no big deal."

  Had Chantal always been this manipulative, this pushy? Had he been so blind all these years that he hadn't seen it?

  He opened the passenger door. "Fine. Sit in the front."

  "Aren't you going to help me up? This vehicle is enormous."

  He offered his arm and she stepped into the SUV, making sure he caught a good look at the length of creamy thigh that was revealed as her short skirt hiked up her legs. She smiled triumphantly and he swallowed. She knew he was a sucker for a really well built thigh.

  When he finally remembered Dani, he found that she had already made her way into the seat behind the driver. She made a show of buckling her seat belt, refusing to meet his gaze. He sighed, closed both passenger doors, and made his way to his own seat.

  Chantal chatted incessantly all the way to the hotel, oblivious to the fact that no one else was joining her conversation. Through the rearview mirror, he saw Dani staring out the side window, a pensive expression on her face. He wondered what she was thinking about. On the surface she gave the impression of being an open book, but the more time he spent with her, and the better he got to know her, the more he realized how close to the vest she played her cards.

  Who was Daniella DiPietro? What was she really like, what made her heart sing, and her blood pump faster? He wished he knew.

  Finally they arrived at the hotel. Zach parked the SUV in front and handed the keys to the valet. By the time he got his token and made his way to the passenger side, Dani had already opened the door and was stepping down from the vehicle. She made a misstep on the running board and began to fall. Zach caught her against his chest. She clung to him, her hands grasping his coat and her eyes wide with surprise. He breathed in her perfume, something flowery and sweet that made him want to bury his face in her neck and inhale her essence. The feel of her soft breasts pressed against his chest aroused him in a way he hadn't felt for a very long time. They stared at each other for several long minutes until she finally smiled.

  "Good thing I've got my own personal knight in shining armor to save me."

  He smiled back, wanting to kiss her so much he thought he'd explode with need. He lowered his mouth toward hers.

  "Zach, can you help me down, please? I don't want to fall and make a spectacle of myself like Dani nearly did."

  The humor in Dani's eyes vanished. He set her back on her feet, steadying her as she slipped her foot into her lost shoe. Opening the passenger door, he wordlessly offered Chantal his hand. She stepped regally from the vehicle and slipped her arm through his.

  "You're such a gentleman. Thank goodness you saved her before she hurt herself." She turned to Dani. "Perhaps you shouldn't wear high heels. They can be difficult for someone like you to manage."

  "Someone like me? What's that supposed to mean?"

  Chantal gave her a smug smile. "Well dear, some of us have natural grace and some of us don't."

  "And some of us enjoy feeling superior to others when we're not," Zach said.

  He normally avoided confrontations, but he couldn't let Chantal's insulting remarks to Dani go unchallenged. He winked at Dani and she gave him a shy smile before lowering her gaze and heading toward the hotel doors. Chantal dug her fingers into his arm, her expression full of annoyance.

  "Very funny, Zach. Now can we please go into the hotel? It's freezing out here."


  He g
round his teeth in frustration as he led her into the hotel. Nothing he said had any real effect on her behavior. In all the years he'd known her, he couldn't remember her being as sarcastic and just plain mean to anyone as she was to Dani this weekend. What the hell was the matter with her?

  They met Fiona, Todd and Jonathan in the main lobby. Fiona smiled in relief when she saw them.

  "There you are," she said. "The others are waiting for us in a private dining room off the main ballroom."

  They took the elevator to the twelfth floor ballroom. Zach watched in frustration as Jonathan fell into step beside Dani and helped her with her coat in the small cloakroom next to the dining room. But when they reached the dining room, he touched Chantal's arm.

  "I believe as maid of honor and best man, we're seated together, Chantal. Allow me."

  He held out his arm, intending to guide her to her chair. She looked for a moment as if she wanted to argue, but in the end she placed her hand on his arm and let him escort her to her seat. Zach held out his arm for Dani.

  "Are you ready to go in?"

  She smiled up at him. "Yes, of course."

  He helped her into her seat next to Fiona, and then took his place beside her. Attentive waiters soon brought their first course, a salad of mixed greens dressed with a tasty vinaigrette. Zach wolfed his down, and watched as Dani delicately nibbled at her salad. The waiter filled both their glasses with wine and she took a sip.

  Fiona turned to her. "So how many times have you been a bridesmaid? Twelve?"

  Dani smiled. "Actually I think it's more like my fifteenth or sixteenth tour of duty. Possibly more. I've lost count."

  Margaret gasped. "Sixteen times as a bridesmaid? That's remarkable."

  "I have a large family, remember? I was a bridesmaid for all six of my brothers, five of my cousins, and several of my friends. It adds up."

  "It certainly does," Fiona said with a laugh. "You must have quite the collection of bridesmaids dresses."

  "Oh yes. My ugly bridesmaid dress hall of shame. My favorite dress is from my cousin Theresa's wedding. She's a preschool teacher and wanted a nursery rhyme theme for her wedding. I got the Little Bo Peep dress, complete with a bonnet and a staff. It'll come in handy if I ever take up a career in sheep herding."

  Everyone at the table laughed, as she had obviously intended. But for some reason their laughter set Zach's teeth on edge. She was an intelligent, accomplished woman, not the butt of a joke, even if it was of her own making. He took her hand and kissed it. "I'll bet you were an adorable Bo Peep."

  She blinked at him. "Thank you. I guess it could have been worse. My cousin Vanessa had to wear the Little Miss Muffet dress with a fake spider pinned to her shoulder."

  "Luckily for you, the only theme at my wedding is understated elegance," Fiona said.

  "Thank God! I don't have room in my closet for another crinoline."

  The salad plates were cleared away and the main course served. After missing lunch because of their trip to Oakville, Zach was famished, and polished off the delectable prime rib in record time. He noticed that Dani picked at her food, shifting carrots from one side of her plate to the other and totally ignoring her potato. He leaned close to whisper in her ear.

  "Are you okay? You're not eating."

  She looked up, surprised. "I'm fine, thank you." She smiled, not quite meeting his gaze.

  Plates were soon cleared and coffee served. Dani refused dessert, drinking coffee with milk instead. Zach worried about her. Other than a cup of coffee in the shop in Oakville, he knew she hadn't eaten anything since breakfast.

  "Would you like some of my dessert? It's really good," he whispered.

  He saw her glance at his plate and then swallow. "No, thank you."


  "Please, Zach. Leave it alone."

  She signaled the waiter for more coffee, ending their conversation. What the hell was going on with her? One thing he knew about her was that she wasn't into playing games. She was open and honest. He knew she had to be hungry. So why wouldn't she just eat?

  Fiona reached over and took Dani's hand. "I have to thank you again for getting the cake. It was such a huge relief to me."

  Dani smiled. "I was glad to do it. But I think you'd better thank Zach instead of me. I'd probably still be driving around Oakville looking for the bakery if I'd been on my own, assuming I made it that far. I'm really not very good with manual transmissions."

  "In that case, thank you Zach."

  "You're welcome." He turned to Dani. "I thought you said you could drive a stick shift."

  "I said I could drive a stick shift. I didn't say how well."

  "Now the truth comes out."

  "My only experience consists of one lesson when I convinced my brother Tony to teach me how to drive his truck. I stalled it in an intersection during rush hour traffic and couldn't get it started again. For some reason he wouldn't give me a second lesson."

  Everyone at the table laughed at her story. He wished she didn't feel the need to turn every remark, every compliment, into a self-deprecating story.

  "I think you took a big risk sending Dani to get the cake," Chantal said. "There was a time she would have eaten three cakes that size before lunch. You're lucky it made it here intact."

  She laughed uproariously at her own joke, but no one else joined in. Dani smiled, but he caught the tremor in her hand as she took a sip of her coffee. Anger filled him when he saw the hurt in her eyes, hurt Chantal had deliberately heaped on her.

  "Dammit Chantal--"

  "Zach, don't you think," Jonathan said, "a person's character counts more than what they look like?"

  He blinked. "Of course it does."

  "You and Dani proved what a good team you are together. And to me, having friends willing to go the extra mile, figuratively and literally, matters more than anything else."

  Zach stared into Jonathan's earnest face. What exactly is he trying to tell me?

  "Jonny is right." Todd raised his wine glass in a toast. "To Dani and Zach, great friends who saved the day."

  "To Dani and Zach."

  A blush rose up Dani's cheeks. She lowered her gaze. "Thank you."

  He could see how uncomfortable the praise and attention made her. He took her hand and squeezed it. She looked up at him and smiled, but the pleasure he'd seen in her eyes earlier when he'd told her how beautiful she looked was gone.

  For the remainder of the evening, he watched as she chatted with the others, smiling and making polite small talk. But she didn't tell any more funny stories, or exhibit any of her natural exuberance. It was as if a light had gone out inside her. He found himself wishing he could do something, anything, to put the joy back in her eyes.

  Finally, the evening ended. He said goodnight to Todd and Jonathan's parents and thanked them for hosting the evening, and then gratefully retrieved his coat and Dani's so they could leave. When he returned from the cloakroom, Chantal stood waiting with Dani.

  "Zach, you forgot my coat. Would you be a dear and get it for me?"

  There was no way to get out of driving her back to her grandfather's house, short of knocking her over and racing to the exit. "Sure."

  He helped Dani put on her coat and then went back for Chantal's fur. When he returned, he helped her put it on. She gave him a wistful look, regret in her eyes.

  "You always were such a gentleman. I miss that." She turned to Dani. "I'm so sorry about that stupid remark I made about the cake. It was totally uncalled for. I hope you can forgive me."

  Dani took a deep breath and glanced away before turning back to her.

  "I think we'd both like to forget it. So let's do just that."

  Chantal took both her hands in hers. "Thank you, Dani. You're such a good person."

  Her apology took him by surprise. Just when he thought he'd finally figured her out, that he'd finally seen her for the self-centered, vindictive bitch she was, she went and did something to totally throw him off balance.

The three of them drove home in silence. When they arrived at the house, the rest of the group was having a night cap in the living room.

  "Come join us, you three," Foster said. "Tomorrow is going to be a crazy day. Let's take a few minutes now to relax."

  "I'm sorry, but if you'll excuse me, I think I'll head upstairs," Dani said. "It's been a long day."

  "Goodnight," Chantal said, kissing her cheek. "Sleep well."

  "Thank you." She glanced at Zach. "Goodnight."


  He watched her leave the room. She'd made no effort to keep up the boyfriend/girlfriend pretense by kissing him goodnight. Was their fake relationship over?

  Zach shook his head. It seemed he wasn't any better at fake relationships than he was with the real ones.

  "Don't worry about Dani," Fiona said in a quiet voice meant only for him. "She's the strongest person I know. She'll be okay."

  He wasn't so sure. He'd seen the vulnerability in her eyes. Had Chantal's earlier remarks left her as unscathed as Fiona believed?

  He and Chantal joined the rest of the group for a drink. A short time later Camp set his empty glass on a side table and got to his feet.

  "It's time for me to say goodnight, children. I'll see you in the morning."

  "Goodnight, Grandfather," Chantal said. "Sleep well."

  "Goodnight, dear." Camp shuffled off towards his bedroom.

  Foster finished the last of his scotch. "I guess that's my cue to say goodnight as well."

  "Yes, tomorrow's a big day for me," Fiona said with a smile. "I'm going to try to get some sleep." She turned to Todd. "The next time you see me, I'll be walking up the aisle on my father's arm."

  He kissed her forehead. "I can't wait."

  The plan was for the groom and his groomsmen to head over to the hotel early in the morning and get ready for the wedding in Todd's parents' suite. Fiona kissed Todd goodnight and left. A few moments later Todd and Jonathan finished their drinks and said their goodnights as well. Only Zach and Chantal remained. He got to his feet, uncomfortable to be left alone with her.

  "Time for me to say goodnight, too. See you in the morning."

  She shot to her feet, laying her hand on his arm to stop him from leaving. "Wait. I need to tell you something, Zach. I need to tell you that I'm still in love with you. Please, please can't we try just one more time?"


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